Dead by Daylight Bug Reports: Version 2.0 - June 12, 2018

Bug Reports: Version 2.0 - June 12, 2018

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:12 AM PDT

Hi y'all!

Welcome back to our patch-specific Bug Reports Megathread! Please report any bugs you encounter after downloading and installing Version 2.0 in this thread and be as detailed as possible:

  • Type of Bug (Client bug, ingame bug, ...)

  • Description of the bug (Describe how you encountered the bug (for reproduction purposes), the more details the better)

  • Video and/or screenshot of the bug (If possible)

  • Your system specifications (Processor, video card, RAM, HDD/SSD, drivers, OS, ...)

Alternatively, you can report your bugs in the official Dead by Daylight forums:

submitted by /u/ms_claymore
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Chapter 8: Curtain Call & Version 2.0

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:07 AM PDT

Hello everyone!

The first hype train is about to arrive at its destination and we hope your wallets and bodies are ready! For those out of the loop: today is the PC-release of the new DLC "Curtain Call", which includes a new killer, a new survivor and a new map, and Version 2.0 with lots of improvements, changes and bug fixes!

Because new releases always come with a flood of reposted news and frequently asked questions, the moderation will be slightly stricter today. This means that the following topics are restricted to this Megathread:

  • Official announcements by BHVR (Patch notes, release dates, hotfixes, ...)
  • New information about the contents of the DLC and Update 2.0 (clips of the new mori, screenshots of new cosmetic skins, new store, ...)
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (Console release, Iridescent Shards changes, player account level, Shrine of Secrets, ...)

Submissions that contain any of these topics will be removed at sight and redirected to this Megathread.

Bug reports and technical problems are restricted to the patch-specific Bug Reports Megathread!

Chapter 8: Curtain Call - Official Trailer

Curtain Call is a brand new chapter for Dead by Daylight. It includes a new Killer, a Survivor and a Map as well as an exclusive tee-shirt for the new survivor.

People often speak of the tears of a clown, of the sadness that lies beneath the greasepaint smile. What if that wasn't sadness, but a deep malevolence, born of a life spent in the pursuit of drink and gluttony? A mind that sees others only as vessels for torture, and reduces their bodies down to a single finger, a trophy to be added to a collection? For something like that to survive, it would have to wear a disguise, cloak itself in a brighter aspect and a broad smile, even if it were just painted on.

Kate Denson's smile is genuine, friendly and warm. She sings of love and life, family and hope. She holds those values dear, and will fight anyone who tries to destroy them.

Carnivals are places of fun and laughter, of color and light, beacons of happiness in the dark. Make sure not to walk too far from the crowds and music, to be lured by the painted panels and inviting light of that lonely caravan, or you just might find one of your fingers added to the Clown's collection.

Release Date:

Price tags:

  • €5,69 (GER)
  • £5.19 (UK)
  • $7.00 (US)

New Killer: The Clown

The Clown has long used his nomadic lifestyle as a cover for his twisted pastimes. He distanced himself from a society that hated and feared him, living as a parasite, enticing those who strayed too near, anesthetizing and trapping them like butterflies. Beware, if you feel your senses dulling and your head getting light, RUN!

  • Ethnicity: Caucasian American
  • Weapon: Madame Butterfly
  • Speed: 115% | 4.6m/s

Power: The Afterpiece Tonic

Throughout his years experimenting with anesthetics and muscle relaxants, The Clown developed several effective concoctions and formulas. He used his favorite, The Afterpiece Tonic, to great effect, intoxicating and capturing many unwilling victims.

Tap or hold and release the Power button to launch a bottle of The Afterpiece Tonic. On contact, the bottle breaks, emitting a gas cloud that intoxicates any survivors within the area of effect. Intoxicated Survivors suffer from impaired vision, reduced movement speed, and involuntary coughing for 1.5 seconds.

Press and hold the Active Ability button to replenish your bottles of The Afterpiece Tonic.

Teachable Perks

The Clown has a surprising agility for a man of his size, along with a terrifying appearance and the ability to sabotage the Survivor's efforts.

  • Level 30 - Bamboozle: Your Vault speed is faster. Performing a Vault action calls upon The Entity to block that vault location temporarily.Only one vault location may be blocked in this way at any time. The vault location is blocked only for Survivors.
  • Level 35 - Coulrophobia: All survivors healing within your Terror Radius have a penalty to healing speed.
  • Level 40 - Pop goes the Weasel: After hooking a Survivor, the next generator you break is instantly regressed by a chunk. Normal generator regression applies after the damage is done.Pop goes the Weasel is active for a limited time after the Survivor is hooked.


  • Adept Clown: In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with The Clown using only his 3 unique perks.
  • Party Crasher: In public matches, damage one Generator while at least 1 Survivor is Hooked, 100 times.
  • Smoked: In public matches, down 100 Survivors while they are intoxicated by The Afterpiece Tonic.

New Survivior: Kate Denson

Kate Denson's life was one of spreading joy and warmth to those around her. She made friends easily and friends soon became like family. Somehow she ended up here, where the only warmth comes from a bonfire and there is no joy to be found. Her attitude hasn't changed though and she will do all she can to protect the new friends she makes.

Teachable Perks

  • Level 30 - Windows of Opportunity: Unlocks potential in one's aura reading ability. Auras of pallets and vaults are revealed to you when within range.Windows of Opportunity has a cooldown when vaulting or dropping a pallet during a chase.
  • Level 35 - Boil Over: You are a battler and do everything to escape a foe's grasp. Your struggling effects on the Killer are increased.You obscure the Killers ability to see hook auras within range.
  • Level 40 - Dance with me: When performing a fast vault or leaving a locker in a sprint, you leave no scratch marks for a limited time.Dance with me has a cooldown.


  • Adept Kate: In a public match, escape with Kate using only her 3 unique perks.
  • Whiffing to Success: In public matches, cause the killer to miss an attack before taking a vault 50 times.
  • __ Campbell's Chapel Legacy:__ In a public match, repair the generator in the chapel and live to tell the tale.

New Map: Campbell's Chapel (Realm: Crotus Prenn Asylum)

Father Campbell's Chapel was once a haven from the horrors of the rest of the asylum. Patients would come here for refuge, to seek guidance from the Father and to unburden their souls. Then, on that fateful night, the Asylum's halls fell quiet and the Father met his end in the confessional that had helped so many.

Now it has been joined by a strange companion: a brightly colored caravan, pulled by a shadowy horse. Only a fool would let the bright colors seduce them into visiting…

Version 2.0

The new update introduces a lot of features and content that significantly improves or changes the game. Because changes are scary and sometimes confusing, we want to give you a quick breakdown of the new features in Version 2.0!

**New Tutorial

  • Two replayable tutorial levels: one for survivor and one for killer
  • They are meant to introduce new players to the basic mechanics of the game
  • Both levels are brief, linear experiences to allow players learning some of the skills required to play the game effectively, but in a safe, low pressure environment
  • Completing each level will grant a number of Bloodpoints once to provide new players with the means to get started in the bloodweb
  • Important note: the tutorials do not provide an introduction to the perks or killer powers; they focus on basic game mechanics, not individual killers or perks

Attention: Players are reporting that there is a bug in the survivor tutorial where a friendly Meg does not repair the generator she's supposed to work on. For more information, please use the patch-specific Bug Reports Megathread.

Iridescent Shards

  • Iridescent Shards now allow you to purchase customization items, characters, or teachable perks in the in-game store
  • You earn them by playing the game and raising the new Player Account Level (more info below)
  • The previous cap of 1.000 Iridescent Shards has been removed
  • Shards will be earned faster now, which leads to increased prices in the store (includes Shrine of Secrets)

Player Level

  • New progression system as of Version 2.0
  • It represents the amount of time you have spent playing the game
  • Playing games grants a certain number of Experience Points (XP), which are required to increase your player level
  • You can gain XP through:
    • Time played in a match
    • Highest Emblem quality at the end of the match
    • Bonus for first match of the day (Killer and survivor separately)
  • When you pass Player Level 100, you will gain 1 Devotion Level and your overall Player Level progression will reset to 1 – as will XP requirements and Iridescent Shard rewards. Each level of Devotion represents 100 Player Levels gained

Auric Cells

  • New currency used for microtransactions (buying ingame items with real money)
  • Purchasable from first party platforms (Steam, Sony, Microsoft)
  • Used to buy characters and unlock skins
  • 5 packages, the higher value bundles offer a better deal:
    • 500 AC for $5 USD
    • 1.100 AC for $10 USD
    • 2.250 AC for 20 USD
    • 4.025 AC for 35 USD
    • 6.000 AC for 50 USD
  • Note: DLCs will still be an option and for the same price. You'll get the killer, the survivor and an exclusive skin - all of this for a discounted price when compared to buying each component with Auric Cells

Patch Notes



  • Added a new head customization item for Dwight for players who own the Dead By Daylight: Leatherface™ DLC
  • Added new idle animations for Killers in the offline lobby & store sections
  • Added new main menu music to tie in with the DLC Chapter
  • Added new sounds when Emblems appear in the Tally Screen based on their quality
  • Integrated Simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korean community localization
  • Removed the RedShell third party tool from the game


  • Added Tutorial levels to explain Survivor & Killer gameplay
  • Added an in-game Store to purchase characters and cosmetics. The store now also hosts the Shrine of Secrets.
  • Added the Player Level functionality. This is an account based progression that rewards the player with Iridescent Shards upon leveling up.
  • Re-designed all confirmation prompts
  • Updated the main menu and player loadout button layouts to accommodate for the newly added Store and Tutorials.


  • Adjusted the level requirements for unlocking perk slots. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th perk slots now unlock at levels 5/10/15 respectively (down from 15/20/25)
  • Adjusted the red aura intensity for killers on totems, bear traps, hooks and generators.
  • All characters now start with their 3 personal perks unlocked by default (at level 1)
  • Changed hook auras to always be visible from the Killer's standpoint while carrying a survivor. Prior to this change, hook auras would only be displayed if the hook was hidden behind another object.
  • Decreased the Wraith flashlight uncloak stun time from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
  • Decreased the range of activation for the Killer pick up interaction
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Wraith's red stain and terror radius to remain for several seconds after successfully cloaking. This change gives the Wraith the bit of a boost that he needs, and also applies when damaging generators and destroying pallets.
  • Removed the acceleration curve when the Survivor was hit by the Killer. Removing the acceleration curve should allow the Survivors to use their default acceleration and have more control over their character during the speed boost.
  • Removed the possibility of spawning the Doctor or the Hag splinters in the Bloodweb because these characters can now be purchased for Iridescent Shards.


  • Added a few totem spawn points in the buildings of Macmillan Estate
  • Adjusted Torment Creek and Rancid Abattoir map layouts to create more distance between the maze tiles
  • Changed the number of hooks for each map to be based on its number of tiles (Total Tile Count / 3)
  • Improved totem placement in various maps
  • Pallet loops in the maps of Macmillan Estate, Autohaven Wreckers and Coldwind Farm themes have been tweaked in order to increase their fun factor
  • Relaxed the default Survivor-on-Survivor spawning rules in order to minimize the occurrence of killers spawning close to survivors. Updated pallets within Badham, Hospital and "map" The Game to use procedural distribution system. This should result in a more fair pallet generation.


  • Pallet Interaction & Stun Zone changes
    • Adjusted the dimensions of the pallet stun hitbox. The hitbox was larger on one side than the other and encompassed both the standing pallet and the fallen pallet. It has been reduced to only encompass the fallen pallet.
    • Removed the ability to drop a pallet and rapidly cross the zone, what is often referred to as the pallet vacuum. With this change, a survivor will always stay on the same side of the pallet when triggering the interaction.
    • The way survivors drop pallets has changed, the interaction is now input based rather than velocity/ direction based. If you want to drop a pallet from a standstill, you simply need to be on the side of the pallet that you would like to stay after dropping the pallet, and press the drop pallet interaction key. If you would like to drop the pallet on the opposite side of you, as there is no longer a vacuum to take you from one side to the other, you must run through the pallet and press the drop pallet interaction key when you are on the other side of the pallet. *We are looking into fixing an issue where you cannot drop the pallet if you are holding the rush key (SHIFT key on PC) while dropping the pallet.


  • Dead Hard:
    • Added an new animation to indicate that the perk is active
    • Removed the speed boost from Dead Hard while in the air. This change aims to fix a variety of game hostage issues in multiple maps
  • Balanced Landing:
    • Added sprint of 150% for 3 seconds for all Tiers
    • Sprint causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds
    • Stagger effects from long falls are reduced by 75% for all Tiers, without cooldown
  • Stake Out:
    • Stake Out's progression is not lost anymore when a token is consumed


The shards economy has been reworked completely:

  • Shards are now obtained by leveling up your Player Level
  • The maximum cap for the Shards has been removed
  • Shrine of Secrets teachable perk costs have been increased to 2700/2000 (previously at 750/550)
    • PSA: Shrine of Secrets will remain empty until this update is released on all platforms
  • Shrine can now be used to purchase certain characters and cosmetics from the Store, in addition to purchasing teachable perks from the Shrine of Secrets.
  • The amount of Bloodpoints received when purchasing an already owned Teachable Perk from the Shrine has been reduced to 200000 / 150000 (from 250000 / 200000) for new and old perks respectively


The following scoring events have had their initial Bloodpoints reward increased but adjusted with diminishing returns when triggered additional times during the game. This will increase Bloodpoints gain in general, particularly for those who were consistently receiving a low amount of Bloodpoints at the end of a trial.

  • Objectives, Coop (increased from 10 to 25)
  • Boldness, Chased (increased from 20/sec to 40/sec)
  • Boldness, Escaped (increased from 250 to 400)
  • Brutality, Hit (increased from 300 to 500)
  • Hunter, Chase (increased from 5/sec to 10/sec) Hunter, Survivor Found (increased from 200 to 400)


  • Benevolent:
    • Increased the starting amount of Benevolent points (from 20 points to 35 points)
  • Lightbringer
    • Reduced the requirement to attain Bronze quality (from 50 points to 30 points)
    • Reduced the requirement to attain Gold quality (from 230 points to 190 points)
    • Reduced the requirement to attain Iridescent quality (from 310 points to 270 points)
    • Reduced the requirement to attain Silver quality (from 130 points to 100 points)
  • Evader
    • Increased the requirement to attain Bronze quality (from 200 points to 230 points)
    • Reduced the requirement to attain Gold quality (from 700 points to 560 points)
    • Reduced the requirement to attain Iridescent quality (from 1100 points to 880 points)
    • Reduced the requirement to attain Silver quality (from 400 points to 380 points)
  • Chaser
    • Increased the requirement to attain Bronze quality (from 550 points to 650 points)
    • Increased the requirement to attain Silver quality (from 1100 points to 1230 points)
    • Reduced the requirement to attain Gold quality (from 2200 points to 1800 points)
    • Reduced the requirement to attain Iridescent quality (from 3300 points to 2550 points)


submitted by /u/ms_claymore
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Now introducing: Super Saiyan Hag!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:09 AM PDT

Apologies for the normie meme

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:15 AM PDT

When you expect to get stomped but get a 4 kill

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:31 AM PDT

Auric cells seem way overpriced

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:51 AM PDT

500 cells for $5? That seems really expensive for so little especially when compared to what you would get in previous cosmetics DLC.

submitted by /u/minestein
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I drew Feng with some cute headphones...

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:17 AM PDT

You know youre a traumatized Killer when...

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:08 AM PDT

When you face a wall whilst picking up a survivor in the TUTORIAL!

submitted by /u/PsYcHo4MuFfInS
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New killer be like

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:19 AM PDT

You know he had to do it to em

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:47 PM PDT

I might be the only one who sees it... oh Lisa.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:51 AM PDT

rank 20 btw

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:12 AM PDT

Hello everyone, I have moved here from F13.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:28 AM PDT

I played F13 as a huge fan of slasher movies and the franchise itself. So Of course, I was devastated when the news came out that there would be no more content to the game, and after thinking for a bit, I decided to fully move onto here as my main slasher game. So I made this post as a hello!

submitted by /u/SuperNostalgiaOS
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Do the tutorials!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:47 AM PDT

If you do the survivor tutorial, you'll get 25k, also the killer tutorial. Up to 50k BP. Give it a try :D!

submitted by /u/Crisll
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Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:53 AM PDT

What In The World Are These Prices???

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:35 AM PDT

i am going to make this short and simple


submitted by /u/skinboy142
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Anyone else hyped for the new film too?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:23 PM PDT


Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:59 AM PDT



edit: no bunny feng :C

submitted by /u/0000000000000000dank
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Survivor Prestige outfits have much less blood now.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:18 AM PDT

Less than 3mins in, guess who got hooked!!! Cheers team

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:02 AM PDT

Isn't 1080 A.C for a skin too much?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:47 AM PDT

I'm not raging, i get it's purely aesthetic and nobody pushes you to buy. It's ok, i'm just saying i find 10€ for 1 skin too much (even though they're cool af). I would get some skins if they were similar to the packs i already bought (the 80's, etc.). In those packs you could get several skin items for about 5€, which was a really good price imo.

Do you think it's reasonable or a bit expensive?

submitted by /u/MrHandos
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Is this a new daily or have I just never seen this before?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:44 AM PDT

Winning and not even pipping just doesn’t make sense to me.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:24 AM PDT

A few games in a row now escaping the trial thinking to myself how many bp did I get oh 18k? 20k? Nice should be a nice pip to go with my success..... but unfortunately not at all just the good old safety pip ? It really doesn't make sense To me 'congrats you made it out here's nothing' I can't help getting points if my teammates aren't being hooked constantly for me to save them, plus I thought we could play however we wanted if we wanted to save people or not? Evader doesn't make sense either you can stay hidden all game not activate a chase once but will get bronze? So playing stealth is just not rewarding either I'm not confident at the end of the trail if I'm gonna rank up anymore and base it down to a coin flip. I think I have a good game but apparently I didn't? Is there a new way to play should it be do 2 gens first then try to rescue a teammate later to secure the points for emblems idk anymore.

submitted by /u/LykosNova
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Dear beHaviour.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:32 AM PDT

Dear beHaviour team,

I really appreciate all the new content that you've put up the last one year of me not playing the game. Just came back recently to the game and I've had the most fun ever since I bought the game, but I have one tiny itsy-bitsy request for you...Please for the love of god fix the Survive with friends lobby so I don't have to constantly go to main menu every time I finish a game and make a new lobby. Please I'm begging you!


submitted by /u/almost-delightful
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Devs, where is bunny feng, kitty nea top and the promised exclusive skin for purchasing Curtain Call?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:32 AM PDT

I need to know before I go and grab my pitchfork!

submitted by /u/Arcieth
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Auric Cells: The OUTRAGE!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:16 PM PDT


Community members are completely in shock over the cosmetic market prices!!! Earlier this morning the 2.0 patch for Dead by Daylight was released, along with a whole slew of cosmetic items for your favorite characters. Children, Parents, Politicians, Avid Bird-watchers and more lined up to get their first BRAND-NEW outfit! People in line excitedly discussed with others waiting what they were going to buy. Little Timmy was screaming at the top of his lungs, "I CAN'T WAIT FOR MY DAVID TO BE SHIRTLESS!". All of the Ru Paul followers quickly agreed, just picturing the Pit Crew. Suddenly, a scream of terror let loose from somewhere up front of the line. A grandmother fainted to the ground clutching her pearls. Little Timmy came out of the line in tears. "It's awful. How could they do this to me? \sniffle* The really pretty outfits are 10 dollars!!!" The crowd gasped! People started shouting! Fists were being raised! The absolute horror!!!! What on earth was BHVR thinking?!*

Meanwhile everyone else:

*whistling* that one.... ooooh that one's pretty, that one too..... and meh, why not, we'll get the bride outfit for nurse too.... oh. my. god. BDSM Trapper. Bought.

submitted by /u/heartlessxandra
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Devs: please do a BP boost for the Anniversary event

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:51 AM PDT

This goes without saying I'm sure, but the game is still a grind, and you just released 2 new characters which further increases the grind. Please do a double or triple point event for the WHOLE Anniversary event; obviously you can keep shard progression/reward as it is (to not cannibalize the DLC sales).

submitted by /u/zero2dash
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