Destiny 2 Destiny poster Infinity war / Guardians of the galaxy style done by me :)

Destiny poster Infinity war / Guardians of the galaxy style done by me :)

Posted: 28 May 2018 07:36 AM PDT

Im really proud of this screenshoot

Posted: 28 May 2018 08:27 AM PDT

Phoenix Strife Cosplay

Posted: 27 May 2018 10:43 PM PDT

Bring it Xol. The OG fireteam.

Posted: 28 May 2018 08:01 AM PDT

Who needs blink when you can just control gravity?

Posted: 27 May 2018 09:51 PM PDT

I'm not sure if this is the kind of content this sub likes to see, but I'm not very good at PVP so this was a pretty cool feeling.

Posted: 28 May 2018 09:21 AM PDT

You CAN Get Catalysts from Iron Banner (In case anyone else was wondering)

Posted: 28 May 2018 05:08 AM PDT

I had no idea if you could or not; as IB doesnt effect your rank.

But, today; I got a Colony cat in the MIDDLE of a match (right after a kill) and I got the VW cat at the end of the next match. Was quite awesome :)

Just figured I'd share in case anyone else was worried about that (i was :o )

So my cat count is:

Jade Rab - Quickplay Col - IB VW - IB

Thats it for me. Anyone got anything from competitive outta curiosity?

submitted by /u/TheTruthIsOutDer
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The Limited Edition Destiny 2 Alexa enabled Ghost now 67% down on Amazon!

Posted: 28 May 2018 08:47 AM PDT

IB: Stick together!

Posted: 28 May 2018 09:33 AM PDT

As it says, Iron Banner can be stressful. But really, stick together.

You're not a hero for running off alone to try and cap a point with 4 defenders. Please, for the love of the Traveller, stick together. Sure it's not competitive play, but it is the Iron Banner and arguably just as difficult seeing as all the clans are also playing it.

Just use some common sense, lone wolf'ing it can be effective in Crucible quick play, but not here. Too many matches I've seen now where all 5 other players in my team decide to split up and go their 5 separate ways. It should be no surprise that in every one of those games, my team has been beaten so badly, the game had to end early.

Teamwork wins the Iron Banner. Lone wolves win nothing. Coordinate.

submitted by /u/ColOfCthulhu
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Wow IB is a hot mess

Posted: 28 May 2018 10:15 AM PDT

All I've been seeing for almost the entire week is one sided matches. Btw when I say 1 sided I mean maybe 2 or 3 ppl on my team with a k/d of at least 1.0 and the entire other stacked team with no k/d under 2.0. This is F***ing ridiculous, how in the hell is this anywhere close to even being somewhat balanced in terms of matchmaking?!

submitted by /u/Cybermatik666
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Warlocks: How hyped are you for tomorrow’s buff? Lunafaction / Sunbracers

Posted: 28 May 2018 10:10 AM PDT

Nascent Dawn (ND)

Posted: 28 May 2018 08:37 AM PDT

So tomorrow, ND 4.5 comes out tomorrow. Problem is that I haven't done 3.5 yet because I haven't had the chance to. My question is: if I were to best 3.5 tomorrow, would Ana still give me 4.5 or would I have to wait an extra week?

submitted by /u/ImReddy8310
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I made some new stickers from my fan art drawings! :)

Posted: 27 May 2018 04:23 PM PDT

Did bungie retcon the worm gods designs?

Posted: 28 May 2018 07:46 AM PDT

In D1 and the books of sorrow the worm gods were described as being cousins of the Ahamkara and being described as dragons. But in Warmind sure it looks like a worm but it doesn't look at all like a dragon. Did they retcon the original design or were they described as "dragons" and weren't actually?

submitted by /u/oiladsletsparty
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when the boss has 1 hp and you die

Posted: 27 May 2018 08:23 PM PDT

NBD to the hardcore but I was pleased to reach 10K crucible kills

Posted: 27 May 2018 01:58 PM PDT

Destiny 2 - Spire of Stars Val Ca’uor [SPEEDRUN]

Posted: 28 May 2018 10:42 AM PDT

Destiny 2 black screen fix on start up for nivida baced laptops

Posted: 28 May 2018 10:38 AM PDT

ok with the laptop there has been a few problems with nivida drivers with the game destiny 2 my advice for a work around for the time being downgrade you drivers for nivida cards if you get black screen on start up to driver vers 391.35 you can do this from the nivida web site and clicking on beta/older drivers selection and click on the drivers witch suites your card hope this helps if it happens with the desktop card try the same thing not shure desktop vers this works for my acer preditor helios 300 with 1060gtx hope this helps if this helps with outher cards 1050gtx , 1070gtx. 1080gtx post a comment below if it dose

submitted by /u/the1stwolfy
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Halp pls

Posted: 28 May 2018 10:09 AM PDT

So the iron banner is out and I have unlocked ornaments for armour but how do I actually get armour? My friend has some pieces of gear that he got last season but he didn't really know how he obtained it either. So was it a seasonal thing?

(Side note: I'm a noob at this game)

submitted by /u/Excalibrated
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For those with 3 characters - do you have the same gun 3 times, one for each character? Or do you use something like The Vault or DIM to just swap them over?

Posted: 28 May 2018 10:03 AM PDT

I got D2 back on release day. Got all 3 characters up to 305 and all of the guns for each of them, so they each had pretty much the same load out (3 nameless midnight, 3 usiels gift, 3 vigilance wing, 3 mida etc etc) save for a couple of guns here and there.

I picked up the expansion pack last week and started playing again and collecting masterwork weapons, which are awesome. But it's going to take forever to collect enough masterwork cores to masterwork and re-roll all of the weapons on each of my toons. So I was thinking of just masterworking one set of weapons and using The Vault app to save loadouts so I can swap them between characters depending what I'm using.

I need to get on the loadouts anyway and save a loadout for each class (solar, void etc) and a loadout for crucible. At the moment I just swap them manually.

submitted by /u/Dave_Tee83
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I managed to get to iron banner Rank 51 for this season. Too easy.

Posted: 28 May 2018 12:18 AM PDT

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