True Dota 2 - Just reached Divine 5 as a support main.

Just reached Divine 5 as a support main.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:02 AM PDT

Yup. I hit Divine 5. I played in SEA.

I must say I picked up a lot reading posts/comments here and there. Everything helped. So, thanks guys. I'll climb up higher. ;]

submitted by /u/profHam
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Spectre 57% winrate

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 08:49 AM PDT

LETS DISCUSS THIS! one of my favorite hero's and not sure how the winrate is so fricken high :O How do you build this badgurl?

submitted by /u/roeyjazo
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Which lane does Ember work best in currently?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 08:35 AM PDT

Title. I posed a question in the Ember thread a little late yesterday, didn't get an answer. I feel like mid is much harder for him than it used to be (especially when I constantly see ranged mids), but also feel safe lane doesn't give him enough farm to get those fast levels he likes...I got interested in him right before 7.00 changes hit, got lots of practice with him when he was crazy strong, and since he's been nerfed a few times haven't been a able to use him effectively.

submitted by /u/Random_Gambit
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When to pick offlane abaddon?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:15 PM PDT

Not sure about that hero. How can i know it is a good abaddon game from the first few picks?

submitted by /u/mojaaa
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Vlads and Echo Saber

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 09:46 AM PDT

Anyone else think these two items are complete trash right now? Vlads seems to be core on absolutely no one (and even niche on no one or really any game/situation even) and gives terrible stats for the price relative to other items (not to mention flat armor was nerfed shortly after vlads' +armor was nerfed). I think you could buff Vlads to +6 armor and 20% damage/lifesteal tomorrow and it probably still wouldn't be bought -- seems like an item that got slightly worse over the years amidst a pool of increased item competition and relative value of many items going up, not down.

Echo seems extremely niche and is core on precisely one hero -- Tiny. Can't think of anyone else outside of maybe the occasional Naix or CK but seems like nearly everyone just prefers SnY over it these days. The other two cores with higher BAT's (Sven and Lifestealer) seem to have abandoned it in favor of raw stats and attack speed. Moderate gold investment item that also happens to be dead end really hurts its window of effectiveness and usability, and I guess the payoff/upside just isn't strong enough to make up for that right now.

Speaking of SnY, seeing a lot more of it, but personally think manta was overnerfed rather than SnY being overbuffed. Manta has been nerfed a ton over the years, but I think specifically the last few patches it ate a few unnecessary nerfs that hit the stats hard and raised the cost -- one or the other was prob fine :/.

Anyhow, surprised we haven't seen any balance passes or iterations on these two items in the last several small patches that included item tweaks. What do you guys think -- are these two fine or trash? If trash, how would you buff them?

submitted by /u/Anbokr
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Farming Arc Warden?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 11:06 AM PDT

So I've been playing a fair amount of Arc Warden lately and I guess I'm having trouble figuring out how high level players are getting strong items so quickly. I know Arc is a very strong lvl 6 ganker, so whenever my tempest double is off cool down I'm always ganking and in between I'm either in lane farming or in the jungle. But between the laning phase and late game farming items seems to take a long time. Even after boots of travel, Midas, and mjolnir have been acquired it just seems like it takes forever to get six slotted.

My question is, what's your farming tips for AW?

March ID for reference: 3825246653

submitted by /u/Inous
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Problem learning a new hero.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 05:33 AM PDT

Recently I decided to learn Enigma so I started spamming him in unranked. I won a bunch of games and I felt like I am pretty familiar with the hero so I went ranked. And my record in ranked games so far is like 1-9 or so. What do I do now? Playing unranked seems pointless since I crush unmotivated players but I don't wanna lose too much MMR training either.

submitted by /u/n0n1ck_n0sk1ll
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Possible drow support build?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 03:49 PM PDT

Not necessarily a true support, but more or less aura initiation, utility role. My friend suggested this to me and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how you might go about doing this.

submitted by /u/shirtboxers
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TA's traps

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 12:50 AM PDT

As I've recently discovered radiant ancient stacking with traps on TA (12min deso feels so good) has anyone here experimented with the Dire side? Even if I manage to stack one camp would be nice.

submitted by /u/thedragocosic
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Best heroes for solo safe lane?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:48 AM PDT

With everyone seemingly picking pudge and Riki I've had a few games where I end up solo as a safe lane carry with two roaming supports and was wondering if there was any good suggestions for solo farmers? Often the team will need someone who can carry late game, but also survive and farm during the early game.

Weaver, gyro, high comes to mind for me.

Legend rank if that makes a difference.

submitted by /u/Gummi_Tarzan
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Some Enigma questions

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:31 PM PDT

I feel like these should be different posts but I'm too lazy so I made one big post. 1) Starting items. I used to buy 6 tangos, 3 clarities and a lace but then I felt like 6 tangos is too much and I buy 3 now. But I feel like I'm doing something wrong since I have 110 extra gold (saving up for the future soul ring) 2) What do you do against mad people who dive t2 to cancel your clarity/harass you? Malefice lv 1-2 can't really stop them since it stuns for like 1 sec in total. 3) What do you do against Silencers who literally go afk fountain and wait for you to BH to cancel it? I've played one game of this shit, it was literally unplayable.

submitted by /u/n0n1ck_n0sk1ll
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Lifestealer in 7.12

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 04:00 PM PDT

The only change he received in 7.12 was a negligible mana-cost nerf to open wounds. In my experience, this hero is insanely strong right now. He gets his power spike very early, can manfight almost any hero (unfortunately quite bad vs razor which is picked quite a lot right now, but radiance+crest actually makes this matchup not that bad,) and is a very strong laner.

I've been building rad+crest nearly ever single game I've played this hero (only one game where I didn't, because I had a very bad solo lane against legion commander + 1 with a roaming earth spirit.) It makes you nearly unkillable by auto attacks until the enemy cores have MKB, and as Lifestealer has rage and infest to avoid magical damage. The crest along with open wounds also helps your team take roshan very fast, which along with radiance will help your team climb advantage very fast and control the pace of the game as well as the enemies' side of the map.

Build usually look something like: Phase > Radiance > Crest > SnY / Blink / very rarely a silver edge > branch into items specific for game

If laning goes very poorly, which it really shouldn't, you can build something like: Phase > Armlet > Blink/SnY > Deso. I'm curious if other people still pick up crest when you have a poor lane - it still seems like a good item, but I'm not sure it's worth it as a core without radiance.

One of the best parts about lifestealer is how good he is in lane. With feast and a quelling blade (I'm not actually sure feast is required?) you can easily CS under tower at even level 1. If you let tower hit the creeps for all the damage, and simply go for the last hit, you will always get it. This means that your supports can pull creeps as much as they want to deny the offlaner farm and levels as well as get themselves farm, and you won't miss any LH because the creep wave is under tower. It also makes the enemy offlaner very vulnerable to ganks, whether they try to contest the pull or go under your tower to try to deny your CS (this actually happens, not sure why). With rage and open wounds, you can usually push most offlaners out of lane. By virtue of infest and rage, you are nearly ungankable at level 6, and are also hard to kill before that. If you're going to buy Radiance, I recommend just farming and not trying to TP anyway before you get relic. Even times where your team is getting ganked around the map, if you can farm a sub 16 minute radiance because of the space you have, that will usually win you the game unless the enemies have you countered.

Infesting your team lets you pick off enemies with ease, without hampering your farm. I usually try to be active around the map taking towers by 20 minutes or whenever I have rad+crest/level 2 ulti. I don't think jumping in an ancient to run around with rad BSJ style is a very good tactic. I wont really go into depth on this because it's pretty simple and nothing new.

Not being a pussy is a very important part of playing Lifestealer. Running in with rad, dropping open wounds and solar crest on a support and beating them to death instantly with rage then running the fuck away can set up easy 4v5 fights for your team if you don't die. You dont always have to initiate with your ultimate - especially if you're near creeps or in the jungle. A sudden 600 HP heal and 400 dmg nuke can be absolutely fight and even game winning.

I've mainly been motivated to make this post because of my recent success with the hero - I had one game where I crushed with it, and just started to pick it pretty much regardless of the enemy draft (unless they had a very good draft against LS or a hard counter) and I haven't lost a game yet. Did the same with Pangolier a while back.

my dotabuff, around 4600 mmr currently.

If you skipped to the bottom cause you don't care about the post but still want to discuss the hero, I'd love to here peoples builds on this hero and the bracket they play in. It seems like Radiance is the best to me if you can farm it by around 15~18 minutes, but maybe a build that lets you take towers and map control before farming a 5200 gold item might see more success for some people. Also curious about the light people see this hero in, specifically if they think it's aids to play against or whatever.

submitted by /u/RiD_JuaN
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Things that your teammates do wrong (3k mmr)

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 12:53 PM PDT

Hey guys! Been lurking for more than a year, thought I'd post this because I'm really curious. What are the things that other players do and you constantly have to tell them not to. For example, as someone who plays mostly support I really hate when my carry goes away from the lane just to get the bounty even though he has almost free farm. Also, seeing the hard carry neglect the farm for the sake of harassing the offlaner is really pissing me off.

I'm sure I do things wrong a lot, so a list of "no do's" could improve my gameplay.

Worth mentioning that I'm at 3k atm and a lot of things don't apply to higher rating of course.

submitted by /u/serboncic
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Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:51 AM PDT

I have been spamming morphling 1st pick. I only found trouble with 2 hereos : PL and Void. If PL gets ahead of me via a better laning phase, the game feels very hard. For Void, if he gets MOM / SB, he can solo me from 100-0 when im splitpushing. Tiny can also cause issues bc he can solo me with his combo.

To any high mmr morph players: what are your tips vs these heroes.

submitted by /u/wssss23
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Aquila on AM

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:12 AM PDT

Is aquila worth getting if I'm doing well? If my lane is bad i usually go roh -> aquila -> treads and spend half my time in jungle, is this optimal?

Also, is wand ever worth getting if you're not against a spell spammer?

submitted by /u/m00t13
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Hard Timings

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 10:24 PM PDT

So, what its the hardest timing in dota as a combo o for a mechanic for you?

In my opinion it might be io tp after relocate o Max arrow+ astral

submitted by /u/highclassscrub
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Riki vs Bounty Hunter & Slardar

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 05:20 AM PDT

Just had a game where enemy had picked Bounty Hunter and Slardar to counter our Riki. They had Phantom Lancer too and thought it was instant gg for us lol. Match ID 3827301274

submitted by /u/mirana_main
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Doubt About The Badges

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 04:09 PM PDT

I was 4150 mmr once. Then I dropped to 3k then I raised it to 3925. And My Badge Got Updraded to Ancient from Legend 5. I dont understand how. Cuz i calibrated at Leg 4 then on 3.9 they gave me leg 5 up until 4150 no badge upgrade. After losing and getting back to 3.9 they upgraded the badge. Can someone tell me how it works. Thanks.

submitted by /u/oMi_Dota
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