RimWorld My girlfriend seemed frustrated so I asked if everything was okay. She sent me this...

My girlfriend seemed frustrated so I asked if everything was okay. She sent me this...

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 05:37 AM PDT

Wonder if they’re in an alliance

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 04:03 PM PDT

The milkmen are getting aggressive with their delivery methods.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:33 PM PDT

Witness MEEEE!

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 11:49 AM PDT

Story Time of How my Colony got absolutely demolished (This is a long one)

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 07:54 PM PDT

Preface to this story: I have a number of mods installed, the biggest of which is glittertech. Now, I've been playing this save for about 6 ingame years at this point, built up a good base, solid power supply, food, medical bays, etc. I've built what I call the "Citadel, which means that about 1/3rd of the map (Large) is walled in at every spot by at least 2 layers of 2-thick marble wall, with some blast doors and gatehouses.

The Citadel comes under attack one night by a Massive Glittertech Commando Raid. These commandos manage to down two of my colonists working the fields before I'm able to respond. At this point I'm trying to figure out how to save these colonists, while holding the rest of my colonists inside the Citadel. I put 8 colonists on my Mortar batteries to begin shelling the commandos while putting together a cyborg strike team to rush out and rescue the wounded.

Never fear! Because another raid is here. Thanks Intense Randy! The Orion Installation shows up, and suddenly there's two god-tier armies duking it out outside my base. I take this chance to grab my wounded colonists and rush them to the medbay. I have my mortars firing away and my other colonists stationed at strategic positions. They peak in and out of doorways picking off the stray enemy. I even use about 20K silver continuously buying goodwill and calling in friendlies (who get rekt).

The commandos soundly beat the Orion Installation, but I've managed to outflank them with my own strike team and they're getting beat up between my strike team, the swarms of friendlies, and my mortar fire. Just then Randy decides that this fight wasn't hard enough and puts a tornado in a precision strike right on my base.

The tornado starts on one of my mortar emplacements, swings through all 8 of them, then through 3 of my 4 shell storage bunkers, and then finally through my shell production facility. Now instead of a solid artillery battery with adequate ammunition, I have 3 critically wounded pawns, and a giant hole in my citadel defenses.

At this point I'm taking wounded pawns to the med bay, patching them up, and sending them back to the front lines as soon as they can hold a gun.

Don't worry though, because Randy's on the case. As soon as the commandos finally start leaving, we get a poison ship landing literally next to one of my gatehouses. About half my colonists are downed, my base has been torn apart by two super-raids and a precision tornado strike, there are wounded friendlies all over the map, and to top it off these a pyro lighting the tree farm up.

You can find the rest of the story in the charred ruins of the colony.

submitted by /u/Igor_Tchaikovsky
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My best farmer took a gunshot to the head, and now is in a coma. Every once in a while I give him Luciferium to wake him up so he can plant all my healroot.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 02:26 PM PDT

Nightmare patch notes: Rimworld edition

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 10:22 AM PDT

Aka things you really don't wan't in the game. I'll Start

Added fog of war

submitted by /u/Firestar321
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RimTogether, a Co-Op Experience.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 11:27 PM PDT

Son, if any of these doors break, everyone you have ever loved will die.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 09:46 AM PDT

Rimworld Names are the best Names...

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 03:07 PM PDT

Go-juice is one hell of a drug

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:40 AM PDT

Hadn't played this colony in about a month. Loaded it up to this fresh hell...

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 02:13 PM PDT

For the few that are unaware of the benefits of organ harvesting with harvest everything:

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 01:05 AM PDT

Ranged Combat: Enhanced - A Comprehensive Ranged Combat Rebalance!

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 12:37 AM PDT

I've never felt more hopeless in my life - 4 centipedes and 2 scythers landed right in my motel.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 12:45 PM PDT

Alpha beavers were eating my tree farm. I ordered my sniper to kill them. First shot took off both legs of my artist. I am infuriated.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 10:17 AM PDT


I've also never done anything with surgeries or bionic limbs, so how the hell does that work?

submitted by /u/jdlsharkman
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Looking for a mod that puts human faces on human leather products

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 01:49 AM PDT

Rimworld Tip of the Day #4: Marriage, Nose Harvesting, and Go-Juice

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 04:26 PM PDT

LPT - If Randy drops a solid gold asteroid right next to your base, don't assume it was for your benefit....

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 11:07 AM PDT

Sakura no Machi, an Asian-inspired base

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 04:47 AM PDT

Cult Beginnings

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 01:42 AM PDT

Husky eating Luciferium from forbidden area... x5-6

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 12:57 AM PDT

Title has it really...

forbidden area with Luciferium in - Husky wanders in to the forbidden area and eats it, warning flashes up, Luci addict dog.

Not only do I lose the precious stuff, I have to drop the animal

the first couple of times I was like "oh well" - just now, on iike the 3rd this quadrum and 6th overall I was like Ok f**k this - reddit time...

Does forbidding doors do it? - Since it's just 1 pawn I use it for I've set their restriction/schedule to "take 15" now so she just carries it. But what's the general advice outside of that? (i.e. forbidden door - keep down a long corridor then a pet wont go that far)


submitted by /u/Blowbags2017
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[Begginer] My base doesn't work but I don't understand why

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 01:32 PM PDT

Hello, I'm really new to the game I bought it less than a week ago but I already have more than 20 hours (actually 17h 30 minutes in the base that I will show you)

This base is actually my second one (the first one was more a less a "test" (I played some hours after the tutorial), this is the "Crashlanded" scenario, my storyteller is Cassandra and the difficulty is "Some challenge"

I have a lot of problem with this base, I think it's mainly because I don't understand some mechanics of the games. I use a lot of cheat but I really want to stop... the problem is that if I stop... All my colonist die

Some of my problems (+ the things that may fix it in my opinion):

  • 1) My collonist are always dying : If they become unconscious : they end up dead, I always heal them with the dev mode because even if I have spawned some "Medicine" they are not healed enough.

My opinion : I think it's maybe because the hospital is not clean enough, but it's also usually because my Doctors don't come fast enough to heal them, so it's maybe because of that

  • 2) When I got attacked : I always have casualties, I can't complete a single raid without one colonist injured.

My opinion : I don't have enough protection for them, but even behind sandbags enemy end up rushing them in close combat and in the end one end up getting hit

  • 3) I don't have enough food, even if my production seem crazy to me (I actually doubled the size of my freezer and installed the StackXXL mod to avoid the hundreds stacks of food that I have : what I mean is that in Winter, I don't have enough food to survive winter, I usually end up killing my animals only to eat them.

My opinion : I maybe have too much animals, the fact is that I don't really know what is the point of having them other than the fact that they create more "life" in the base

  • 4) I don't have enough colonist : I don't understand how to get some, I first tried to capture some prisoners during raids, but they never accept to join the colony. I just spawned almost all the one that I have... (this is also why I always cheat to heal them... because if I loose them... It destroy my Work plan

My opinion : I don't have any idea

  • 5) I don't understand which research I need : I don't need anything, so I don't know what to research... What I have yet (what I need, nothing more) : https://i.imgur.com/2uKTofW.png

My opinion : Pick random one ?

  • 6) I don't use the world, the only time I tried to use it : the colonist that I sent in the map was ambushed

My opinion : I need more colonist, but as I said before : I don't have enough

  • 7) I don't have enough Steel

My opinion : I have to go in another map to mine it ?

What I think I did right:

  • The work tab, https://i.imgur.com/FhthIUx.png everything is almost perfect (except the fact that doctors don't come to the patient enough...), otherwise everything are done (except constructions that are really slow)

The base itself : https://imgur.com/a/F7wOU (you can see at the botom right that, even if I have food https://i.imgur.com/5Iag5dI.jpg , one of my colonist is starving and some animals too...)

What do you think is wrong with this base ?

(PS : I'm not a native english speaker, so if you want to correct some of my mistakes, go ahead (my english is good but far from perfect))

submitted by /u/YsXCXO1H6yAAKgO1
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