RimWorld And at this moment, vekstthebest knew he fucked up

And at this moment, vekstthebest knew he fucked up

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 05:18 PM PDT

Day 85 on the ice: The living quarters have been built, now they just need furniture, and the colony is now 100% self-sufficient with a food stockpile.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 05:22 PM PDT

Hit that rare Cybernetic Stomach ore.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:57 PM PDT

How do you deal with 500+ giant spider hatchlings?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:58 AM PDT

What are the fucking odds

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 02:08 PM PDT

So I'm playing on Cassandra Intense, and let me tell you what has transpired. A toxic fallout occurs, then an exotic trader caravan pulls in. A fucking megasloth goes manhunter mode, nearly kills one guy. Then 2 boomalopes go manhunter and they kill them, whereupon they explode and burn the caravan. And being as damaged as they are, they succumb to the toxic buildup. So I got a bunch of free shit for no reason. Interesting stuff.

Edit: Wow I am really a fucking psychopath. I built this Indiana Jones esque multi door hallway so that my colonist had time to run after busting open an ancient danger, I timed it perfectly so just as another caravan was leaving, the mechs inside, (1 centipede, 5 scythers), bumrush them. Both sides suffered casualties, with the mechs losing all their men, the caravan losing 4-5, and me sitting there watching the show, waiting like a vulture to pick up the guns and food and ammo. Also "rescued" one of the caravaners so that he joins me. He's missing both his legs, and I'm patching him up, so he either joins my party, or he joins my party That's just life on the rim I guess.

submitted by /u/WreckageM8
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AKA Hollywood Scandal Ocean.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:20 PM PDT

In which a brain damaged mute is elected mayor.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:43 PM PDT

I've been using the psychology mod for my latest playthrough and have been thoroughly enjoying it. One day, I got the standard "refugee chased by raiders" event, and decided to take the poor soul in. This was Cai. Now, Cai already had severe anxiety before coming to my colony, and in the resulting raid she also received some brain damage. Between the anxiety and the brain damage, Cai was reduced to 40% brain functionality; she was slow, spent most of the day asleep, and couldn't talk or socialize at all. I kept her around mostly out of pity, and assigned her to cleaning duty.

For those of you who don't know, the psychology mod includes an election system, where an election for mayor of the colony is held every fall, and the winner is chosen based on their personality and social relations. When the next election rolled around, I received a notification saying that Cai, the brain damaged mute, was putting herself forward as a candidate. I found this pretty funny, and assumed that someone else would nominate themselves in the following days.

But no one did.

The days rolled by, and no one else put themselves forward as a candidate for mayor. Election day finally came and, with a whopping 3 votes out of a colony of 8, Cai, the anxious, brain damaged, utterly mute janitor who spends two thirds of her time in bed and had never uttered a word to any of the other colonists, was elected the first mayor of New Arcadia.

Goddamn do I love this game.

submitted by /u/TheLastHamster
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Any improvements I could make? Kinda new.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:20 PM PDT

I love the "Sometimes Raids go Wrong" mod. When that wolf wakes up she's lunch.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:39 PM PDT

This subreddit changed my gameplay

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 08:00 PM PDT

I always used to cannibalize the raiders for their hide and expensive meat, now I just bury them in the ground like some kind of freak. What the hell is wrong with me?

submitted by /u/Riskypride
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I never ever considered putting raider bodies to use before I started reading this subreddit.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 05:20 AM PDT

Mod Question: Is there a mod that allows dead man apparel to be "laundered" and thus no longer considered dead man apparel?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 12:31 PM PDT

Like maybe adds a washing machine or something? I mean I know I could just add the mod that makes colonists not care but that feels cheaty.

submitted by /u/FnordBear
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If you want genious colonists, use tables.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 02:45 AM PDT

Very First Mod - Pawns make the roblox 'Oof' sound when hit

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:23 PM PDT

Few people wanted this, so here it is


Pretty funny with large amounts of pawns fighting

submitted by /u/Supertoaster25
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Straight gayness

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 12:50 PM PDT

Anyone else ever notice that sometimes males will attempt to woo another male even though neither of them have the gay trait? Then they will get the had to rebuff and rebuffed debuffs and the social debuff.

submitted by /u/MutLukSoz
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Attemp 2 at Sea Ice survival. This time I've learned from my mistakes, hopefully this'll go better.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:03 PM PDT

Apparently the party was so epic that my colonists' minds literally cannot process it

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:19 PM PDT

Who is your favourite AI Storyteller? Mine is Randy Random.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:17 PM PDT

Yeah, so mine is Randy. I honestly never thought I'd like him; I used to play with Cassandra, thinking Randy would be too tough, but Cassandra always used to outpace me really fast, so one time I picked Randy just to give him a chance, and I found that I had a much better experience than with Cassandra, as granted, Randy can really fuck you over by stacking like 8 negative events at once, but at other times he can be more forgiving than Cassandra. In the end it's drama to him, and the same to me.

submitted by /u/TriggeredSnake
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I had the craziest crisis so far and it convinced me that losing is fun

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 05:39 AM PDT

So I got fallout and had to stay inside all the time while food ran out. So I sent the colonists hunting from time to time and boom - they injured the Thrumbro. So I can't hunt anymore, and food is going out. Some time later the bugs arrive solving the food problem by butchering all but one of my colonists. So she breaks down, runs away and finally dies from fallout.

submitted by /u/tryton1273U
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PSA: Caravans don't give health alerts

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 05:48 PM PDT

Found this out the hard way when, returning from a prisoner rescue, the ex-prisoner had lost a finger and nearly died of frostbite and my medic's infection was at 92% (immunity at 95% luckily). They were both downed but there was no message at all to tell me until I happened to wonder what was taking them so long.

Luckily the prisoner was a pyro, he's probably a hat anyway.

submitted by /u/battlemage64
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For some reason this made me think of Rimworld.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:14 PM PDT

PSA: Clear "Home" allowed area when walling off Megascarab, Megaspider, and Spelopede caves.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 04:15 PM PDT

Colonists assigned to cleaning will clear rubble and bug guts if they fall within the automatically generated "Home" assigned area near the wall.

submitted by /u/lemurstep
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Finally have lift off!

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:26 PM PDT

I'm proud to say after 866 hours of play I finally went for it. A 56 day trek across the planet and fifteen days of guarding Charles Whitestone, taking a total of 222 days, with prep days across 3 different colonys. Glad I finally did it. I feel very accomplished. All I have to do now is build my own and hit 1000 hours.

submitted by /u/pezathan
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So how much milk is there in 1 unit?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:08 PM PDT

A liter? A gallon? My colonist just drank 15 units for breakfast.

submitted by /u/Nico_Storch
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