League of Legends - Froggen joins Origen

Froggen joins Origen

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 01:36 PM PDT

https://twitter.com/Origengg/status/981993571451588608 Seems like the new midlaner is Froggen! If the rumours end up being true we might see Forgiven joining the lineup soon. Opinions? I'm excited af, I think the roster has a lot of potential and for sure carisma so far

submitted by /u/Lipilon
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Jungling is choosing to be in several abusive relationships at once.

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 07:52 AM PDT

You have your top laner who is independent but also a stage 10 clinger. They simultaneously want to be left alone and need you at their side as soon as things go wrong. Even when you are there for them, you might ask them to cover lunch and all of a sudden you're a selfish asshole.

You have your mid laner who is way more insecure than they let on. Constantly allowing others to take advantage of them by not making sure their sides are covered. They think that by being there 'just one more time' for them will allow them to be good for the rest of their life.

Then you have your bot lane who has a suicidal friend and their overly supportive significant other. When everything is going well, sure they seem like a happy couple. But as soon as money starts getting tight you know your friend is going to lose his shit and be unable to keep the relationship going. Managing them is a headache, but if you choose not to help them you could be throwing your friendship away entirely.

At any point in time all of them could collectively gang up on you if you fail to 'make an impact' on their lives, despite them getting in their own way and making awful decisions. None of them ever help you out except for that one time you needed a $1 for a water. Even when you're getting robbed at gunpoint they look the other way and say they have their own problems to deal with. Then they'll blame you later for not showing up on time.

EDIT: A lot of people seem to be assuming this post excuses the jungler of all mistakes they could possibly make. It does not. I am simply making a fun joke. Junglers are just as capable at losing the game by not playing well. Not being at the right spot at the right time, making poor ganking decisions, invading enemy jungle and getting caught, etc. I've been playing this game for 6 years and still make A TON of mistakes. Turns out, it's a very difficult game. That is all.

submitted by /u/Stratose
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If Perkz wins the EU LCS Finals, he’ll be the first player to win 5 Splits in a row

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 06:38 AM PDT

Whatever Riot Did With Teammates' Alert Pings Needs to be Reverted Immediately

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 06:45 AM PDT

It would seem Riot decided to experiment with directional audio on the Danger ping from teammates, so that if it's on one side of the map from your camera, it will sound like it's coming from that direction. However, so far in my experience, having a sound that only comes from one ear (and occluded poorly, causing it to just sound muffled and worse than the normal ping sound) is jarring, annoying, and not particularly useful. If it's going to be implemented, please give the option to turn it off, because I personally intensely dislike it, as do most of the other people I've played with.

submitted by /u/aquaticMisanthrope
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8.7 Ninja Tabis are weaker than their 8.6 counterpart unless you have more than 320 armor

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 11:39 AM PDT

Here's the graph, showing how many damages you would take from a 100 damages AA according to how much armor you have before buying tabis.

This means, except if you play Rammus, Malphite or Sejuani, the 8.7 change (on AA reduction) was a nerf for tabis. Furthurmore, with the lowering of flat armor, every physical damages not coming from an AA is less reduced, so it's of course an overall nerf.

Math :

When you have A armor, you only take 100/(100+A) fraction of the incoming damages.

With 8.6 tabis, and an AA, the formula become 0.9*100/(100+A+30) = 90/(130+A).

With 8.7 tabis, and an AA, the formula become 0.88*100/(100+A+20) = 88/(120 + A).

88/(120 + A) > 90/(130+A) if A<320.

EDIT : I know it was meant to be a nerf, but first, I know some people who didn't realize it, and second I just wanted to know how much of a nerf it was. Besides that, it's a buff against strong AA champs if you have more than 320 armor.

submitted by /u/charon25
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TSM: LEGENDS - Season 4 Episode 9 - Collapse

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 01:49 PM PDT

Midseason Essence Emporium opening soon!

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 11:17 AM PDT

Midbeast just hit master tier in NA with a fresh account in 4 days at a 73% winrate!

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 05:16 AM PDT

He got a 25 games win streak in the first 25 games he played. Good job mate!

Well to be honest compared to us redditors it's still quite mediocre but I wanted to commend his effort to try to reach our level.


submitted by /u/Lost_Boy9
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Am i being counter jungled if my camps are being taken by my team?

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 05:16 AM PDT

I'm working on improving as a jungler pls help. Thx

submitted by /u/ix-sqt-ix
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Youngbuck on EU LCS finals: I joined Fnatic to be the first to win five EU splits in a row'

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 08:38 AM PDT

Heal and Exhaust haven't had their icons updated since Season 2

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 10:18 AM PDT

(Summoner Spell Icon History: http://i.imgur.com/yHcIfOn.png)

Back in 2011, all summoner spells that existed back then had their icons updated.

Then in 2013 and 2014 they were all updated again to the icons we now have...

...all except Heal and Exhaust, which have still had the same old icons since season 2.


New meme confirmed riot pls

submitted by /u/SpeedyTurbo
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Best of Fnatic | Spring Split Finals Hype

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 07:39 AM PDT

I wish I could choose which 3 champions I want to show on my profile

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 12:47 AM PDT

It tilts me everytime i look at my profile because there was a dark edgy time in my life where i mained Riven and Zed and I barely play them anymore. and the only way for me to "take them off my profile" is to non-stop play 3 other champions and get higher mastery points on them instead.

It would be nice if I could choose which champion to show off on my profile, and if possible, the background of my profile as well, being able to change it to the splashart of my favourite skin/champion would be neat.

TL;DR - Choosing what champion and background to have on the profile would be a very nice addition

submitted by /u/Etherblock
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We never get to hear "taunt" special interaction.

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 04:11 AM PDT

Basically I'm a main Gnar and I just rediscovered that Gnar had a special interaction with Garen. I've played so many times this matchup and I never heard this cute "DEMAGLIA" :(

submitted by /u/Ozaiko
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PSA: Presence of Mind is currently dysfunctional on most champions with a non-mana resource bar

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 07:32 AM PDT

Currently, the new Presence of Mind rune is bugged on several champions that use something other than mana. The bugs I've currently noticed are:

  • On Yasuo and Rek'Sai, Presence of Mind can be taken but does not refund the cooldown of your ult, being effectively useless.
  • On Rengar and Vladimir, Presence of Mind is swapped out for Triumph even though there is no reason for it to do so.
  • Shyvanna can currently take Presence of Mind even though she cannot use it whatsoever.
  • Akali can use the rune. Not really a bug, but she might get around 3 seconds off every 25 kills...

For some champions, like Renekton and Mordekaiser, it works just as you would expect, reducing the cooldown of their ult by 10%. I'm not sure who all it is broken on since I don't own every manaless champion.
Update: It turns out that the champions I tested were pretty much the only ones with issues, as far as I can tell.

I apologize if I'm posting something that's common knowledge already, and I've already sent in a bug report mentioning this happening in one case.

Edit: Updated after testing every champion on http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Manaless.

submitted by /u/griseouslight
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Will we ever have another Bilgewater scale event?

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 04:33 AM PDT

The bilgewater event was where i had the most fun in league by far. Are we ever going to have something similar? Something like blackmarket brawlers, butchers bridge, a lot of lore, reworks, skins etc etc.

Honestly i'd shit my pants if we ever saw an event like that again.

submitted by /u/Ieditstuffforfun
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Old dogs, new teams: 100 vs. TL. pr0lly: "The meta is perfect for [Liquid] -- they must’ve been on the Riot balance team for Patch 8.5.”

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 01:02 PM PDT

random champ advice - Yorick

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 08:13 AM PDT

in this "series" i will randomly pick a champ that im quite familiar with and name some tips and tricks and mistakes that i see people do or not do. i wont name stuff like "his q skill does this and that" only special interactions/notable stuff. my english isnt the best so sorry for that.

yorick is a trinity force user and with all of them theres the rule of "dont underestimate sheen/trinity".

his q is an autoattack reset, it heals him for 12-82 hp depending on level and is doubled if his hp is below 50%. combined with spirit visage, the heal can be pretty strong. also what im sure not many people know, his q has 50 more range than his normal aa's.

his w is where a lot of "hidden" stuff comes in. it counts as terrain for ornn vayne etc. keep in mind, it counts as terrain for enemys. your allies can pass it, enemys cant. it draws tower agro and gets 1shot by the tower. if you "push" an enemy with it away, you get tower agro. pushing enemys away with it triggers the sudden impact rune standing in the lower part of it (biggest part of its hitbox) can lead to enemys autoattacking the wall instead of you.

his e only has 1 interesting trick to it. it slows you, makes yoricks ult and ghouls focus you and gives yorick bonus MS towards you. the interesting fact is that with it you can stop the ult from pushing a lane. as you know if yorick attacks a minion in top lane, his ult will push top. 24/7 until it dies. but theres a trick how you can stop it. draw the agro of a jungle camp (works best with krugs on top red side) and pull them to lane as far as you can. now hit your e on them. if your ult is in range, it will start to attack the krugs. and thus it gets the "jungle lane agro". meaning it will follow you around. and you can go to mid and let it push there. once at the tower, draw in the wolfs and e them, and your ult will draw "jungle lane agro" again and follow you again. i never saw this used anywhere so i just go ahead and claim it found by me :D i shall call it the kaizo ult trick. because i love kaizo mario hacks.

his ult and his passive. both will be combined here. i talked a bit about the ult in his e spell so lets focus on what the ult does/can do. his ult does magic damage, yet its "autoattacks" can be stopped with blinds, counterstrike from jax, pantheons shield and what i did not test yet but heard from a friend, irelias ult (disarm). the ult and the ghouls all deal less dmg if yorick is not nearby and are slower without yorick nearby. do not underestimate the ult alone. even if yorick doesnt hit the mark of the ult (which does up to 10% of your max hp every 2 seconds) it still does a lot of damage and is pretty dangerous. towers focus the ult and ghouls (which i shall now refer to as P for passive) over minions, but not over canon minions. the ult can trigger certain magic onhits. like morellos open wounds and the heal of gunblade. rylais is a special item because it does not work with yoricks R or P.

a lot of the R also counts for the P. the "autoattacks" that can be stopped/avoided part counts 1:1 the P can be 1shot by single target spells if yorick is not nearby. they also get slower and deal less dmg. the P counts towards physical damage, they trigger stuff like black cleaver, deaths dance and again gunblade. both the R and P gain a % of yoricks bonus hp and ad. the P is a nice source of gold early on because yorick does not have much bonus hp/ad before his first back, so farm up on them. after he gets his first items you should not do that anymore tho.

that is all i know about yorick + some extra stuff from lolwiki

since yorick is not really common i dont think this will help much people, but if it ever does im happy. also its quite funny to share some information and maybe learn some more.

submitted by /u/Kaitrii
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Hecarim should have different gaits depending on his movement speed.

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 12:46 PM PDT

In real life, horses have different gaits that they use depending on how fast they're going. For example, when they walk there are more hooves on the ground at once than when they gallop.

Hecarim's running animation seems to be either a trot or a gallop, and is anatomically correct in relation to real horses. However, he uses the exact same gait at different speeds no matter what ability he's using or what his movement speed is.

It would be a cool detail to have him walk / trot / canter / gallop based on his movement speed.

submitted by /u/jasos-2005
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Origin likely to announce mid laner today

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 03:22 AM PDT

Posting on their Instagram story an hour ago asking whether people would like to see Mid or Support next, Mid currently winning with 80%, been a lot of speculation as to who it could be!

Edit: Realise I mis-spelt Origen... oops.

submitted by /u/OneEy3dMonkey
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Irelia has been hotfixed

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 05:53 PM PDT

AD: 66 ⇒ 63
Armor: 34 ⇒ 31
Life: 580 ⇒ 550
Q: 0.8 AD ⇒ 0.7 AD
E: Stun 0.8-1.2s ⇒ 0.75s
R: Disarm 2s ⇒ 1.5s
Source: https://oce.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-87-notes

submitted by /u/Comrade420
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Remember this as the day you almost got T1

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 02:45 PM PDT

I am sad, so I decided to draw Amumu.

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 10:05 AM PDT

4/5 PBE Update: Conqueror Varus Splash

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 02:11 PM PDT

(SKIN IDEA) QUADRAKILL Jhin: the one-man-band to rival PENTAKILL

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 06:50 PM PDT

Here you go: https://i.imgur.com/Re3Wgmd.jpg His ultimate's song would be something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83y5O670Znc

Pls give me a job

(I don't know if this has been done before, I just had this idea while my girlfriend went on about our relationship problems and I had to do it)

submitted by /u/holandesvoador
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