Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-04-05]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-04-05]

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 10:05 AM PDT

Daily Milestone

Ikora's Challenge: Complete 5 challenges.

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: Sunken Isles - Loot a Lost Sector in the Sunken Isles. EDZ Scavenger - Gather 10 Dusklight Shards. Scourge of the Fallen - Defeat 75 Fallen enemies.
Titan Lost Sectors: Siren's Watch - Loot a Lost Sector in Siren's Watch. Treasure Hunter - Loot 3 Fallen or Hive supply caches. Maleus Maleficarum - Defeat 3 Hive Wizards.
Nessus Lost Sectors: Artifact's Edge - Loot a Lost Sector in Artifact's Edge. Event Horizon - Succesfully complete a public event. Scourge of the Vex - Defeat 75 Vex enemies.
Io Lost Sectors: The Rupture - Loot a Lost Sector in the Rupture. Walk the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Dark Decimation - Defeat 3 Taken Centurions.
Mercury beep boop, searching, check comments

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Trigger Discipline - Defeat 2 enemies without reloading, 10 times. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Heroic Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Point Blank - Defeat 20 enemies with precision attacks at close range. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Quickplay Child of the Sun - Defeat 15 opponents with Solar final blows. Double Play - Rapidly defeat 2 opponents, 3 times. Look Them in the Eye - Defeat 10 opponents at close range.
Osiris Quickplay The Hunger - Defeat 15 opponents with Void final blows. Moment of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents in a single life. Deadeye - Defeat 10 opponents with Precision final blows.
Competitive Rocket Beats Everything - As a team, defeat 20 opponents using Power weapons. Hot Streak - As a team, remain undefeated while defeating 3 opponents, 5 times. Shoot the Glowing One - As a team, defeat 5 opponents while their Supers are active.
Osiris Competitive Pack Hunting - Defeat 20 opponents with two or more participating players. Hot Streak - As a team, remain undefeated while defeating 3 opponents, 5 times. Deny Their Supply - As a team, load Power ammo 3 times before the opposing team loads any.
Mayhem High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. Moment of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents in a single life. The Big Guns - Defeat 5 opponents with Power weapon final blows.

Heroic Adventure Modifiers

  • Momentum: Health and shield regeneration stop when you're not moving. Sprint to speed up regeneration.
  • Brawler: Faster melee recharge and health regeneration. Increased Power weapon damage. Slower Super recharge.



  • Arc Damage Mod
  • Arms Arc Impact Mod
  • Head Void Ordnance Mod

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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1.1.4 HUGE change NOT in the patch notes: In Exodus Crash Cayde-6 now says "You're welcome" vs "Your welcome".

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 07:02 AM PDT

All grammarian Destiny fans are now breathing a HUGE sigh of relief.

I was running strikes last night and for the first time in months DIDN'T just bail at the beginning of Exodus Crash. When I got to that cringe moment of Cayde-6 singing followed by the fingernails on chalkboard moment of the incorrect "Your welcome" in the subtitles of the mission dialogue I saw that Bungie finally corrected this.

Thank you Bungie!

submitted by /u/Hollywood_Zro
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Can we at least give Bungie some praise for doing a Stream and Inviting Community Members to their studio for No DLC Reasons.

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 04:21 AM PDT

People are so salty/toxic in the comments jeez, every other comment telling me or Bungie to "Fuck off" lmao.

Yes there are problems with the game, but i think we should give the DEVs abit of Slack and not complain 24/7. In the end of the day there are people on the other side too, Coding is hard, and we don't know what kind of engine they use or how hard is to make stuff for it. IMO it would really suck coming to my job and working 8 hours everyday just to see all complaints and little to no praise for the work they do.

Instead of doing a DLC Reveals and invite Members to advertise the DLC they are actually doing it to see what the community likes and how to improve on to the game.

Bungie has never done this in the past to my knowledge with the exception being the last Curse of Osiris Stream.

The DLC is 30days away and we still have no Reveal on it, on what it actually is going to be.

In Bungie ways that's really weird, They have always been good with advertisment.


Bungie Invite Letter if anyone is curious :

(updated thx to Mercules904 comment in other thread)

On behalf of the entire development team at Bungie, it's my pleasure to invite you to a Destiny Community Summit.

We've invited players of our games to visit our studio in the past, but our goals are a little different this time. If you've participated in those events, or watched from afar as your peers got the hookup, we'd like to set some different expectations for this gathering. Our goals for this summit are to build a better bridge between the people who make our games and the people who lead our community.

You will see new gameplay. You will have a chance to capture some unrevealed content to release on your channels at a later date. However, the real value of this gathering will be the conversations with developers at Bungie. We want to show you what we're working on. We want your opinions on future releases that are yet to be locked. We want to show you our new plans and learn from you while we still have time to react to your feedback.

Join us to play and capture content from Destiny 2 that the rest of the community will get their hands on in the weeks to come. Lead the conversation when it begins. Stick around to talk to developers about what we have planned for later on this year. There will be play sessions, breakout conversations, and chances for us to mix and mingle after hours.

If you decide to attend, we'll talk about embargoes and release timelines while you are here with us.


People are saying that this is definitely a DLC reason, to that i can say they will probably show it off to them, but the main point of the Summit it's not that, as it says in the letter, there was no NDA Contract signed (There will be one when they get there). It's obvious they are a company that is looking to make current fans happy and future fans to help with revenue. Good thing here is they are actually gonna get some input from the people who loved playing this game.

This turned in such a Contraversial Topic.

submitted by /u/kristijan1001
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Bungie needs to acknowledge our feedback on the writing in D2 and the Destiny franchise going forward, as well as the damned Grimoire.

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 06:55 AM PDT

In my opinion, the jarring change in tone from D1 combined with the downright terrible dialogue from some of the cast (Taeko-3, Asher, literally everything Ghost says, etc.) and the wholesale removal of the grimoire are among the biggest problems with D2. Personally, the writing is the one area that'll make or break this franchise for me in the long run, more than any of the problems with loot or gameplay.

Recently, I saw that someone from bungie (not sure who it was exactly) put out a list of feedback that they're aware of and actively discussing, and I was bummed to see that the game's glaring storytelling issues weren't on it.

Have they mentioned this anywhere else by any chance? If not, I really hope they eventually do.

This game needs all the depth it can get, frankly, and removing a system that not only provided lore but also gave us long term score goals to chase was a monumentally bad idea.

I want to be able to scroll over to a dedicated grimoire tab, and spend hours upon hours immersing myself in Destiny's universe. I want the quality of the writing in the actual game to reflect the quality of writing in the grimoire and lore tabs. I want a story that has a real sense of motion to it, a story that actually explains things about the world we're in, that moves the plot forward in an appreciable manner, that gives us solid answers while raising new questions. More Shakespearean space opera, less comic relief nonsense that feels like it's ripped from a sub-par Marvel movie.

D2 is in a pretty iffy place at the moment, and as a result, they seem to be much more receptive to our grievances than usual, so I think we really need to make a lot of noise about this now. We may not be able to save the writing in the upcoming expansion, and hopefully they listened to our complaints about Osiris enough that they've already taken steps to fix things, but in the very likely event that the next DLC has crappy dialogue and a weak story, we need to make noise now. We need to force this issue.

Let's make it happen, Guardians!

submitted by /u/Primitive-Patriot
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I know it may not be something to put on high priority, but can light level matter for trials and iron banner again?

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 08:18 AM PDT

The removal of this feature makes maxing out your light level essentially pointless if you mostly play pvp, and would be an extra thing to grind for.

submitted by /u/TucciMane
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If Destiny 3 is going to throw away everything we have in Destiny 2 now and later... why bother anymore?

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 09:19 AM PDT

I think over the last few years of this franchise we've been on crazy roller-coaster.

  • D1 Releases... be mildly "whelmed"
  • Nothing interesting happens for the first 2 DLCs...
  • Vehicle maps removed from PvP, Bungie doubling down on Infantry Only PvP...
  • D1 Taken King comes out and the game becomes amazing.
  • So much to do. PvP is still there but I'm not playing it because I want to learn the secrets of the world, I want to unlock all the secret Exotics! Do the hidden quests!
  • Rise of Iron comes out and suddenly you feel sad because all the previous content that was in the game is no longer relevant to you.
  • Holy shit, Age of Triumph. Everything in Destiny is relevant. Everything you've done before is now useful again, and people are running it again! Amazing. This is what the game should be from now on!
  • Destiny 2 comes out. Everything you've worked on... all the places you can visit are gone.
  • The things that replace them are not that good...
  • PvE has Vehicle sections, but Vehicles have completely been removed from all forms of PvP. No large maps to support them.

Honestly. It has been a crazy fucking cycle. For a game that relies on building a character, associating a part of yourself with that character... I don't know if I can even consider coming back to the game because I fear that when Destiny 3 comes out it will all be thrown away again.

Haven't played since release of CoO... looking for reasons to come back, but finding reasons to stay away.

I come here every few days to see if the world has changed...

Anyone else?

submitted by /u/Valvador
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Why are most of our ships ugly??

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 06:41 AM PDT

It's seriously hit and miss. On one hand some of the ships are awesome looking but others are just over designed messes. Also re-skins, so. many. re-skins...

Edit: Formatting

submitted by /u/UnuniquelyAdept_15
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Apparently Bungie is flying out Content Creators to playtest future updates

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 04:24 PM PDT

Just saw this tweet from Gigz:

"Just got an invite from Bungie to go to their studio, play test future content, and give feedback over a 2 day span. I'm not sure who else was invited, but this is something that I'm happy Bungie is finally doing

Count me in"


And this from King Gothalion in response to Gigz:

"See you there"


Personally, I'm glad that Bungie appears to be making some big moves to fix their game. Hopefully we can see the fruit of their labor sooner rather than later!

Edit: TrueVanguard is going too:


Maybe GernaderJake:


DrLupo confirmed:


MTashed as well:


And Slayerage!


Last update from DrLupo:

"Let me be super clear about this @Bungie thing - the goal of this appears to be what CRAPLOADS OF PEOPLE have asked for, for a while - us telling them what we love, what we dislike strongly, and discussing ways to fix it.

This isn't a smoke show.

The goal is a game to love."


Last edit:

From what I've gathered from various streamers, they will be under NDA for their time at Bungie. They'll be playing and giving feedback on aspects of DLC 2 and they'll talk about and test updates that will come after DLC 2.

Definitely seems to be more than an attempt to build hype to me.

Looks like a ton of creators/YouTubers/streamers are going to the "summit". There are too many to keep track of at this point, so if you want to know if ______ <insert creator here is going, I'd check their social media accounts.

submitted by /u/AnonymousFroggies
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Bungie, if/when you implement something of a codex, add in all the d1 grimoire with it.

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 11:10 AM PDT

Title, basically. Would be good for world building. Don't try and erase the old lore.

submitted by /u/mynameisfury
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Bring back Bones of Eao

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 02:55 AM PDT

As of now hunter are IMO the slowest class. In D1 I literally never took off BoE because they made me cruise are. Please just bring back BoE so I can quit writing it all over your guys Twitter accounts. And then you also don't have to worry about buffing sprint speed cuz we can just jump around. Ya know? That's what make hunter fun. Bring back fun to D2. We need it desperately.

Upvote if you agree

submitted by /u/big_rigginwcl
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Let us use Masterwork cores to turn Blues into Purples

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 04:21 AM PDT

For Weapons:

It wouldn't change the stats i.e Stability/Handling/etc. and wouldn't change the intrinsic perk/trait but would add another option to the first and second trees whether it was an additional barrel type, or a new scope option etc.

For Armor:

Easy, it just adds an additional stat point, and assigns it an armor type, Resto/Heavy/Mobile

From there it could either unlock a masterwork slot to masterwork it further, or if Bungie decided for balancing purposes that letting a blue go all the way to MW is going too far they could let it turn purple, but not enable a masterwork core slot.

The perks added from changing a blue into a purple would not be random, but designed by Bungie because they hate random rolls.

IMO this would add a fun chase to track down interesting blues and possibly make them better, I.E. the Cuboid ARU, or the Sondok-C, or all of the currently somewhat useless blue armor.

Wouldn't require a ton of work on Bungie's part aside from choosing which new perks would be unlocked.

Only caveat I can see with this: Our vault space is already extremely low. This might be a cool addition once they sort that out though.

submitted by /u/GrossFaceGuy
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Bungie, Consider Relic Weapons in Destiny

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 03:05 AM PDT

So to elaborate, currently in a lot of MMOs right now there is what is called the "relic weapon quest" it started I believe in FFXIV and has seeped into WoW before into all other MMOs around now. Relic weapons basically are very long quest lines that take us on a journey of crafting a legendary weapon designed specifically for YOUR character. All the control is placed upon the player that this weapon is theirs, extreme customization and above all the weapon evolves as you progress the questline. We have had similar almost relic-like weapon quests in D1. Namely Necrochasm. Something like that but have it to where the relic weapon has its own narrative to it as our characters forge it for us, each class has a different relic weapon like the class specific weapon in D1, but they also evolve and are the driving force for us to try and complete each expansion. Also consider having updates where we can continue to evolve our weapon until when you determine the final phase is before giving us another weapon in the next expansion.

submitted by /u/BarretOblivion
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Linear Fusion vs. Sniper DPS: I messed up edition

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 11:39 AM PDT

A couple days ago I made a post showing damage numbers I had collected to compare Linear Fusions to Snipers. In that post I assumed you could fire LFRs at roughly the charge rate (780ms), which turned out to be a horrible assumption. Luckily /u/theRTB pointed this out, and so I set out to get more accurate numbers, and added a couple of the 140 RPM snipers to the dataset since other commenters mentioned they are supposed to be DPS kings (and they were right!).

In order to get the RoF for a Linear Fusion, I started a timer as soon as I initially pulled the trigger, fired off four rounds as quickly as possible, and stopped the time as soon as the fourth round fired. This still has some inherent inaccuracy, but averaging it across as many rounds as possible (a whole magazine) helps reduce the inaccuracy. I found that it takes about 1.25 seconds to actually fire successive rounds from an LFR, so the firing animation adds about half a second to the overall RoF (since you can't charge while it's firing). Below are the CORRECT numbers for max theoretical DPS (no reload time), with a couple 140 RPM snipers added in.

MoW = Man O' War 780ms LFR, ~48RPM (1.25 sec per shot)

Bor. = Borealis 72 RPM Sniper

BB = Belfry Bounty 90 RPM Sniper

WB = Widow's Bite 140 RPM Sniper

DAR = D.A.R.C.I. 140 RPM Sniper, ~7% crit bonus

Red bar body or shield 2744 1555 1294 939 939 2195 1866 1941 2191 2191
Red bar crit 8232 9330 8407 6566 7035 6586 11196 12611 15321 16415
Orange bar body or shield 2548 1427 1187 861 861 2038 1712 1781 2009 2009
Orange bar crit 3822 4281 3858 3013 3228 3058 5137 5787 7030 7532
Yellow bar body or shield 2450 1107 921 668 668 1960 1328 1382 1559 1559
Yellow bar crit 3675 3321 2992 2337 2504 2940 3985 4488 5453 5843
%MoW Yellow crit 100% 136% 153% 185% 199%

As you can see, I was totally wrong, LFRs have significantly worse DPS than any class of snipers, as low as 1/2 the DPS of the 140 RPM snipers, assuming you can actually land all crits at 2+ shots per second.

Here are some additional interesting numbers that came up during the conversation. First, DPS with reload time included. I measured the reload time by starting a timer when I fired a shot, then reloading and firing a successive shot as quickly as possible. I then subtracted out the normal time-per-shot so that I would then know how much time just the reload adds vs. a steady stream of bullets. This made calculating the DPSr (DPS with Reload accounted for) a little easier in the spreadsheet.

Red bar body or shield 1463 1141 1055 993 1078
Red bar crit 4390 6844 6854 6946 8073
Orange bar body or shield 1359 1047 968 911 988
Orange bar crit 2038 3140 3145 3188 3704
Yellow bar body or shield 1307 812 751 707 767
Yellow bar crit 1960 2436 2439 2472 2873
%MoW Yellow crit 100% 124% 124% 126% 147%
Sec per shot 1.25 0.83 0.67 0.43 0.43
mag 4 5 5 6 7
reload additional time 2.5 2.65 2.8 3.1 3.1

I found that the snipers I tested all reload in about 3.5 seconds, give or take a tenth (Widows Bite was slightly faster), so I just used a flat 3.5 seconds and subtracted the weapon firing time. While Man O' War took 3.8 seconds, but that included the firing and charge time (due to my measuring method) so the actual reload only added about 2.8 seconds. Overall, LFRs gain a little ground when reloads are included, because the reload time is much smaller than the time to empty a mag.

Last, the total damage output potential for a full inventory. This one is much easier and 100% accurate since no timing is involved, just damage per bullet times shots in inventory.

Target MoW Tot. Bor. Tot. BB Tot. WB Tot. DAR Tot.
Red bar body or shield 38416 29545 19410 15024 21597
Red bar crit 115248 177270 126105 105056 161805
Orange bar body or shield 35672 27113 17805 13776 19803
Orange bar crit 53508 81339 57870 48208 74244
Yellow bar body or shield 34300 21033 13815 10688 15364
Yellow bar crit 51450 63099 44880 37392 57592
%MoW Yellow crit 100% 123% 87% 73% 112%
mag 4 5 5 6 7
total rounds 14 19 15 16 23

This gets a bit more interesting. The exotic snipers have extremely high inventory size, giving them the highest total damage available. However the LFRs actually beat the legendary snipers for total damage output potential. There might be some legendary snipers that have higher inventory to compete with the LFR, but overall the raw damage-per-shot of the LFR allows it to come ahead of the legendary snipers here. But if you are going for absolute max total damage output from one of these long-range Power weapons, Borealis is your first choice, followed by D.A.R.C.I, thanks to it's gigantic 23 round reserves.

TL/DR: I screwed up, Linear Fusions have a roughly 48 RPM firing rate (much lower than my original 75 RPM estimate), and so they do lower DPS than any class of sniper. The winner of this competition for max DPS and near max total damage is D.A.R.C.I., assuming you are good enough to land crits at near max RoF. In general the higher the RoF, the higher the DPS of the sniper class, but the lower the total damage due to limited inventory (exotics excluded). Linear Fusions' strengths are their ease-of-use, more forgiving crit multiplier, and higher damage-per-shot, and also they can put out more total damage per total ammo capacity than most snipers.

edit: Link to google sheet with the above data, "sniper vs. LFR" tab

submitted by /u/motrhed289
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The new clan fireteam lfg should be in game, under clan tab, not on the website.

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 01:35 AM PDT

With a clan-wide notification every time someone posts an lfg or one becomes active (in case of the scheduled ones).

submitted by /u/Arthefix
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I'm not going to use my power ammo on a pack of regular enemies in D2 when I know I won't get any ammo back. I did it all the time in D1 because I knew I could get something back.

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 02:59 AM PDT

I honestly find this a core gameplay problem. It makes heavy ammo in D2 something you actively avoid using, because you know you won't recoup your loss unless you used ammo on a major or ultra enemy. In D1, I could get heavy ammo in the Omnigul strike, kill a bunch of thralls with a single rocket, and have a good chance of getting my ammo back because all thralls had a chance of dropping ammo. Sometimes they'd ALL drop ammo. In D2, I don't do that unless I'm desperate or because I see an ammo drop on the ground while I'm full on ammo. It's not very fun and, although I don't like to use these words, it limits the power fantasy.

I don't like how I'm always saving my power ammo like I'm saving high tier healing potions. I don't want to hold myself back on killing a pack of thralls just because I might need the power ammo later.

EDIT: It's also worth mentioning that in D1, we had Special weapons as well. They were essentially another power weapon, except they got ammo frequently. We went from Primary/Power/Power to Primary/Primary/Power in a sense, but the amount of Power ammo we get wasn't doubled to make up for it.

submitted by /u/Elevasce
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Bungie, currently there is no loot difference between the Prestige Raid and the Normal Raid besides cosmetics. Don't let the Prestige Raid Lairs suffer the same fate.

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 08:47 PM PDT

Prestige Leviathan is completed just for the prestige armor set and emblem, both of which do not benefit you in PvE at all. What's the point of having the prestige armor set if I can add raid mods to my regular set as well? Sure, it looks dope with the glowing purple lights, but it's no different tactically. It doesn't even have an intrinsic perk (ex. Rockets reload faster, Increased Linear Fusion ammo).

The weapons are the same in both versions as well, which is definitely infuriating. How is it that someone who has done normal can be just as strong as someone who has completed prestige? Adept weapons should make a return.

In fact, Bungie should make Prestige weapons that have a black and gold color scheme rather than white and gold, and have an intrinsic perk that allows it to deal more damage to Cabal (for Leviathan) or Vex (for EoW).

Prestige armor sets should have a hidden perk unlocked when the entire set is worn, such as "You take 20% less damage from Cabal" or "In the Leviathan, your weapons reload and ready more quickly".

The EoW and 2nd Raid Lair should have updated weapon pools and prestige armor sets, rather than mere ornaments. Instead of just adding the remaining sidearm and fusion rifle into the loot pool, Bungie should add kinetic and energy variants to all primary archetypes. Just like Trials, the Raid would have both a kinetic AND energy pulse rifle, scout, auto, hand cannon, sidearm, and SMG.

These are some ideas that I've combined together from both this sub and myself. We don't want to raid for cosmetics. We don't want to do harder activities solely to look cool. We want to feel powerful for completing difficult activities.

submitted by /u/TheWokeHive_
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Three Things Bungie Has Always Gotten Right (In My Opinion)

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 10:46 AM PDT

So since you all seemed to like my rant-filled post about the NF exotic ghost the other day (thanks for the upvotes), I thought I'd make a post saying a few things that I can always expect Bungie to do really well.

1) The music.

The music in both D1 and D2 has always been great. You may have your personal preference whether you like Marty or Salvatori better, but there is not a lame track in the entire soundtrack. In fact, it's what I usually listen to in the car. I've never done with that with any other game soundtrack besides Halo.

2) The art.

The environments, the gun design, etc. are all great. It's what makes the world of Destiny feel like it could be real. I agree that there are too many reskins sometimes, but the art assets are always done really well.

3) The raids.

Now you all might have personal preferences on what raid you like best. Most people like VoG the most, but I think that every raid has had really great things about it. There hasn't been a raid yet where I felt that the raid itself was lame. Yeah, the loot in Leviathan could be better, but the environment and the scope of the raid are great.

Anything else you guys can add?

submitted by /u/snowfi8986
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After 355 Banshee rank-ups, I finally got my first Manannan

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 12:29 PM PDT

Yes, I still play Destiny 2. I've been chasing this Irish white whale for months. My Eleanor.

Somehow, there are still some of us who have had loot to chase.

submitted by /u/Dr_Cool_Hand
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D1 True Confessions

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 10:06 AM PDT

I have 1300+ hours in on D1 and I've never been the sword-bearer against Crota.

Any other relatively high play-time Guardians out there with unfinished D1 business to confess?

submitted by /u/raddly
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I haven't had this much fun playing Arcstrider since, well, ever...

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 07:49 AM PDT

During the campaign when this was the first subclass unlocked I was quite "meh" on it. Switched to GG/NS as soon as I could and never looked back. Dreaded the days that had Skulduggery in the daily challenges.

Now, after 1.1.4, this class finally feels like it should. It's (IMHO) better than Bladedancer ever was, I feel significantly more confident in the crucible, and in strikes it's just ridiculous fun as a Raidenstrider to clear entire rooms with one super.

I had a fireteam of a striker, nightstalker, and myself go into heroics last night and it was just hundreds of orbs generated non-stop combining MW weapons with those crazy supers. EVERY setup should feel like this.

submitted by /u/CapnGnarly
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Probably the best Destiny tattoo out there

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 09:01 AM PDT

Probably the best Destiny tattoo out there, I never saw it posted on this sub and search for it (it's not mine), but thought I'd share if it wasn't seen yet. Appears to be a work in progress on a full sleeve.

By Sasha O'Kharin in Russia

submitted by /u/Mister_Rahool
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One thing that Bungie can execute perfectly is bone chilling, memorable moments.

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 10:49 PM PDT

"Guardians make their own fate"

"Crota summons his Oversoul"

"Oryx calls upon the Darkness"

"SIVA Density Critical"

Just reading these overwhelmed me with nostalgia and made my bones chill from the spine down. Destiny as a franchise may be controversial, but there is no denying that Bungie can deliver memorable heroic moments. Even in D2, when you are running towards the Sun after sabotaging the Almighty, and the music hypes you up on the way, you feel a sense of heroism and courage.

The raids are by far the best experiences you can witness in Destiny.
The trailers come in 2nd place, which gets me hyped for the upcoming DLC 2 trailer, which will come out really soon. Can't wait for Raid Lair 2.

submitted by /u/TheWokeHive_
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Clear, salt-free reasoning for why the Loot grind in Destiny 2 is worse than Destiny 1

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 02:22 AM PDT

Hi all,

So I've been throwing around this topic in threads on this subreddit and also in the discord server, trying to get to the real core as to why the loot system in Destiny 2 is unsatisfying.

I'm not going to dilute the point of the post by throwing out how to fix it, but I wanted to cut with the BS and just expressly tell Bungie the main reason why loot drops and the "grind" is way worse in this game.

Before I begin, this isn't a commentary on the quality of the loot. This is specifically looking at the rewards/loot systems in Destiny 2.

Essentially we look at the whole "How to make my 10th Better Devils" phrase and break down how Destiny 1 didn't have this issue and why Destiny 2 does.

Most people will point at things like Static rolls, or the removal of things like stats. These points are expressing what I'm getting at but they don't actually lay out the problem.

The Issue:

Imagine the "grind" of a game like Destiny as a rope, and "grinding" as a little flame going along and burning that rope.

The crux of Destiny 2's reward issue? That rope is way too short, and most hardcore players have burnt the entire thing already.

So what is the point here, well in this case the length of the rope is the complexity and # of effective layers inside of a reward loop. To think about this in context, essentially think of this as like the number of possible outcomes when receiving a loop drop in Destiny.

Why Destiny 1 did it better than 2

So the following might be missing some steps (pls correct below if so), but it shows my point. If you're an algorithm deciding the loot that a player gets in Destiny 1, you run through something like this:

  • You'd do a task, then get a reward
  • It picked a gear type (1st RNG layer)
  • It picked a rarity (2nd RNG layer)
  • It picked the specific gear item (3rd RNG layer)
  • Then it picked it's light level (4th RNG layer)
  • Then it picked the perks (5th RNG layer)
  • Then lastly, if it was armour, it picked the stat roll (6th possible RNG layer).

When you add all these RNG layers, you get to the number of possible outcomes that a loot drop could be. Now, keep in mind the loot systems are incredibly nuanced and different activities draw from different loot pools etc. etc. But, in general, a loot drop ran through these steps and so you can calculate how many times it'd take to achieve ALL items in that loot pool.

Let's look at D2:

  • You'd do a task, then get a reward
  • Picked a gear type (1st RNG layer)
  • Picked a rarity (2nd RNG layer)
  • Picked the specific item (3rd RNG layer)
  • Picked the light level (4th RNG layer)
  • Picked if Masterworks if Legendary item (5th RNG layer).

Now two things to keep in mind here when comparing D2's system to D1's. Firstly, the last layer is a binary system (either MW or not) so its impact on the number of outcomes is very low (only doubles it). Whereas, the biggest hitting loss is by far the Random Perks. And this is one of the biggest reasons many folks want random rolls, even if they don't necessarily realise exactly why (this and the impact it would have on the meta, but that's another conversation).

The Random Rolls system outputted a much larger selection than say, Masterworks. It's impact on the number of unique pieces of loot was probably the biggest after the specific item was picked, maybe bigger. Taking it away has shrunk the "Grind Rope" by an immense amount.

The point; Loot is boring because we've burnt the rope down already, Bungie, make that rope longer and give us less rolls of the dice

So here's the final bit of my post. The fact is; we've "completed" the grind, burnt the entire rope out already, and this is both due to it's lack of possibilities as well as the insane barrage of loot we get. The worst incidence of that second part are the clan engrams IMO.

Random perks were used in Destiny 1 to exponentially increase the amount of possibilities in the loot pool, the rope was long as fuck and even after 2-3k hours people were still maybe not done with it. A prime example is the Fakebringer Roll for Imago Loop. It was coveted, sought after, and took some folks a long time to get. Imagine if in D1 we just ran the strike once, got the gun, it had the perfect roll, and that was it. That's what D2 is like.

Make the grind rope longer, you don't necessarily need random rolls back, though IMO that might be the best way to do it.


submitted by /u/Clarkey7163
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Weapon and Armor forging, a superior successor to random rolls.

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 07:45 AM PDT

In Curse of Osiris we got a very barebones weapon forging system, that could easily point to an amazingly customizable future for Destiny, however I think that future would be squandered if the community continues to demand random rolls.

Random rolls may create a grind, sometimes, by giving you a very low chance to get exactly what you want first try. But does it really feel like you "earned it" and its your "personalized weapon" once you have it? Not really, it feels more like RNGesus took pity on you for once.

However, that doesn't mean that the premise of a potentially endless grind brought on by randomizes drops isn't good. It just could be SO much more intuitive. I came up with the basic archetecture for how weapons, and armor, can be made more interesting than they ever were in D1, without sacrifice the static weapon systems already in place in D2 that allow the casual audience to collect everything. And yes, it makes your tenth Better Devils exciting. True weapon forging, using specific parts dropped randomly off of dismantled weapons and armor.

TLDR short version / The Point: When you get a weapon and dismantle it, it will drop one of the following at random: Frame, Sight, Barrel, Magazine, Ammo Type, Perk 1, or Perk 2. These parts are used to build your own customized versions of whichever weapon you want. Finally allowing you to grind for parts to create your own custom Better Devils. And armor would be retuned woth a similar system and actual perks.

Detailed Version / Implementation: If you read the TLDR (please do) note all the possible parts you can get from weapons. This is the first major change to weapons: Perk Trees. Every weapon now has the following perk tree format:

  • Frame: Determines the name, base stats, and sub archetype of the weapon, as well as the perk layout. I.E how many of each category it gets, ex. 3 sights, 3 barrels, 2 magazines, 2 ammo types, 1 first perk, 1 second perk, vs 2 of each category.

  • Sights and Barrels: Now each gun would have BOTH of these available, instead of just one. Sights now only affect zoom, aesthetics, and handling. Barrels now only affect range, stability, and recoil direction.

  • Magazines: Perks such as Tactical Magazine, Drop Mag, etc. Customizes reloading, ammo capacity, and sometimes a few other stats.

  • Ammo Type: Perks such as High Cal, Steady, or Ricochet rounds go here. They each add a unique effect to the bullet fired from a weapon in a reasonably realistic way.

  • Perk 1 and 2: Double perk slots so that we can finally combine perks for synnergy, something missing from most weapons in D2 because of the one perk system. They are the perks we know and love.

*Armor will also have its own set up like this, but probably with less options. I want to see at least 3 perk slots though.

To implement this, weapons and armor that exist now would be updated with new perks added to them to fit this model for all weapons. Meaning everything in the game gets buffed! So that's cool! As for how it drops and how we build stuff, its pretty simple.

Your tenth Better Devils will drop ONE of its parts at random. Sights, Perks, Barrels etc. Dropped from it are one-time-se, and can be used while forging any Hand Cannon with a few limitations where it makes sense, ex. Midnight Coup can only use its default sight, so you cannot put sights from other Hand Cannons into it when you use its frame. When a weapon drops its FRAME, it becomes a schematic meaning you can use it as many times as you want. While getting the frame is random (and the rarest part) you can NOT get a frame more than once, so it will never be a redundant drop.

And, as for where you forge weapons, its the Gunsmith obviously.

So that's the system. Below I want to go over ways this helps the ENTIRE game economy, and will answer a few questions I think some people may still have.

Okay, so economy. Where do I begin? First, is the grind. There is a reason I would want this system to replace random rolls, instead of existing alongside them, and that is because it makes various activities and sources a part of the grind. Right now the FWC hand cannon is the only wapon in he game with Timed Payload. Meaning to get it, you must join, and grind faction rallies. Promoting players to play that mode and faction (each faction should get unique drops too). Meanwhile, if perks were random, Timed Payload could drop on anything, meaning if there isnt a specific frame you want, you have no reason to grind certain activities. It also wpuld undermine the point of grinding perks from several sources to forge your perfect gun, if you can just get one to drop with your perkset eventually by simply continuing to grind that single activity.

So to build your perfect Better Devils you need to get its frame from Crucible, and the perks off various hand cannons off of their own activities outside of the crucible. Giving you a much more varied gameplay experience in the chase of just one god roll.

Vendors in the game will suddenly become more relevant. When Deverim sells Old Fashioned, players would spend their tokens and legendary shards farming to get as many Hand Cannon Kill Clip perks as they can! Suddenly two tokens and a blue becomes a real hot commodity in the EDZ for a week.

Seeing as the gunsmith is the go-to character for forging, we can have currencies such as glimmer and weapon parts go towards forging too, it makes sense that scrap parts would be used to build a new weapon, as well as glimmer to pay the gunsmith for doing so. Dismantling forging materials you don't want or need, like unwanted perks or scopes, can act as a means of getting more weapon parts to spend at the gunsmith. As well, if you have the frame of a weapon unlocked, weapon parts and glimmer aught to be useable to craft the default version of a weapon, without needing additional forging materials. Acting sort of like a collections page for Legendaries, but with a price steep enough that it can not be leaned on as a farming method for materials, just a convenient way to re-attain your weapon, or maybe get one or two more shots at a specific material drop at the end of a grinding session.

More perks would need to be made and introduced into the ecosystem, including returning perks from D1, and brand new ones we haven't yet imagined.

Your guardian will feel more like your guardian. YOU built YOUR gun YOUR way, to fit YOUR playstyle, after YOU scavenged the parts YOU needed. Way more satisfying than "RNJesus blessed me with this roll on 1000 yard".

And finally, the online community will be hot, and rife with perk combinations and builds for guns that fit niches, have great synnergy, or just do something unique and cool because you mixed this perk with that ammo type and now suddenly you are causing overpenetrating explosive rounds do deal aoe damage several times to a cluster of ads. Or you use Rampage and Kill Clip on a Hand Cannon, giving you a situational advantage to fighting two enemies in the crucible helping withh consistency on the second kill if they rush you together, or outright dropping a shot off your killtime if theirs a pause and cover to reload first. Endless pissibilities and depth.

So yeah, that's the system. That's the justification. That's the impact I believe it would have on the game. Feedback, questions, and criticisms appreciated.

submitted by /u/FosKuvol
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I always hoped that part of the tower would open up to reveal a library where we can read books about the lore of the universe.

Posted: 05 Apr 2018 12:52 PM PDT

Just shelf after shelf of books on Guardians and weapons and events and everything in a wonderful scholarly library.

I loved that Skyrim did this and I know that a lot of open-world games are constantly compared to Elder Scrolls but this is one feature that could really be useful. I'd spend all day just reading about the lore in there.

submitted by /u/dorrisx
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