DayZ - I Made a Map of my Lootroutes, Blue Circle = Loot, Red Lines = Follow this

I Made a Map of my Lootroutes, Blue Circle = Loot, Red Lines = Follow this

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 02:46 AM PDT

Commissioned an artist to create me and my SO DayZ characters in a post-apocalyptic world

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:58 AM PDT

Been a while since I played, I have a question

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 12:10 AM PDT

Do people still try and get a spawn at Chernogorsk, run West to Kamenka, then go North along the road towards the airfield, hitting Zelenogorsk along the way? I remember doing this with friends and we would loot the airfield before going north to Tisy. After all this, we go back south to tent city then return to the coast for some PvP.

Edit: I remember we never went West for some reason, if someone could explain why I may have done this, please do.

submitted by /u/DeuceTheMoose12
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I've went outside today and found a rusted hatchet near my garage. 0.63 hype?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 07:56 AM PDT

Devs oddly quiet on twitter today...0.63 stress test hype?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 07:15 AM PDT

Edit- Still Easter holiday for the devs, they have Easter Sunday and Monday

submitted by /u/Jason0648
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What about Tisy in 0.63?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:39 AM PDT

Hey everybody!

I remember a while back the devs were talking about the tisy military base becoming a hazardous, or contaminated, area, which would require proper gear to access. Additionally, I remember data miners leaking hazard suits, showers and other stuff. However, to my knowledge recent status reports did not pick this up at all. Did this idea get scrapped? Because I was really looking forward to it being implemented.

(obligatory ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ give 0.63)

submitted by /u/Pellkart0ffel
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The Upcoming Beta of DayZ is Essentially DayZ 2

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:08 AM PDT

When game franchises rewrite their game engine and updates to the prior version of the game stop, we generally call that versioning. It just occurred to me today that for all internsive purposes, the devs have essentially been building the tech for DayZ 2, they just aren't calling it that.

submitted by /u/CharlieandtheRed
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What will update 0.63 bring?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 05:13 AM PDT

Hello. I tried googling 0.63 update but couldn't find a list of features we were getting for 0.63, does anyone know what will be new in the update? Maybe a list or something.

submitted by /u/tunkor
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can't find server

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 11:45 AM PDT

i just open game and go to change server and when i try to find server it says 0 servers found tried restarting but nothing happens.

submitted by /u/Jonekone1
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Got told I was full of shit and got hated on for writing this article back in April 2014. Other than the Rust completion comment, I was pretty spot on.

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 05:48 PM PDT

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