ARK: Survival Evolved Rideable Moschops, Sponsored Mod Program Update & More!

Rideable Moschops, Sponsored Mod Program Update & More!

Posted: 03 Apr 2018 03:58 PM PDT

Rideable Moschops Returns!

By popular demand (and some discussion by our gameplay team) the ridable Moschops makes its return! For those who missed out, during the TLC 2 update we encountered an unintended mechanic which allowed the Moschops to be ridable. After receiving feedback from players regarding the creature and its new founded ability, we decided we wanted to make it so, but do it properly! So stay tuned for a ridable Moschops coming soon to an ARK near you! ;)

Official PC Legacy PVE Savefiles!

Download 'em here![]

Attention PC PvE Legacy Survivors! We've made the current Legacy PC PVE Savefiles available to download. This has been a community request for some time from our player base as some of you have expressed interest in moving on to your own dedicated servers. The snapshot was taken on the 3rd of April 2018 and we're going to see if we can also make console PVE legacy saves available. Please keep in mind that we won't be offering this on our regular Official Network or PvP Legacy servers.

Sponsored Mod Program Update & New Wildcard Workshop Tutorials!

New Wildcard Workshop Tutorials!

Hey everybody! Zen here with your dose of modding news!

I'm excited to announce a new addition to the Sponsored Mod Program this month. The joy of the hunt was always a significant aspect of ARK for me, and as far as I was concerned, taming was as much a part of that experience as the actual battle with a beast. I am delighted to see that someone has taken the mantle of modding that aspect with some significant changes. I am pleased to announce that the Immersive Taming mod will be joining our roster this month!

Using this mod, you will find that taming has been changed from a battle to protect an unconscious creature while you tried to keep it drugged and stocked with food suppositories to the gauntlet of gaining a creatures trust and trying to tame it in a way that imitates life a bit more.

I also have a couple of new entries for the Wildcard Workshop tutorial series today!

Tutorial #2 focuses on trying to get you into the right mindset for programming and how to look at the interaction between data, logic, and the game world. You will find some supplemental information in the thread post for this one.

Wildcard Workshop #2: Data, Logic, and Inheritance[]

In tutorial #3 we build our first mod from the from the minimal files we set up before into something that will actually work if it were uploaded to the workshop.

Wildcard Workshop #3: Building our First Mod][]

We will also be making some changes to the Mod Tutorial Contest. Going forward there will be more freestyle under much wider topics. For instance, Contest #3 is all about making ridiculous April Fools Day buffs! We'll also start linking all submissions in the contest thread, not just the winner since they will all be unique!

ARK Modding Tutorial Contest[]

ARK: 2x Evolution Event Weekend!

Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from the 6th of April at 1 PM EST until Monday the 9th at 1 PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes:

2x Harvesting Rate
2x Taming Rate
2x EXP Rate


To read the rest of the Community Crunch this week, check out our announcement post on survivetheark![]

Keep on surviving!

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