ArcheAge I miss this game terribly but...

I miss this game terribly but...

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 05:50 PM PDT

I know it hasn't changed... I know it's still P2W and everywhere I go people say it's dead and pointless to even start the game now if you want to be competitive.

This game is still my favourite game.. It's still the game I wish I was playing every day.. I've been playing BDO for the last 3 years as a "replacement" and lately I've truely noticed how much I wish BDO was like this game instead... Every game I play or look at, I compare to this one.. It's truely "ruined" me.

I will be playing the fresh start, but I know it will be short lived and that makes me incredibly sad.. My friends also refuse to join me because they've been burned by this game/company before. I could almost live with the P2W, until I remembered that farming/housing is locked behind a paywall... RIP.. T_T

submitted by /u/sarahd094
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Founder Rewards

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 12:39 AM PDT

I saw an ad from the official Archeage Page where it basically said there would be Founder Rewards for the fresh start and linked to where to claim it however it seems to have disappeared completely before I could even check it out.

Anyone have where to claim this reward or if its even real?

Also can this be claimed on the fresh start account without any troubles?

submitted by /u/RageSkylar
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doombringer vs sorrowsong !

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 10:14 PM PDT

hello guys,, im a healer and i love healing , iv been playing as " cleric " but 4.5 is about to release and iv tried the new skills and possible healing classes on the test server, ocult and shadowplay r so insane with vitalisim ! but at the same time i really love the song craft passive " zeal " and other skills iv been wondering is it really worth to have a songcraft skill set ? tell me what u guys think ? doomb or sorrow ? or maybe u guys have a new class ? what about songcraft is it really worthy ?

submitted by /u/Namiii666
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Best class for fending/scaring off Thieves & Pirates

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:32 PM PDT

I am looking for a class to help me ferry packs and things I do for fun. I am thinking a heavy cc class, or combination that creates distance would be best, any suggestions? (goal is delivering things and stuff not winning against the criminals).

submitted by /u/Vickylikesrain
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Returning player looking for guild and advice to reach the top! (EU)

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 07:39 PM PDT

Hey guys, as already mentioned in the title I'm currently looking for a guild to join when the new servers launch and I'm also looking for some advice on the best class choices right now in 4.5

---The guild part---

What I'm looking for is a guild that has ambitious goals, wants to be competetive and already has a decent ammount of members including an experienced guild leader. For me playing the game to be competetive and try to work with others to become the very best is what I enjoy the most in MMOs so that's exactly what I'm looking for now :)

(My native language is german but my english should be pretty fluent as well)

---The advice part---

The last time I played Archeage I was playing an Enigmatist (Sorcercy, Shadowplay, Auramancy) where I heavily relied on bursting the enemy with a CC meteor combo or later animationcanceling my lightning whip to cast it like every 0.3 seconds between my spells. The problem I had with this kind of playstyle was that it was very skill dependend, I do love classes that need high skill, however in this case just one missclick usually ended in me dying very fast, it was kind of an all or nothing playstyle. What I thought about now was trying out something that deals damage more reliably and can tank a few hits so that there is ideally also 1v2 potential. To be honest I can't remember close to any skill anymore that's why I'm asking around here what could maybe fit me, what's insanely strong right now and what is completely underpowered. One thing I would maybe try is Battlerage, Defense and Auramancy, what are your thoughts on it?

Thanks in advance for your help

Updated Status: Still looking for a guild and appreciate any advice =)

submitted by /u/Lightmare2015
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Fresh start still p2w?

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 06:31 PM PDT

Just curious if fresh start will also be P2W or have they actually fixed things for release?

submitted by /u/stillrobaroo
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Archeage Fresh start question

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 04:58 PM PDT

So I haven't played Archeage in over 2years. I currently have 8500 credit I can spend in the store. However I can't create a Character for the fresh start server for when it releases.

I want to know if I'll be able to Delete all my characters then reserve a character slot on the new Fresh server and keep my store credits? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Ishballa
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NA or EU Freshstart?

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 10:20 AM PDT

I'm an EU player but I always hear that the NA community is larger, more active and probably more dramatic as-well, I don't mind about ping differences and I intend to follow through on making a large and possibly competitive guild, on the western side.

On EU, it always tends to be alot of eastern guilds outnumbering the west, what is the situation over in NA?


submitted by /u/Reedy99
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Any advice for tank classes in 4.5?

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 01:35 PM PDT

Sooo I'm trying to help a friend with choosing a class and he's said he wants to be a melee tank to which I was going to suggest blighter or abolisher. The issue is that I'm finding it hard to justify taking defence with the nerf + the abundance of people taking dissonance.

Has anyone got any ideas or alternatives? Will the changes be as bad as they look?

submitted by /u/JSilvester96
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New to the game(Need tips)

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 01:28 PM PDT

Just started playing this yesterday with a friend of mine, and I'm loving the game.. Do you guys can give me some tips on how to have a good start?

submitted by /u/SAmaruVMR
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Posted: 31 Mar 2018 12:48 PM PDT

I am looking to join a group to play on fs. I enjoy fishing so that's a thing.

submitted by /u/Resiful1
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Probably tanker classes in 4.5

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:42 AM PDT

What do guys think it's going to be the tanker meta? Abolisher, Defiler? Tell me your conclusions and why!

submitted by /u/sznyaan
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PTS Legacy

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 11:46 AM PDT

I accidentally created a character on the PTS Legacy server with my FS account, am I still clear to use this account on the release FS server?

submitted by /u/Shiiromaru
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HEALERs in 4.5

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 06:24 AM PDT

I am a relatively new player, I would like to know your opinions on the most effective classes in 4.5 and how to level with them. I would like to go with the Assassin class (Vit / Shad / Witch)!

submitted by /u/Dedal1
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R.I.P Inquisitor..

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:24 AM PDT

The only class I liked to play in AA is even more useless. Before 4.5 I had to rely on the stuns from Battlerage and shadowplay since this class has no CC breakers at all. With the changes to battlerage and shadow this class is now useless. Not sure what class to try out but I don't think I'll be able to find another class that I enjoyed like I did with that one.

Does anyone know if melee healing hybrids will still be a thing or is there any other classes that are close to this one that I use to play?

submitted by /u/quarterbreed
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