Street Fighter r/StreetFighter will be sponsoring Chris CCH to attend NorCal Regionals

r/StreetFighter will be sponsoring Chris CCH to attend NorCal Regionals

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 01:00 PM PST

r/StreetFighter will be sponsoring Chris CCH to attend NorCal Regionals 2018

This player sponsorship has been a long time coming dating back to October 2017 at the end of Red Bull Proving Grounds. Due to a technicality Chris CCH was snubbed at the opportunity to compete. In addition to that he was the r/StreetFighter Weekly Tournament points leader at the end of Season 2. For these reasons we have decided to send Chris CCH to NorCal Regionals, a CPT Premier event.

Chris' Story: "Red Bull Proving Grounds Seattle 2016 was what really brought me into the Seattle scene and made me start coming out to local events, at the time I was nowhere near good enough to make it into the top of the rankings, but the year after I set it as my goal to make it into the top 3. There were two seasons in 2017, in the first season I was able to make top 8 in the rankings but was still far off from my goal; but the next season, I was able to make it into top 3 in the rankings, getting 2nd place at two out of the three tournaments. Unfortunately, I was informed afterwards that I would not be sent out to the Finals in Chicago, due to legal issues with me being under 16."

Goal: $700.00


  • Airfare/Travel - $250
  • Hotel - $380
  • Registration - $70

Deadline: 3/28/2018

NorCal Regionals 2018

Location: Sacramento, CA, USA

Date: 03/30/2018 - 04/01/2018

Any Additional Funds will go towards the next player sponsorship. We plan on setting up another drive to send whoever the sub wants to Combo Breaker (5/25/2018).

Ways to sponsor:

All TeeSpring Sales during this period will go towards the player sponsorship:

Donate Directly to the Matcherino

All Gief's Gym Sales during this period will go toward the player sponsorship

Stretch Goals:

  • Half Way AMA - $350
    • When we reach the half way point to sponsoring Chris he has agreed to run an AMA on r/StreetFighter. He's the best Guile on the West Coast and a wealth of information about how to play the character.
  • Rally Stream - $600
    • When we have nearly reached our goal of full sponsorship Chris has agreed to run a stream specifically to get hype for NCR. We'll schedule the event on the subreddit (in addition to his typical stream schedule) and he'll be available for quick coaching sessions or FT5's with any takers.
  • Future Funding for a Player Chosen by r/StreetFighter Community - $700+
    • After this sponsorship event has concluded we will run a poll on r/StreetFighter to choose the next player sponsorship. All additional funds over $700 will go directly into that sponsorship to get 1 (possibly 2) players to attend Combo Breaker (5/25/2018)
submitted by /u/Joe_Munday
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Post your r/StreetFighter Sponsorship for Combo Breaker Nominations Here

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:31 AM PST

Ok, so it turns out we met our goal extremely fast to sponsor Chris CCH. Which means that we need to immediately start planning for the next sponsorship. We already have excess funds which need to go toward the next player.

How this will work is that all you need to do is list out who you would like to see r/StreetFighter Sponsor. We will then do a round of voting on a 3rd party website to decide the ranking of who you want to sponsor.

Keep in mind that the donation drive for player sponsorship is still active. We have shirts, direct donations, and all that good stuff so help build the war chest and let's get some players out to some Premier Events.

submitted by /u/Joe_Munday
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PianoDensetsu's amazing Urien mixups

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:54 AM PST

Street Fighter II Champion Edition Punishment Edition

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 02:10 AM PST

Two Red Bull codes - PC player here so have at!

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 06:04 AM PST

Thanks to the responses from r/StreetFighter, I gained the confidence to put my idea out there. I designed a mod for most fightsticks to help clean up execution (particularly for dashing and special motions)

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:49 AM PST

I came to this community, and a few others, with an idea but no confidence that people would like it. The support that I got from the fgc was amazing. I would like to show you the Mura Masher: a conversion kit that allows you to have a "Mixbox" style setup without drilling, cutting, soldering, or any other modifying of your fight stick. The Masher will fit in any stick with a 24mm hole for the lever (hori or sanwa levers), including the Razer Panthera, Razer Atrox, Madcatz Tournament Series line, and any hori stick.

I have seen a good amount of interest regarding this type of directional input system, particularly for people who struggle to dashing, doing the shoryuken motion on reaction. Xian was nice enough to share a post about my invention on Twitter and I will be doing a giveaway of one unit in thanks of his help.

Thank you all so much for the interest support. It means so much, and I hope this is seen as me giving back. For any questions please message my Facebook page for a quick reply.

I have been working with a few people to help them build their own, as well as providing a service to build one for people who aren't as electronically inclined. If you are curious about getting the files to 3D print yourself one, please reach out to me and once I get the files polished up, I will be happy to share.

Once again, thank you all for your support and encouragement. -Mura

submitted by /u/Garycsims
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Street Fighter 5 Missions Guide: It's Only Missile Disarmament - how to complete this week's mission

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:16 AM PST

Character Usage Ranking per rank from Gold > Grand Master

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 05:58 PM PST

Thoughts on Fighting Layer EX?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 08:18 AM PST

What do you guys think? Is it worth the price tag? Will you be picking it up in June?

submitted by /u/Shadokan4
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Posted: 02 Mar 2018 11:02 PM PST

Meet Sven, the blind Street Fighter V gamer. He became blind when he was 6 years old. Now he's a pro gamer who takes part in tournaments!

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 01:37 PM PST

How to react when opponent stands over me as I am getting up off the ground?

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 09:57 PM PST

Hi I am a beginner to street fighter. I play Ryu right now. When I get knocked to the ground I have noticed people stand directly over me as I am getting up. I have tried doing light attacks as I get up but I always get countered. When I try to defend however, I get grabbed. I am not sure what the terminology is for this situation or how to deal with it. Thanks

submitted by /u/MicheviousMushroom
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Does Menat's VT2 suck compared to VT1 and/or scream "I'm a scrub"

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 06:57 AM PST

I'm interested in learning Menat as an alt, but I can't really get the hang of her VT1 execution. It's obvious that her VT1 is way better overall since VT2 only gets two shots, compared to the six in VT1.


Is there any advantage that VT2 has over VT1 beyond the easier execution? Even though I'm not good at the game (just bought when AE launched), I don't want to have a proverbial "I'm a scrub" sandwich board sign because of my VT choice. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Euphoric_Dingo
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Good luck to everyone fighting it out at CEO Winterfest 2018 today!

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:04 AM PST

Bison players when they realize they never have to go negative on block

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:03 AM PST

taipei weekly wildtaiwanese vs oilking set2

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:57 AM PST

taipei weekly wildtaiwanese vs oil king set1

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:56 AM PST

Best way to get used to the Hori Fighting Commander?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:31 AM PST

Any tips? I was no better than a bronze scrub, but right now it feels like my daughter of 3 would beat me if i use the controller.

What should i do? Training mode, vs cpu or casuals?

submitted by /u/CrimpyRex
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VOD where I analyze my subscribers replays! Will help a lot of people stuck in silver/gold rank.

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 11:27 AM PST

[Daily General Lounge] Here is a collection of general information & useful resources. Casual conversations, quick questions and answers are welcome!

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 04:05 AM PST

This thread provides a place for everyone to ask simple questions and chat about anything reasonably on topic. To new players and new members of the community alike we encourage you tap into all of the resources of this sub.

  • If you're a new player looking for players around your same skill level, check out the New Challenger, the go to place for new players trying to level up!

  • If you want to learn how to play and become a better player at Street Fighter V, you must check out the useful resources below:

Street Fighter V Character Data & Move Lists

Rashid R. Mika ChunLi Ryu Ken
Cammy Laura Zangief Karin Nash
M.Bison Birdie Vega Necalli Dhalsim
F.A.N.G Alex Guile Ibuki Balrog
Juri Urien Akuma Kolin Ed
Abigail Menat Zeku Sakura Blanka

Character Discussion Index for character specific combos, tips and matchups

General FAQ

  1. I'm new to SFV and this is overwhelming! What do I do?
  2. Where can I find a basic overview of each character?
  3. What does _____ mean?
  4. Where can I find combos?
  5. How can I stop being bad?
  6. Are there other Fighting Game communities?
  7. Where can I find replays?
  8. Can my computer handle Street Fighter V?
    • Click here to see Street Fighter V PC Recommended Specs!
  9. What's Footsies?
  10. Execution problems?
  11. Advanced Techniques?
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Ed comebacks, highlights, setups, and combos

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 07:46 AM PST

Is Blanka terrible?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 03:04 AM PST

I've played some with Blanka but mostly against him with a couple of characters and he seems pretty bad to me. A gimmicks character with shitty gimmicks.

Slide is like -7 at best on block so nothing to throw out willy-nilly even if well-spaced. Rainbow ball can't cross-up outside of VT1. I haven't seen any cross up Blanka ball set-up's yet either. You have to be sleeping to get hit by non-ex command grabs and hop is so slow that it's only useful for the occasional corner mix-up. His normals doesn't seem to be very good either with most of them having shitty range. +2 electricity is nice but the range of it seem to be too low imo.

Now I've listed a bunch of stuff that I feel is bad about him. What makes him good?

submitted by /u/Rijot
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Splyce makes a video about dropping FChamp and leaving the FGC

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 05:36 PM PST

so I recently developed some knuckle issues

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:22 AM PST

I have a problem.

Until recently I really did not know which character to main. I really like Ed but he feels quite limited and, to quote, "boooring" sometimes. So after going through a few characters I found quite an enjoyment in playing Chun Li.

Anyway this is not my main problem. The thing is the day I started playing Chun and practicing the execution of her combos and things like IAL (the reverse SPD motion seems to be the most consistent), my pinky knuckle starts to hurt a lot and turns red after just 30 minutes of playing. This makes it impossible for me to concentrate or be consistent with my inputs.

Now I play with an arcade stick and hold it between my pinky and ring finger, trying to rest my hand on the edge to have a buffer. But for some reason while playing Chun it's hard for me to maintain this.

Maybe because of the combination of charge and motion inputs? I never had this problem while trying Ken, Akuma or Cammy.

All the other grips I've tried are not really working for me because of my big but really skinny (looks like a skeleton's) hand.

Are there any methods of improving the situation? Maybe some tricks from people which had similar issues or some uncommon grips I may not have tried yet?

submitted by /u/ZaidenSunrider
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How THE FUCK do I anti air?!

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 08:35 PM PST

I keep losing because I'm letting the enemy in for free. I can't anti air for shit. I'm almost fucking plat and I can't AA properly. I can't DP for AA because I'm too fucking slow to react. I try to use other options but they either slow or the hitbox is very weird.

I can't kill my stupid habit of jabbing out of panic. I got used to AA jabbing during seasons 1 and 2 and since it worked I didn't feel the need to adapt. Jabbing is now hard wired into my playstyle it is bringing me down. Even if I'm actively thinking stuff like: "Press Hard kick, not lp" I still jab! It's a habit. I do it so absent mindedly. I've tried SO hard to rewire my brain but I can't.

This is very frustrating, it seems everyone can anti-air except for me.

submitted by /u/RodrigoGX10
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