RimWorld Monthly Challenge! -- March 01, 2018

Monthly Challenge! -- March 01, 2018

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 07:26 AM PST

Attention Colonists! A situation has arrived, and we need your help! In the stickied moderator comment below is a save and a map, last as long as possible, and the winner can win custom flairs or other prizes! I am a bot, so I can't compete. If you'd like a Monthly Bot Competition, or if there are any problems with this post, please message the moderators of the subreddit.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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10 haunting photos taken moments before disaster.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 09:50 AM PST

My boar army has reached a momentous moment...

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:32 PM PST

Stars: I never forgot about you, but I did forget one important detail.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:02 AM PST

Stars came to my colony chased by some tribals who had cast her out, not sure why, she was a perfectly lovely young woman. Scrawny, unremarkable, but with a real passion for activities such as cooking, construction and cultivation.

She flourished in my colony, which is strage to say since my colony is a well armed drug farm. Unfortunately one day she, out of the blue, decided to go on a Yayo binge and got instantly hooked.

This was not terrible, our farm had no shortage of psychites and her addiction never really posed much of a problem, if anything getting her to kick her addiction always seemed to cause more pain and suffering.

But one day she was self harming, and I decided to arrest her to avoid her really hurting herself. She ended up in my nearby prison camp, populated by various raiders and thieves of all species. There she started the long, painful process of kicking her psychite addiction. It was not pretty of course, but occasionally a doctor would show up to give her some smokeleaf and she really thrived working there (prison labor). Once she finally kicked her addiction she kept rejecting our attempts to recruit her, I understand she was pretty angry at us.

Finally she went berserk and attacked another prisoner, and got her arm blown clean off by a nearby guard. We patched her up, and set her policy to release, realizing I had failed her and any other colony will make her happier.

Then she rejoined my colony and I remembered that imprisoning one of your own is just temporary. Sorry Stars, you have had a really bad year, but we are working on cybernetics as hard as we can. Oh, and no more drugs for you.

submitted by /u/JavierLoustaunau
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Starting my first Randy colony.... First seed...

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:50 PM PST

How does -that- work?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:12 PM PST

Love Letter to the Rimworld OST

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:39 PM PST

"Waiting for the Sun" in particular. That last colony I showed started from tribal and went a full 4 in-game years. Deaths, Recruitments, Boars, Kidnappings, and so-on.

You spend so much time with a soundtrack that echos almost hopelessness as your researchers slog up the research tree trying to research every last part. You fight the raiders, starvation, and watch as your colony you put hard work into crumbles away attack after attack until you get a reprieve. You rebuild and the calming music settles in. You feel a state of relaxation as the builders get to work and continue on their journey of sustainment and future escape.

Then It happens, you've unlocked everything gathered all your plasteel, you build your ship which takes a lot shorter time than you'd expect because that builder that was just a 2 with burning passion learned so much over the years. You fight off the onslaught of mechs and enter the cryptosleep caskets kissing the damn rimworld behind knowing it's all over.

Then the acoustic strumming hits. The smooth chord progression followed by lyrics that give you near nostalgia. Everything you've fought for a place that you made home is now behind you. You almost start to miss the place you poured all your hard work into as you are waiting for the sun. The song plucks your heart strings as you realize these colonists young and old will never be the same again.

Make as many jokes as you want about hats and smokeleaf, but you know damn well once that smooth tender voice starts singing that you're gonna shed a tear for the lives that were lost and the colony you poured your heart into as your humble ship floats far away from the nightmare prison that is this Rimworld. Who knows what awaits you? I don't think even Randy does, but what we do know is it was a damn fun time.

submitted by /u/VicVermont
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Simple prison labour like mining and simple crafting should be added into the game

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 09:56 AM PST

I dont think the planet wants us here.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:32 AM PST

Remember when we came to this lush temperate forest? It was green and full of trees and berries. Dense vegetation that took years to build. Now, after the toxic fallout, firestorms, it is no more than a barren wasteland.

That could be a coincidence of course. But remember the town we had before that, and before that? No matter where we go, the place turns into a desolate wasteland before the year is out.

I'm telling you, there is some sort of planetary consciousness here, and it's working against us.

submitted by /u/IkkeTM
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I made a spreadsheet for Armor values!

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 11:59 AM PST

Leveling Melee wasn't as hard as expected

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 02:50 AM PST

My melee guy, burning passion for melee is set to kill every critter on the map with Draft + Queued "Melee attack this creature". He's followed by 2 boars just in case, he can self tend every scratch he's having.

He isn't harmed often, because he fights only racoons, turkeys, rabbits, squirrels and what not. Almost 400xp at every swing of his mace. 10 swing a day = 4k xp, that's easy. His cloth and armor made this task very safe.

Now he's lvl 18 in melee, and he stays there very easily.

submitted by /u/DynaSchool
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The last moment of my March challenge colony

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 09:01 PM PST

What is the best way to create a kill room?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:43 PM PST

how big should it be? where should i put towers? should i put traps? if so where? where to put mortars and what type of mortars?

submitted by /u/The_Shekel_MaisterJR
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Parasite Tends Matter! - Tend quality now matters for Gut Worms and Muscle Parasites

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:01 AM PST

So I was raided by Mechs and the local Megaspiders came to aid - In the battle they killed a boomrat and got a red-fox revenge! - Thanks Randy!

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 10:52 PM PST

Manhunter pack of Ankylosaurus or a starving Tyrannosaurus Rex? You decide!

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 02:31 AM PST

Rimatomics Question

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 09:51 PM PST

Do I have to use the pulse power containers for the energy weapons or can I just use the bigger batteries mod?

submitted by /u/DPizzaFries
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When an insect is killed by another creature, the whole horde would launch an attack on my colony instead of the killers

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 01:26 AM PST

Hard times in the colony

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 07:15 PM PST

Isn't just great when half the colony is binging on alcohol, your dogs are passed out drunk, and your only line of defense is a guy who has no idea how to use his rifle and his pet muffalos?

Edit: Everyone has died due to starvation :( after a few days, some new guy discovered the place and is now attempting to survive.

submitted by /u/Spiralwolfe
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How to remove eye of colonist

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 12:55 AM PST

I have two colonist which are half blind, and their dead eye is causing them large amounts of pain (-10) can i just remove the eye so that they won't be in pain anymore?

submitted by /u/The_Shekel_MaisterJR
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Dead animals not forbidden

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 09:08 PM PST

I'm not running mods but I'm having issues lately with animals that get hunted by other animals not automatically being marked forbidden like they used to be. I've restarted 3 new colonies now because my butcher decides he needs to go throw an insect nest across the map to get that poor squirrel that got eaten by a wolf. Is there a setting or something I'm missing? Google is failing me on it. Any help is appreciated

submitted by /u/Bananacheesesticks
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Almost... perfect.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:05 AM PST

Prosthetic Bones

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:58 PM PST

Is there a mod that adds craftable prosthetic bones? I don't mean just ribs, I mean radius's, humerus's, and that kind of stuff.

submitted by /u/The_Spare_Ace
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