Heroes of the Storm - HGC Western Clash - losers' round 2 :: Match 1 :: Discussion thread

HGC Western Clash - losers' round 2 :: Match 1 :: Discussion thread

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 07:40 AM PST

Previous match thread: HGC Western Clash - semifinal :: winner of TS/ZEA vs winner of FNC/TF.

Please upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!


about 7:45 PST / 10:45 EST / 15:45 UTC / 16:45 CET / 5 minutes from this post

Match reports, VODs

Official stats | Master League | Twitch


English (Dreadnaught, Gillyweed, JHow, Khaldor, MichaelUdall, Trikslyr, Vandie) |
Russian | French | German | Polish | Spanish | Turkish | Hungarian | Czech | Finnish |
Master League | Heroes on Twitch

HGC Western Clash

Team Dignitas | Tempo Storm | Fnatic | Team Twelve | Method | Team Freedom | Zealots | HeroesHearth Esports

HGC website | Bracket and schedule | Destination: Katowice |
Master League | Liquipedia | Upcomer

Saturday and Sunday: best-of-5 | Grand Final: best-of-7 with one map advantage for the upper bracket winner


Team Twelve vs Zealots
buds support - flex adrd
daneski ranged/flex - ranged Cris
Goku melee/flex - warrior Mopsio
Justing warrior - support Shad
Kure ranged/flex - melee Zarmony

Battleground bans

Team Twelve: Sky Temple | Zealots: Dragon Shire

Game version

HGC Western Clash is played on patch 2.30.3, which is currently the live patch. Maiev is allowed.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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HGC Western Clash - losers' round 2 :: Match 2 :: Discussion thread

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:25 AM PST

Previous match thread: HGC Western Clash - losers' round 2 :: Match 1.

Please upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!


about 10:30 PST / 13:30 EST / 18:30 UTC / 19:30 CET / 5 minutes from this post

Match reports, VODs

Official stats | Twitch


English (Dreadnaught, Gillyweed, JHow, Khaldor, MichaelUdall, Trikslyr, Vandie) |
Russian | French | German | Polish | Spanish | Turkish | Hungarian | Czech | Finnish |
Master League | Heroes on Twitch

HGC Western Clash

Team Dignitas | Tempo Storm | Fnatic | Team Twelve | Method | Team Freedom | Zealots | HeroesHearth Esports

HGC website | Bracket and schedule | Destination: Katowice |
Master League | Liquipedia | Upcomer

Saturday and Sunday: best-of-5 | Grand Final: best-of-7 with one map advantage for the upper bracket winner


Fnatic vs HeroesHearth Esports
BadBenny melee - flex Arthelon
Breez warrior - support BBJ
Mene ranged/flex - warrior ishb00
SmX support - ranged Khroen
SonicLeBeast (sub) ranged/flex - flex McIntyre

Battleground bans

Fnatic: Tomb of the Spider Queen | HeroesHearth Esports: Braxis Holdout

Game version

HGC Western Clash is played on patch 2.30.3, which is currently the live patch. Maiev is allowed.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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HeroStorm Ep37 '360 No Hope'

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 06:19 AM PST

Blizzard: Lack of new merch isn't a "doomsday ticker" for Heroes of the Storm

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 01:32 PM PST

Brezz charging a minion to get the flip

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 11:40 AM PST

Arthas needs a model update!

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:07 PM PST

Honestly this has to be changed, Arthas doesn't feel like Arthas at all, so shameful when 2008 wow model looks much better than 2015 hots model.

submitted by /u/yatagarasu1337
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Tracer needs a mosquito skin, just for the LULs.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:20 PM PST

Because the way she plays, functions, and drives everybody into ragemode is exactly like that annoying ass mosquito that comes buzzing around your ears every night, and dashes away every time you angrily try to swat it. And then it comes back and drops you a Malaria Bomb. It also brings you the greatest satisfaction to finally squash the living shit out of it (literally), after hours of calculated baiting, frantic flailing, and patiently waiting for it to land on a convenient spot on the wall.

You can also have her autoattacks and dashes sound like that whiny, high-pitched buzzing that gives us all the "fml not again" feeling every summer night. And have her death sound effect be the firm and confident slap of a heavy, flat object onto a hard, flat surface.

submitted by /u/TpsyFreezy
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Breez teaches Fan a lesson

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:25 AM PST

When Sonya takes her Tough As Nails talent, she instantly gains all three charges - could other charge-based block talents get the same treatment?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 03:59 PM PST

When Sonya picks Tough as Nails

When Muradin picks Block

This is a relatively minor thing, but it does mean you can hold off your pick for just a little bit longer, whether you want to use that to put more thought into your talent selection, or just want to hide it from your enemies for a a little.

Should this be the standard behaviour across all forms of passively granted blocks? What about Blocks that require you to use an ability, like [[Reinforce]]? It's extremely easy to gain those charges in pregame, so it should apply right away. Then there's other talents, like [[Fire Ward]], which is also easy to proc, but requires a target(as if you don't get two charges whenever you use it, though)

Also, I'm going to suggest something here as a QoL - if Block is taken, it should always display a charge counter. Right now, there's visually no difference between having zero charges of block and one charge of block, like here's Muradin's block charging up. How many block stacks do I have? 1, or 0?

submitted by /u/Spazzo965
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[KAEL'THAS SKIN] I was bored so I did a paint-over Lunar Kael'thas so that he matched the loading screen. Take a look!

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 08:11 AM PST

where is next hero (╯°ㅁ°)╯︵┻━┻

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 11:00 AM PST

(╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻

submitted by /u/ApprehensiveCapital
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Can we get the ability to hide player names above their health bar? It's useless clutter

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:56 AM PST

Especially with the space now being used for text describing CC effects. It's just uselessly confusing

submitted by /u/Miser
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HGC Oracle - 2018 Western Clash 1 - Episode 2

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 01:24 PM PST

I'm calling it: Western Clash is the BEST interregional HotS Tournament so far

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 07:45 AM PST

I guessed it will be exciting, but it's even beyond my expectations. So many incredible storylines and circumstances made this happen, some examples:

  • NA is closing the gap to EU, so the skill level of the 8 participating teams is closer overall than ever

  • this means there are virtually no stomps and every single match features teams where both of them has a considerable chance to succeed. the favorites usually pull it off, but it's never EZ

  • Heroeshearth is proving that they are a possible sleeper top team, a huge comeback story for two very lovable veterans and HGC rejects, Khroen and McIntyre, joined by a World Champion coming out of retirement, Arthelon

  • Fnatic brings in the #1 GM EU HL player, playing in Open Div, to sub for their captain, while shotcalling is on the shoulders of their new member, Badbenny. They struggle with the lost synergy and rotational edge but show some amazing teamfighting prowess, and Sonic showing off his polished skills

  • Maiev is a wildcard, she is OP, but the teams have to let her through in some drafts, so she is wreaking havoc in her games but still can't win all of them

  • the meta is shifting, there are certain patterns and favored heros, but it's not clear cut

  • Blaze is dominant, Junkrat is showing up, Malf, Uther and Rehgar are vastly above all the supports, but Tracer Tass can still win

  • Dig is the favorite but they are far from invincible

Day 2 losers bracket starts right now, it's not too late to join in. Competitive HotS is more entertaining than ever.

submitted by /u/lsg404
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I don't think it gets said often enough around here but...

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 03:08 AM PST

HotS is absolutely excellent, and treats players with more unusual playstyles the best of any MOBA out there.

I keep seeing players join the game literally just to one-trick the slug, or coming in, starting off playing one thing because it's what they played in some other MOBA, then discovering the fun of someone else, like Zerg Yoshi and falling in love with the game.

Blizzard, you did a wonderful job with HotS.

submitted by /u/AnemoneMeer
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When you need to save the support at all cost

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 11:46 AM PST

Glaurung is one sneaky dino

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 06:01 AM PST

Sneaky sneaky

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:58 PM PST

[Heccu] HGC Western Clash round 2: Post game interview with Tempo Storm

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:00 AM PST

Tempo Storm moves forward after securing a win versus Fnatic in round 2. You can check out the behind the scene press conference by following the link below. Enjoy!

Link: https://youtu.be/R2CqBTujaVY

submitted by /u/Hency_Heccu
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Auriel needs some hope.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 02:23 AM PST

Auriel needs a buff to make her at least viable. Should Auriel be played as a solo support ?

submitted by /u/Vacilisco
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[Heccu] HGC Western Clash round 2: Post game interview with Zealots

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:07 PM PST

Zealots move forward after securing a win versus Team Twelve in round 2. You can check out the behind the scene press conference by following the link below. Enjoy!

Link: https://youtu.be/uiCTul4gN5M

submitted by /u/Hency_Heccu
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Something wrong with Servers?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 07:06 AM PST

My internet is fine but whenever I que it sometimes disconnects me during the que. Then in draft a lot lately it will disconnect me for a second then go back to the draft.

When I come back everybody has an explanation point over them. Then I also get disconnected from the team chat as well. This is happening both in draft and in the actual game.

submitted by /u/FlintGoto
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Blizzard, please upload HGC games on Youtube faster!

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 03:24 AM PST

I mostly follow HGC games in youtube. I like to watch them live too but obviously the time range is so large that I cannot watch everything or I feel like it is too much time.

It is taking too long for the channel to upload the games. For instance, I would like to be watching yesterday matches now but I cannot. I may watch games on youtube even if there is a live game because the later is not interesting to me or I want to catch up with the games of my favourite teams.

In the past, uploading of past games was really quick. Now it is taking 2 days or more.

Blizzard: please upload them faster There is no editting work behind the videos I think it should be possible, you did it in the past.


submitted by /u/Monjapino
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A friend of mine did a cool Lunara fanart and I wanted to share it with you guys :D

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 08:54 AM PST

She is very talented but doesn't have that much trust in herself so please do leave some nice comments about her art if you don't mind. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/A1kzy

submitted by /u/Naraki_Maul
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Unofficial Soniclebeast Appreciation Thread

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 10:58 PM PST

This guy is the freshest thing to happen to EU HGC since forever. Watching this dude wreck TF with yolo rings and going off the carefully rehearsed "pro HOTS team fighting" script was the most exciting thing about FNC's games today. Also I love someone who can play a good Abathur.

While we all love the hell out of QuackNiix, I'd like to see our boy Sonic get signed to an HGC team on a full time basis. His performance today, especially as an underdog who everyone expect to sandbag but instead carried, shows an insane amount of potential.

submitted by /u/Farabee
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Maiev has been nerfed in 3 straight patches and she’s still busted

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 06:20 AM PST

It's really sickening watching her in HGC.

This is the type of hero that should have been nuked from orbit the first time around and adjusted from there. A hero with her kit like Genji needs to be intentionally weak for normal play in order to even be close to balanced in pro play.

submitted by /u/Dustin_Brazzers
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There is a difference between critic and toxicity/flaming

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:19 AM PST

The Prologue:

A Hero League match on Battlefield of Eternity. My team drafts Valla and Artanis (me). Valla went Hungering Arrow build and I took Amateur Opponent. Besides those Blaze, Varian and Uther.

The Match:

Everytime the Immortals come up our team led by Varian moves to team fight the enemy team. I wrote in chat that we should be racing them because we drafted for that. Our team's strength is our ability to kill the Immortal fast. The team was stubborn and insisted on team fighting. I was called out for being toxic and flaming them even though I wrote the above in a pretty respecting language.

The Morale

There is a difference between critic and flaming. Dont take every critic as a personal assault.

submitted by /u/nabuSC
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