Does anyone actually prefer the compound bow over crossbow? 7 Days To Die

Does anyone actually prefer the compound bow over crossbow?

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 09:35 PM PDT

I keep one c.bow on hand just for when I feel like playing with flaming arrows (which itself is mostly just a novelty when I'm bored) and sell off any other compound bows or parts for coins.

I simply don't like them. I've heard their overall firing cycle is faster than the crossbow, and even though I haven't looked into the xmls to verify this, I really wouldn't care even if true. I'd much rather stick with my crossbow when factoring in its ease of use, how it doesn't obstruct the screen when aiming like the c.bow does, and it's ability to fire exploding bolts.

Since I basically ignore the c.bow, is there some fantastic advantage it has over a crossbow that some people out there love, that I might be missing out on?

submitted by /u/dopaminenotyours
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New server for anyone to join!

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 05:20 PM PDT

I created a valmod server called " Rough Times Pve". Anyone can join. Difficulty is on 4. I also have a teamspeak server for it! Just started it up and got the config up and running. I'm on day 1 as the post is being typed. So if anyone is looking for a new and active world/server to join, feel free to hop in and make a friend! Server host is gameservers and im the owner "ProMazing".

submitted by /u/ProMazing
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Solar Power

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 06:35 PM PDT

I have a few solar cells but what do I put them into and how do I get it?

submitted by /u/Waterdodger123
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I read the plans for.....where is it?

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 03:28 PM PDT

I read the plans for compound bow but I don't see it in the crafting table. I don't have a workbench. Do I need that to be able to see it?

submitted by /u/bilrotheinsane
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Zombie jumps to lightspeed

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 04:17 AM PDT

Auger and Chainsaw Guide!

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 05:03 AM PDT

Question about mods

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 12:22 PM PDT

Hey guys!

Quick question over mods since I've seen a number of them in screenshots lately.

Are they okay to use on this game, or is there some sort of anticheat in place? I'd likely only be using some UI mods to spice up the look a bit from vanilla.

Also, are they strictly single player? Or would mods like that be okay on private servers with friends, or even public servers?

Thanks in advance for anyone who knows!

submitted by /u/e_0
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XBOX: What's the deal with all these hordes?

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 02:14 AM PDT

Hey guys was wondering if someone could enlighten me on a little problem i'm having.

I've set up base in a pine forest and ever since the first 7 day horde i've been hit with roaming hordes every day since. I usually get about 1 - 2 hours (in game time) before the next one which is barely long enough to clear out the bodies left behind from the previous.

Is there a setting i might of messed with by accident or does this biome have a larger chance to spawn Roaming Hordes?

Much thanks for any help or info.

submitted by /u/UndeadPhysco
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Can’t find trader quest marker.

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 01:29 AM PDT

So I just started a new random gen for the second time, and I've just completed the beginning quests and now I can't find the marker anywhere, I've tried looking at my compass and nothing, and I've planned over every inch of the map and there's no marker. I went to the quests and tried to press show on map, and just just says "Selected Quest Does Not Have A Location To Show".

It's happened twice now, is this a common bug or am I just missing something...

submitted by /u/Danielj0
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