ARMA Found the KOTH player IRL

Found the KOTH player IRL

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 04:04 PM PST

Exfil Under Heavy Fire

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 03:05 PM PST

night moves

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 08:15 AM PST

[EYE] The Map (An Arma 3 Guide)

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 06:07 PM PST


Posted: 02 Mar 2018 10:23 PM PST

Dynamic Recon Ops Question

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 06:08 PM PST

Me and my friends have started using this mod and love it- only thing is we hate the respawn system and would rather have one life only, mission fail when we all die.

Is there any way to make this happen?

submitted by /u/The_Wizard_Sparlock
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Is there any popular mode in Arma that doesn't involve loads of down time or grinding?

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 03:40 PM PST

I like the idea of KoTH but the economy system means that if I want to use a certain gun or have some fun in jets I need to fucking grind for 10s of hours which is extremely boring...

Is there nothing popular that is more free and action packed?

submitted by /u/AggressiveSloth
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How to Make AAS in Arma?

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 11:01 PM PST

So I've been playing Squad a lot lately and I love the assault and secure (AAS) game mode. I was wondering if there was any way to make an AAS game mode that will have two sides and around 6 points to fight over for in linear fashion. Like you can't take any other points unless the next point is taken. But instead of it being 50v50, I would much rather it be 10v10 but AI spawns to go assault the point kinda like minions in a MOBA. I was thinking this could be made with EDEN and VCOM so the AI acts more realistic. Any suggestions or help?

submitted by /u/Vzey
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VIDDA | CONVOY AMBUSH w CAS (terrain dev, stock ai test footage + rhs units.)

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 04:23 PM PST

I HATE Minefields

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 07:58 PM PST

Ai Kill Count/SP

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 09:18 AM PST

Is it possible to display how many units an AI entity has killed when running SP missions out of the editor? I am testing some weapon mods with AI squad mates and don't see any way to display an AI score.

submitted by /u/FordsnChevs
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Are there any vests that are thermally masked?

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 10:12 AM PST

The carryall backpack is thermally masked and work nicely with the CSAT Viper special combat suit. As topic asks wondering if there is a vest that is similarly thermally masked?

Edit: after a bit of testing in virtual arsenal the CTRG Plate Carrier Rig Mk.1 and Mk.2 (light and heavy) seem to be thermally masked.

submitted by /u/OldDevLearningLinux
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I made Glaz from Rainbow 6: Siege. Mods used: RHS:AFRF.

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 05:05 PM PST

Last Man Standing

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 01:51 PM PST

IFA3 Campaign

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 01:51 PM PST

I was wondering if it's possible to play the Iron Front Liberation campaigns in Arma 3, as the mods only seem to port the assets. Any clues?

submitted by /u/kikker12
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I just got back into Arma after a long hiatus and was looking for an idea for quite a big mission to make in the editor.

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 01:40 PM PST

My title pretty much sums up what I'm looking for. Usually I just make the usual blow up X or shoot Y kind of missions and never have really been good at coming up with my own ideas. Basically I'm just looking for someone to come up with some really good idea and I'll make that mission, giving you credit for the idea.

submitted by /u/WolfHoundAlpha
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When your glitched AI doppleganger gets his neck snapped by a teammate using a melee mod and proceeds to float in the air and rotate his head ad infinitum so you just have to hit that dab #justarmathings

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 07:53 PM PST

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