Where is the best places to look for the magnum .44 cal? 7 Days To Die

Where is the best places to look for the magnum .44 cal?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:18 PM PST

This is the only gun I haven't found either a complete one or all the parts. I've looked everywhere with no luck. All I need is the handle. Is it like level gated or something?

submitted by /u/richtofin115
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Will this type of base work?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:45 AM PST

Dishong is almost impossible to destroy

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:59 PM PST

So you know how you see stuff...and just think, what if I blew this thing up?

Dishong is the pinnacle of all buildings to try and blow up...and it's nearly impossible. Using over 2000 sticks I've only barely managed to destroy it.... and the game can't handle it. The textures are covered by some generic one that helps the game deal with all the loading. Kind of like the Diersvil Hospital. Where you see blocks are there.. But they're just phantoms.

I've taken out all the pillars in the middle and I've worked on taking out the outside..and while it tries to crumble so much of it still holds on.

So in case that was on you're to do list... Be wary.

submitted by /u/Elpacoverde
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Any advice for late game?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 10:50 PM PST

I'm almost level 100, day 60, and I'm running out of things to do, besides exploring. Any tips? What keeps you guys playing? I really don't want to restart because I've put a lot of time into this base, but I'm getting bored.

submitted by /u/JimiiRayHendrix
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looking for fellow survivors!

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:22 PM PST

hey guys, im 21 years old and from germany. i would like to play with some fellow laidback gamers, who like a good group experience and are not tryhard hardcore players. you should have some kind of experience, altough i would prefer if you didnt already had endgame experience, since i would like to discover alot of what the game has to offer with you.

im looking for a maximum of 2-3 guys, where we just hang out on evenings and fortifiy, loot craft and just have fun enjoying the game.i have currently only around 66 hrs on the game, so i know the very basics.

please write your steamname/steam ID below and abit about yourself if you are interested, so i can add you.

we can play on some freshly wiped servers, or peer2peer, i dont really care.

see you around!

submitted by /u/BurningChild
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Editing an Existing World

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:49 PM PST

So thanks to y'all I was able to successfully remove all that annoying grass that grows on normal dirt and my fps improved grammatically in those areas!

There's one issue, however. The grass is gone only from worlds created after editing the biomes xml file, but not from existing worlds. Does anyone know if it's possible to mess with whatever has already spawned/been generated?

submitted by /u/Jsmith999test
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Need help with a seed for random gen (need prison)

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:47 PM PST

Hey, I have been having a really hard time with finding a Prison POI on any random gen world and was wondering and hoping if anyone knows of one. I can't even find one on the entire map for the seeds I've tried any help would be awesome! Thanks for read

edit: This is for the PC version

submitted by /u/joe66543
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[War of the Walkers] Recipe just doesn't exist, or isn't helping me figure it out

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:52 PM PST

Generic Storage Crate. The crates you can paint the side of to mark their contents for convenient storages.

Where do you craft them, how do you get the recipe, what's goin' on?

I cannot for the life of me figure it out, and want to graduate from my scattering of Secure Storage Chests outside.

submitted by /u/I_RARELY_RAPE_PEOPLE
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Recruiting for PS4 Server - Fort Leviathan - Co-op/non-PVP

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:32 PM PST

TL;DR Co-op 7 Days server, zombies off while we build an incredible fortress, then zombies turned back on and communal survival with basically-standard settings. Add PSN Syn1334 if interested, and MENTION 7 DAYS IN THE INVITE or I will decline (many random adds).

Rules / Settings

  • Zombies off to begin with - this is because I had a massive, legitimate, zombies-from-day-1 fort on my last map, and (while I totally understand it's a programming necessity), I think it's kind of bullshit I had to give all my hard work up just to access new update features. Once "Fort Leviathan" reaches the same operational status as "Fort Fuck," zombies will be turned back on. Standard difficulty because I dislike the increased melee range (stretchy-arms) at higher difficulties.

  • "Zombies run" settings can be discussed when we're ready to turn zombies on, I'm not too attached to running or not running.

  • Standard loot settings (Respawns after 2 weeks of inactivity, standard loot density)

  • Air drops every 24hr, marked

  • 18-6 day-night hours, 60 minutes per cycle

  • All other settings are standard, as far as I can recall.

  • No PVP unless both parties agree to it beforehand. This is mostly supposed to be a cooperative server.

  • Mic not needed; I have a mic, but usually listen to music while playing, so my mic will usually be muted unless I need to say something.

I should also note that, although I'm a 7 Days veteran, this is my first real map since the most recent updates. So a lot of the newer features are still...well, new, to me. I welcome any input on how to best utilize new features.

The Plan

While my previous fortress (Fort Fuck) was an adapted & reinforced hospital, Fort Leviathan is my own design from the ground up.

Fort Leviathan's ground level is designed with two primary philosophies: the walls should defend themselves as much as possible and, in case of a breach, there should be repeated "fall-back stages". Ie, if the main walls are breached, there's the "concrete cage" to defend from within. If the concrete cage's bars are broken, we can fall back to the interior and shoot down from above, to the inside of the concrete cage. (Think "murder holes" in a castle.)

All "day-to-day" player activities which don't include killing zombies, such as cooking, storing materials, using a forge, or even farming, will take place underground. The underground, non-combative portion of Fort Leviathan is known as "Vault 7."

All players will be given their own rooms in Vault 7. Players must dig out their own rooms, but will be given the best tools possible, and will often get help anyway (not much else to do at night).

If you prefer not to live in Fort Leviathan / Vault 7, that's fine, but as 7 Days on PS4 only allows 4 people per lobby, you may be asked to leave so Vault citizens can join if the server fills up.


  • Built RIGHT on the edge of a massive cliff (~100 meters). This means one side of the fortress defends itself completely and requires no attention.

  • Hub city (0,0 coordinates) is found at the bottom of the cliff. Fort Leviathan itself is in the Snow biome, with a Desert biome located very nearby (less than 10 blocks away from the wall).

Ground Floor & Upper Levels - Main Fortress

  • Proprietary "grinder trenches" help the walls defend themselves. The walls are designed not to keep zombies out of the fort, but to force them to crawl over as many spikes as possible on their way into the fort. Although Fort Leviathan's Grinder Trenches aren't done yet, they will be much larger than Fort Fuck's, which generally managed to kill all but Ferals and Cops with 0 player help (besides very occasional repairs).

  • If they survive the grinder trenches, zombies enter the main grounds of the fort through two strategic points, allowing Fort Leviathan citizens to focus their defense on these areas. The interior of the main grounds is also covered in spikes, aside from two spike-free corridors to the Main Entrance (a hatch leading to an underground tunnel, in which we can put more doors for security).

  • "Pseudo-drawbridges" (a very fancy name for wooden frames we pick up at night) allow players to cross the grinder trenches and access the two main entrances via doors in the main wall. Will replace with real drawbridges once we have the materials (mostly Mechanical Parts) to spare.

  • Main Entrance is connected to the point where the lower level tunnel and Concrete Cage entrance meet. Upper levels are accessed through the Concrete Cage.

  • Concrete Cage is a pretty standard defensive measure, a cage made of Concrete Pillar 50's which you can shoot & loot between. Note that police explosions will still damage you through these pillars, at least to some extent. I expect that the Concrete Cage will be the primary means of defense on horde nights.

  • Upper levels accessed through the Concrete Cage. Haven't fully designed the upper levels in my head yet, but their function will be "murder hole" placement above the Concrete Cage and two main entrances.

  • Concrete construction (currently mostly rebar, just built the cement mixer last night). Will be upgraded to steel when possible.

(Underground) Floor 1 - Vault 7

Floor 1, the floor closest to ground level, is the community space. Everything on this floor is meant to be shared by all residents of the Vault.

Unlike the ground & upper levels, construction on the lower levels has not yet begun.

  • Underground farms (with light shafts to allow growing).

  • Kitchen & food storage. The kitchen will be a major part of Vault life, as I'm hoping someone will volunteer for the role of Vault Chef.

  • Crafting area with all the basics; will gradually add more luxurious things like "bulk forges" in addition to the main forge (for concrete or such).

  • Communal storage area. This is a major benefit to Vault life - if you don't need it, someone else might, so please throw it in the community storage.

  • Shooting range (It'll be a long time before we have bullets to waste, but we can use it for archery practice until then)

  • All walls in this area may be used as a communal message board - put signs with relevant information or requests anywhere on Floor 1.

(Underground) Floor 2 - Vault 7

Floor 2 is the residential floor.

  • Players may decorate the front of their rooms as desired (camo, signs, whatever). And of course, the interior is 100% up to you.

  • All players are strongly encouraged to keep their doors locked at all times.

  • All players are given a mailbox to promote player-to-player trading.

  • Going to try to encourage player-to-player economy, now that trading has been added in the game. This might mean that players will be able to open their own shops within the Vault, but further discussion needed to decide if that's practical/a good idea.

(Underground) Floor 3 & Lower

More floors can be added below Floor 2 all the way down to bedrock, as necessary. Not sure what we'd need besides what's already been covered, but the space is there.


We would need to work out a minibike garage. It would probably just be separate from the main Fort Leviathan structure, maybe connected by a bridge.

Activity / Schedule

No promises on any specific activity schedule; I'm a college student and also hopefully employed by next week. However, I only play 7 Days, No Man's Sky, Assassin's Creed, and Planetside 2. Mostly the first 3, and my last map went to something like Day 160. So while it may not be 24/7, the server will be around for a long time.


Need players to fill any of the following roles. Most players will fill all of these roles to some degree, but I'm hoping some people will want specific focuses:

  • Vault Chef - Keep the vault population from starving, and even better, increase the general wellness.

  • Farmer - Individual responsible for growing & gathering crops.

  • Security - Individual responsible for security, especially during horde nights. Should invest skill points into combat-related perks.

  • Scavenger - Pretty self-explanatory, the scavenger is focused on gathering any and all items/materials possible.

I have most construction-related perks, so other people won't need to invest in those, although you can if you'd like.

Add PSN Syn1334 if interested, and MENTION 7 DAYS IN THE INVITE or I will decline (many random adds).

submitted by /u/7101334
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PS4 looking to play with someone.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:12 PM PST

I'm on PS4 and looking for someone or some people to play with on a new game. "I'd be creating the game" PSN: (CarterC79)

submitted by /u/CarterC79
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understanding construction - hierarchy

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 08:24 AM PST

So I want to make a nice secure base. Let's assume I don't want to do a hole in the ground.

Start with wood, reinforced with wood, then reinforce with iron? Or does cobblestone go first?

Then...forget the whole thing, start over with rebarb so you can do cement? Then magic cement ... stuff from the vendor (tube of reinforcing stuff?)

submitted by /u/danielbelum
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i need some help on finishing my horde base

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:01 PM PST

Disappearing inventory - War of the Walkers

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:21 AM PST

Anyone else dealing with this?

Two of my friends and I are running the latest War of the Walkers mod. When we log, half of our backpack/inventory just gets deleted or disappears.

Is there a fix?

submitted by /u/SquibSquob
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Changing the difficulty of the zombies without making the more durable ?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 04:50 AM PST

Hey guys, so I've been playing quite a lot of SDTD with a friend lately and we've started plenty runs with different difficulty settings. The recent one being Insane. We've quickly noticed the zombies react more towards the player and sounds but are also more durable...

Shooting 14-18 arrows to kill a biker zombie or a boomer isn't that fun... but we liked the insanity of the zombies following the player from a further distance or reacting to gunshots !

On previous difficulties the zombies didn't really react to guns so we could shoot as much as we wanted in cities without being flooded by zombies, on Insane difficulty this was different.

So I'm wondering. Is it possible to change that without making the zombies more durable ?

I would still like to put 2-3 arrows to kill a zombie but I'd also like them to be a bit more smart rather than not reacting to anything. We've had hordes run straight through us on Warrior difficulty during night time... which really takes away a lot from the horror climate


submitted by /u/DeltaFury_TV
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Running a MP server on an Ubuntu headless server?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 03:02 AM PST

I want to run a MP server on my Ubuntu VPS. It is headless (meaning it has no display). Is this possible? i read here that A10.4 B10 does not run properly in -no-graphics mode, but i'm running A16.4 B8, so would this work? Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Lokiisagod
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