Smite - To the person who imported Loki into VRChat

To the person who imported Loki into VRChat

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:33 AM PST

Impressive Ymir wall

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:39 AM PST

5 Tips for Every God: Ares to Cabrakan

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:02 PM PST

Seeing as there has been a large influx of new players after the shutdowns of Paragon and Gigantic, I thought I would make a series of posts listing the top 5 tips for every god as of patch 5.1, in alphabetical order.

I will post the links to the other 9 posts as i make them.

DISCLAIMER: I am an utterly average player. If you feel I missed an important tip about a god or made a mistake, please tell me in the comments.


  1. Hitting an enemy with multiple Shackles won't multiply the damage done, but it will refresh the effects. It is more efficient to hit a different enemy with each Shackle, but refreshing the duration is also effective if there are no other gods in range.

  2. Get into the habit of Bolstering Defenses before you start a fight. The effects of this ability are subtle, but can make a huge difference in a teamfight.

  3. Ares' Searing Flesh deals damage equal to 24% of an enemy's maximum health as additional damage. This, along with the high base damage on all of his abilities, allows him to deal a large amount of damage without needing to sacrifice tanky items.

  4. Blessed Presence gives Ares a bonus to magical power when purchasing Aura items, so items like Sovereignty, Heartward Amulet, Pestilence, Void Stone, or Mystical Mail are very effective.

  5. Ares is mobile, at least at a slower pace, while channeling No Escape. Moving towards your team makes it easier for them to follow up!


  1. Always be trapping. The deadliest traps are those placed where the enemy won't expect them, like scattered in the lane or around corners.

  2. Vengeful Assault not only increases your attack speed, but your movement speed as well. Use this to escape teamfights, chase down enemies, or just run faster out of the fountain.

  3. Artemis' ult not only summons the terrible beast known as Tusky, but also grants Artemis complete CC immunity for a while after casting, making this ult a great counter-initiation.

  4. Even if you miss your ult (we've all been there...) Tusky will still charge anyone who comes into range, making it difficult for enemies to advance.

  5. Place a trap under an enemy stunned by Tusky to easily root them.


  1. Always keep in mind which enemy god(s) can dash or leap away. Prioritize keeping them inside your Entangling Vines to stop them from getting away.

  2. Energy Surge heals all allies in range for every god hit by the cone, so try to hit as many gods as possible to keep your health up.

  3. Entangling Vines remain active even if Artio changes stance. Dashing towards enemies with your Vines active will let you get within proper mauling distance.

  4. Decompose and Invigoration are more effective if you build cooldown reduction. The more abilities you can cast, the more of a threat you can be.

  5. Entangling Vines not only stops enemies from dashing out, it also stops enemies from dashing in. Try to stand between a mobile enemy and their escape route. If they aren't already in range of your Vines, they will probably dash right into them.


  1. Watch the minimap like a hawk when your ult is up. If a fight starts, you want to be there ASAP.

  2. Charge Preemptive Strike preemptively. Be ready to dash at a moment's notice, but remember that the dash will stop at the first enemy god hit. The distinctive audio and visual effect that plays as you charge up is basically like putting up a sign saying 'bodyblock me please'.

  3. Confounded enemies walk towards you, so be careful you don't lead them out of an allied ability. Sometimes it is better to walk towards the Confounded enemies to keep them from moving so much.

  4. Use Confound to stop enemy gods from leaving the Shield Wall before it detonates.

  5. Confounded enemies can still use basic attacks, so be careful not to get killed by the Hunter you just taunted. Hitting an enemy with Preemptive Strike grants you a block stack, negating the next basic attack hit, allowing you to tank basic attackers more effectively.


  1. Featherstep gives you immunity frames while airborne, so you can use it to dodge large AoEs.

  2. Riding Suku doesn't consume mana, so use him to quickly roam around the map.

  3. Try to predict when an enemy will jump. Pay attention to enemies who are likely to leap into a fight, like Fenrirs or Bacchuses, or injured enemies who might try to jump away from you if you approach them. Remember that Gravity Surge has a limited range, so make sure you are close enough to grab the enemy.

  4. Pay attention to any teammates who have a knockup in their kit, such as He Bo, Sylvanus, or Bacchus, to capitalize on their setup and pull enemies to you.

  5. Featherstepping over an enemy puts you behind them, giving you an opportunity to knock them airborne with Moonlight Charge.


  1. Chug before a fight to gain the benefits of both Chug and the Drunk-o-Meter.

  2. Belch of the Gods reduces enemies' healing, so try to hit as many gods as possible if you are against a AoE healer such as Guan Yu, Hel or Sylvanus.

  3. Intoxicated enemies will have difficulty aiming skillshots and, most importantly, running away as fast as they can. Use it to damage and impair enemies' movements.

  4. Jump on enemies from afar to start a teamfight and to single out a squishy in the backline.

  5. Only the last tick of Belch of the Gods will stun if you are Tipsy, so make sure you can hit as many gods as possible as the ability ends.


  1. If you're feeling cheeky, you can run into buff camp while it is being cleared by the enemy, eat the large monster, steal the buff, then jump away over a wall. (Spam laugh to make them feel extra bad about themselves).

  2. Regurgitate will spawn more minions for every minion you have Eaten, so try to Eat whenever possible.

  3. Butcher Blades do True Damage on every hit, so prioritise building a lot of attack speed to slice up enemy gods.

  4. Regurgitate lets your attacks hit in a cone after casting. Every enemy hit will take the damage from Butcher Blades, so remember to activate them before you start attacking.

  5. The pool created by Regurgitate cripples gods inside it, so they won't be able to escape you very easily.


  1. The Cats are surprisingly tanky and can block skillshots, so dropping them into a teamfight can cause a lot of damage, blocked skillshots, and just generally be a nuisance for the enemy to deal with.

  2. You won't be able to Pounce back to your original position if you are stunned, crippled, silenced or otherwise unable to use abilities before the 4 seconds timer is up, so be wary of enemy CC.

  3. Enemies currently under the effects of Razor Whip will always be prioritized by the Cats, so use it to control them and focus one enemy down.

  4. Declaw has a long range and slows targets down, making it good for chasing enemies down.

  5. Pouncing into a tower, slicing an enemy with a Razor Whip, then dropping your Cats on them and Pouncing out can quickly get a kill on a target usually too healthy to dive.


  1. Prioritize hitting enemy Hunters with your Scourge to shut down their main damage source.

  2. The cleave attack after using your Bludgeon is effective at clearing minions.

  3. The leap on Eagle's Rally is very flexible. You can use it to escape, initiate, chase, or just to jump on the spot to stun.

  4. Bellona can heal, gain block stacks and gain protections, all while using her basic attacks. She is a lot more survivable than she seems at first, so be careful trying to duel her down.

  5. The flag you place in her ult will grant protections to all allies, but only physical power, so keep in mind only Hunters, Warriors and Assassins will gain the full bonuses of the flag.


  1. You can't move while channeling Tremors or cancel it without it going on cooldown, so make sure you are in a good position before starting the channel.

  2. Tectonic Shift can be used to isolate an overextended enemy or to block off a narrow path, but keep in mind that your teammates can also be blocked by the walls.

  3. Seismic Crush grants you a large increase in movement speed, immunity to slows and roots, and removes the basic attack movement penalty, letting you catch up to enemies even if you miss your basic attack.

  4. Refraction Shield has a powerful stun, but it must be charged by receiving damage. Keep your eye on the amount of stacks you have to know when to activate Refraction Shield.

  5. Tremors can be channeled for a long time, but it costs a large amount of mana. Keep an eye on your mana bar if you're using this to clear!


Agni to Arachne

Camazotz to Da Ji

submitted by /u/Larry10225
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New Season and finally mastered all the gods :D

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:32 AM PST

Cerbershop Quartet: Skin Idea by ratchet600

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:00 PM PST

TIL that Steven Adams, NBA center of OKC thunder, plays Smite!

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:03 AM PST

here's a link where he says it- from 0:39 to about 0:50

It might not be a big news for Dota 2, but I think it's worth mentioning for Smite. We out here making moves!

submitted by /u/light-warrior
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Much needed Denton love I doodled earlier

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:09 PM PST

5 Tips for Every God: Camazotz to Da Ji

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:51 PM PST

Seeing as there has been a large influx of new players after the shutdowns of Paragon and Gigantic, I thought I would make a series of posts listing the top 5 tips for every god as of patch 5.1, in alphabetical order.

I will post the links to the other 9 posts as i make them.

DISCLAIMER: I am an utterly average player. If you feel I missed an important tip about a god or made a mistake, please tell me in the comments.


  1. Make sure you always maintain your passive. Use your Vampire Bats on the buff-carrying monster as soon as you start clearing a buff, and prioritize clearing a buff if you notice your passive running out.
  2. Devour almost immediately gives immunity frames after casting, so use it to dodge enemy abilities.
  3. Keep in mind that Vampire Bats only heals after the DoT has ended or if the target dies. Kill the target quickly to heal faster or retreat until the heal arrives if you are low.
  4. Keep track of the positions of your Essence Pools, and use them liberally to keep your sustain up.
  5. Bat Out of Hell makes you untargetable, allowing you to safely finish off an enemy without allowing them to retaliate or just et the hell out of there.


  1. Keep your heads Alert so Paralyzing Spit can stun. Use Ghastly Breath to quickly Alert all three heads.
  2. Use Soul Expulsion on a minion wave or buff camp to quickly regain health.
  3. Spirit of Death is extremely effective against healers or gods who are building into lifesteal, reducing their effectiveness and increasing your survivability. The area of this ability is quite small though, so stay in close range.
  4. Stygian Torment pulls enemy gods in the direction you are facing. Allies can see where they will land, so don't look around too much; if you suddenly move the enemies in an unexpected direction, your allies will probably miss their follow-up.
  5. Enemies who are immune to the knockup of Stygian Torment won't be pulled, so be mindful of gods like Terra, Thor, Jing Wei, or Ares who have immunity to knockups incorporated into their kits.


  1. Use your Shifter of Seasons buff wisely: you can switch quickly between seasons while auto-attacking and without cooldown or mana cost, so switch often. Learning which buff to use at what time and how to switch from season to season seamlessly is mostly up to practice, but if you are just learning Cernunnos, you will probably be using Summer for damage and Spring for heal most of the time. Using Winter's slow and Autumn's Protection shred is a bit more nuanced, but can be learned through practice.
  2. The Wild Hunt is fairly underwhelming in terms of damage compared to other ults, but can turn the tide of battle by Polymorphing multiple enemies. Try to hit as many people as possible!
  3. Cernunnos' Heavy Glaives cleave in a melee range, so try to get in range of minion waves or buff camps to assist in clear.
  4. Bramble Blast will persist for a long time, so use it to dissuade enemies from crossing an area. Hit the root to confirm a couple of basics or keep someone in the Wild Hunt.
  5. Horn Charge does a reasonable amount of damage, but charging into a group of enemies wil probably get you killed. Use it to finish off an enemy in an emergency.


  1. If Overflow is managed properly, Chaac will never run out of mana. Activate it before using abilities to clear wave so you can sustain longer.
  2. The ax left behind from Thunder Strike can be used to either spawn a large slowing area with Rain Dance or to dash to the ax's location with Torrent, but choosing one will despawn the ax, so you can't choose both. The slowing area can be effective in chasing an enemy team down, but leaves you unable to dash.
  3. Throw your ax one way then run in the opposite direction if you are being chased. If they follow you, jump to the ax. If they run towards the ax to catch you when you jump, keep running.
  4. Storm Call silences enemies for a long time, so use it to hit as many people as possible and stop the enemy from using abilities.
  5. Rain Dance reduces the attack speed of people stuck in the rain, so basic attackers will have more trouble killing you while you heal and reduce their damage.


  1. Use your Rabbit often. If you have enough health and mana sustain, you can theoretically stay out of base all game.
  2. Using any ability gives you a bonus to movement speed, making you hard to catch and harder to get away from.
  3. Waxing Moon stuns each enemy hit 1 second longer than the last, so if you hit all 5 members of the enemy team, you will be stunning for a total of 15 seconds, and probably singlehandedly winning a teamfight.
  4. Moonlit Waltz lets you instantly negate any damage and CC, but has a fairly high cooldown, so save it for the most damaging ability or most dangerous CC you will be hit by.
  5. Crescent Moon Dance damages from left to right, so the area can be extended by rotating towards your right.


  1. Chiron cannot die while in Centaurus. If he takes lethal damage, he can still take his 3 shots. He will die after the third shot, though, unless he gets a kill with the ult. So make sure that you are the one getting the kill!
  2. Training Exercise can remove enemy CC, so try to help allies as well as damage enemies.
  3. Target Mark shreds enemy protections, but Masterful Shot removes the mark, so it is sometimes best to wait until the enemy has moved out of range until you trigger it. After all, Masterful Shot has infinite range and is unmissable anyways, so there is nothing to lose by waiting. On the other hand, the mark will fade after a couple of seconds, so don't wait too long
  4. Herbal Medicine heals allies within range after using an ability, prioritizing allies with low health. You have limited control over who receives the heal by standing out of range of an ally with lower health, since the heal will only apply within a small range, forcing the passive to retarget to an ally who needs it more.
  5. Giddy-up is great at running down fleeing enemies, but is prone to being interrupted and can leave you out of position. Cancel the ability if you feel you've gone too far out.


  1. Stop Time has a small delay before it stuns, so some enemies will move unpredictably to make it hard for you to land Time Rift. Wait until they've stopped moving before following up.
  2. Use Accelerate to move and attack faster, as well as gaining a buff from the Wheel of Time. Healing or removing mana cost can help sustain, but the extra damage options are extremely powerful, and let Chronos do a lot of damage late game. Choose wisely!
  3. Keep in mind where you were approximately 8 seconds ago. You might Rewind in the middle of the enemy team, or inside the range of a tower.
  4. Rewind resets all your cooldowns as well as your health and mana, so get ready to use them in a fight after Rewinding.
  5. Time Rift is a small area and has a significant delay, so try to use Stop Time or another CC ability to follow up.

Cu Chulainn-

  1. Manage your Rage carefully. If you accidentally go Berserk outside of combat, you will have trouble getting your Rage back.
  2. Cu Chulainn gains a massive shield and gains extra power after going Berserk, so play aggressively and try to cause as much damage as possible.
  3. Both War Cry and Spear of Mortal Pain can CC multiple people, so try to position yourself so you can hit as many people as possible.
  4. Salmon's Leap gives quick immunity frames, so use it to jump over an ability towards the enemy.
  5. Venting your Anger does a lot of damage if you are allowed to stay in range for a long time, but it drains your Rage. If you want to go Berserk, it might be better to turn Vent Anger off and transform.


  1. Cupid's damage and healing are increased by up to 16% by his Heart stacks. Make use of them well before using them to stun with Heartbomb.
  2. Allies also benefit from running over the area left by Flutter, so use it to help your team attack or retreat.
  3. Share the Love cannot be easily picked up while on the run, so place the hearts ahead of where you or your ally is going, so they have time to react and adjust their route to pick the heart up.
  4. Fields of Love cripple all enemies inside, so use it to prevent enemies from retreating.
  5. Heartbomb stuns all enemies near the target when it explodes, so rely on your teammates to keep them clustered or use it to force enemies to spread out.

Da Ji-

  1. You can change what side Da Ji appears on after Trickster Spirit by turning around. Da Ji will always be facing towards the god you targeted, so you can use an ally as a meat shield or bodyblock a retreating enemy.
  2. One Thousand Cuts is a good ability to retreat, as it grants immunity to roots and slows and damage reduction from behind.
  3. Paolao makes you untargetable for the duration, allowing you to stay alive in teamfights and CC enemies to make your escape.
  4. Use your Horrible Burns immediately after a basic attack to quickly perform another basic attack and maximize your damage output.
  5. Keep moving while channeling One Thousand Cuts to dodge enemy skillshots.


Agni to Arachne

Ares to Cabrakan

submitted by /u/Larry10225
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5 Tips for Every God- Agni to Arachne

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:38 AM PST

Seeing as there has been a large influx of new players after the shutdowns of Paragon and Gigantic, I thought I would make a series of posts listing the top 5 tips for every god as of patch 5.1, in alphabetical order.

I will post the links to the other 9 posts as i make them.

DISCLAIMER: I am an utterly average player. If you feel I missed an important tip about a god or made a mistake, please tell me in the comments.


  1. Use Agni's ult to clear wave quickly and safely if you are planning on recalling; it has one of the shortest cooldowns of any ult in the game as well as being able to hold multiple charges.

  2. Agni's Fumes do negligible damage, but the stun allows you to easily chain abilities together. The delay on his ult is just long enough for you to place the Fumes under the meteor before it lands for an easy stun.

  3. While it is generally a bad idea to dash or leap towards an enemy with any god, Agni's dash has a fairly short cooldown, a fairly strong DoT, and is extremely difficult to interrupt. Don't be afraid to dash into an enemy to finish him off if you are very confident you can escape his teammates.

  4. While the Fumes are mostly used just before or after another ability to confirm the stun, remember that enemies will scramble to escape the cloud before you detonate it. Drop it in narrow pathways to scare away enemies trying to advance.

  5. Manage Agni's passive well. The extra damage doesn't seem like much, but can help you clear early lanes and secure kills on enemies late game. Try to have all stacks ready before going into a fight. Remember that anything able to be hit by basics will give you stacks, including Cabrakan's walls, Loki's decoy, Kuzenbo's NeNe, and even enemy Wards revealed by Sentries.

Ah Muzen Cab-

  1. Always put down Hives wherever you go, even if the enemy will probably find and destroy them soon. Ah Muzen Cab loses a lot of his survivability and effectiveness just by stepping outside of the range of his Hives.

  2. Even though Bees! do negligible damage, they are so easy to apply and spread you can easily hit both the entire wave and any gods in the area with a single ability. Remember that Bees disarm a god affected by them for too long, which can tip the battle in your favor.

  3. Use your Stinger preemptively instead of only using it to finish off a weakened enemy at long range. The cripple makes any enemy relatively easy to finish off, and the cooldown reduction effect on picking the Stinger up is too strong to ignore. If you Sting someone sitting under tower, there's no way you're getting that back.

  4. When using your Honey, remember that it needs to be activated by either a nearby Hive or a Swarm. Even if only the tip of the spray lands in range of a Hive, all the Honey will activate!

  5. While Hives reveal anyone standing nearby, they can be easily disabled by Mages or Hunters attacking from range without revealing them. So watch your minimap: if you see a hive disappear near your position, it might be a good idea to retreat and see who destroyed it.

Ah Puch-

  1. Ah Puch's Corpse Explosion has quite the delay, so use it on people who are being stunned by your teammates or cannot escape the area in time.

  2. Enemies will try to destroy your corpses as soon as they 're placed, so either detonate them or pick them up quickly.

  3. After Undead Surge is leveled enough to drop 2 corpses instead of 1, your burst damage will skyrocket. Furthermore, if your base mana is higher than 3000, the corpses will actually restore more mana than it costs to summon them, so go ahead and spam your Surge while walking in circles, picking up the corpses it drops, to indefinitely restore your health and mana.

  4. Fleeting Breath stuns any enemies that try to heal while it is active, so gods that heal over time, like Hercules, Aphrodite, Amaterasu and Sylvanus are extremely vulnerable to this ability, since they can't stop healing once they've started.

  5. Your ult stops as soon as you die, so don't panic and press the button if you're dying. Not only will it fail to save you, you'll blow your ult in the process. Use your ult at the start of a teamfight to deal as much damage as possible over a large area.


  1. Use your auras efficiently. Benevolence allows your entire team to move extremely quickly, so use it whenever everyone is on the move. Valor is effective in teamfights, but won't help otherwise. Switch wisely and often to heal yourself over time.

  2. Remember that Glorious Charge stops at the first god hit, so make sure you have a clear shot before trying to dash away from a clump of enemies. However, keep in mind that the silencing component of the Charge does pierce through gods, so you can silence someone even in a clustered teamfight.

  3. Your ult is only effective if you can get off the stun, so use it when there are a lot of people clustered up to stun as many people as possible. Also, your Heavenly Reflection can charge while you are using your ult, easily confirming the projectile after the stun.

  4. Don't be afraid to dash into an enemy who is channeling an ability to interrupt them.

  5. Don't always fire your Heavenly Reflection immeadiately after it is charged. You get a considerable damage reduction buff while it is charging, so keep it active as long as possible while taking enemy fire.


  1. Don't underestimate the pillar just because of its size. A well-placed pillar can block enemy projectiles or bodyblock enemies.

  2. Impale enemies into your pillar for an easy stun. This will take good accuracy and practice, but will be a useful tool for setting up kills.

  3. Use your ult on someone stunned by Impale to confirm all 8 spears. Also, remember that you are immune to crowd control while channeling, so don't be afraid to ult to negate strong enemy crowd control effects, like Ares' ult, Da Ji's ult, or Cerberus' ult.

  4. Remember that Impale will knock targets away from you, so using it on an enemy trying to escape might just knock them away from your team into safety.

  5. Enemies knocked up by Disperse move predictably while in the air, so you can confirm an easy Impale into a wall or pillar. Remember, though, that if you miss either the Disperse, the Impale, or both, you will both look like an idiot and probably die.


  1. The most important thing to remember while playing Anubis is that you hav eto stand still when you ult or use your Plague of Locusts. Enemy mages will try to hit you with their burst as soon as you stop moving.

  2. Anubis' Sorrow increases both the amount of lifesteal you receive and your protections, making Anubis more survivable than he seems. Sometimes, the best defence is turning around and barfing locusts on the enemies' faces.

  3. Anubis' ult does an insane amount of damage. Use it on jungle bosses, Titans, and enemy tanks and watch them melt into the ground.

  4. If you land Mummify on an enemy, they are already dead. (Unless they have Purification Beads. In that case, just wait for your abilities to come up again, and then kill them!)

  5. Slowing enemies down with Grasping Hands can make it easier to confirm your Mummify, but on the other hand, Mummify can make it easier to confirm all the ticks of Grasping Hands. Which order to use your abilities in mostly depends on whether or not the enemy can quickly escape the Hands, and ultimately just player preference.

Ao Kuang-

  1. Even though your ult can be used to dive the enemy team and then fly away in dragon form, remember that if you target uses Aegis or Beads, gets healed, or gets cleansed by Hel, Khepri or Geb, you will not be able to execute them, leaving you stranded in the middle of the enemy team.

  2. Using Water Illusion plays a distinctive sound and animation, not to mention creating a huge watery copy of you behind. Even if the enemy team can't see you, they probably know you're there.

  3. Proiritize charging your Dragon King's Sword by successfully executing enemies to increase your sustain and damage.

  4. Spending your dragons on basic attacks does more damage total, but using them at range is faster and puts you at less risk.

  5. The detonation from your Water Illusion doesn't do a lot of damage compared to your Dragon Call or Wild Storm, but it might make the difference between killing an enemy or letting them escape.


  1. Always be linked to an ally to increase your mobility and mana sustain.

  2. Keep switching soulmates to keep everyone's health up. Keep in mind that if you Kiss an enemy, you will be unable to switch soulmates for awhile, so make sure that the person you're linked with is also the one who needs healing the most.

  3. The Love Birds fly slowly, so hitting enemies at range is difficult. Kiss them so they can't move out of the way.

  4. You can use Back Off! even if there aren't enemies in range of you, since a shockwave comes from your soulmate as well. Help your ally escape, chase, or secure a kill.

  5. Your ultimate has a short cooldown and lasts as long as 2 seconds when leveled. Unlike Aegis, both you and your soulmate can heal and use abilities while protected by Undying Love.


  1. Serenade will end early if you or an ally damage the enemies while they are mesmerized. It's sometimes better to just run away than try to turn the fight around.

  2. The Moves grants you a stack of Audacity for each enemy hit, and also slows all enemies nearby as well as boosting the movement speed of all allies nearby. Use it to help allies chase a fleeing enemy down.

  3. You can't be interrupted while waiting for your chariot to descend, but you are still very vulnerable. If you are in a sticky situation, use your Serenade to buy yourself time to get to safety in your chariot.

  4. You can stay in the sky for a long ass time, provided you have enough mana. Flying long distances might leave you out of mana to use abilities and unable to fight effectively.

  5. Audacity allows you to do a lot of damage in a small amount of time, sometimes giving you the edge in a 1v1 situation.


  1. Use your Venomous Bite to heal yourself in and out of combat. When fleeing, grab a quick Bite from a passing minion wave or nearby god to make sure you get away.

  2. Even if enemies jump or dash away, they will still trail a Web behind them, allowing you to catch up.

  3. You can activate Venomous Bite and Cocoon while you're hanging from your web in Nightcrawler to save yourself precious animation time when you jump onto your victim.

  4. Spiders can block some projectiles as well as take tower aggro. Use the spiders so you can enter the tower's range without being targeted.

  5. You are untargetable while in Nightcrawler, so use it to chase enemies without being impeded or to flee a fight. Even though you cannot crawl over walls, the jump at the end can pass over thin walls.


Ares to Cabrakan

Camazotz to Da Ji

submitted by /u/Larry10225
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Ethereal Staff doesn't show the 10 second cooldown on it's label?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:05 PM PST

Former Paragon players, what aspects of SMITE do you like compared to Paragon?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:57 AM PST

I'll start. As a former Paragon player, I love the itemization system. The level of counter-building adds another layer of depth to the game and the out-play potential with certain relics is insane. I feel like even though I've been a max MMR Paragon player, that I still have an absolute ton to learn about the game.

I also love how invading the jungle is actually worth it.

submitted by /u/PSNTerrifiedPotato
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Smite Global Series

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:41 AM PST

Smite 5.1 Live Datamining – Fox Adventure and teams HUD

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:27 PM PST

Coming from Paragon and Smite just feels like home.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:18 PM PST

How is there not a Jing-le all the Wei skin for Jing Wei?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:20 PM PST

Come on Hi Rez, this is an easy one

submitted by /u/matsklein
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Don't BM, give pointers instead.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:27 PM PST

I am fairly new, I only play casual and mostly Arena. Most of the time I get around quite well (don't feed, get more kills than deaths). But as most, I sometimes land in a game where my skill is too low. Many of you know this kind situation from both sides. When I'm strugling and not coping, bming by temmates doesn't help, it makes things worse. If instead of bming I'd get some pointers, I would really appreciate that and try to comply. So to all players, PLEASE: if you see someone struggling instead of calling them names and beeing rude, try to help them. When playing with people that have higher skill I'd really like to learn something new instead of being called *** or other.

submitted by /u/9Heretics
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Lets us switch blessings in jungle practice

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:03 AM PST

i dont wanna relaunch jungle practice everytime i want to try a diffrent blessing to see how it works with a god .

submitted by /u/Starnm
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Skin idea for Cerberus

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:18 AM PST

Hi, I don't know if this has already been suggested or if it's even a good idea but here we go.

What about a Barbershop quartet where the snake head tail has the lowest voice of the four and they are all in their little dapper striped attire and pork pie hats.

I would draw it if I had the talent for sketching.

submitted by /u/ratchet600
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Skeeledon’s Ne Zha God Guide

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:08 PM PST

Following this guide allowed me to disable the fog in conquest.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:44 PM PST

This helped my fps in conquest significantly

Also, through some testing, this doesn't offer a gameplay advantage. Even though I don't see fog, I still can't see the enemies that are supposed to be in the fog.

submitted by /u/tylercarrot
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Joust is badly designed for anything competitive

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 02:35 PM PST

I won't even go into detail about how bad snowball is due to gold spooling versus experience, but there's an even more glaring issue with joust. All of the objectives have laughable amounts of health. The bull demon can be completed within just a couple of seconds at any point in the game after the first 5 or so minutes. Not only that, but the towers and the titan especially have almost no health. As it stands now, if the phoenix goes down, you have almost guaranteed lost. After watching an Ullr just walk up to the titan alone and killing it without even creeps tanking it, it's hard to take joust as a truly competitive mode.

submitted by /u/P4_Brotagonist
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Arena help for ex-paragon players

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:28 PM PST

So, I've been seeing some of these posts around lately and I thought that I might as well offer my 2 cents of wisdom for 3 of my most played gods (read: mages) in Arena. Hopefully some new players will find this useful!


Ao Kuang: you would want to build burst damage and, most importantly, attack speed.

My general build consists of boots of the magi, hastened ring, demonic grip, polynomicon, telkhines ring and rod of tahuti/typhon's fang, in that order.

The last item is up to you because rod of tahuti got a change in season 5 and it's not as good as before.

In my opinion, typhon's fang is better now as it gives lifesteal and more magical power depending on how much lifesteal you have. Therefore, it goes really well with polynomicon and your passive.

As for relics, I generally go for blink rune and, depending on the opponent's team, either purification beads or aegis amulet.

As for skills, I prioritise dragon call, followed by wild storm, followed by water illusion and finally the ultimate. However, you would want to invest a point into your ultimate once you hit level 5 so that you can start building up your passive.

Finally, don't be afraid to use your ultimate to execute an enemy, even if you have other means of killing them. Your ultimate is a very reliable escape if you manage to execute someone and, if you're lucky, you might just dive back in and get more kills.


Janus: you will want to play Janus as, well, a mage with lots of burst damage. There's no other way to put it.

My build consists of boots of the magi, book of thoth, soul reaver, obsidian shard, chrono's pendant and either bancroft's talon or spear of desolation. Bancroft's will provide some lifesteal but spear will give you more penetration and some cooldown when you get a kill or assist.

As for skills, I prioritise unstable vortex, portal, through space and time then threshold. It's a good idea to have one point in threshold immediately when the game starts as it provides a speed buff for you and your team, activates your passive and slows the enemy team.

Now, this might take some practice but Janus's general combo is to drop a portal under enemies and, after a short amount of time, throw out your unstable vortex. If done correctly, your opponents will take the damage from unstable vortex while they are still falling from the portal, meaning that they are unable to protect themselves unless if they are CC immune, which basically ruins the entire combo.

As for Janus's ultimate, through space and time, it's quite like a sniper rifle. It's how you kill far away opponents as it has a global range. However, the ultimate itself makes a very audible whoosh sound so skilled players might know it's coming. In fact, the entire enemy team is generally on edge when an enemy's dying and there's a Janus on your team. Also, if you're really desperate, using your ultimate makes you CC immune for a short while, which can really help if you're chained down by the enemy tank.

Do take note that, even though you can cast a portal under yourself to banish yourself, it DOES NOT make you CC immune or prevent damage that is already on you. Therefore, an Ares ult will still pull you and a Nu Wa's or Neith's ult will still strike you. What it does do is buy you some time as your team members come and save you.

As for relics, I generally go for Aegis amulet followed by purification beads, or purification beads followed by Aegis amulet if the enemy team has high CC.


Hades: As for hades, he used to be a tank before they reclassified him as a mage some time ago. This means that a tank build would probably still work on him although I never tried it out. Anyway, I'll be covering the offensive capabilities of Hades.

My build for Hades would be boots of the magi, warlock's staff, void stone, gem of isolation, spear of the magus and bancroft's talon. Warlock's staff and gem of isolation provides a lot of health which is very handy when you're the centre of attention in the middle of your ult.

As for skills, you will want to prioritise devour souls, death from below, pillar of agony and shroud of darkness. As usual, it's a good idea to have one point in shroud of darkness immediately as it applies blight (more on that later) in a conal area in front of you.

Hades's passive allows his basic attacks and skills to apply blight to enemies hit. Enemies afflicted by blight will suffer additional effects from your abilities, which is why it's important to have a mass blight apply in the form of shorud of darkness.

Hades also has an excellent wave clear, in the form of shroud of darkness followed by devour souls. This kills most minions if your build is right and heals you and nearby team members, which can be very helpful in certain situations. Enemy gods don't take as much damage from this combo but it still hurts a lot.

You would also want your ultimate to be on quick cast or instant cast so that you can jump into a team fight and apply blight with death from below and immediately launch into your ultimate. It also helps if you manage to use shroud of darkness before your ultimate for yet another CC on your enemies.


And that's about all the advice I have for my most played gods in arena. Hope you gained some knowledge from this and, most importantly, have fun!

submitted by /u/moonmoonderp
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I don't want to complain but when are we going to bring back the official r/Smite tierlists?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:48 AM PST

I loved those, they lead to some interesting discussions and allowed us to see how players ranked certain gods.

And with the influx of Paragon players and the new map it might help players get used to season 5 quicker.

submitted by /u/Mriom01
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Burrito Rolls Back With Season 5 Roster

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:46 PM PST

Hi, I'm OnyX422 and I'm a recovering Paragon-aholic.

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:16 PM PST

Im new to smite, but i understand mobas. I would like it if some people out there could enlighten me as to what exactly is the meta? What heroes/roles build what (specific) items (if any) and so forth. Are certain heroes considered best or worst or are they fairly equal? If it will help in any way please, feel free to inform me. I would like to learn all i can.

submitted by /u/OnyX422
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