Latest dev video MadMole said "DLC" but what he actually meant was "Post-release Updates" 7 Days To Die

Latest dev video MadMole said "DLC" but what he actually meant was "Post-release Updates"

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 11:02 AM PST

As many people (including myself) have brought up concern when the words "DLC" were uttered in the latest dev video for a game that is still in Alpha, This seems to be another case of MadMole being very bad at communicating. According to the 7 days to die forum, a post from Roland stated that he actually meant "Post-Release (free) Updates" as the game is approaching beta after A18.

Here's the quote:

It has already been established that not every single feature that they plan for the game will be released before launch. Some features will be released after launch and since they will not be driving to your house and programming it into your computer the only way for you to get the rest of the features of the game is through downloadable content. So why exactly shouldn't he mention it when it will be the way the game continues to progress after gold release?

Oh I see. You are assuming that dlc means something extra you have to pay for. That isn't what Madmole is talking about. He isn't trying to gear up for selling us something additional. He is simply letting us know that more good stuff will be coming even though we are near the end of the alpha phase and near hitting the content lock for beta and the gold release. He's saying, "Don't worry, if ABC don't make it into A17 or A18 and then we shift into beta and then finish the game, ABC will still be coming post release."

If you don't like the letters dlc then substitute in pru. (post release update)

discussion found here:

submitted by /u/Goranimation
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Server needs a couple character resets or deletes, so, How do you teach the server admin to do that ?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:18 PM PST

Dont get me wrong but this server admin is a noob, very new to server admin, but he pays the bills to give us a server to play on. He knows how to open the console but after that, he cant do anything.

so a few things I need to help out since I havent dont server admin before either.

  1. how to teleport other players and how to teleport himself
  2. Character reset and deletion
  3. Change drop on death settings
  4. change hours for night and day ( we were told this is done in the XML). please show exactly how to type the commands ( he has issues with typing/reading which is why I'm posting this not him. )

Bluefang was not helpful at all, they screwed up the server by putting it on navezgane after he told them he wanted random and gave them the server seed.

submitted by /u/Skibo1219
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Started playing last week, got a few questions.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:11 AM PST

Just survived day 7 (baby steps completed) and there's a few things I'm unclear on. I'm on Xbone BTW.

I've been watching many gaming channels and streamers play this so I'm pretty good on the basics. It's just some of the more detailed or advanced things I'm still working on.

First thing, I learned that cobblestone is pretty solid defense early stages. My bottom floor is cobblestone pillars 50 so I can safely shoot through the gaps. How soon should I upgrade to concrete or something stronger? Cause cobblestone while being basically impervious to normal zombs doesn't seem like it'll be as tough once I start getting hit by exploding cops and feral zombs. So what type of building material should I invest in long term if I want a base on the surface?

Second, I know that some items share a "level" bracket when it comes to building. Like building wooden clubs a million times to get your bow level higher etc. Which items share a level bracket? Is it as simple as attack items and construction items?

Follow up to the second, I noticed once my mass produced items got to about level 200 that spam building them wasn't getting easier. I had to build a wooden axe like 6 times to go up on level. I since then moved on to just upgrading one item to 600 using the workbench. Which is fine for the cheaper items, but when it comes to forged iron and better items it gets expensive real fast to try and workbench a level 600 iron pick axe. So is there a way to help items level up faster? Does the skill in using an item (say like construction tools) have any sway on how fast an item level progresses? Should I just get my skill in one tool real high before spam building a higher level?

And I guess lastly, what are zombies attracted too? I know the smell icon comes up when I carry smelly food, and that sound can attract them as well. But I'm reading through the sub and people say that heat (like from the forges) can also draw them in. Are there any other big factors that zombies will be attracted too? Or is it just smell, sound and heat?

submitted by /u/The_Fallen_Star
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Build a Floating Drawbridge Base

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 05:56 AM PST

7 Days to die - CBmod Experts Only - Part 02: Trying To Live More Than F...

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:59 PM PST

[PC] Treasure Under Building(Random Gen)

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 01:59 PM PST

Last night my friend and I decided to go do a treasure that I had read a previous day. We already had the area discovered and I could see it was under a building. Once we got there I circled the building trying to get as close to it as I could. Upon stepping into the area that caused the icon on the HUD to flash red it almost instantly failed. So I guess that answers what happens when they're under buildings?

Has anyone else ever had this happen? Also, does anyone know if treasures can spawn where a player has built?

submitted by /u/3lizadeath
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Please fix the console input lag or allow us to lower graphics settings on console.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:34 AM PST

I used to love this game and I logged so many hours split screen with my woman. We quit playing because we couldn't stand the input lag when you're looking around. It especially sucks when you spend all the time to make ammo and get good weapons and waste so much of it because of the lag between controller input and game output.

I don't know if it's because the consoles can't handle the graphics, or optimization. I bought a ps4 pro hoping it would help with the lag but it's still there and very noticeable.

submitted by /u/earthnarb
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PC. Need some help for the multiplayer achievements

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 03:38 AM PST

[help] Would anyone be willing to help me with grinding the multiplayer kill achievements on pc , they are the only ones I have left to get.

submitted by /u/shadededge
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