Guild Wars 2 - Chronomancer from 1328AE meets Chronomancer from 1331AE [32 Zephyr, Colorized]

Chronomancer from 1328AE meets Chronomancer from 1331AE [32 Zephyr, Colorized]

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:28 PM PST

Mesmer changes coming

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:09 PM PST

Alacrity changes coming

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:11 PM PST

The Raid LFG - This is getting a little bit ridiculous

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:02 AM PST

[Art] My Commander

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:20 PM PST

A few things to know BEFORE running Fractals of the Mist

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:40 AM PST

The gw2lfg website is still up and running. This was once the best way to find groups outside of spamming the chat

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:42 AM PST

If you need me, I'll be in my new office...

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:52 PM PST

Not sure if this has been done before, but I was goofing around in the Black Citadel and discovered that, with some judicious use of the springer, you can climb your way onto and into the highest office. (note that the metal exterior of the citadel doesn't have a collision mesh, so I'm pretty sure this is the highest point you can stand on.) No griffin required, either!

Screw Hero's Canton, this is my home now.

Edit: I also found this hilarious bit of dialogue with Gatekeeper Blomm. Charrbage confirmed.

submitted by /u/Vandorbelt
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Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:40 AM PST

The Commander Can Be Trusted

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:26 AM PST

Took me long enough. Just a common traveler and her majestic companion.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:32 PM PST

[GAME]'s Tour of HoT (NA)

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 03:30 PM PST

[GAME] has asked that I bring back the Tour with a regular schedule so I'll be doing this run First Saturday of Every Month for at least the next few ;)

[GAME]'s Tour of HoT starts at 5pm Server Time/11am CST US (North American Server) Saturday from Shipwreck Peak Waypoint in Verdant Brink: A full run through Verdant Brink, Auric Basin and Tangled Depths, and energy provided the non-Meta portion of Dragon Stand:

36 Hero Point challenges/insights (360 pts - basic glide gets you 350 pts)

We'll hit 52-54 MPs - Communes, Strongboxes + some achievement MP; basic glide gets you 50'ish

All HoT Waypoints opened

Multiple Achievements (including Golden Chicken and Disco)

Hard to Find Vistas and Points of Interest

A few random events

Good Loot & XP Zerg farm between points!

No Waypoints needed (will never call one we've not run under), basic glide get's you 95+% of everything.

Moderately paced, helpful run with my best effort for no-peeps left behind.

Whole run's a full day, 7-8'ish hours including breaks, but you're welcome to stay for an area or two (squad room allowing). We have a ton of fun; low stress 'we help each other'. New HoT players, it really is month's worth of Solo Struggle in a day. We provide specific helpful Food and Utility buffs throughout the Tour and Guild Hero Banners. Black Lion Trader and Merchant at scheduled breaks.

Will post on LFG/Open World/Verdant Brink and in Map Chat 4:45pm Server Time/10:45am CST US. Will repost on LFG and in Map Chat for Auric Basin and Tangled Depths as we enter each area. Look for 'Tour of HoT'.

And it is FREE: while tips are much appreciated, and thank you it helps cover the cost of the buffs and such, there is no charge or fee.

Name Trixi Morrigna, account name Morrigna.1704 if you need to find me. Please don't spam my chat with whispers, I'm kind of busy Tour mornings and as the run drawns near won't have time to answer ;-)

submitted by /u/Trixi_Morrigna
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[WP] ALLIANCES In Development; WvW Revamp, World Deletion Revealed!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:17 AM PST

Beware of Troll Guilds

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:49 PM PST

Hey everyone, I just want to share an experience I recently had with a troll guild. I will leave out the names of the players and their guild out of consideration for the rules.

Recently, I joined a Caudecus's Manor dungeon story mission as the last person as a member of the party had been asking around in map chat for one extra person. Everything was fine up until the very end, when the entire guild (the four members were friends in the same guild) left the mission. They later taunted that I should have tipped them if they wanted me to stay, even though they had asked ME to join them. It was really quite confusing and ultimately a massive waste of time, which is why I wanted to post this.

Has this happened to anybody else? Is this a frequent thing in Guild Wars 2? Please let me know what you think.

submitted by /u/Vonkora
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Beautiful spots of Tyria. Here are mine.

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:25 AM PST

A collection of my favorite places during my travels in Tyria. I love the lore, but the world is amazing!

Edit 1: I wanted to address the amount of character shots. Yes I do have a lot of character shots. The reason I include them is that I get many different pretty shots that can vary depending on which character I am running. I appreciate the feedback to keep in mind in the future to take some without my characters in the shot! I blame Fashion Wars lol

submitted by /u/Chyndari
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Are Anet aware fanged iboga is bugged (or it's supposed to be like that)?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:55 AM PST

Fanged Iboga is a ranger pet, and it's basic attack reads: "additional damage per condition: 338" but it's not the case. Not matter how much condition are on my target it's attack dmg is the same: around 860ish.

  can someone shed a light on this problem? Are Anet are going to fix it or just leave it be with wrong description? thanks in advance

submitted by /u/orislakman
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[Fluff] ANet Starts Talking about Marketing

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:49 AM PST

[Art] My wife drew her asura

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 11:29 PM PST

Barriers of re-entry for returning players. Loot/Inventory Management

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:41 PM PST

I'm a long-time Guild Wars 2 player who have invited several people to come join me in the game in the past. I have a few friends who have some problems with the game, keeping them from continuing to play. One of them being an inventory management from a new player perspective.

I'm sure most of us have been there, and many of us have found solutions for common issues like having too many Dragonite Ore, Bloodstone Dust, and Empyreal Fragments. They're account bound so you can't sell them, their crafting requirements may be a bit high for new players, the quests that provides the items that consumes them may be difficult or not available except during Wintersday, and they're very common.

Despite my many suggestions including doing the quest for Princess and the likes, raising their crafting levels, making a new character and/or guild for more storage space, and simply dumping those crafting materials since they're so common anyway, this player gets too focused on how it costs gems for more bank tabs and just quits instead of trying any of the suggestions. I have also pointed out that gems can be obtained by converting gold into gems, without having to pay actual money, but they've already lost interest at this point. Is this a normal reaction for uninvested players?

Is there something inherently wrong with the current loot system and inventory management where it's enough of a reason to not play this game? I've seen far worse in terms of inventory systems in other games. Is Guild Wars 2 content too focused on item/economic rewards, where playing with a full inventory is enough of a deterrent from playing altogether?

submitted by /u/LockeTrufeld
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Thief: An Alternate Take

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:23 PM PST

The Thief is one of the most fun professions in the game because it was designed for the combat system. I'm going to explore a bit of the lore, history, and playstyle of this profession in a way you may not have realized.

What's in a name? Whereas Dungeons and Dragons, and MMOs like WoW, that follow it's system tend to designate the class as a Rogue, Guild Wars decided on the name Thief. This is significant for a couple of reasons. First, it's a departure from the game's own tradition of the Assassin. Though very similar, the Thief is am entirely new class with an expanded repertoire more fitting of its new name. Simply being an Assassin would no longer cut it. Second, the name Rogue has a very different connotation than Thief. A Rogue is often seen as a rebel, and tends to be thought of as sneaky and stealthy in battle. Indeed, the DnD Rogue is almost based on its ability to sneak attack and backstab. Thief, however, is a mostly negative connotation, not of someone necessarily stealthy and quiet, but as someone who gets in, takes what they want, and gets out. Thus they can be seen as burglars, pickpockets, or simple street rats trying to survive (a la Aladdin).

Though it may conflict with the mostly noble and respectful portrayal of the commander, Thief is truly a more accurate tell of what the class has to offer. Stealth and Shadowsteps, while reminiscent of the Assassin or Rogue, gives way to blinding powder and cheap Tricks. The original quest for the Assassin in GW: Factions even describes an Assassin's work as noble; the Thief, not as much. Most importantly though, the name Thief describes its style of combat. Whereas a Rogue uses stealth to get into combat, a Thief is all about hit and run. The Thief is not a dps-based class. It is a mobility-based class. Many of its skills on various weapons give it a way to engage, and a way to retreat. It is about juggling your initiative to break aggro and slip away unnoticed after attacking. Few would dispute the supremacy of Thief mobility.

Daredevil, with its third dodge, is an improvement upon the Thief mobility. It's theme, however, is a complete reversal from base Thief. Though the Marvel hero Daredevil does fight from the shadows, Daredevils historically do not. From the start, the word Daredevil refers to a stunt performer, originally in circuses and now as movie professionals. The entire idea off a Daredevil is just to be seen, admired, and to wow an audience. A true Thief would be mortified to be in this position. Both stealth and blinds are antithetical to a Daredevil. Famous Daredevils like Evil Knievel would abhor anything that made their performance less visible.

While circus Daredevils would perform dangerous sword fights on stage, they rarely used wooden staves. Where then does the elite spec weapon come from? Japan. A Bo, like the ascended weapon of the Daredevil, is a wooden staff that some martial artists would train with and use in combat. Quick and nimble fighters, the Bo was considered an extension of their body. Both these ideas exist in the combat style of the Daredevil; in the damaging dodges and quick attacks, but also in the use of Physical skills. Whereas the Warrior throws parts of his body around in combat, the Daredevil uses his Bo, an extension of his body, to the same effect. With his flashy skill animations, nimble attacks, and unique uses of a traditional weapon, the Daredevil truly needs to be seen to be believed.

The Deadeye took the Daredevil and turned it on its head. The best Daredevil wants to be seen and known by everyone; the best Deadeye, or Sniper, wants to be seen and known by no one. A Daredevil is hypermobile; the Deadeye restricts your mobility. The Daredevil relies on quick and nimble attacks; the Deadeye uses a few slow, calculated and precise shots.

A Deadeye is a form of an ultimate Thief. While a Thief may use Deceptions and Tricks to get into a place, a Deadeye uses them to get into the enemy's mind. While Stealth alloss a Thief to retreat quickly and quietly, a good Deadeye uses Stealth to ensure they can retreat whenever they want to. When a Thief has his plan in place, he takes the object he desires. A Deadeye takes his enemy's life.

The Deadeye takes a Thief's focus, precision, planning, and even his mobility to a whole new level. Instead of stealing from an enemy, the Deadeye picks a target and begins stacking malice towards it. The more malice, the more damage the Deadeye can deal. The Deadeye chooses one enemy, and it WILL die.

As for the mobility, the Deadeye is a conundrum. Kneeling increases it's damage but greatly restricts it's mobility. And though both a sniper and a Deadeye enjoy stillness to line up a shot, they must be mobile to line up the shot, and relocate after taking it. To aid this, the Deadeye is able to remove revealed, granting it unrivaled access to stealth. Truly it has great, though unique, mobility.

The final question is what roll does the Thief and its elite specs play in a group? Though there are minor distinctions among them, the simple answer is they all should be just outside of combat. They all rely on their mobility to get them into and out of a fight.

submitted by /u/lutrewan
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The Flameseeker Prophecies STILL not working as intended!

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:13 AM PST

Back in September 2017, I made a post on this subreddit under my old account as well as on the Guild Wars 2 forum page about the Flameseeker Prophecies Legendary Shield not animating the way it's supposed to.

According to the weapon description on the wiki, and for as long as I've had the shield up until a few months ago, the book on the shield is supposed to animate and turn a page whenever you attack.

This STILL does not happen, even after months of submitting a request to Anet to look into the bug.

The shield only animates once when I draw my weapon. It's supposed to do so on every attack.

I've linked my old post for reference and more detail with two video clips showing the issue on both my mesmer and my guardian.

It's very unfortunate, as I really enjoy this shield. I put a lot of work into this Legendary and just wish it would be fixed so that it may beautifully animate the way it once did. It feels so lackluster now.

Previous Post

submitted by /u/High-Fashion
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Is Digital River charging extra fees for buying gems now?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:11 AM PST

I just looked at my checking account and saw that Digital River put a charge on my debit card for $4.50 greater than the amount I saw I was paying when I bought gems from the gem store last night. I haven't seen this before with previous gem purchases. Is a thing now - transaction fees when getting gems in-game? Or should I submit a report to Anet to figure this out?

submitted by /u/dalennau
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PSA: Add Spearmarshal's Lament to your daily farming tasks

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:44 AM PST

I see most people who farm the chests at Tomb of the Primeval Kings skipping the Trade Caches, mostly because they don't spend much time in PoF maps and ran out of Trader's Keys.

The Spearmarshal's Plea item you get when starting the Griffon collection allows to port your characters there. There is 3 Timeworn Bust of Palawa Joko chests in the area, a Rich Orichalcum Vein, and a few Trade Caches.

From there you can port to Vehtendi Academy and do the Renown Heart (talking with students) for 25 Trader's Keys.

It takes literally 3 minutes to do all this with a character, and you'll have enough keys to open every Trade Cache at Primeval Kings Tombs with your parked alts.

submitted by /u/Js_T
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