Fortnite Welcome to the New Mods!

Welcome to the New Mods!

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:30 PM PST

Hi all, aFrequ here! As some of you know we had mod applications open some time ago and we actually received a surprising amount of applications! For those that applied, we'd like to thank you for offering us your time, sadly when we put the apps up we were set on only bringing in a max of 3 (but we even broke because we have 4)! So please join me on welcoming the new moderators /u/sexualrhinoceros, /u/haveireddit, /u/dselin, and /u/necrologyx. Below are short bios for them so you can get to know them better!


Hey I'm SexualRhinoceros! I'm a 22 year old Software Engineer living in San Jose, CA. When I'm not at work, I'm at home playing games and trying my best to participate and help out in the communities for the games I love. I've been moderating large forums / chat services since I was a wee lad and am happy I can apply this experience here and help remove the abundance of br posts help the community become a shining bastion for Save the World players everywhere!


Hey I am Haveireddit, I am 22 years old and from Colorado. I've played Fortnite since around July/August. I think it's a great game with a lot of potential, and really love the overall concept of the game. I like the Fortnite community because everyone is so willing to work together and help each other out, and isn't that really what the game is about? On top of playing Fortnite I also like to stream on twitch, write code (most fluent in Java), or play other games on Xbox. Hope to see you guys in-game sometime! :)


Hey there! I'm dselin and I'm happy to be around here helping you guys out! I'm a gamer from Sweden, in my thirties working IT at a bank. I've been gaming for the last 20 years and still enjoy it as much as when I started. In my free time, I either lurk here, spend a few hours gaming or spending time with my family/friends.


Hello all, Im NecrologyX. I am 37 years old from Georgia, and have been playing all types of video games for a long, long time, probably longer than most people in this sub have been alive. I remember hearing about fortnite years ago when it was first announced, then forgot about it since I figured it was vaporware, then I saw it was ACTUALLY coming out. Preordered before EA went live and fell in love with the atmosphere of the world and how satisfying it is to shoot husks in the face. I love this community because of how helpful and friendly most people are. As a moderator for this sub I am looking forward to deleting all the BR posts that keep making their way to the STW reddit.

Huge thanks to them for choosing to help us out on the sub! Also thanks to all the people who applied, its great to see that many of you are interested in helping our community and I welcome you all to apply again in the future if we do future mod apps. Thanks for taking the time to read this and please welcome our new mods :)

submitted by /u/aFrequ
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Having a Fortnite spin on clans and calling it Survivor shelters

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:49 PM PST

Making a clan system to help people to stay connected and work well together would be nice. This would weed out the moochers since nobody would invite them into their clan. Also if you go out and complete missions, it gives bonus rewards for the members similar to how expeditions work.

submitted by /u/catsnbikess
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He's my pet now

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:11 PM PST

Epic, You're Making it Hard to Recruit Friends

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:01 AM PST

Title says it all. Here's a series of unfortunate events.

Event 1:

My friend was over the other day during my sons nap, and I was playing some STW in the livingroom. My friend was asking about the game while I was playing. Daybreak lag sends me off a cliff and kills me.

Friend: "What the hell just happened to you?"

Me: "There's a weird lag thing that happens with two minutes and fifty-five seconds left."

Friend: "Seriously? Every time or just when lots of people are on?"

Me: "Every time..."

Event 2:

My wife and I are playing STW together. I'm on our gaming laptop, she's on the PS4. We're both in the livingroom.

Wife: "I keep taking damage, but there are no husks near me."

Me: "Yeah, there's someone AFK getting hit and shared hero damage is on."

Wife: "This is so annoying!"

Me: "Well, it only happens every now and then."

Wife: "Wasn't someone AFK last mission?."

Me: "Yeah..."

Event 3:

Convinced some of my friends from my military days to play. They are also defectors from Destiny 2 looking for new homes. I'm preparing to play with one of them on PS4 using party chat. We're shooting the proverbial shit and logging in.

Me: "I don't see you on the game list to invite."

Friend: "I'm in a queue on the loading screen or something. Says it'll be done in just a minute or so."

We continue chatting; two minutes later.

Me: "I heard that--"

Friend: "What the?! My time just went to zero, I got some bull**** error message, then my time jumped all the way up to twenty minutes."

Me: "****."

Friend: "**** this. I don't have time to sit here pulling my dick waiting for this game. Want to slay that ****ing t-rex in Monster Hunter?"

Me: "Sure."

Event 4:

One of my old cop buddies gets the game; we stay in touch by gaming together. I'm giving him a rundown of how to do encampments. I start building a skybridge to place a jump pad and reveal map space. I'm telling him this is a great strat for solo play. Someone loads into the game. I fall one zillion feet and take a bajillion fall damage, dying instantly.

Friend: "Hahahahahhaha... That seems like a pretty **** way to explore the map, bud."

Me: "Yeah, I'm used to playing in Private. I always forget people loading in randomly cause this insanity."

A short while later; we've hit super encampments. Someone loads into the game. When lag subsides, he's dead. I'm unscathed because I'm PL81 in a nothing zone.

Friend: "What in the holy ball sack of Oprah was that? My system froze, and I got killed."

Me: "Someone loaded in. Remember the lag that killed me at the start? Same thing."

Friend: "I dunno about this game, man. That always happens when someone loads in?"

Me: "It's early access. It'll get better."


If you made it this far, hopefully you can see the problem. My friends can judge other games based on their actual merit and style. The sales pitch is largely unneeded. This game, in it's current state, requires me to sell it despite the flaws. And honestly, this lag stuff has been happening since October of last year. It's getting to the point where I'm selling the game to myself, mentally.

submitted by /u/JudoChopaholic
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I thought ceiling AOE's were good??

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 02:52 PM PST


Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:17 AM PST

I don't want to play STW anymore. I mean I want to but I cant. I want to be able to play solo, not because I prefer to but because I hate playing with idiots. I love playing with other people, people of a similar level to the game in hand and also with people that do their share of work. I will not commit my resources and time to a game that either we are not going to end up winning or to a game where team mates don't even chip in. A lot of the players in this game are greedy and bad. There are games where I and my friend make trap tunnels to minimise bullet spend and also just because it's really enjoyable. But team mates come and edit or build in front and then just shoot the husks anyway.... so that's not fun. Then there are games like just now. I came on and tried to play the level 40 (im lvl 39) plankerton mission that gives 25 vbucks but I can't play because out of the last 20 attempts over 10 minutes, everyone in the lobby has been ranked 15 to 20 and even with my FORT stats I can't drag them up high enough and o refuse to carry them. Why do they even try to play a level 40 at that level, why CAN they try?

I'm so tired and sick of this it really makes me not want to play and right now I can't play, unless I wanted to waste my resources and time for a loss. If only I could join missions solo where the number of enemies was reduced. If not quartered then halved would be something.

submitted by /u/PleaseBuyMyGoods
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Picture of my finished (for now!) home base :D

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:58 AM PST

Home base pic

Wanted to submit one more picture of my Homebase as its finally finished... Can't promise I won't add anything else though haha. Also here's a link to a video tour of the base,also the first video on my new YouTube channel (sorry for the plug)

The game turned into night unfortunately as I was recording but may consider doing another tour during the day for easier viewing

submitted by /u/him921
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Epic, will I be able to see who I'm playing with when Patch 2.5 drops?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 01:47 PM PST

I play on PS4. Still unable to see player names on the HUD after all this time since the bug first arose. Maybe one of the other three names show up whereas the other two are blank. Many times the other three just have a "1" where their boosted level should be. Can't even check the player list because at least two of their banners are stuck in a perpetual loading loop. Can we expect a fix in this upcoming patch because I'm sure I'm not the only one?

submitted by /u/Panaorios
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Posted: 12 Feb 2018 09:32 AM PST

Please give all of these 10 year old kids their own chat log that they can complain about who scammed who and who wants to trade. The chat log use to actually be useful to help out players with missions or SSDs. It's just full of spam requests.

submitted by /u/CHIEFHUSKER
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Defender AI suggestion

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:57 AM PST

We need to talk about these loot llamas, and how to make them feel more rewarding...

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 03:45 AM PST

I am not against lootboxes and RNG when it's done right, and Epic has implemented a few things in the llama system that I do really appreciate that I will get to in a moment. However, I am currently sitting on some vbucks that I don't want to spend in STW right now. Why?

It's simple: I can't think of one time when I bought a llama and thought "Well that was worth it." Far from it actually, I have gotten multiple legendary duplicates, terrible terrible rolls on weapons I liked, and more Base Kyles than even the most hardcore constructor player would want. The current system is less like breaking open a real pinata, and more of a "Oh god, how bad is it this time?".

The truth is this system does not feel rewarding, and while you totally can get lucky, the value of a mediocre or bad llama is VERY hard to rationalize, when for the same price I could get a lot more in other games.

My solution: Now the worst feeling is seeing that gold glow, and getting something you don't want. So I propose that if we roll a legendary, allow us to select from 3 different legendary cards that we can inspect, and see the perks. You already have a similar system implemented, which is a great start, but this would take it a step further.

Example: If I get a couple Super People Llamas, which are limited to 1 or 2, I do NOT want an unusable lead survivor, or another defender I will throw straight into a transform. That should be the type of stuff you get in the gameplay-rewarded llamas, not a paid product. It is not fun to spend $25 (Canadian lol) and have THAT to show for it, BUT if I got to pick a Lead Survivor that I actually needed or a hero instead of another defender, even if it wasn't exactly what I was hoping for I would feel like the money I just spent didn't just get swept away by a broom (literally).

I love STW and I want to see it succeed and am totally wiling to spend some money, trust and believe that if the llama system feels better it will incentivize more people to buy them (and come back again and again) which is kinda the point of the system, but in it's current state I don't see myself being able to rationalize any more purchases.

submitted by /u/claytonsnow
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Building a better husk trap

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:49 PM PST


The purpose of this guide is to take a closer look at designing efficient killboxes like the 2x1, as that's typically all you need.


Previous guide:

I like my killboxes cheap, effective, and with corners/turns. Cheap because early on people are always blowing up your traps with their bad play and who wants to farm (I sure don't). Effective because if you're spending the resources on traps you want to get as much bang for your buck. Corners/turns because wall launchers and wall darts are not very effective in a straight tunnel. This guide assumes you know how to get the husks to enter your funnel.

Wall Darts, your friend in the early areas

Early on stonewood/plankerton husk density is lighter and your weapons can usually clean up the trash without much problem. Some traps are more expensive than others and you want to refrain from using expensive traps if they aren't needed in public matches. Wall darts coming in at 2 mech parts and 0 nuts and bolts are cheap and therefore great for your early areas.

A lot of people will spam these all over the objective walls and perpendicular to any paths that husks may walk. Since they can fire 3 tiles we should try to make the most of that.

The 2x1 killbox. The first wall darts will be able to activate and fire up to 3 tiles towards the oncoming husks as they approach. The two side darts will have 2 tiles of coverage each. The exit darts can have up to 3 tiles of coverage if you were to have the funnel exit face directly towards the objective. This is a very simple layout, but we can build it better!

With two 1x2 walls we've increased the path that the husks must travel. I usually choose not to extend a 1x2 across the funnel entrance as I feel that it places extra stress on the north wall. Also interferes with my wall launcher setup later on. Let's try a few more modifications.

Wooden floor spikes are relatively cheap as you can use any you find lying around regardless of their level for slow. They can also drop in supply drops later on. The wooden floor spikes slow the husk's path through the traps.

I replaced the west wall with a floor launcher instead of wall darts. Any husks which manage to enter the 2nd tile will be bounced all the way back to the east wall. They will then have to slowly make their way back west while being shot by reloading wall darts before they can make their escape, or possibly be bounced again. Having a wall launcher with reload perks is huge at preventing the forward path of husks.

Early on you likely won't need the extra firepower of expensive ceiling traps and a setup like this can delay and help thin the trash. The corners/turn helps utilize the 2 tile launching range of the wall launcher and gives the wall darts 2-3 tile coverage. It doesn't kill everything, but it doesn't need to. If you need more firepower you can always throw on ceiling traps.

Super Gas Trap

Ceiling traps are all expensive; especially the gas trap. If you're going to use a gas trap then you will want to maximize how much it can do to make sure you get your monies worth. Ideally you want every husk to walk under that gas trap. If you could have a husk walk under the same gas trap a second time or third time well...

Here I took the 2x1 design and am using 2 wall launchers (west and south wall) and one gas trap above the entrance tile. The south wall launcher (the one on the right) will bounce husks out the way they came. Gas is persistent for a few seconds and applies affliction. Husks that enter the tile will be gassed, bounced, or gassed and bounced. Husks that survive the gas or sneak past the first launcher will have to make their way to the 2nd tile where the west wall launcher (left side in pic) is primed to bounce them back to the east wall and back under the gas. Only by surviving/dodging the gas, dodging the south wall launcher, dodging the west wall launcher, while being slowed over the wooden spikes, will the husks escape this trap setup. It might not kill everything, but it will kill a whole lot for a single ceiling/dps trap. Not enough firepower? There's room to expand.

Overhanging an aoe ceiling seems like a logical choice (nature damage so less effective vs. fire). As husks funnel under the aoe ceiling most of the 3x3 target area will be occupied by husks and get hit. Gotta get that maximum coverage.

Additional options available to you should you want additional firepower are the two wall slots or the ceiling above the 2nd tile. Darts? Dynamos? Single Target Ceiling? The choice is up to you, but most of the time I leave my 2x1s with just a single gas and aoe ceiling as that's all I need.

Ramp Killbox

A nice option for the top of ramps. Husks are slowed, gassed, and bounced back the way they came. You could also overhang tires to roll down the slope if that's your thing.

Now I'm starting to get cute. Instead of launching husks back down the ramp I launch them off to the side. The second floor tile can be built if it doesn't exist naturally (though watch out if it gets destroyed). The second floor tile contains a floor launcher and an angled roof (connected to an angled roof over the gas trap) as a second layer of trap resets. Any husk that gets bounced by the wall launcher or floor launcher will have to walk back up the ramp and back under the gas. The reason why I have two angled roofs is so I can use the 1x2 wall to extend the path over the floor launcher (angled roof can't connect to the 1x2 wall).

Although I prefer trapping the top of the ramp, sometimes it's too close to the objective that it will cause smashers and propanes to be problematic. Alternative is a killbox on the bottom of the ramp, though it's limited in what it can do with a single tile.

Hopefully you have a good gas trap (or know someone who does who can make you a stack or two). I typically only use 1 per funnel when needed so a stack can last a while. These trap layouts are pretty basic but that's usually all you need for thinning the trash. It's important to consider the number of people you have on your team, the element, and how thick the waves are (bomb waves being really thick) so you don't overtrap or undertrap. Thanks for reading and happy trapping!

submitted by /u/Reikyu09
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It's raining smashers!

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 03:06 PM PST

Best Support/Tactical

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:12 PM PST

What's the best tactical/support for UAH solider?

Also for Dragon Scorch as well?

submitted by /u/rarepixel
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Repair the Shelter w/ Bugged medbot. Crap mission now. Epic QA please....

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 10:47 AM PST

The changes in the last patch to the Repair the Shelter mission has made it just an extreme pain in the ass to do.

A Bugged Medbot and the Number of repair modules reduced to 8.

Medbot has a hitbox that is bigger than a 1x1 square. Mobs now spawn in the hitbox and do damage to it. As a result, Medbot is always dies

The number of modules was reduced so its now an extreme pain to find the 8 manually now.

We were all happy with how the repair mission was before the patch. Whats with the change? And where is your QA?

submitted by /u/eperb12
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Custom Fortnite controller case!

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:53 PM PST

Quick Question (no upvote)

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:57 AM PST

When does the love in the air quest for save the world start?

And if it's already started I don't see any quest for it in my quest bar or option to play t

submitted by /u/NickGraddy
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Can anyone help a noob?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 05:16 PM PST

I have a few questions after battle royale got me to buy STW.

  1. Is the only way to level up your power levels through SSDs?
  2. Is the llama system the main way to get new/best stuff besides the main question
  3. how long is the game jesus
  4. y is stamina a thing
  5. I don't know the metas for building
submitted by /u/_ImFizzy
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[Rant] How do people get to Canny without having any idea on Base designs or even simple funnelling?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:37 AM PST

I get the constructor daily quest so I'm like "oh cool guess ill do some super easy 46 levels." (74 here).

Load into a fight the storm, start making a simple pyramid where the husks funnel to the roof to get hit by 4 wall darts. People proceed to stand on it and bait in propane and smashers.

Next run people shoot in the funnels to explode the entirety of the tunnel with propane.

Next people just build a giant 2x2 box for retrieve the data, followed by a complete lack of trapping.

Do these people even know that trapping makes the game 1000x easier? Don't even get me started on the cancer that is the global chat. "Trade any1???"


submitted by /u/Yqb13153
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Repair the Shelter us not Fun

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 01:23 PM PST

I don't like running around like a headless chicken for ages SEE-Bot is just annoying Takes forever

Is there any tips anyone could give because for now I'm only gonna be doing it if it's really necessary

submitted by /u/TPAMhac
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Which sniper?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:36 PM PST

FROSTBITE: 10% DMG -30% Recoil 21% Crit Chance 20%DMG 10% DMG Changes Damage type to water blah blah headshots....

TRIPLE TAP: 14% Crit Chance 12% Fire Rate 20% Headshot DMG 20% DMG 10% DMG Changes DMG to Energy, Causes Affliction.

ONE SHOT: 30% Crit DMG 15% DMG to stunned, staggered, knocked down 20% Headshot DMG 30% DMG to stunned, staggered, knocked down 10% DMG, Fire affliction

Can't decide which is best to use to take out lobbers with my constructor.

submitted by /u/OnlineDead
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Smg sound bug

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 02:10 PM PST

So before i start, i dont have the video of it right now and have tried many different workarounds to see if i can fix it myself but with no reslove other than turning sound off or exiting and rejoining match. Anyways the bug itself i havent figured out what intiates it but i do know i cannot use the smgs for more than 2 clips or so because if i do they act as if they are still shooting even if im not or switch to another gun, until I do either of the above it will act as if im still firing the annoying little snappers. No one else hears it in the squad only me. Is this an issue where i shouldnt use the smgs, until fixed and is this just me? I had asked multiple people before posting this if they had this issue and they had all said no. Edit-spelling and grammar. (Also this is for stw, i know it could seem like i was asking from br but this is stw)

submitted by /u/riChArd_Long21
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With good rolls, which is the best AR out of the Razorblade, Siegebreaker, or Hydra?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:21 PM PST

I am currently trying to get a 3-Star AR but not sure which to level there if they all have good rolls. Any advice is appreciated, TIA.

submitted by /u/MattP12
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Opinion on rolls after buying Super Ranged Llama?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:21 PM PST

Deathstalker (Legendary): 15% Dmg to Aff > 15% Dmg to snared/slowed > +45% Mag Size > 20% Dura > 20% Damage (I realize this entire gun is shit, but eh)

Ranger (Legendary): 15% Dmg to stun/knock/stag > +14% Crit Chance (Base 10% crit chance btw) > 22.5% Dmg to Aff > +45% Crit Damage > +28% Crit Chance

Bearcat (Epic): -20% recoil > +10% damage > -30% recoil (accurate as fuck shotgun) > +10% damage as FIRE and causes AFFLICTION

Scoped Deadeye (Epic): +10% Dmg > +15% Dmg > +30% Dmg to stun/stag/knock > +20% Dura

Shockwave (Epic): +10% Dmg > -30% recoil > +22.5% Dmg to slow/snare > +26.7% headshot dmg

Vendetta (Epic): (Think this is the best one) +15% Dmg to slow/snare > +20% Headshot Dmg > +20% Dmg > +10% Dmg (ENERGY)

Now I am a F2P player, so it's rare I gather enough vbucks to afford one of these, so Im listing it now since it'll be a while till I do it again. Was waiting for troll truck and had 1460 vbucks, but I saw that Super Ranged, and couldn't resist. Tho I also feel like I got shafted :/

EDIT: Also forgot I got storm tickets, so I got a Llama and I got this warhammer (i love warhammers)

Warhammer: -7% Dura Decay > +14% Crit Chance > +21% Crit Chance > +10% Dmg as WATER and causes AFFLICTION. Base Crit is 20%

EDIT 2: Also forgot, I have the Hydra that's fairly well leveled. So if the Hydra just beats out all of them, let me know that too lol. But even if it does, I'd still like to know which of the weapons I got is the best.

submitted by /u/Psychatix
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Save the World: Casual / Strategic / Puzzle Player Friendly?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:06 PM PST

Enjoyed Battle Royale but much more interested in the PvE Co Op aspect of the game!

Been looking for a new game for my girlfriend and I and wanted to get an idea from the community of how casual can this game get. My girlfriend does not enjoy shooting-heavy games, but we've put HOURS into games like Dungeon Defenders where we play to our likes; she's the main builder and enjoys strategizing funnels / choke points while I do the quick running around and pew pew.

I've done a good bit of reading but haven't come across the right info yet. I read that playing 2 players can be difficult on certain missions, but we do not mind the grind if it's enjoyable.

In short, is it viable and fun if she plays constructor class and mainly focuses on traps while I run around and harvest resources with just us 2? Can you win most missions with someone who only builds strong traps? Definitely would consider random pub players, but am trying to avoid it for now. Plus it sounds like AI Defenders are no good from what I've read.

And I guess I'm missing the part where you can build your fort that you can continually use for missions? Can someone shed some light on this for me? I'm taking it as you farm for resources as you play, and then you can build something persistent? I can see this something fun doing together. If anyone has any suggestions for beginners guides / videos that explains this, I'd be grateful.

Much appreciated! Looking forward to getting some insight that will just make me buy the game already, just need to justify it some more by knowing my girlfriend will enjoy it! I'll be sure to update if we do play as well.

submitted by /u/_Kevster_
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