Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-02-12]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-02-12]

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 09:05 AM PST

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: Firebase Hades - Loot a Lost Sector near Firebase Hades. Event Horizon - Successfully complete a public event. Pikejacked - Steal a Fallen Pike and use it to defeat 20 enemies.
Titan Lost Sectors: The Rig - Loot a Lost Sector in the Rig. Arcology Scavenger - Gather 10 Alkane Dust. Scourge of the Fallen - Defeat 75 Fallen enemies.
Nessus Lost Sectors: The Cistern - Loot a Lost Sector around the Cistern. Event Horizon - Succesfully complete a public event. Scourge of the Vex - Defeat 75 Vex enemies.
IO Lost Sectors: The Rupture - Loot a Lost Sector in the Rupture. Event Horizon - Successfully complete a public event. Scourge of the Taken - Defeat 75 Taken enemies.
Mercury Lost and Found - Complete a Lost Sector. Avid Gardener - Gather 10 Simulation Seeds. Interception - Commandeer a vehicle and kill 10 enemies with it.

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Point Blank - Defeat 20 enemies with precision attacks at close range. Null and Void - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Void attacks. Ricochet - As a Sentinel, defeat multiple enemies by throwing your shield, 5 times. Concealment - As a Nightstalker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your smoke grenade. Devouring Void - As a Voidwalker, defeat an enemy using Bloom.

Heroic Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Trigger Discipline - Defeat 2 enemies without reloading, 10 times. Null and Void - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Void attacks. Ricochet - As a Sentinel, defeat multiple enemies by throwing your shield, 5 times. Concealment - As a Nightstalker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your smoke grenade. Devouring Void - As a Voidwalker, defeat an enemy using Bloom.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Quickplay High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. Payback - Defeat 5 opponents who recently defeated you or a teammate. Look Them in the Eye - Defeat 10 opponents at close range.
Osiris Quickplay The Hunger - Defeat 15 opponents with Void final blows. The Professional - Complete a match with a personal efficiency rating greater than 1.0. Deadeye - Defeat 10 opponents with Precision final blows.
Competitive Rocket Beats Everything - As a team, defeat 20 opponents using Power weapons. On A Roll - Win back-to-back rounds 3 times. Hold My Light - As a team, rapidly defeat 4 opponents.
Osiris Competitive Pack Hunting - Defeat 20 opponents with two or more participating players. Hot Streak - As a team, remain undefeated while defeating 3 opponents, 5 times. Deny Their Supply - As a team, load Power ammo 3 times before the opposing team loads any.
Mayhem Child of the Sun - Defeat 15 opponents with Solar final blows. Double Play - Rapidly defeat 2 opponents, 3 times. The Big Guns - Defeat 5 opponents with Power weapon final blows.
Trials of Osiris Tribute - As a fireteam, defeat 150 opponents. Fulfillment - Win 10 rounds. Judgment - Win 5 matches.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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I bit the bullet and loaded up D1 yesterday

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:34 AM PST

As the title says, I popped D1 into my PS4 yesterday just to get some nostalgia, since I've been seeing a lot more people up here talk about doing it. I immediately started tinkering with my armor, with most of my AoT sets still on my character. I threw on Defender to relive the glory of Bubble Boy at full power. I had to mess around with my stat distribution, since I was sitting at a little too much Intelligence, which was already more thought than I've put into any D2 loadout.

I pulled up the Heroic Strike director and saw the modifiers were void burn and small arms. Word of Crota, for sure. I was plowing through waves of adds like it was my job. The rest of my loadout was The Winged Word and Dreadfang, so I could deal with any other pesky adds my HC couldn't plow through.

I actually got a full team of 3 for the strike, and loaded in with some kind of combination of the WotM gear and exotics. Rocking the Midas shader, because if you're not a goldie you're an oldie.

I played the first strike with two other Titans, then the following strike with one of those same Titans and a new Warlock. I loaded into the third strike with that same other Titan who, upon loading in, saw that I had changed my gear to the complete WotM set. He did the same, even swapped to the Midas shader too, waved, then left. I was so heart broken :(

I went back to the tower after this to decrypt some engrams. While I was there I got a party invite from a level 23 and level 18 duo, who wanted me to help them run through the Black Garden mission, which I gladly did. Made sure to show off my Outbreak Prime, Darkdrinker, and Sleeper Simulant.

One of them added me on PSN, saw that I had D2, and started fawn over the fact that I had beaten Leviathan. It really made me feel like the legendary Guardian the game wanted to build me into.

I miss having moments like this. I logged into D1 for barely 2 hours and had more meaningful interaction than I've had in 6 months of D2.

submitted by /u/Cr4zyC4t
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Back in D1 we could select our Crucible gametypes, our strikes, and we could replay campaign missions whenever we wanted. This NEEDS to be brought back!

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 09:25 AM PST

The campaign is a huge portion of Destiny 2's content, why the hell are we so limited in our ability to replay it?

I want to play through it with my friend who just got the game, but it specifically prevented me from doing so until he got his light back "because he hadn't done the prologue yet".

Now that I can finally play through the campaign with him, it's now a case of "you can only do each mission once, until it happens to be with Ikora on a certain week or one of you makes a new character".

That's fucked.

Give us the ability to replay ANY campaign mission whenever we want, EVEN THE PROLOGUE! The same goes for letting us select specific strikes, and specific Crucible Game Types. These are such unbelievably basic things and they seem like they'd be relatively easy to implement, so why we don't already have them is beyond me.

submitted by /u/Azurephoenix99
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Bungie please consider increasing ammo reserves for Sidearms/SMG in PvE ... by a lot.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:27 AM PST

Both those type of guns are super fun for me, to be honest single shot Sidearms got quite nice punch in close range and aint that bad as I thought they are but problem is ammo. Same with SMG but on lesser scale. You just cant bring those guns into Nightfall or even Heroic Strike without running out of ammo constantly and its kill any reason to use those guns.

Sidearms should have at least 350 ammo reserves and 900RPM SMG should not have lower reserves than 720 ARs which got 700-800 ammo reserves.

submitted by /u/chmurnik
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I would rather chase random rolls on weapons & armor, than cosmetic items in Destiny

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:56 AM PST

In Destiny 1, I went for God roll weapons, and armor that had high stat values with perks that went with my playstyle/build. I could chose which strike to play for strike specific loot. Each faction had their own powerful weapons, and it was neat leveling up to receive rewards that could roll something interesting. Trials and Iron Banner had weapons and armor that could roll great combinations as well.

Playing for cosmetic items and emotes in Destiny 2 feels far less rewarding. I could care less if I get the featured dance emote.

submitted by /u/SporesofAgony
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This probably says a lot about me as a person, but I feel pretty much lost with Destiny 2 being so bad.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 08:10 AM PST

I haven't tried going back to D1 yet, but I may try it soon. I've been throwing some money at other games and nothing sticks for long. Pretty depressed about D2. I wish I was joking...

Edit: I shouldn't have put "so bad" in the post title. The game is in a bad place but I still play it and I hope it gets better. I think I have a bad case of the Mondays which makes my feelings on D2 a little worse.

submitted by /u/Woody_777917
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Destiny 2 – Welcome to Crimson Days

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 09:03 AM PST

Is it odd that I miss the Moon as a location?

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 05:28 PM PST

With the hive structures and derelict human settlements, it carried with it such a dark and genuine sense of foreboding. That sort of darker tone is noticbly absent in D2. Makes me miss even Omigul..

submitted by /u/TheSenate1138
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DFP Presents: Drop The Mic - A Fighting Lion Montage

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 02:40 AM PST

We all know the game is in a bad place, I hope watching this video gives you hope for the future of Destiny 2. The only way is up from here on in. I hope you enjoy - - Shoutout to Roger of 4a Studios for the amazing editing.

EDIT The video just got accepted on the creations page <3

submitted by /u/fimi_sheikh
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Glitching into Atheon's Throne Room from Patrol

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 09:36 AM PST

Now as a disclaimer, /u/Djxyz0 was the first to do this in a spectacular fashion. I just found an easier way that everyone can do if you ever want to explore.

All you need is the "Come At Me" emote to get here..or anywhere for that matter.

It took me awhile to find walls thin enough to breach using this method, but I finally got it done and can explore at my hearts content.

Video is 5 minutes long. I usually do short videos because time is precious, but I shortened it as much as possible.

submitted by /u/JewBoy300
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I miss 3v3 elimination

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 03:52 AM PST

Specifically 3v3 elimination for Trials of Osiris. The interplay between 3v3, light-level enabled, kill-centric (with an objective spawning on overtime), one death but revive-enabled gameplay was something special. It made each kill pivotal, and the momentum of each round largely swung back-and-forth between each team depending on which team could make plays.

Countdown has its similarities, and I guess Survival does to a lesser extent too, but for a myriad of reasons these gamemodes just feel like stomping-grounds for team-shooting 4-mans. There seems to be much less individual play potential with the capacity to turn the tides of a game.

Of course this is largely attributable to the sandbox, but I think that there's a lot to be said for how these two gamemodes, alongside 4v4, are more conducive to the aforementioned issues than 3v3 elimination. Moreover, for me personally, running 4-mans feels like it's a bit of a crowd, wherein 3v3 allowed me to establish closer rapport and better mould my playstyle to accord with my two teammates.

I'm not sure where this post is going by way of suggestion, but I'd love to see Bungie introduce a Legacy mode that alternates between 3v3 elimination, 6v6 control, 6v6 rift, etc. Or maybe something similar, anyway.

submitted by /u/luljosh
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Bungie Pls, Bring back Court of Oryx/Archon's Forge style encounters in a future content addition

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:29 PM PST

Those were always fun to grind and really enjoyed grinding them for a few hours. They were always fast paced and could get really hectic with the combat style.

The only Public Event that is sort of like this is the Hive summoning on Titan. That is my favorite Public Event in the game because its the closest to a Court of Oryx encounter. If we could have something like that with bosses that are stronger than what we have right now in Public Events and more variety I would play that constantly.

submitted by /u/BooYeah0484
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Bungie, love the new prestige mode idea but why can’t we also keep the current prestige Leviathan active every week?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:52 AM PST

Is there any reason why we can't have 3 levels of raid activity available every week? Not sure about EoW but we already have a "standard" prestige Leviathan. Why does that one need to go away?

Personally, I think the proposed system is really cool, I loved looking at the modifiers for PoE every week and coming up with some novel loadout like using sidearms on weeks with catapult so I could plink every add in sight and rack up points for assists when they got bombed by grenades a few seconds later. It was great to come here at reset every week to see all the posts with suggestions too. But I can see why that's not for everyone, and some people just want a harder version of the base raid.

A weekly raid on top of hard modes worked pretty well for AoT, so the solution seems pretty simple: Just rename the current prestige raid "hard mode," keep it in the permanent rotation, and then the new weekly raid becomes prestige mode. People still have a more standard hard mode to do every week if they want, and then we also have the new "curated" weekly raid with modifiers and gear restrictions. Everyone wins.

edit: The loot tables are a different matter, I didn't want to get too deep into that. There's some discussion of that below in the comments. In a perfect world we could get a new weapon or two to add to the table but there are a number of ways to reward people for doing any of the three difficulty levels.

submitted by /u/John_Demonsbane
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My partner got a PS4 for the first Crimson Days

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:01 AM PST

We had always played games, mostly split screen co-op. I think she was missing me as I was playing a lot of Destiny (we still do) So she got herself a ps4 for valentines so we could play Destiny.
PvP is not her thing but I said I needed her help for a limited time event - this is from her first pvp game in Destiny

Enjoy Crimson Days with your mates, Guardians.

Edit: gifv Thanks :)

submitted by /u/artmgs
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Just found some cool pre-worm pact Hive fanart

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:42 PM PST

Aurash (Oryx)

Sathona (Savathun)

Xi Ro (Xivu Arath)

The artist is Andrew Soman.

For some context for the uninitiated, before the Hive were worm-filled, omnicidal, Darkness-worshiping immortals, they were a pretty "normal" frail and short-lived species. After the death of a king and the impending disaster that would wipe them all out, his three daughters sought the power to take back the kingdom and save their species. The three sisters were Aurash (Oryx, the Taken King), Sathona (Savathun, the presumed Taken Queen), Xi Ro (Xivu Arath).

They discovered the worm gods who serve the Darkness, and they made a pact with them involving a symbiotic relationship. This symbiosis gave them immortality and access to Darkness-based magic in exchange for constantly killing to "feed" their worms.

Also, all Hive are born female until they take a male morph in a later life stage (the knight morph, or the king morph in the case of Aurash/Oryx), and wizards are the productively capable females (formerly known as "mothers" before all the magic), so this is why Aurash/Oryx is referred to as one of the sisters. Interestingly, despite taking the knight morph (biologically male), Xi Ro/Xivu Arath still uses female pronouns.

The lore info is from the Books of Sorrow (written by Seth Dickinson), which is basically the multi-part memoir of the magnificent god-king Oryx from Destiny 1's The Taken King expansion. Aside from being a great piece of lore that chronicles the Hive's entire existence before the games, the characters (particularly Oryx) are actually well-developed and strangely sympathetic despite being omnicidal space demons. It's no longer on the Bungie site, but you can read it here if you haven't already. I didn't expect to type all this lore stuff when I clicked "submit post," but I just wanted everyone to have proper context as to why I think this art (especially kawaii Aurash) is so cool.

submitted by /u/CrownedInFireflies
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Just a quick appreciation post to whoever did the sound in D2

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:54 AM PST

I recently got a headset upgrade for Christmas from my wife, and the sound is incredible. From the gunfire, to random enemy vocals, to the music. Fucking amazing. Thank you Bungie

submitted by /u/PunchBro57
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The reason D1 felt so good to me just happened to today.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:52 PM PST

So I decided to take a little break from D2 and put a some time into D1 again. After all I put thousands of hours into it, why not give it some love again.

I load into an Omnigul strike and immediately I groan, "Not Omnigul, that screaming bitch", I said. But I played through because why the hell not.

I get to the end and we take her down after a (hate to say) somewhat challenging fight. Mostly because I forgot how hectic the room gets. The chest pops up and I decided to open it because again, why not. Out pops a "God roll" Grasp of Malok (Counterbalance, Feeding Frenzy, Perfect Balance....blah blah blah, basically the works) I look it over and get a little smile with that feeling (Satisfaction, success, you name it) I have been missing from D2.

There is really no point to this post, but it was a trip back that felt really good. Thought I would share.

Edit: screwed up the title

Edit 2: Because some people don't believe me, why, I don't know. But here you go.

submitted by /u/wikiweak
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Hey Bungie, could you bring back weapon reload speed to gauntlet armor?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:48 PM PST

One thing that I loved about D1 was building your play style around things like that. Running Eyasluna and sniper? Put on my arms that give reload speed on hand cannons or sniper. I dont care much for mods but adding this including mods would make us feel more powerful.

submitted by /u/domzilla15
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Focused Feedback: Trials of the Nine: Matchmaking, Rewards, Meta, Gameplay & Comparison to D1 Trials of Osiris

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:58 AM PST

Hello Guardians,

Focused Feedback is where we take the week to focus on a 'Hot Topic' discussed extensively around the Tower.

We do this in order to consolidate Feedback, to get out all your ideas and issues surrounding the topic in one place for discussion and a source of feedback to the Vanguard.

This Thread will be active until next week when a new topic is chosen for discussion

Whilst Focused Feedback is active, ALL posts regarding 'Trials of the Nine: Matchmaking, comparison to D1 Trials of Osiris, rewards and Gameplay' following its posting will be removed and re-directed to this thread

Below are some example posts of ideas / feedback already provided of which may be of interest regarding the topic:

Any and all Feedback on the topic is welcome.

Regular Sub rules apply so please try to keep the conversation on the topic of the thread and keep it civil between contrasting ideas

A Wiki page - Focused Feedback - has also been created for the Sub as an archive for these topics going forward so they can be looked at by whoever may be interested or just a way to look through previous hot topics of the Sub as time goes on.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Here's a useful guide for all fellow Guardians who don't own a super powerful gaming PC.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:02 AM PST

Destiny 2 is indeed a gorgeous looking game, and it's one of the rare games that don't have to be played on the highest settings in order to look pretty. D2 looks brilliant even on the lowest settings. However, since this game is a shooter after all, every FPS counts. That's why I've made a guide where I explain the things that are taxing on your rig but aren't exactly worth the FPS loss.

You can watch the video here:

submitted by /u/rayzor20
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Bungie should make it harder to earn exotics not easier.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:23 PM PST

Remember doing raids as it was the best way to earn exotics? Destiny 2 does not have this what so ever. We need better exotics that have a difficulty to get.

submitted by /u/Bingbong2187
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Ran Prestige raid last night, didn't finish, still had an awesome experience. Raid mods are exactly what the raid needed and rewards are exciting.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:23 AM PST

My raid group has been playing together for years, and we had largely stopped raiding after Leviathan came out the first time. The raid didn't feel rewarding, etc. etc. That has all been litigated before. However, we've always completed all the raids at all the difficulties, and I assumed we'd crack prestige at some point, even if we weren't in a rush.

We tried the prestige raid a few weeks before the recent update, and we ran baths for a little before giving up. We felt weak, and we weren't sure the rewards would be worth the frustration. Baths, for whatever reason, was really causing problems for us. It seemed to be something different going wrong on every wipe, and we were just out of sync. Anyway, we quit, and we didn't come back.

Until last night. With the new raid mods and promise of drops for every encounter, we decided it was time. We jumped in, played for about 3 hours, and completed Dogs and Baths. We ran gauntlet, but we didn't finish.

The short? The mods feel great. I'm constantly thinking about switching to my energy, getting melee kills, and adjusting my gameplay to get more and more power for every shot. It's awesome. The raid mods could do more, and I thought it would be even cooler if the Prestige gear gave higher values on perks (35% instead of 25%, for example), but they're great. They're an awesome step in the right direction, and they make the raid gear feel special without making me feel like I have to wear it outside the raid all the time because the perks aren't universal. Great.

Also, the BEST change of all is the drop system. Drops rained down on us after completing each encounter. Masterworks aplenty. I got two masterworks prestige armor pieces, the raid helmet (finally), a masterworks weapon, and tons of tokens to buy the gear I missed. Even better? I don't feel like it's pointless for me to run the early encounters because I really want the helmet. It dropped from dogs, and so every encounter feels like a possibility for gear I want.

Anyway, I wanted to give a virtual high-five to Bungie for this. If you haven't come back to raiding yet, give it a shot, especially if you have old raid gear in the vault that you never found useful. We had a blast only completing two encounters, and, had it not been for the time, we would have played for hours more.

TL;DR New mod system and drop mechanics are super rewarding and fun without being unnecessarily restrictive. Kudos, Bungie.

Edit: words.

submitted by /u/Shifter331
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Here is why trials convey such frustrations on top of being totally broken right now.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 03:00 AM PST

right now in trials if you are average or even above average either you are stomped by stacked teams or you stomp team but then face the risk of people quiting giving early on rematch giving you a loss anyway. (because you met the same people over and over they quit)

but that's not the reason why trials is a broken mode.

let's say you have 8hours to pour in over the week end that's about 50 games.

  • if you are top 50% you have about 15% chance of reaching flawless after those 50 games.

  • top 60% => 41% chances

  • top 70% => 74% chances

  • top 80% => 95% chances

  • top 86% => 99% chances

the game mode is made to discourage average players and is doomed to failure by maths.

how can they change this? add a loss erasure system:

  • you need to reach a score of 10 on your card.
  • a win gives you 1 point
  • a loss sets you back 1 points.

here is what the previous chances would look after 50 games:

  • if you are top 50% you have about 36% chance of reaching flawless after those 50 games.

  • top 60% => 76% chances

  • top 70% => 97% chances

  • top 80% => 99% chances

this system would give better chances to the bulk average to reach flawless without handing it over them easily.

this moves trials from a top15% playground to a top 30% playground which can make a big difference.

edit: another option

I did the maths and the best maybe something like need to reach 16 points on a card with win giving 2 points and loss removing 3 points here is how it would be compared to current system (that's with no SBMM) :

  • people in top 100% have 0.0% vs 0.0% chances after 50 games
  • people in top 90% have 0.0% vs 0.0% chances after 50 games
  • people in top 80% have 0.0% vs 0.1% chances after 50 games
  • people in top 70% have 0.8% vs 0.8% chances after 50 games
  • people in top 60% have 7.0% vs 5.7% chances after 50 games
  • people in top 50% have 31.8% vs 19.4% chances after 50 games
  • people in top 40% have 71.2% vs 46.0% chances after 50 games
  • people in top 30% have 95.5% vs 78.0% chances after 50 games
  • people in top 20% have 99.9% vs 96.8% chances after 50 games
  • people in top 10% have 100.0% vs 99.9% chances after 50 games

here is the (crude) python code for those wanting to play :

you can tweak sbmm_range variable (0 = strict SBMM, 100 = no SBMM)

submitted by /u/amezibra
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Boss Exploit for A Garden World

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:51 AM PST

First off, credit goes to /u/AstralRehab for posting about it here.

The idea is to kill the first Shielded Minotaur, but leave the next one alive. The boss drops its shield and doesn't move, which means it will sit there like a rock while Pulse grenades tick away at it.

If you're on a Titan you can wall up and chuck grenades. It's riskier for other classes because Dendron does resume firing the Chronology Rifle, so dodging Minotaur shots by jumping becomes dangerous.


submitted by /u/VoidGrazer
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