Dead by Daylight Weekly No Stupid Questions Thread - February 12, 2018

Weekly No Stupid Questions Thread - February 12, 2018

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:14 AM PST

Welcome newcomers to the fog! Here you can ask any sort of questions about Dead by Daylight, from gameplay mechanics to the current meta and strats for certain killers / survivors / maps / what have you.

Some rules and guidelines specific to this thread;

  • Top-level comments must contain a question about Dead by Daylight, the fanbase surrounding the game or the subreddit itself.
  • No complaint questions. ('why don't the devs fix this shit?')
  • No concept / suggestion questions. ('hey wouldn't it be cool if x was in the game?')
  • No tech support questions. ('i'm getting x error, how to fix this?')

  • /r/deadbydaylight is not a direct line to BHVR.
  • Uncivil behavior and encouraging cheating will be more stringently moderated in this thread. We want to be welcoming to newcomers to the game.
  • Don't spam the thread with questions; try and keep them contained to one comment.
  • Check before commenting to make sure your question hasn't been asked already.
  • Check the wiki before commenting; your question may be answered there.
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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When survivors turn on each other

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 04:52 AM PST

new killer confirmed?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:55 AM PST

Doctor gets fat shamed (Pretty good job so far)

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 10:09 AM PST

Since Valentine's coming... here's some Dwight x Locker love!

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 10:42 AM PST

New Event Cosmetics Speculation

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 10:53 AM PST

Tagging as spoiler since this is technically leaked info, even though it's months old.

Customizations that are confirmed to be in the gamefiles

Trapper "Welder Outfit": Head/Mask - Torso

Hag Outfit (This was actually released in the Anniversary update but was taken away shortly after): Head/Hair - Torso - Weapon

Jake Outfit: Torso - Legs

Dwight Outfit: Torso - Legs


David King Outfits: "Security Guard" - "Brawler"

Feng Min Outfits: 1, 2 - 4, 5 - 6, 7

submitted by /u/BreadPear
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Honestly, This Sub Should Be So Lucky To Get The Memes They Do.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 02:05 AM PST

I've seen all all over the sub lately, many peope complaining about "Thotful Thursday". Going from saying it's a stupid idea, to literally calling the mods hitler...if I'm being honest, this sub should be so lucky to get the memes they get.

There are SO many gaming subs that have memes banned, and if they're not banned they have them on a certain day(Meme Monday over at r/halo , r/injustice and many others), and if not that, low effort and bandwagon memes are removed on sight(r/tf2 and r/witcher for example). This sub has access to post however many memes they want on any given day besides Thurdays. This sub has no rules about the quality of the meme, you could literally just photoshop a killers face on an already popular meme and it'd be 100% okay(in fact, I see this done A LOT). This sub is SO lucky when it comes to memes and yet it's still not enough to a lot of you. So stop! Y'all are acting like teenagers. "OMG so much filters!" "OMG the mods are literally Hitler!" "OMG Remove Thotful Thursday!" Honestly, it's disgusting behavior. If you wish to voice your opinion, feel free to do so! But you don't need to act extremely bratty. :/

These mods do a lot to try and make this sub better and they get absolutely shat on for it. Thoughtful Thursday's creation was made from the overwhelming majority of people who voted for it to happen. So, can everyone chill on the "mods just want a power trip" crap? That makes no sense at all that they'd get a power trip over a community voted thing...

Thoughtful Thursday is ONE DAY away from the constant spread of memes everywhere, where people can share their artwork, ideas etc. without it being overtaken by memes( usually low quality ones at that), it's honestly sad. So, can everyone just chill the heck out and just get over it already? By all means share your opinion, but don't be such a hate monger whilst doing it to anyone and everyone who disagrees. :(

submitted by /u/throwawayfamilybull
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The Keeper: Graveyard Keeper Killer Concept.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 06:39 AM PST

Garry Davidson was always a solemn man. He kept to himself on his bad days, and on good days he might mutter a "good morning" as he walked by. Every day he left his cottage, and walked down to the graveyard. He would engrave the pieces of stone, and lower the caskets into the ground. Day in. Day out. He never complained. Someone had to do it.

But every once in a while he saw something that made his skin crawl. He would see the small caskets. 3 feet, 4 feet, 1 foot. Lowering these into the ground were always the most difficult for him. Taken out of the world so soon, and he had to be the one to show them the door.

One day, another casket arrived. Barely a foot. He knew of this child. It was the ugly duckling, the unwanted child. Garry knew about the parents. Nobles, sociopathic and vain as they get. Garry didn't need much evidence.

He snuck into their estate. Shovel raised high, he killed them. Clanging metal cancelled out their screams. But the town found out. He was tracked down to his cottage, and they burned it to the ground. They never found his body. All there was was skin.

The Keeper is a cloaked skeletal figure. He is the size of the Trapper. He wears a Grim Reaper cloak, that has various dark brown belts and buckles around it. He wields a large dirty shovel. He wields this in one hand, and in his other he holds a small wooden coffin.

"I feel like the Entity is mocking us. One thing has always been clear with this realm. Death doesn't exist. We don't stay dead. But are we even alive? Is this something we should count as life? And now we have a Keeper to watch over us. I saw this skeletal figure, emotionless and unmoving. He held a child's coffin, and I looked straight into it. While I stared, I felt my body lighten, and I felt free. Death, this little respite between the Fog and the Campfire. This was a per-versed feeling. It was just a precursor to the death He would deal."

Ability: Ugly Coffin

The Keeper can channel his ability on a survivor to draw them into the Underworld. This can only be done on Healthy, Injured, or Dying Survivors. Once the action is completed, a grave appears over where the survivor was brought into the underworld, and the survivor disappears overworld. The channel requires LOS. If LOS is broken, the channel cancels.

The Keeper can go to the underworld in a 3 second channel.

The Underworld is a darker foggier version of the over world. Graves are dotted around. There are no generators or pallets or hooks. In this world, the Keeper moves at 130% speed. In the Basement of the Underworld, there is a portal to the over world. In the Over World, there is a portal to the Underworld.

Also in the Basement of the Over World, there are 2 shovels. If a survivor in the Over World has a shovel, they can dig up a grave of a survivor in the Under World. Once this is done, the Survivor is pulled out of the Underworld and is teleported to the spot where they were initially pulled in. Shovels have 5 uses.

When a survivor exits the Under World by any other means than the Keeper, they get Revival Sickness. Revival Sickness lasts for 60 seconds and causes the afflicted to have 25% slower action speed.

The Keeper can bring a dying Survivor into the Over World. Dying Survivors in the Under World are put into the Injured State after 30 seconds.

"Your parents were so wicked. Don't worry. You're safe now."

Weapon: A large shovel. It is speckled with bits of mud and dirt. The Keeper holds it in one hand, and swipes to the side. The cooldown animation is hitting the shovel against the ground twice, whacking off dirt and blood.

"A tool used to lay people to rest. Now it does it forcefully."

Mori: The Keeper draws the Survivor into the Under World. Anyone in the Underworld can still see it. The survivor starts to get up to run, but tiny skeletal hands of children poke up from the ground and grab their feet and legs. As they struggle, the Keeper puts down the coffin and holds his shovel in 2 hands. He swings at the survivor's neck, then swings again with the blunt side at their head. The skeletal hands drag the survivor underground as the Keeper picks up his coffin.

Map: The Graveyard is a large hill. In the center of the map there is a large tomb with the basement in it. The tomb is on top of a hill. The rest of the map surrounds this hill.


Burial Rites: No matter how pointless it is, you give people their last rites. Whenever a survivor dies, through sacrifice or death, you gain 5/7/10% increase in movement speed for 40/50/60 seconds. "If only we could die."

Shallow Grave: Once they're caught, they've already been buried. Dying Survivors crawl 40/50/75% slower. *"I'm tired. I'll just lay here for a bit.

6 feet under: While in the basement, Survivors move 10/20/30% slower. "We walked straight into our own grave."

submitted by /u/Loneboar
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Why do Survivors just ignore their 3 billion+ ping?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:10 AM PST

It's annoying. It usually goes in that there's a group of 3 survs with like 60-70 ping, and then there's one fucker fluctuating wildly from 180-460 who just absolutely refuses to leave, meaning I have to close the lobby and waste everyone else's time.

Why? Why is it ALWAYS like this? I have extremely rarely actually seen someone with huge ping leave the lobby.

submitted by /u/TheHatRemover
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Something we all wanna do at times ...

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:39 PM PST

Regarding Idiotic Pigs

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 01:14 AM PST

Why in the sausage-rearing fuck do pigs always tunnel the person with the bear trap on their head? Do they not realize that this strategy completely negates the purpose of putting a beartrap on someone?

submitted by /u/Meatbag37
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Somehow prestige the wrong character.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 10:36 AM PST

I wanted to prestige Bill.. game sort of bugged out a little and now I've somehow ended up with a prestige 1 David who was only level 23. His blood web didn't reset either.

How the hell does that happen?!?

submitted by /u/HoxtonIV
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Disturbing looks at the social media of DBD (PART 9)

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 02:56 PM PST

This is a repost and I have maintained calm for most of my DBD career, but I just CANNOT FATHOM why Killers get 0 pip progress from someone that DCs within 5 minutes. WHAT THE FUCK?

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:22 AM PST

Proof. It even says on the Wiki that the +4 is after 5 minutes. Beforehand, if you didn't hook them (likely because they specifically DC before getting hooked), you get NOTHING. FUCKING NOTHING. If you get 1 DC it's impossible to double pip, 2 DCs impossible to pip, 3 DCs impossible to safety pip, 4 DCs you FUCKING LOSE 2 PIPS.

I completely fail to see any reason for it to work this way, especially combined with you getting 2 Killer Goals if someone DCs during the loading screen.

I guess maybe if the Survivors haven't been "compensated" for the DC with one less gen, then they and the Killer need to be "even" or some shit? If that's it then it's absolutely flawless logic, especially when a 4-man SWF DCs as soon as someone gets picked up without DS and the Killer not facing a wall, so the Killer loses 2 pips.

People who DC most commonly do so because they're toxic, so if anything losing pips actually rewards them, because they're deranking to shit on lower rank Killers.

submitted by /u/Zephandrypus
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Praise the holy David King.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:41 AM PST

The Hag's Horribly Horrendous Happening that she Hated

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 09:49 AM PST

It was a day like any other. The Hag was chasing a member of the tactical and infamous terrorist group, Squadette, and eating 3 Gas Heaven pre 1.9.0 amount of pallets at the same time. She had just downed this flat ass bitch and was about to crack her neck open instead of hook her as she could already see the other Squadette's preparing their lightsabers. As that ominous looking white bar reached it's full potential and made his pappy proud, The Hag fainted.

"Oh fuck not again the last time this happened I was eaten alive" said the Hag except it more or less went along the lines of "HYEGH" as that's the only noise you can make after becoming an undead abomination who's sole ambitions in life are:

Vengeance Done!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

Slapping people and then eating their liver

When she woke up, The Hag was lying on the cold, heartless and very muddy floor of Backwater Swamp. Confused, she looked around and saw a television set with a JVC HR-XVC25U Hi-Fi Stereo VHS Recorder VCR DVD CD Player Combo connected to it.

"This isn't Gideon Meat Plant what the fuck is going on." proclaimed the Hag. Suddenly the TV screen flickered on and a sinister yet slightly sensual voice came out of the speakers

"Lisa Sherwood, this is your wake up call. Every day of your confusing afterlife, you have been ridiculed and been told you are trash. Now it's time for you to get what you truly deserve, if you believe you deserve. Beside you is Frederick Charles Krueger..."

The Hag looked around her to find there was nothing there.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. I can only see things that are viable"

The TV was still projecting that alluring voice.

"You both must run across this map from one end to the other but you may use your abilities. There are no survivors here to interrupt either of you. The person who reaches the other side last will get nerfed to the point where death would be more pleasurable."

"Fugg." exclaimed Lisa

They both started running and Hag, even though she couldn't see him, knew Frederick was beating her due to his 115% movement speed was greater than her 110% movement speed. Then she remembered. Before this, The Hag had placed all 10 of her traps at a hook that was directly at the other side of the map because fuck Claudette. After this brainstorm, she proceeded to rip off a piece of her tattered and discoloured rag on her body and consume it. Her hidden ability was activated.

The Hag instantly teleported across the map and touched the wall proclaiming victory. She didn't feel sorry at all for Frederick which, although a bit mean, was justified as he was stealing all of her precious BP.

The Hag heard that luscious TV voice again. "Congratulations, Lisa. You have proved that you take your precious afterlife for what it's worth. Have a buff soon, kiddo."

Hag then, due to her gracious victory, ate 10 livers that night.

TL;DR: Fuck Decisive Strike

EDIT: you're -> youre

EDIT 2: Holy fuck this fucking grammar

submitted by /u/color_blind_ness
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They couldnt wait till Valentines Day :P

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:26 AM PST

Dead By Daylight Valentine’s Cards

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:05 PM PST

Hi guys! 👋🏻 I made some awesome Valentine's Cards for my DBD Friends, and they got a lot of love, so I thought I'd spread them to this amazing subReddit! Hope you enjoy! Dead By Daylight Valentine's Cards

Edit: All killers are now present! Thank you all for your support and pushing me to finish what I started. 😊

submitted by /u/LadySapphireFox
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My DBD screenshots have been messed up for a while. Although I thought I'd share this.

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 11:08 PM PST

New Perk Ideas!

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 12:42 PM PST

So I was kinda bored and decided to think up some new perks. Let me know what y'all think.

Survivor Perks

Indestructible: You are not capable of pain. Everytime you get hit, you have a 2/4/6% chance to take no damage. Luck does not increase the chance.

Tracker: Unlock's potential in one's aura reading ability. Everytime a Survivor is hooked, see the Killer's aura for 5/10/15 seconds.

Unwavering: Despite the worst odds, you do not give up. When saved from the hook, your movement, repair and healing speeds are increased by 10/20/30% for 15 seconds.

Killer Perks

Unstoppable: Your resolve is unbreakable. Everytime you hit a Survivor, have a 1/2/3% chance to instantly down them. If successful, the Survivor's bleedout speed will be increased by 25/50/75%.

Shattered Hopes: You love the feeling of despair. Any Survivor in your terror radius performs actions 10/20/30% slower. Your terror radius is reduced by 30/20/10%.

Heroes Demise: Heroes are not welcome in the fog. For each Survivor pulled off the hook, gain a 3/6/9% reduced cool down on successful attacks, and a 3/6/9% increased cool down on missed attacks. Only works for each Survivor once.

Well? What does everyone think?

submitted by /u/ToanGreenlow
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Amanda and Evan have fights over who gets to use the traps

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 06:45 PM PST

Evan kicking down doors looking for Amanda as she steals his traps to make her RBTs.

Amanda stepping onto a trap as she goes back to steal one of his traps.

Evan waking up to an RBT on his face.

They're like the romcom couple that murders people.

submitted by /u/UCAP_DeLuSiOn
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The positive thing about the Doctor on the Gideon Meat Plant is that, with the new Emblem system, you're going to constantly be gaining Evader points.

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 09:33 AM PST

So you'll actually be getting extra pips to compensate. Guessing that isn't intended, but it fits nicely with the Doctor.

On the other hand, stalking the Doctor to stay in his terror radius to farm points isn't really going to be possible with the other Killers. You can move locker to locker, but that's unreliable.

Kind of unrelated, but might help you against the Doctor: another thing about the Doctor that I'm guessing a lot of people don't realize is that the madness gained over time depends on your distance to the Doctor. So even if his terror radius covers the whole map, if you're at the edge of it then you're going to take much longer to go up in tiers.

submitted by /u/Zephandrypus
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No Mither needs a slight change

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 02:19 AM PST

I bought DBD a couple of weeks ago and I've been loving it so far. The survivor I enjoy playing the most is David King. I think his injured synergies are really unique, interesting, and fun.

That was until I got to rank 10 or so. Once the killers got better I noticed how hard they tunnel the No Mither user and how useless the revive effect becomes when they aren't stupid enough to leave the survivor in question on the ground. No Mither is a really cool perk imo, but I think the inherent issue with it is that the killer instantly knows someone is using it when the trial starts. (Because your survivor picture shows that you're injured and you have a "no heals for me" icon right above that.)

I think a good change for No Mither would be to start the trial full HP like everyone else, but after taking damage you can't be healed from that point onward. After being injured your allies should able able to see the "no heals" icon but the killer shouldn't. It's not like any of the other survivor perks are on display like that. The killer should have to deduce if the player is using it by a lack of blood trail, less injure grunts in a chase, and the fact that no one is healing this one guy.

I think this change would also make David's other perk, We're Gonna Live Forever, make much more sense. The effect activates by unhooking a survivor or taking a hit for them. Taking a hit has 0 synergy with No Mither right now, but that could become the trigger to activate your injure synergies if this change was implemented.

I don't think this would make the perk too strong either. The meta perks right now are things like self heal and sprint burst, so I don't think people will suddenly be scrambling for a less obvious No Mither that still literally cripples you for the entire match. It'd just make No Mither a perk that can be used more stealthily and maybe stop killers and fellow survivors from abusing you after the trial for "using a troll perk".

No Mither essentially counters itself with it's own mechanics right now. I'm not asking for it to be buffed and become a god tier perk. The change I'm suggesting has advantages and disadvantages for the injured build. All I want is for No Mither to actually be a viable option that works as intended.

I'm sure those of you who play competitively don't care what happens to this perk, but I'd like to hear what you guys think about this idea. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/Meta-Battler
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teleported to a pallet as the hag , and got stuck inside it .

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 07:30 AM PST

so basically i was playing the hag in the Léry's Memorial Institute map . and a survivor stepped on a trap that i placed on the pallet . and i teleported to a dropped pallet and got stuck there for the rest of the game .

submitted by /u/Phoenix_Kw
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A sketch of Jake drawn by my awesome friend!

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 11:14 AM PST

What’s everyone’s problem in mid tier ranking??

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 10:10 AM PST

I've been stuck in limbo between ranks 14-16, because literally half of the games I play, I get stuck with people who camp hook. What's the fun in that? We had 2 people use bloody party streamers, and at the beginning of the game, I got tunneled into high heaven and hook camped until I died. This was with a doctor who literally kept spamming the screaming move so he could see if anyone was making a move for me, and then the NEXT GAME I got camped by a huntress. What are these people's problem? They get talked so much shit after the game by the entire survivor team, and try to defend themselves. This isn't camping on a scale of "Hey, the gates are on, I may as well camp this for a secure kill since it's the least I could do." This is legitimately, 3 minutes into the game, I'm getting tunneled so hard that by the time I get down, 3-4 gens are already done. I don't ASK to be chased, okay? I don't use a flashlight, I don't use decisive, so why are people so set on being dicks?

submitted by /u/josephmsz
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