War Thunder [Vehicle] AMX-13 DCA 40: Anti-Air Tank

[Vehicle] AMX-13 DCA 40: Anti-Air Tank

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:20 PM PST

Once the AMX-13 was developed, it's chassis proved itself to be a very versatile one throughout the vehicle's service life, taking on many different roles if certain adjustments were made. Thus, it's not surprising that French engineers considered the AMX-13 as their first choice to serve as a base on which one of France's first post-war mobile SPAA units would be created.

During and after WW2, the French army relied for the most part on American M16 MGMC half-tracks to provide the desired AA cover for ground troops. In the early 1950s, French engineers looked into the possibility of manufacturing a native mobile SPAA vehicle, based on either the new Panhard EBR armoured car or the AMX-13 light tank. After examining both possibilities, the decision was made to base the new SPAA on the chassis of the AMX-13 light tank. The weapon of choice would be a single Bofors 40mm anti-air cannon, mounted in an open topped turret. Once the prototype was constructed, a one year long testing period followed. Testing showed that the 40mm cannon was no longer suitable for use against the high-speed jet aircraft in use with most modern air forces of the day. Thus, the project for an AMX-13 SPAA armed with a 40mm autocannon got cancelled soon after testing was concluded. However, although the version with a 40mm cannon was quickly abandoned, the concept of the AMX-13 SPAA wasn't entirely dropped. Instead, a version with dual 30mm autocannons was developed, successfully tested and subsequently entered mass production as the first French post-war mobile SPAA vehicle.

Overall, the AMX-13 DCA 40 is one SPAA vehicle French tankers and SPAA fans will strive to get when progressing through the newly added French ground forces tree. It's enhanced mobility, protection and firepower are a direct upgrade from previous vehicles, making it not only much easier to use, but also more fun. What do you think? Have you had the chance to try out the AMX-13 DCA 40 yourself yet? Or did you already received a large hole in your left wing from it? Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below. Until next time!

For more information, read the full article on the Official War Thunder Forums![forum.warthunder.com]

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