Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-01-24] |
- [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-01-24]
- Surviving Destiny's Dark Days: A Guide for the Guardians Who Still Enjoy Playing
- Everyone complained that the Trickle modifier in Destiny 1 was anti-fun, so Bungie removed it from Strikes. So why on earth do we seem to have an intrinsic Trickle modifier on all the time in Destiny 2?
- Why has Luke Smith, the director of D2, been so quiet through this all?
- I'm worried that all of the complaints about Eververse and microtransactions are going to take away from the core problems of Destiny 2, the changes in gameplay from D1.
- Bungie, stick to the Diablo 3 formula. Speak to your colleagues at Blizzard. Admit you are wrong!
- I kinda miss Titan Skating, Warlock gliding and Hunter dodge.
- Cosmo’s tweet about tomorrow’s TWAB
- Jim Sterling: Destiny 2 Is In A Bad Place Right Now
- Hey Datto, since you need Destiny content but don't want to make rant videos, why not try to get into Bungie and interview some of the Devs?
- DeeJ on Twitter: "We have some course-correcting to talk about before we can celebrate the things in Destiny 2 that we're very proud of, but we will get back to that once we have restored some confidence on the path forward."
- As long as Destiny keeps the Guardian Barbie formula and loot doesn't MATTER, it will continue to be a failure.
- Destiny under 1k viewers on Twitch
- Record beaten again - only 121k guardians played Trials last week
- While on a Sparrow, lateral thrust immediately before landing from any height to take no damage.
- Leviathan Raid Completed in 19 Minutes 11 Seconds
- I try and make my guardian look very ridiculous, I think I have hit an all-time high!
- Bungie, stop using band aids with Destiny 2, it is a serious waste of time and resources. Destiny 2 desperately needs complex open heart surgery.
- Why is there so much playable space on Titan but only two public events?
- This game feels like it doesn't want me to play it.
- Destiny 2: Where are the Memorable Moments?
- Destiny Reference in Spider-Man Unlimited (of all places)
- You can still complete activities for the Faction ornaments if you didn’t finish them.
- My Hakke inspired AR
[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-01-24] Posted: 24 Jan 2018 09:05 AM PST Planetary Challenges
Strike Challenges
Heroic Strike Challenges
Crucible Challenges
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Surviving Destiny's Dark Days: A Guide for the Guardians Who Still Enjoy Playing Posted: 24 Jan 2018 07:00 AM PST I see you, Guardian. You're the one they call a Bungie shill. You're the one looking sheepishly at the floor when everyone else talks about how much they hate the game. You're the one who was excited by the latest dev updates. You're the one that, despite all its struggles, still can't seem to put Destiny down. Maybe it's because you're in love with the gunplay? Maybe it's because you only get a day or two to play each week? Who knows your exact reasons for sticking around, but the point is, you're here. I'm one of you too, and I want to prepare you for what's to come. The days ahead will be dark. Really dark. The playerbase is dwindling. Content creators are jumping ship. Twitch is a ghost town. Trials is a luck-of-the-draw chance at finding a skill-equivalent group. Most LFG sites will be struggling to fill their games, and your clan (if it hasn't already) will probably start getting more and more inactive. Honestly, most other Guardians would prefer you quit playing so the "we're mad" message will have your signature on it too. The storm has come. The world has gone dark. But we're the remnant, and this guide is for you. Five Tips for Making the Most of Destiny's Darkest Days
What's next?Who knows what the future holds for the Destiny franchise. There are a lot of theories about how we got here, and I tend to agree with the one that says: Bungie mismanaged the project, didn't facilitate good communication between the D2 and D1 live-team, and made some serious miscalculations in what players would find enjoyable. I don't think they've lost all potential, and I don't think Destiny is dead. I could be wrong. Maybe this is the proverbial nail in the coffin. But I hold out hope that it's not. I hold out hope for a steady stream of Datto DPS analysis in the future. I hold out hope for fun discussions on Reddit again. I hold out hope for more attempts to crack secret quests with this community. If I'm wrong, I'm not ready to admit it yet, and I'll be here holding out hope until the light is back. If you're one of those players too, I wish you well. Maybe we'll run across each other in a public event sometime. Good luck, and keep the faith alive, Guardian! EDIT: Thanks for the gold, kind strangers! Not sure if this post will survive the downvote brigade, but I hope a few Guardians are helped by it nonetheless. Cheers! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 24 Jan 2018 02:27 AM PST I've dug up some of the highly upvoted complaints from the time, links at the bottom of the post. Nobody liked Trickle. It took away a huge aspect of what makes playing Destiny fun, the abilities. Periodically throwing grenades, proc'ing your melee ability and occasionally smashing out a super was part of the gameplay loop that made it so fun to play, and provided an intoxicating power fantasy. So naturally people had an aversion to something that ruined that experience. The community was loud and clear around here that Trickle was not fun. So what did Bungie do? They listened and made it stop showing up in pool of modifiers for Strikes. Fast forward to the Destiny 2 beta, and suddenly the cooldowns are significantly longer. In fact one of the most common complaints of the beta was the painfully long cooldowns. Bungie responded to this by buffing the recharge rate to supers only (but still leaving them quite slower than D1 levels). Everyone comforted each other, saying it was just a beta and the numbers will be fixed for release, and that gear bonuses would mitigate the problem (ha-ha). Fast forward to Destiny 2's release and nothing changed and the mod system barely helps, stacking 3 grenade cooldown mods still leaves the cooldown 2.5x longer than tier-5 discipline in Destiny 1. Fast forward to now, and ability cooldowns have still not been touched at all since the beta, despite it coming up as a common complaint, and despite so many people expressing how much fun they have in Torrent Strikes and Mayhem Crucible. What really boggles me is that Bungie already learned this lesson in Destiny 1 when they removed Trickle. Not learning from your mistakes is one thing, but seeing them unlearn the lesson from a mistake they already fixed just leaves me speechless. Links: And a couple about cooldown complaints from the beta: [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Why has Luke Smith, the director of D2, been so quiet through this all? Posted: 24 Jan 2018 05:14 AM PST Before anyone says because hes the director its up to community managers to speak to us, I'd like to point out that at this moment Chris Barrett is talking to the community more and about more meaningful things then Deej(Sean Spicer), Cosmo, and DMG combined! If Luke Smith working on D3 already this is still not a good enough excuse since it was under his direction that Destiny has turned into such a steaming pile. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 24 Jan 2018 06:45 AM PST I feel like many of the complaints that get real notice are about microtransactions and how they take away from rewards in D2. And although this is obviously an issue I'd keep them exactly how they are now if that meant that the core gameplay felt the way it did in D1. I want the supers that made you feel like gods, the crazy weapons, the quick cool downs, the 1 shot kill weapons that changed the way you played the game, the D1 TTK and "holy shit did you see what I just did" moments in PvP. If I had those I honestly wouldn't mind if the microtransactions never changed. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bungie, stick to the Diablo 3 formula. Speak to your colleagues at Blizzard. Admit you are wrong! Posted: 24 Jan 2018 08:00 AM PST It has been quoted back when Destiny 1 was relevant and ever since over and over ... Blizzard restricted everything, the loot, the overall progress. They didn't want the player to become strong fast, instead they achieved that we all felt weak. But the player wanted to be strong and wanted to delete the demon hordes like a hot knife cutting warm butter. Blizzard admitted that they were wrong. They changed for the better. The player is now drowning in gameplay changing gear and does not know what to bring to the fight in the first place as everything sounds so awesome to use. The player feels like a real powerhouse of a demonslayer. At first, Blizzard thought it would hurt the game if the player can achieve everything in a short time and feeling really powerful does add to that thought. They were wrong. The player left dissatisfied and had nearly zero intention to come back as the invested time would not pay off - you didn't become better as the loot was pure shit. Then Blizzard got it right and the player felt strong and rewarded for investing some time. The player left happily and is willing to hop on the game later on as every time investment pays off with some sweet loot and progress. Make our playtime relevant! Hell, Blizzard even dropped the Auction House (some kind of Eververse equivalent) completely because they realized it hurt the game. The Division became much better in the moment Massive (the devs) admitted that they were on the wrong track. Speaking of today I feel that Bungie still neglects these suggestions and wants to stick to the idea that we, the player, should play the game the way Bungie wants us to play - this must change or Destiny will never succeed. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I kinda miss Titan Skating, Warlock gliding and Hunter dodge. Posted: 24 Jan 2018 07:09 AM PST Would be nice to have it back, I loved the fast pace of D1, D2 feels so slow and elastic. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cosmo’s tweet about tomorrow’s TWAB Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:52 AM PST Good. I like this. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jim Sterling: Destiny 2 Is In A Bad Place Right Now Posted: 24 Jan 2018 07:50 AM PST | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 24 Jan 2018 06:14 AM PST Hey u/probably_unemployed, I figured if I posted it on here you would see it. You are one of the biggest content creators for this game so if anyone could do this, I suspect its you. While I fully support your attempts to diversify, you did state that you needed Destiny related content. Might be a long shot, but why not try to get into Bungie and interview some of the devs (assuming they let you) about Destiny in general? The pressure is on Bungie to be more open, so I think you could take advantage of it to get the community a glimpse into the minds that make this game. Just a thought I had. Probably a long shot but I figured it'd be worth bringing up. Cheers DTG! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 24 Jan 2018 12:26 PM PST Good to see Bungie acknowledge that the state of the game is not in a great spot and that they are committed to righting those wrongs. Makes me optimistic (cautiously, of course). [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 24 Jan 2018 08:04 AM PST Ironically, after the release of the dev updates, I've felt this overwhelming urge to stop playing this game. WHY? Because it's clear that Bungie either can't or won't move away from this cosmetics/ornaments-driven "loot" system. Masterworks armor sounds so underwhelming that any previous hope I've had that they reintroduce more RPG-ish stats are now gone. IB is imminent yet I could care less about the new ornaments or armor. I simply don't feel like wasting hours of my life for a pretty new hat for my guardian. It really highlights one of the major pain points with D2... that loot doesn't really matter. It doesn't change the way you play, it doesn't make you more powerful, it doesn't encourage experimentation. Mods aren't the answer, they shouldn't be the endgame. That sassy new shiny armor you grinded the raid for should be the unique gem in your inventory, not some invisible universal mod that can be thrown into any random piece of armor. It doesn't sound rewarding, and it doesn't tie the most desirable items to the most difficult endgame activities. If mods are going to be the way Bungie fixes endgame loot, please save us all some time and just go back to the drawing board right now. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Destiny under 1k viewers on Twitch Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:31 PM PST ...For the first time, ever? Get the hint Bungie, your new features flopped horribly, you dumbed every system in the game down, you hide the loot behind Eververse, and you're literally re-gifting us features we bought and payed for/received in Destiny 1. EDIT: Apparently this is old news, as it's been doing this for weeks. Haven't payed much attention to the directory save for DCP streams. Never seen it this low, it's very sad. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Record beaten again - only 121k guardians played Trials last week Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:28 PM PST Obviously it's not a record to be happy about, but it is what it is: the number of unique players who played Trials of the Nine last week (Jan 19-Jan 23) was 121,156, with the following breakdown across platforms: (number in brackets indicate players who went flawless) PS4 - 71,101 (16,818) X1 - 39,137 (7,710) PC - 10,918 (3,326) The previous record was 141,126 unique players for the period between Jan 12 - Jan 16. Previous threads reporting the decline in trials population: [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
While on a Sparrow, lateral thrust immediately before landing from any height to take no damage. Posted: 24 Jan 2018 03:32 AM PST In Destiny 2, sparrows seem to take much more fall damage. But I've found that if you lateral thrust left or right immediately before landing, you convert downwards momentum into lateral moment and take 0 damage. I've done this off the super tall spire at Artifact's Edge on Nessus and did not get hurt or damage my sparrow at all. Try it out! The timing isn't too hard to get down. You mostly just need to get good at knowing how close you are to the ground. It's a nice tool to have that you can bust out any time you're falling from high enough to damage your sparrow and you want to 100% avoid the damage. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Leviathan Raid Completed in 19 Minutes 11 Seconds Posted: 24 Jan 2018 06:23 AM PST Video Link: Over the weekend, we decided to actually put some time into practicing this run. Last time we ran this was wayyyyy back when the raid first came out. It took us a day or two to log a 24:19... and we haven't touched the run since. Welp, we put about three sessions into this run, and we were able to log a decent 19:11 for now. This does set a new record, however, the strats still aren't fully optimized and this run can easily be crushed with some grinding. We estimate a mid/mid-high 18:XX as a possible time. Differences from our 24:19 - Pools - Pools is basically a hammer Titan spam now. The lamps get destroyed by hammers very quickly, rather than using Merciless. We used Masterworks weapons to spawn orbs to guarantee supers. Dogs - Dogs is now gathering a x12 stack (1 flower) rather than a x24 stack (2 flowers). This speeds up the encounter, however, it is the number one cause of wipes due to cluster RNG and dogs behaving. Gauntlet - Gauntlet now has each runner using Blink. Also, the final round (where everyone runs) is very different. Two players turn around and grab the orbs from what WOULD be "gates" 3 and 4. Another player runs forward and grabs the orbs from gates 1 and 2. This satisfies all gates being collected, and therefore spawns the finish line. The other remaining players wait at the finish line and sprint through it and slam the final three orbs in the center. This roughly cuts the running time in half. I am not sure who the original developer of this strat is, but I've heard of the player Hangry and company, so shoutout to them. Calus - Calus utilizes the skull spawn ratio mechanic. This means that depending on the ratio of people in the realm compared to the people in the throne room, more or less skulls will spawn in the realm. Most previous speedruns utilized a 2:4 throne/realm ratio. We ran an even 3:3 to start. However, once the skulls were about to start spawning, every player killed themselves except for one player in the realm (me) and one player in the throne room (Indica). This allowed for an even 1:1 ratio of skulls. While I soloed skulls, Indica soloed the Calus stun. Then a revive train started inside the throne room, and all five throne players jumped on a plate to start DPS ASAP, without even waiting for me to return from space. By the time I even teleport back into the throne room, Calus is already taking mad damage. Shoutout to Indica for this strat. Other than that, the only other major time save is in the very beginning. Sweatcicle uses the cannons to launch himself onto pillars near the giant Calus sculpture. He then uses a skip to run straight to the pools encounter and wipes, bringing the team forward because of the no respawn zone. GGs to the Euros for putting up a nice time to strive for. Good luck on runs in the future for sure! I'm sure you'll beat it. Lemme know if you have any questions! Gladd [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I try and make my guardian look very ridiculous, I think I have hit an all-time high! Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:40 AM PST | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:04 PM PST Stop using internal resources to fix silly things that really won't bring back players. Instead redesign the game from the ground up. Masterworks, fixing Eververse, giving more or less XP, or more vault space are band aids and PR stunts. It won't fix shit though. Paying someone to sit around and work on improving guided games is a waste of time and money, at least until the game is worth a shit. Dedicate all the people working on futile things and redesign the entire game. Weapon loadouts (two primary slots is stupid), rng rolls on weapons and armor, eliminate tokens and bring back loot drops and post-game rewards, make raid gear (particularly weapons) the dopest shit out there (fatebringer style), make better crucible maps, and get rid of the socialist "everybody gets good shit" mentality. That's the only way you save Destiny 2. Otherwise give it to the live team from here on out and focus on Destiny 3. And please listen to the community leaders. Slayerage made an awesome video awhile back about why the weapon system sucks ass. He was right on point. Watch it. Triplewreck's recent video was awesome too, but i know Barret watched that one. Good luck Bungie. I want you to succeed. Just think with all the negative publicity lately you may be focusing on the wrong things just to save face. My recommendation (which probably doesn't mean shit) is to suck it up, ignore the noise, get back to the drawing board and redesign the fuck out D2. Edit: I know what I am suggesting to Bungie will take a long time to implement, but it's what I believe must be done. And, if diverting manpower of those working on the current changes will help speed up the process, that's what should be done. IMHO. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Why is there so much playable space on Titan but only two public events? Posted: 24 Jan 2018 01:58 AM PST The Solarium is such an underused environment, why not take advantage of that area and make public events happen there? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This game feels like it doesn't want me to play it. Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:00 PM PST I had no idea what a guided game was until about a week after Season 2 dropped, because up until that point I never had any trouble finding people to run Nightfall. But after the mass exodus of guardians that was Curse of Osiris, I am one of the only people in my group of friends who is still playing D2, so I have been doing guided games since then. Today I came home from a particularly long day of work and smiled to myself when I realised it was weekly reset. I went to que up for a nightfall to find out that I am out of tickets. Confused but not yet angry, I turn to my good friend Google to find out how to get more nightfall tickets... but there isn't an immediate, clear answer. After mining through 15 minutes worth of salty forum posts I finally accept what feels like a surreal answer to my question... there is actually no way to get more tickets. I am expected to wait until the end of the season to be able to que for nightfall games again. Is this a fucking joke? Seriously, what is the intention behind this? I have been sitting on this for a few minutes now and I still have not been able to think of one tangible reason as to why they would design it in this way. I don't need a fucking shiny exotic tied to the end of a stick to give me a reason to play. I play this game because the core gameplay is fun to me, plain and simple. I have every piece of Exotic armor for every class, I have every Exotic weapon, I have three 335 characters with a set of armour specific for each subclass. I have quite literally no incentive left to play Destiny 2. Nothing left to unlock, nothing new left to experience. AND I STILL PLAY BECAUSE THIS GAME IS FUN. But now you're actively fighting against letting me play for no bigger reason than that I have done it before? This really does feel like an abusive relationship. /salt [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Destiny 2: Where are the Memorable Moments? Posted: 24 Jan 2018 05:40 AM PST A key issue with this game when compared to the predecessor is that, in my opinion, there isn't a single moment that I can look back on when playing and say "hey that was awesome" or "remember when...". Thinking back to D1 this morning, I remember the mission where the hive are introduced and thrall are running at you in the dark room and the guitar starts blasting while you are on a rampage as the first moment where I said "FUCK YEAH THIS GAME IS AWESOME". I remember beating the game and seeing the Vault of Glass pop up on my map with "Powerful Gear" listed and flying in with one friend saying "I want this gear, how hard could this be" to immediately say "well we will never get this door open". I remember staying up until 2 am on a weeknight trying to beat Atheon (long A), failing, and still look back on that fondly. I remember Gjallahorn and Black Hammer and Fatebringer, I remember finally getting the Crux of Crota after almost 40 clears (and being ecstatic to upgrade a piece of shit gun into a piece of shit gun because you've gotta catch em all), I remember drops and nightfall failures and going to the lighthouse. D2 has none of that. Maybe it's the token system or lack of any weapons that stand out, maybe my standards are too high after D1, but that's what really sucks about this game. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Destiny Reference in Spider-Man Unlimited (of all places) Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:43 AM PST | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You can still complete activities for the Faction ornaments if you didn’t finish them. Posted: 24 Jan 2018 05:40 AM PST I just tested this, my "Super kills in the EDZ" went from 37% to 40%, Which I'm incredibly happy about since I was mostly unable to play during the Faction rally. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:43 PM PST I wanted to build an AR inspired by my favorite foundry since before D2 released. I finally got to the point where I felt done enough to show it off, so here it is. The colors are inspired mostly from the Halfdan-D, while I took some other ideas from the Zarinaea-D and other D1 Hakke guns. All the building, custom machining, and painting was done by me starting with an 80% lower. Edit: A Parts list for everyone asking [link] [comments] |
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