True Dota 2 - ixmike's offlane DK.

ixmike's offlane DK.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:32 PM PST

Dotabuff for this week. 13 games. 53.86% win rate and almost always first pick.

I watch some of the games and I'm still not sure how exactly it works. Seems like the idea is to bait some mid heroes and just soul ring + 3 points in E and hope he survives for a while. He rotates often with his lvl 6 and he seems to use it almost off CD to just poke at towers but I'm not convinced it's that good.

I just don't see how him getting 18min~ blink or force staffs is enough for him to do in these games.

Anyone got a better analysis?

submitted by /u/V-ktr
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Building Pangolier outside of the Javelin "meta"?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:05 AM PST

Just curious regarding the sub's thoughts on building Pangolier without necessarily prioritizing his use of orbs. Have been checking some Pango spammers and they don't seem to go by the 2/3 Javelin route, instead building an early spirit vessel, early lotus orbs and even building radiance. Seems like he has a more lasting game impact like this. Sorry if this is already being accepted as commonplace, but I didn't see yet any itemization discussion beyond Javelin/Diffusal damage calculations.

submitted by /u/drontoz
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Looking for offlane players to study.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:56 AM PST

Hello, I've recently decided to try and gain mmr by heavily limiting my usually wide hero and role pool, and went for offlane. It's not a completely new role for me, so I'm not looking for the basics, however I feel like I need to be able to have a wider variety of possible laning options.

I pick underlord whenever I can, I also like playing clock and tidehunter

I can rarely pick quite a couple of other heroes, but again, I'm trying to limit myself.

I'm looking for good offlane players with a similar hero pool, however, if nobody suits, I can change my hero pool and spam different hero/heroes if there is a player to learn from. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/TheBlackSapphire
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How to beat shadow friend mid as a melee hero in this meta?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:30 PM PST

Just played a rough ember spirit game. Flame guard got easily removed. Very zoned out from fear or stacking razes. Hard to get cs or denies on ranged creep. Trying to go jungle a bit in-between waves, but he got ahead faster.

submitted by /u/LegacyAngel
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The current state of Oracle

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:36 PM PST

Way back in my 1k days I tried Oracle once. Needless to say I've never played him ever again. After some nerfs post TI6 it seems like he's disappeared from the pro meta besides with Huskar. Is he a good support to start mastering? I like how unique his abilities are as far as utility.

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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Some tips against pango and jugg I've been playing.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 09:43 PM PST

Recently in this patch I feel like Jugg is a very popular carry and Pango is a very popular offlaner. So playing as Jugg or against pango I've had some counterplay I just want to discuss here.

Pango- Against pango I find Jugg to be a great safelaner. Lvl's 1-3 are tough but once you get a ring of health you should be solid. Late game you're very mobile so you can dodge his ult and omni can target through his ult as well.

I've also heard bloodseeker is a great counter. I personally haven't played this matchup much myself, but I can see why people would say that. Great early sustain 1v1 and if I'm not mistaken rupture counters pango's ult and swashbuckle as well.

Jugg- I've been seeing this hero played ALOT recently. Like the new sven. One pick I've been keen on is the ursa safelane. Not a counter in lane because they're not in the same lane, but his kit just counters jugg. You don't care if he spins because you just right click him more. And if he ults you, you can just ult and take no damage. I think twice now I see people instant pick ursa as counter to jugg.

Let me know what you guys think.

submitted by /u/Johnhong
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Interactions with evasion and uphill miss chance

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 05:06 PM PST

So as far as the math goes does uphill miss chance count as an addition to your current evasion? For example if I'm playing a hero with evasion is the uphill miss chance added with my evasion and reduced or is it two separate instances?

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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Good pick heroes

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 09:27 PM PST

What is the list of heroes that are never a bad pick? Heroes that can fit into most comps and have least counters?

submitted by /u/KhangEngio
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how effective would it be if offlaners pulled the opposing team's safelane creeps towards mid?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 08:58 PM PST

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