True Dota 2 - Is dying early means very little now ? killing offlaner early is not worth 1 creep wave ? what changed ?

Is dying early means very little now ? killing offlaner early is not worth 1 creep wave ? what changed ?

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 06:31 AM PST

title says it all

submitted by /u/watahellaruwaitnfor
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Tips for Timbersaw

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 10:36 AM PST

Hey guys i am 1.5k.i dominate the early game mostly mid lane but i have lot of problems in the late game i struggle with using timber chain late game of someone know good build and how can i do better and also i buy quel every game since he has very low damage

submitted by /u/theayush
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Legion Commander Itemization

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 02:35 PM PST

After three years of supporting, I've fallen in love with offlane LC. After over hundred games now, I want to shake up my Itemization, as the only thing I tend to consider is shadowblade or blink in any given game.

My typical build is to leave fountain with stout, mango, tangoes and 2 branches, into wand > boots > blademail > SB/blink (depending on other teams comp, and if I want the break from Silver Edge)>Vanguard> BoT > Abyssal.

Very little variation here, like occasionally picking up early phase boots over holding out for Travels.

Now, my inspiration for posting is because I saw someone suggest Soul Ring on her in today's item discussion, and this seemed like an exciting option, though I could see it mess up the rest of my item timings, particularly blademail which she wants as soon as she hits 6, and one point in Press the Attack only heals as much as sacrifice takes. Has anyone tried Soul Ring on her? What unique items ought to take up my sixth slot when I am not carrying an aegis?

submitted by /u/tmmzc85
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Early game decision making as an offlaner - when to leave lane and when to take bounties?

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 10:08 AM PST

I am a 4.5k mid player that is currently trying to learn how to play offlane this patch. I have, however, been struggling heavily with the kinds of decisions I should be making in the offlaner role. Specifically:

When I am trading/farming evenly with the enemy carry, should I attempt to take my own bounty rune before the enemy support does?

What should I do when I am being completely zoned out of lane, and have very few levels on me? Let's say it is around 4 minutes into the game and I am level 2 or 3.

How should I prioritize farming in the mid game? Should I focus on playing around my team and getting kills/objectives? or have them play around me? In this scenario, pretend I am omniknight.

I manage to successfully do the level 1 creep pull consistently, however I still feel like I am struggling a lot more than I should in this lane, and feel like I don't really know what to do - especially when I am being heavily zoned.

submitted by /u/kashiman290
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struggling to win against Dusa and Sniper.

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 02:53 AM PST

I don't know if it is my play style or if these heroes are extremely strong right now but I've yet to experience an easy game against these 2 heroes.

Just feels like, no matter how much you shut them down, They are gonna find a way back into the game. Sniper with his highground prowess and Dusa with it's flashfarming.

For example, I picked an offlane weaver and shut her down very hard. Even after I hit level 10 and got my diffo, I kept harassing the hero then I left her alone for 5 minutes and she farmed 2 whole items in that time.

submitted by /u/ace-s
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Can anyone do the math for Crys on WK

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 11:22 AM PST

I've started to buy this item because of the interaction it has with his passive crit. I get this as a farming item for several reasons. With your crit passive maxed and crys, it's almost every one in 3 attacks crit, which procs the passive of insta killing the creep, doesn't matter weather it's a crit from the passive, or the item. In turn giving you skeleton charges that you can use to clear the jungle for you with a couple well placed wards then push the lanes. Also the extra crit in turn makes WK tankier because of his life steal. So the pro's are clear waves faster with insta kill crits, better GPM cause of jungle clear and lane pushing, better right click damage, more sustain due to life steal. I wonder if anyone can do the math and see how Crys compares to other farming items on WK, such as maelstrom.

submitted by /u/captianAwesomeX
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Tips for success with roaming mirana?

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 10:29 AM PST

There was a recent r/dota2 thread condemning roaming mirana and opinions were pretty divided, most arguments against it involved 1. bad players missing arrows and 2. playing it as a greedy 4 with little game impact while trying to build core items with limited farm.

People who have success with roaming mirana, how do you like to play it? starting items, early game roaming patterns, skill build, mid/late items etc.

Some things I saw from the other thread were building utility items like drums, euls for setting up your arrows or teammates spells, soul ring to sustain farming, and even midas but i feel like that would be pretty situational for when you are able to get a few kills early and make some money to build into it.

submitted by /u/drumhax
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Why is Geostrike is prioritized more rather than Earthbind with Meepo?

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 08:53 AM PST

Personally, I think the increase in range with Earthbind is OP because the lockdown you get from it is stupidly long.

submitted by /u/ai_raiki
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Winning games by playing #5 hard support (Skywrath Mage, in Divine bracket)

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 08:43 AM PST

Where can I learn how to properly pull creepwave as an offlaner?

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 12:53 AM PST

Been out of touch with Dota 2 lately and I heard this is the best thing to do if you are playing offlaner this patch. Tried searching for videos on youtube but couldn't find one with proper instruction and explanation of the process. Is there any place (youtube videos, guides, etc) with a proper step-by-step explanation on how to properly execute this. Thanks.

submitted by /u/nyamuk91
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Juggernaut VS chaos Knight

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 12:21 AM PST

As title says, what item do u build against a chaos Knight with core items like armlet, heart, manta and butterfly.

Assuming he picks ck after u pick jugg. Suggest pls n thx

submitted by /u/zephylos
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Shadow Demon skill priority

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:59 PM PST

In general what would be the best skill to max as shadow demon? I'm assuming it's situational most of the time but is there a certain skill I should aim to max first? I've seen guides with emphasis on each skill and I'm kind of lost on it.

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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What determines which talents you should choose as AM?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:18 PM PST

Hi, 3.5k pleb here, I've been watching some professional replays recently, and one thing I can't get my head around is the choice between AM's talents. Always thought it was rather straightforward, -2 sec blink cooldown, uncontrollable illusion, and the other 2 are rather situational. But i've been seeing lots of 6k players go for the +300 blink range in games where there are high mobility / tracking heroes (I hope this is a correct analysis) but more baffling to me is ignoring the blink cooldown reduction in this game with Miracle:

I don't know why he'd ignore it. My theories are as follows:

  • He needs to buy too many items to deal with their lockdown (bkb, linkens, skadi) that the extra damage and attack speed is really valuable

  • With skadi slow he can chase down foes well enough, so he doesn't need the blink.

That's all I can think of. I also don't know why he'd choose the blink illusion in conjunction with this, because logically you get more illusions per blinks, and if you have an increased cooldown, it loses some of its power. Any insight would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/PeechMan
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Battlefury Alchemist?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:47 PM PST

I saw a game where AhJit went battlefury on him and got 1600 gpm while carrying hard. In my opinion, it works better than radiance in accelerating farm and jungling ancients. It also gives regen and offers an easier build up compared to radiance. The downside I could think of is the lack of impact compared to radiance in teamfights, but battlefury can be replaced by radiance easily since your farm will be accelerated by battlefury.

submitted by /u/not_a_robot_just_guy
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Dota 7.07 Farming Patterns and Speed for Carries?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:12 PM PST

Ever since the 7.00 patch and huge jungle nerfs my carry ability has dropped immensely, can anyone just give me tips on how I should be farming and what I can do to farm faster, what I should be looking for, etc.

submitted by /u/Buttstinker
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