Smite - Scylla Skin Concept Corrupted A.I (Halo

Scylla Skin Concept Corrupted A.I (Halo

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:52 AM PST

Quality Memes

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:11 PM PST

Mini origami cerberus

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 01:33 PM PST

I'm going to steal this portal demon.... or not.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:19 AM PST

Smite is one of the cheapest non P2W games

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:23 AM PST

Let me start by saying this,

In Smite, the only thing you buy is cosmetics. If you are grinding favour for a god, it will take you 4-5 days which is fair. But not only that.

No other MOBA has "God" pack that unlocks every hero or a challenger for as much as $30 (and $15 sale which happens 2-3 times a year).

Then we have cosmetics. You have normal 400/600 skins that you grind gems for 2 months or so. I am going to mention that we have gem storms every now and then. If you really like a particular skin, you do not need real money to get it.

Then we have chests. They are filled with avatars, ward skins, voice packs ect.

But even so, you can't get duplicates. And at the end of the day, it's just a cosmetic.

Now I do have to say, I have an issue with 300 gem chests like Sweet Tooth Sol or whatever, but one can wait for discount I guess.

EDIT: I know DOTA 2 has free heros, but DOTA in 2018 are you cereal?

submitted by /u/Mnesterdam
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PunkDuck and Trelli get Bacchus tattoos

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:04 AM PST

Twig on EmilZy leaving Obey

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:14 PM PST

im sooooo sick of adcs being level 18 when everybody else is 14.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:34 PM PST

so stupid, that is all.

submitted by /u/Machiina_
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Interesting how Hades started as a Guardian and is now a mage, while there is a mixed opinion on Cerberus’ best fit role

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 12:22 PM PST

Just shower thoughts

submitted by /u/SirGirthquake
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League of Legends has a new cinematic, where's ours Hirez?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 01:19 PM PST

Skeele off Noble

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:53 PM PST

Wowy is now a F/A

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:57 PM PST

My teammate LITERALLY killed me! How?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:51 PM PST

Hahaha Discórdia it's from my team! How? Hahaha

First team kill I've ever seen haha

submitted by /u/Egongabaldo
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[Skin Concept] Barbershop quartet Morrigan

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:41 PM PST

Why does it take 3 times to open smite to actually get in the game?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:05 AM PST

It will show the loading up screen but then disappears and thats it? then i sit there like a idiot for a few minutes until i realize its not opening anything and i gotta opeen my smite again... happens everytime i open smite and its very annoying, not to mention i gotta go through 3 launchers everytime just to start a game.... takes so much time

submitted by /u/Kmaids
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2018 season ticket discussion

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:59 AM PST

With season 5 just around the corner I think it's a good time to discuss the new season ticket. Whilst it hasn't been revealed I think we should talk about now instead of after its designed. There was a lot of controversy surrounding last year's when they switched it to three separate purchases and I'd like to know how people feel about it now that it's more or less over.

submitted by /u/JCW16
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"The top players know more and play better than I do" -- Excerpt from an interview with Chris Wilson (Lead Dev of PoE/CEO of GGG)

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 01:09 PM PST

I really wish HiRez had this attitude. though it seems like they think their inhouse balance team is good enough and it shows they are NOT when it comes to balance and changes.

Even League of legends brings in top pro players to help them balance the game.

submitted by /u/Quench222222
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Can we give sound to skins with silent ults?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:35 AM PST

Skins like Thor new skin, dark crystal thoth and sunstar ra have powerful ults that is normal to fire with setup or behind walls where the only counter is the loud sounds they make to use relics and abilities and their default loud sounds. But their skins and many others, they are silent.

If Hi Rez doesn't wish to change those skins (I understand for limited ones.) can this not be at thing and all upcoming skins have abilites with sounds?

submitted by /u/Lagging247
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Dear Hirez - Plat + Silver player is not equal to 2 Gold players

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 11:33 AM PST

It seems like the system think that a team of Plat + Silver players are equal to 2 gold players.

Which bring us the need for a single player to carry the game in order to win a game and to place where games are un even because there is a big gap in levels between the players in both team.

submitted by /u/xSypRo
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6000 IQ plays

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 12:17 AM PST

I did a wowy!

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:40 PM PST

Birb of Discord (Fanart)

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:57 AM PST

I made a wallpaper for skins I like

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 11:25 AM PST

Hou Yi jungle

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 12:40 PM PST

What do you guys think of it, and hunters in the jungle generally?

submitted by /u/chrisisbest197
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Quick question about EXP.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:52 PM PST

Hey guys I have noticed an issue with my account. I have been playing with my friend and he is now 6 lvls ahead of me. when i was about 5 ahead of him. so i thought it was weird since we always play together the same amount.. i asked him how much exp he needs to lvl up and this is what he showed me. then i gasped because its like 10x less what i need to lvl. this is my at lvl 29

huge difference he only needs about less then 3k for each lvl and i need about 27k exp anyone know why and could help me out? its been really hard to lvl.

submitted by /u/AtomicFormula1
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