PUBG Welcoming Wednesday - Community Questions & Answers for Newbies & Pros Alike! - (January 24)

Welcoming Wednesday - Community Questions & Answers for Newbies & Pros Alike! - (January 24)

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:24 PM PST

Welcome to /r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS' Welcoming Wednesday. This post is for anyone (whether you have 1 or 1000 hours) to ask any question about the game that you may have. This can be as simple as keybindings or as advanced as 4 man breach & clear tactics... as long as it is relevant to the game - ask away!

If you are new, feel free to introduce yourself here as well! Don't forget that we have a Discord Server with over 65,000 other players, a help channel, region specific LFG channels, and constant game discussion at all times of the day! Lastly - our FAQ & Community Guide List is ever growing, so feel free to check there as well for additional tips & common questions/bugs.

Click this link to find our previous Welcoming Wednesday threads!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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PC 1.0 Update #3

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:26 PM PST

Battlefeels Episode 19: Delicate prize with cameo by PLAYERUNKNOWN

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 04:10 AM PST

It's 2018 and I still can't right click to pick up the maximum loot I can carry from a dead body.

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 03:01 AM PST

150 bullets on the ground, I can only carry 99. No problem, I hit right click and bam - I nice and easily picked up 99 bullets.

150 bullets on a dead body, I can only carry 99. Problem, I hit right click and nothing.

What gives? If this is on purpose to make looting someone you killed more difficult and therefore more risky, then that's actually daft surely I should be rewarded for killing someone?

submitted by /u/KEEPCARLM
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Squad in a moving car killed with 1 nade (luckiest moment)

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 06:37 AM PST

I made a video showing the gunfire of a Kar98k at different distances by 100 meters.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:08 PM PST

200IQ play

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:08 AM PST

Unreal squad wiped oral assassin

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:28 PM PST

The coolest moment of my PUBG career [A 1 Min Movie]. (Please give it a watch, spent alot of time on it.)

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 05:53 AM PST

When you have an AWM and the final hard cover, killing all 5 remaining players is the final step.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:07 PM PST

My 60 year old mother and I just had a bonding moment over PUBG.

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:11 AM PST

I just thought I'd share this because it was pretty cool.

My mom got me a Nintendo 64 when I was 6 years old and since then I've always been a gamer. My mom has always supported it but has never really understood or been into it at all despite me trying to get her to play my whole life. We've always been close so I always thought it would be cool to play with her once in awhile. We now live 2000 miles away from each other and only visit like twice a year.

This last time that she visited me she watched me play a game and I explained to her the concept and she was immediately interested. She was giving me suggestions and pointing out guns and hyping me up. Yelling "Get em!!" And "Heal up you're hurt!!" She was asking questions and getting so into it. Finally I asked her if she wanted to try and miraculously she said yes. I taught her the controls and she played a couple. She never got a kill but she had so much fun looting and running around. She even said that she might get the game and try to play with me.

Although PUBG isn't perfect yet, I still appreciate a game being so fun that even my mom wanted to play.

submitted by /u/leopardgreen
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Changing the layout of the desert map doesn’t solve its biggest problems

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 06:16 AM PST

Adding water around the edges or cutting off the outer regions won't fix the map and it's issue.

Mid game is non existent due to the fact that 40-60% of the server lands at Pecado or Hacienda. Part of this is due to the parachute nerf, as the plane nearly always passes over one or both of these locations. However another reason is that looting the bigger cities is time consuming and simply not as fun as landing where you know action is.

This results in one team from each location on the map making it out, meaning that by the second circle is there then often only 30 people left in too big of a circle to see one another.

Adding water to the top of the map, where no one goes anyway, won't affect the gameplay at all. What the solution is, I don't know, but adding water to places no one goes doesn't fix the major problems with the map.

submitted by /u/mattmorph2
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Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:06 PM PST

Full decked out KarK but still can’t defeat the cactus

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 08:48 AM PST

PUBG on Twitter: PC players, we will be moving the current test build to our live servers on Jan 24 6PM PST/ Jan 25 3AM CET / 11AM KST

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 06:14 AM PST

Closest Win I've Ever Had

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:12 PM PST

I see your instant heal, and I raise you an entire squad *inside* the rock

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:37 PM PST

Guess my tire pressure was a lil too much

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 03:34 AM PST


Posted: 24 Jan 2018 03:23 AM PST

M416 Gunfire at different distances by 100 meters.

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:06 AM PST

Why is there a "Gelbe Sack" (common german trash bag) on Miramar?

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 09:07 AM PST

I was able to get this screenshot when someone gave my friend the player unknown coat

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 04:04 AM PST

Just hit a 914m headshot

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:56 PM PST

Excuse me sir...

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 08:36 AM PST

Chicken dinners are easy when you have a beacon above the last guy

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 08:45 AM PST

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