Minecraft - My attempt at building a waterfall on a superflat

My attempt at building a waterfall on a superflat

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:06 AM PST

Circus Maximus I built many years ago

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 11:47 PM PST

Basalt: The ideal black building block (Pictures Included)

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 11:45 AM PST

Basalt would give players the much desired non-flammable black building block.


Basalt would come in rough, polished, and brick (including slabs and stairs) forms as seen in this image.

To accommodate having both bricks, and a polished variant, the polished recipe could be 9x9 and the brick recipe could be 4x4.


Basalt is the primary component of oceanic crust, and a product of vulcanism, so it would be found abundantly under the ocean, in the Nether, and as part of volcanic biomes/sub-biomes.

Basalt would be generated instead of stone when water and lava interact in ocean biomes and volcanic biomes/sub-biomes. It could also be crafted with iron nuggets and andesite to make it consistent with the crafting of other stones.


In real life basalt often forms with a polygonal fracture pattern with columnar vertical faces, which is why my texture has these features.

Basalt blends in well with existing blocks such as the current black blocks and blocks with a similar pattern such as magma blocks. Comparison of black blocks to basalt. A build using basalt.

submitted by /u/m00zilla
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My current house!

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:13 AM PST

Update - My Survival Medieval Castle and Town (Still A Work In Progress)

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:34 AM PST

I accidentally made a heart painting and trying to make more (I think the quartz one is the best)

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:17 AM PST

Timelapse of a temple completly farmed and built in Survival multiplayer

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:13 AM PST

I found this flower in a cave. I found diamonds 5 minutes later.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:52 PM PST

The Long house I built in my world for the Mayor/Leader(me) to live in!

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 05:47 PM PST

My farm of slime

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 02:25 PM PST


Posted: 14 Jan 2018 08:06 PM PST

Alpine Inspired Mountains!

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:09 AM PST

What else I need to do in Minecraft? I made a survive world and beyond what's on the picture, I have a horse, a iron golem and a farm of every tree in the game.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 11:48 AM PST

Help for a veteran

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:58 PM PST

Hello, I have had a Minecraft account since spring of 2012. I stopped playing after fall of 2012 (I had played on and off during 2014, 2015, and 2016, but very little amounts), before the whole migrating to a mojang account was a thing. Hell, I didn't even know it was a thing until earlier today. Now I'm mad, because I know my account information, but the mojang website won't let me log into my minecraft account so that I can migrate/import my account to my mojang account (I just want to change my skin man). I've tried resetting my password for my minecraft account, but no email comes in. I've hit the "forgot e-mail?" and the link to the "help" article literally tells me nothing about recovering my email (just in case I was using the wrong one). I've contacted Mojang Support on twitter but I doubt they'll ever see the tweet. They have a statement saying they're still reviewing cases from January 4th (you'd think with millions of dollars they'd be... you know, more efficient)., so I don't expect a response anytime soon from customer support either. I really don't know what to do.

All I want to do is change my skin ffs.

submitted by /u/NickTDesigns
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The fruits of 15 kilometers of mine tunnel.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:39 PM PST

Senior player (yeah wtf 64) requests Command Block help

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:53 PM PST


Current Snapshot (1.13ish)

64 year old minecrafter (since 2011).

Enjoy exploring seeds and setting up playable worlds with teleports and shops.

The latest updates have me flummoxed.

Teleports works as anticipated.

My shops are f****d.

How do I update the following command blocks to function in the 1.13 environment?

The Set up (set up works fine):

/scoreboard objectives add Points totalKillCount Points /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar Points /scoreboard objectives setdisplay list Points /scoreboard objectives remove Points

The Point Sale (Command Block 1/Command Block 2):

B1: /give @p[score_Points_min=25] diamond 1

B2: /scoreboard players remove @p[score_Points_min=25] Points 25

The XP Sale (Enchanted Bow) (Command Block 1/Command Block 2):

B1: /give @p[lm=40] minecraft:bow 1 0 {ench:[{id:48,lvl:4},{id:51,lvl:1}]}

B2: /xp -40l @p[lm=40]

These were functional until the latest snapshots.

So what has changed?

Can someone convert these examples into functional examples I can replicate for functional shops/stores in the current snapshot?


submitted by /u/SirDoon
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I spent some time creating this trailer for my mod. It turned out awesome in the end.

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:45 AM PST

Am I doing something wrong or does optifine not work with 1.12.2?

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:15 PM PST

I've tried installing some shaders using optifine and when I load up a world with a shader installed the lower half of my screen in black. Am I doing something wrong or does optifine not work with the current version of the game?

submitted by /u/IntincrRecipe
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Started playing minecraft again. Thinking of making a building series on youtube, am i good enough?

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:18 PM PST

Pixel Reality resource pack is now also available as an add-on for Bedrock Edition

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:17 AM PST

My try at the North Tower of the World Trade Center

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 06:43 PM PST

Having world edit problems

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:26 PM PST

I got world edit today and I've started making something pretty cool. I want to replace some blocks though and I don't want to do it by hand, seeing how large the building is. I want to do //replace to replace all of the stone bricks with three variants of stone bricks. It won't accept mossy stone bricks or cracked stone bricks in the block values though. Could anyone help me?

submitted by /u/DoveFuji
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