League of Legends - Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Posted: 31 Dec 2017 06:35 PM PST

Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced LoL players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

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Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Narrative Wake Episode 20: Summoning Samsung White (feat. MonteCristo) | Thorin

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 11:11 AM PST

I miss playing old Leblanc and hate playing the new one

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:10 AM PST

As a player who has played Leblanc since the early days of LoL, I absolutely hate playing the new Leblanc. It just feels so clunky. I think the rework was a failure and her item builds are proof of that.

The most popular AP Leblanc build has hextech gunblade and the reason for buying it is to give her back her assassination potential.

Recently there has even been an AD build where she is a high mobility marksman thanks to her W and R-W. This build requires the player to utilize her deception to play to the fullest potential.

The rework was intended to further emphasize her identity of being the deceiver but I don't think it was supposed to be in the form of an AD Carry (lul).

submitted by /u/MasterBashen
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If anybody wants to be in my club "CHEESY GORDITA CRUNCH", let me know.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 12:22 AM PST

Just need 5 people so i can get the tag

i want the tag to be YUM but idk if i can make it that. whatever people want it to be. NA region tho. My username is Rahzgriz

edit: we are full now, thank you all!! This was so unexpected but i'm so happy to have more Gorditas to play league with. The cheese will keep us together forever!!

edit2: for more things CheesyGorditaCrunch, sub to /r/CheesyGorditaCrunch

submitted by /u/RAZGRIZTP
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I played a game with my son today

Posted: 31 Dec 2017 08:24 PM PST

I played a few games with my 21 year old son today. On it's own, this isn't much, as I'm sure there are at least a few father/son duos out there.

But for me, this was way more significant. See, it was him that introduced me to the game around season 2 or so. I think he was 15 at the time, and he was very insistent that I try it out. But, me not being great at competitive games, kept putting it off.

I eventually relented and tried it out, and it became a thing I would play every once in a while, even though I wasn't great at it. I played a few with my son back then, but the difference in skill level was rather evident so we didn't try often.

Maybe we would've kept trying later, but unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse for him. He got into drugs, and to say that it made it difficult for not just him, but for the whole household, would be putting it mildly.

Add to it a diagnosis of schizophrenia for him when he turned 18, and let's just say that our relationship was difficult.

But throughout this whole time, League was something we could use to stay connected in some way. We never played together, but we were able to still talk about it from time to time, which is such an important thing.

Eventually, he finally started his road to recovery, going to the hospital, and then to rehab. Throughout all of it, when we couldn't think of anything to talk about, we could at least discuss League, be it either LCS results, or the one time I actually got a penta.

He's been out of rehab for about a month now, and he's living in an apartment now. He's home for New Year's, and he brought over his laptop so we could play a game or two together.

He was more nervous than he usually is he said, and eventually we had to stop because the anxiety was causing him to have some symptoms, but I'm so incredibly happy that I coyld play some matches with him once more and have some fun with him.

So, really, I'm thankful to have this opportunity in the first place, and figured this would be a nice story to share with you all.

tl;dr: League allowed me to stay connected to my son through difficult times and we played a few matches together for the first time in years.

submitted by /u/CeeJayLerod
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i need 31 rp for a key and chest bundle here is what i will get when i open it

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 12:00 AM PST

https://i.imgur.com/UkyuPZu.jpg EDIT: woke up to a lot of upvotes i was not expecting this lmao still no 31 rp tho FeelsBadMan

submitted by /u/NinjaDJack77
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I made a League of Legends Pokemon Animation out of my frustrations of facing Anivia

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 03:18 AM PST

Moon joins Clutch Gaming Academy

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 01:21 PM PST

Obligated tweet:


Clutch Gaming Academy:

Top: ??

Jungle: Moon

Mid: ??

Adc: ??

Support: ??

Coach: Mcscrag

Article from Medium about Moon: https://medium.com/cgwin/intro-moon-academy-jungler-2ab12acb883a

submitted by /u/Best_Kennen_EUW
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Giving up a month of my life to learn LoL

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 05:53 AM PST

My Mission:

1 Month

1 Diamond Player

10 Hours of work each day

31 Days to Prove Myself

My 2018 goal begins with a month of spending my life as a pro player does, playing as much as possible while improving as much as they can. I aim to see what life is like as a pro player and give an insight through twitch into how much time they spend trying to land that Sejuani Ult.

Advice I have received: xSojin - Coach - https://twitter.com/_xSojin/status/944723187106848768

Deilor - Previous Fnatic Coach - https://imgur.com/a/L0QWH

I will be streaming it so that you can learn along with me, and any more advice is appreciated!

Edit: First day done and I can't thank you all enough for the support, it has been so fun already. Will make an update post when the challenge is over!

submitted by /u/G0ldenfruit
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Do you guys think Gragas drinks because his wife left him?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 02:08 AM PST

PapaSmithy to cast LCK at OGN and SPOTV this year

Posted: 31 Dec 2017 09:24 PM PST


Seems like he will work for both studios and cast every match of LCK, which is great news. I wonder if he will get hired or even want the opportunity to work for Riot KR when they take over LCK in the next year. Either way it's good news for LCK.

submitted by /u/PerfectlyClear
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I own the original game case of LoL. AMA

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 06:55 AM PST

So I was in a soloq ranked game during at 00:00..

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 01:45 AM PST

I know what most of you think now, but yes league if pretty much all I do in my spare time and I live far away from my home town so I didn't have family and friends around to celebrate with. But what happened in that game was actually mindblowing.

This was a D1 soloq ranked game on EUW and my toplaner picked Tristana with Flash/Smite, just to steal our junglers buffs and then run them down mid to feed the enemy midlane. She did that a couple times, just to be the only person to vote NO at our 15 minute surrender vote so we were all stuck in the game even longer. This game went from 23:50-00:10..

I mean, not celebrating new years with other people and rather competing in the game I love, might sound weird for a lot of people. But why in hell do you show such a behaviour during that specific time. What kind of person gives up celebrating with loved ones to make other people feel bad during the minutes of new year by showing this behaviour?

This actually blew my mind and I wanted to share that.

Happy New Year everyone

submitted by /u/hiitsme18
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Champion Faces in game ...

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 12:08 PM PST

The problem with zoe....

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 08:23 AM PST

I guess my personal problem with zoe is her oneshot potential regardless of whether she's fed or not.

Normally, when you feed your ass off in lane, you're so far behind you can't fight anyone because you have no gold, no experience, and the enemies have lots of gold.

However, with zoe, I can be down 3000g gold and still find a way to oneshot your adc.


Let say we're 25 minutes into a game, theres some ashe that's lv 15, 200 cs, she's 9/2/7.

This ashe has 200(20 per cs-ish) + 9(300) + 7(30) + 25*60 * 20.4/10 passive gold = 10k gold. Add some shit from objectives, shut down, whatevertf, let's just say 3k gold so 13k gold.

Now zoe on the other hand is 1/7/5, has 150 cs, and is lvl 13. She has 300 + 150(20) + 25*60 * 20.4/10 = 6510 gold, plus some objectives? 2k gold so 8500 gold.


Under normal circumstances, like if this inting tard was yasuo, ashe would literally 4 shot his ass because he's down levels, gold (and has down syndnrome)

Zoe 8.5k gold, that's morellos (2900) + lichbane (3200) + sorc shoes (1100) + blasting wand (850), total AP is 100 + 80 + 40 = 220, plus some runes(?) 25 ap let's say whatever 245 ap, 18 mpen.


Let's consider some ashe builds, ranging in their defensiveness????

Ashe 13000 gold

  1. IE (3400) + runaan (2600) + BT(3700) + berserk (1100) + some shit for PD I dont wanna do the math, 1600 hp, hella ad and as, base 37 mr at lvl 15

  2. IE + runaan + Merc Scim + berserk + some shit for PD, still 1600 hp BUT 72 mr.

  3. IE + runaan + QSS(not merc scim) + MAW + berserk, 1600 hp, 37 + 35 + 45 = 117 mr


Zoe surprise! Lands e > max range q > lichbane aa which is

1 . 37 mr - 18 sorc shoes = 19 mr.

E = (180 + .4(245))/(1 + .19) = 233.6, Max Range Q + E bonus = (1 + 150% bonus max range)(120 + .66(245))/(1 + .19) + 360 + 0.8(245) = 1147, Lichbane aa = (90 + .25(245) passive + .75(80) + .5(245))/(1 + .19) = 280, total dmg is 233 + 1147 + 280 + 80 from actual aa = 1740 gg ashe dead

2 . 72 - 18 = 54 mr.

E = (180 + .4(245))/(1 + .54) = 180, Max Range Q + E bonus = (1 + 150%)(120 + .66(245))/(1 + .53) + 360 + 0.8(245) = 1013, Lichbane aa = (90 + .25(245) passive + .75(80) + .5(245))/(1 + .54) = 216, total dmg is 180 + 1013 + 216 + 80 aa = 1489 better run ashe u got 100 hp left .-. If zoe presses w and shit, ashe prolly dead with merc :(

3 . 117 - 18 = 99 mr

E = (180 + .4(245))/(1 + .99) = 139, Max Range Q + E bonus = (1 + 150%)(120 + .66(245))/(1 + .99) + 360 + 0.8(245) = 909, Lichbane aa = (90 + .25(245) passive + .75(80) + .5(245))/(1 + .99) = 167, total dmg is 139 + 909 + 167 + 80 aa = 1295 ??? enjoy going back to base ashe, CY@!!!!

Please keep in mind that this is a zoe with 245 ap and is down practically 5000 gold in comparison to the ashe. If zoe actually had the same gold, welp gg

As laning phase ends, your tanks are practically required to cockblock guard your squishies everywhere you go unless if you don't want to have them get instagibbed.


TL;DR Whereas normal champs are useless when they're down 5000 gold, Zoe can still make a huge impact on the game. What do you guys think?

Int on Yasuo -> get 3 shot by adc

Int on ZOE -> get 3 shot by adc BUT can 1 shot adc

I think we have to acknowledge that zoe has her weaknesses, as her deplorable winrate shows, but I think we can work on changing her to improve features, such as waveclear, and remove some of the cancerous bursting potential

EDIT: FUK I forgot qss only gives 30 mr but you get the point, that means the ashe has even less health now for 3.

submitted by /u/Luxanna_NubGuard
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New Year Resolutions for Every Champ in League of Legends.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 12:03 AM PST

Aatrox: The darkin anxiously wrapped his hands around his toned, thin abs. His enslaved body had made incredible improvements since he had acquired it eons ago. As the fireworks went off outside of his war tent, Aatrox's thoughts drifted over to Varus. He had the right body, now was the time to attack! Room for a third in there? No… the darkin thought. How's the hunting… ugh. If 2017 was the conditioning, 2018 would be spent on learning better… strategies.

Ahri: The temptress had received little to no correspondence from any of her seduced companions. Was it because she stole their souls and made them into unwilling thralls? Of course not! They were just rude, rude people who couldn't be bothered to show they cared. Lying down on top of her empty satin bed, Ahri's thoughts drifted over to the next year. Maybe the next nice man she met staggering through the Ionian forests could keep his soul. So long as he also kept her bags safe whenever she took a night out in the town.

Akali: She felt so little. Like she did everything she could to hide from the outside world. At first it was taking eight seconds here, eight seconds at an awkward family reunion… suddenly her entire outlook came from inside the shroud. Enough is enough, the ninja decided. Over the last year she dedicated herself to becoming more social. What was realized, unfortunately and too late to solve in just one year, was that the girl under the shroud was still broken—with or without it.

Alistar: "You can even get fries with those!" Alistar calls to passer-by. "Uh, yeah. Thanks." They always reply, their nostrils flaring at the cow mascot. He had learned every which-way to spin the sign, but he knew getting better at a lame thing was not helping. After a long day from work, his rage becomes unshackled, and a simple glance at the time and date leads to him trampling his livelihood. Rummaging through the closet, he pulls out an old cowbell. Maybe he isn't the most popular member in the band anymore, not since he lost his knack of stringing together hits. But damned it if he was going to let this Demacian society milk him dry.

Amumu: He wanted a friend for 2018. But that's the problem with having no friends: precious nobody to remind you your ambitions are too much.

Anivia: Legends say that when a cryophoenix suffers a mortal wound, they transform into an egg, waiting to be born again. What about an emotional scar? Anivia transformed into a couch potato drinking chardonnay and debating whether it was worth it to get up and make a New Years dinner. She watched All Stars again—heart tearing as Froggen refused to pick her. What happens to a wounded phoenix? They curl up in their apartments and hope 2018 will hatch them over again.

Annie: It is a sad day when a child realizes that New Years won't bring a family back. Annie accepted that Noxians pillaged her childhood home, slaughtered her parents, over their fear of witchcraft. Tibbers kept her company in the year of 2017. In 2018, Annie planned to download a chat program called IMVU to meet new friends online. Already, people from all over were super excited to meet her bear tibbers!

Ashe: Snowed in and unable to leave her house, Ashe resolved to be less boring. Be a little more focused on life. That lasted for a good ten or so seconds.

Aurelion Sol: What did he do wrong? No, really? One day he was the top of the food chain, a force in the mythos with star-making powers. The stars revolved around him. Then out of nowhere, a little girl is allowed to call him space doggy. It wouldn't fly: every day Aurelion Sol went to the star-gym to bench press white dwarfs, until his tiny reptilian arms were fists of the north star. When he saw that twelve-year-old again, it was going to be the beatdown of the millennium; all across the galaxy, the noise of a young brat being slapped silly around the universe like it was a round of Windows 98 pinball, would surely echo.

Azir: "I want real servants for 2018," Azir said to a sand soldier by his side. The ancient thing bent down low, sand-face giving a little 'O' of shock. "Yes, you heard me right. I want actual bodies to feel this, the great Shuriman Kingdom. One by one the soldiers faced the emperor and his fowl comment. "Fine!" he cried. "Want to know the truth?" He slid down in his throne and pouted. "You all chafe."

Bard: Doot dot. Doot doot doooot. Do-do-do-doot. 2018. Toot dootie tootarootie.

Blitzkcrank: Blitzcrank worked furiously. One mistake, it told itself. A single time and it was YOUR CIRCUITBOARD ON A PLATTER. He kept launching his arm-hook until it was more pasta than Riot's code. If 2017 taught it one thing, it was that its old tricks weren't so infallible. RECALIBRATE, its motherboard demanded. One bad grab on Ahri, Diana in 2018? It was game over.

Brand: 2018 is as good a year as any to cool off. Things had gotten pretty heated between Brand on a few other champions this year, but each relationship fizzled out and lost its old flame. Yes. In 2018, Papaya Dreaming resolved to learn ANYTHING about Brand besides fire puns.

Braum Braum didn't know what else there was to do in 2018. Repaired thatches for poor farmers? Check. Fed and protected poros in harsh winter? Check. Everything seemed to be in order. All Russia required of him now was to put his shield in between the American voter device and this so-called blue wave. Stand behind Braum, rural America. Never fear. He is here.

Caitlyn: There was one mystery Caitlyn left unsolved in 2017, and it was starting to impact her other work. Bad notes. Bad arrests. Finally, she decided to temporarily hang her hat as sheriff. It was time to solve the mystery of her kit could be so boring.

Camille: Camille wanted more than anything to become a mother in 2018. She heard that after the age of forty, the chances of her child turning out like Tarzaned increases by forty percent. The only problem was… she didn't really have the best child-bearing hips.

Cassiopeia: Did ya hear the stories? Some people near the West shopping center claim they saw a snake-lady prowling the stores at night. Well, bite me, because I saw her on New Years eve! It was… almost sad. She went from store to store, pressing her hands up against the chain-linked barriers. Adidas… Nike… all the shoe stores. It got to the point where I revealed myself and left my best pair of kicks for her to try on. They slipped right off and she was petrified with embarrassment! Poor snake lady…

Cho'gath: One game. One big hit. Cho'gath consumed another shot of tequila and gained a stack of self-regret. He remembered reaching the highest points in Beverly Hills and shouted "Cho'gath will devour the world!" Well, he didn't. For years Riot kept silent, until his constant calls became unbearable and the wretched truth came out. His big shot was an April Fools joke. There was only one kind of terror the voidbeast never mastered. The fear of being irrelevant and alone on New Years Eve. Now he knew.

Corki: No one imagined that all the best pilot in Bandle city needed to crash, was a personality quiz. He looked at his answers and tugged on the end of his mustache. I like to fly. I yell a lot. I shoot rockets and say funny words. He silently swore to remake himself in 2018, right before the nice lady at the dating clinic paired him up with a Nightblue video.

Darius: Darius would go on and quit League of Legends to become a basketball player in 2018. Funnily enough, most basketball organizations quit basketball and became League of Legends orgs in 2018. Tough luck.

Diana: Diana wanted more than anything to become respected in 2018. All she had going for her in 2017 was, hey, at least she wasn't designed by a five year old.

Dr. Mundo: Dr. Mundo goes where he pleases! But that not very fulfilling. All life, people say Mundo independence good. Not true. Other people make Mundo gain new life experience. No use staying near familiar things. He look for girl who love a purple boy like him.

Draven: At a New Years Eve party for the washed-up, cameras caught Draven and Cho'gath talking to each other. The conversation wasn't captured, but there was one frame of Draven caught in the middle of a very animated you, too?! The two walked out of the party together and declared 2018 would be their comeback year.

Ekko: In 2018, Ekko had a spark of realization. He was a total piece of shit to play against, and made everyone playing League want to die that little bit more. Luckily he just rewinded six seconds and forgot all about that.

Elise: For 2018, Elise demanded a visual update. She wanted her spiderlings to transform into little toddlers when she switched between forms.

Evelynn: Her visual update transformed slightly unappreciated Evelynn into the hottest thing into the Rift. Rioters could barely talk about her without getting fired at work. But then, out of nowhere, a tool named Sanjuro proved there were more… risque subjects for Rioters to talk about. No problem. In 2018, Evelynn chooses to break new ground by releasing her own fashion line. She recommends tying the price tags around the clothing poles because there isn't enough fabric in her outfits to stab pins through.

Ezreal: Haggard and tired of exploring, Ezreal bought a map. When he opened it up, however, there was just a picture of Taric. "This isn't a map!" The prodigal explorer cried. Taric appeared, ripped with muscles. "It is a map. It leads you to your one true love." The two fell into a sweet kiss, tasting of gemstone and magic. They took a trip up to a snowy lodge in Ohio and made love until the ball fell down.

Fiddlesticks: All he wanted was a brain. Oh, and maybe a faster clear time. And better lane pressure. Maybe his ult could deal a little more damage? It would also be nice to receive some sort of change to accommodate the new runes, new jungle… you know, all that stuff from season six. And a passive that really helped round out his kit. And…

Fiora: The year 2018 would finally see Fiora finding a worthy opponent: tank meta.

Fizz: It felt horrible for his entire people to disappear. And after years of searching, this year was the year to give up and just make more of his people. So, with tears in his eyes, Fizz got to work repopulating his race. He did this by leaving some uranium in Bilgewater's water supply.

Galio: Take a deep breath, Gal. You got this. The relationship has gone on long enough, and it was becoming unhealthy. If their relationship used to be magic, he was finding himself becoming more and more a statue. All he needed to say was Bjergsen, it's time we see other people.

Gangplank: "Arr, I used to rule the high seas, feared be my name! And then me player started inting and playing Injustice 2! Arrrr, I best eat me an orange and rid myself of this scuuurvy!"

Garen: Garen was always coming out of bushes, surprising his enemies. But it was time to come out for real, surprising Teemo with an engagement ring. He tried to go in for a kiss but the Yordle started to resist, tongue tucked infuriatingly in his mouth. "I'm sorry," the scout said. "But I love Kled now." If this doesn't make any sense to you, you must not keep up with the lore.

Gnar: Gnar hopes to receive a VU that makes him look more of age so he might be included in more artwork.

Gragas: Quit drinking.

Graves: Quit smoking.

Hecarim: He has this really great plan to rig horse races…

Heimerdinger: 42, there is just something about that number… it was his age. And he wasn't a grandfather, let alone a parent. All these years he kept hypothesizing that there was still time. But this guess was rendered incorrect by the indelible march of time. By 43, he hoped to spawn something considerably more organic than an Evolution turret.

Illaoi: For years she hated the accusations. Ooh, she must really be into, you know… well, she wasn't! Until she saw how much the mucous monster in Monster Killer San 8 made on box office alone. Hey, maybe it wasn't the more savory job. But she has the entire ocean to clean herself off after a good shoot.

Irelia: Her resolution in 2018 is to not get screwed over by her visual update. Ha ha. Good luck with that, Irelia. We're all rooting for you.

Ivern: Ivern vows to become a better friend to the denizens to the forest. He also vows to become a better friends with his associates, Kentucky Friend Chicken, McDonalds, and the CAFO lobby.

Janna: hEr goal in two thousand EightEEn is to bEcomE morE variEd in hEr abilitiEs whilE still rEmaining an assEt to hEr tEam. (Also plans to start a fund for the permanently brain dead).

Jarvan IV: Okay, crazy idea time. Like, you might want to sit down for this one. What if—okay, let's restart here, because I know this is going to shock you. What if… Riot made a champ that didn't counter Jarvan's ultimate?

Jax: Jax wants everyone to imagine if he had a real one trick pony streamer.

Jayce: Look more handsome. Save more lives. Do it in style. Hey—it's hard to stand out when literally anyone with a ranged auto can dominate top lane these days. (note: I don't play League so I have no idea if this is relevant. If it isn't, politely inform me and include a doting fact about Teemo).

Jhin: Count to five.

Jinx: For years she has been ignoring her mental issues. In 2018, she will finally check into rehab

Kalista: Develop arthritis medication

Karma: In 2018, Karma wishes to add about 19 more elements to her kit. How about a kill counter connected to her Q? Or little fizzy sparks that damage champions every time she has the amazing capacity to press a key on the keyboard?

Karthus: Being the lead singer of Pentakill is fantastic, but Karthus wants to really bring back Reel Big Fish.

Kassadin: 2018 will be a year of achieving old ban rates, winning back those complaints of yore. With enough damage and his patented teleporting around, he has a real shot. Wait, who is that twelve-year old with the hair extensions?

Katarina: Use shunpo at least once.

Kayle: To be more free, like her sister.

Kayn: Like, even if he told you, you wouldn't understand it. You wouldn't even try to understand his New Years resolution. You're just another phony.

Kennen: With his CHIP healthcare gone, Kennen will have to rely on Eastern medicine to curb his ADHD.

Kha'zix: Evolve a donger so he can penetrate your team harder.

Kindred: More "artwork" featuring wolf. Oh, and they also want to start a sitcom series where Lamb is a fashion designer in New York. Don't ask.

Kled: Perfect. Perfectly rugged, perfectly toned. I mean, wow. His only resolution is to keep being himself, drinking the best mushroom juice and hanging out with the hottest guys.

Kog'maw: Try to be more of a conscientious consumer.

LeBlanc: Make out with her doppelgänger idk

Lee Sin: Find literally any other distinguishing feature besides being blind. To be honest, he doesn't see it happening.

Leona: Continue to spread the light of the sun… alongside Miss Fortune.

Lissandra: Get over that nasty cold.

Lucian: It's been like two years dude, I think it might be time to save your wife LOL

Lulu: Turns out, stuff turning purple is a side effect of lead poisoning. In 2018, Lulu hopes to cure her ailing condition by seeking even more lead.

Lux: a twelve year old cosmic being doesn't like her getting attention from Ezreal. Maybe it was time for her to grow up and find a man with a different demographic...

Malphite: For 2018, Malphite has a rock solid plan to run for congress. He wants to be softer on petty crimes and set business regulations in stone.

Malzahar: It's New Years Eve. Malzahar sits across from his date. Right before the ball falls, he tells Faker, "this just isn't working out, dude."

Maokai: Throw child protective services off his trail, then throw around more of his children.

Master Yi: Master Yi meditates in the dankness of a cave. Try as he might to train, he's a lot like Samurai Jack: he has a lot of future tech, but it doesn't change the fact he's from the bronze age.

Miss Fortune: Get her title changed.

Mordekaiser: I don't know, be numero uno again or something. It's hard to want anything when the gold he earns per game is higher than the GDP of his country.

Morgana: Learn a bit of self-control, like her sister.

Nami: She is setting out on a campaign in 2018 to convince everyone that her Universe comic isn't a ridiculous metaphor for the BP oil spill.

Nasus: Keep stacking meat on those thighs.

Nautilus: After years spent in many wet places, this busy diver hopes to acquaint himself with some sea men.

Nidalee: Nothing, really, besides winter staying around for a while. She just wants a bit more time before she's in the heat

Nocturne: He hopes to audition for the reprising role of

Nunu: Practice hard in 2018, and learn to stop throwing good snowballs.

Olaf: Realize that his collegiate days are over and that it's time to activate his ult and stop getting dragged down by the past.

Orianna: Stop using 200 IQ in all of her highlights.

Ornn: He has humble aspirations, but Riot will make sure to keep ramming him down top lane's throat.

Pantheon: Become a baker (duh)

Poppy: Bring back old lolipoppy splash please.

Quinn: Finally figure out what Valor sees up there.

Rakan: Do a better job at taking care of his beard.

Rammus: Learn a few more words. Like "Sure." Or "er." Or "nice."

Rek'sai: Get a slot on Extreme Makeover.

Renekton: Same as his brother. I mean, have you seen their splashes. It's absolutely ridiculous! They need to forget the League and work on their real assets.

Rengar: Take steps backwards, apparently.

Riven: Stop being such a salty bitch.

Rumble: Honestly too tired

Ryze: Hm… they can probably slate five or six reworks for Ryze this year.

Sejuani: Get name cards so people stop calling her boar "Sejuani."

Shaco: Start dropping loot boxes instead of jack-in-the-boxes because the former is a larger waster of time and a lot scarier to see in a free-to-play game.

Shen: No one can really give two shens about what this boring ninja wants.

Shyvana: Stop being such a bad dragon.

Singed: Become relevant for another two or three weeks again in 2018, then try out a drink stirred.

Sion: Become the poster child for concussions in contact sports.

Sivir: Move out of the Shuriman desert and quit being such a gold digger.

Skarner: Bring back dominion

Sona: Appear in at least one URF game mode before 2019.

Soraka: Relive the starcall patches.

Swain: Fix that hobble, refill his cialis prescription, and try out some old tactics on some young ladies

Syndra: Discover new and exciting things, for example, like Q. Or W. Or E.

Tahm Kench: Finally decide whether he's a frog or a catfish.

Taliyah: Stop existing.

Talon: Be chosen for the lead role of the next Assassin's Creed game

Taric: As Ezreal bites his upper lip, Taric lets out a gasp of passion. In truth, however, this is a farce. Taric is just using Ezreal to get at Galio.

Teemo: First Teemo wants to CENSORED. Then I want to see him CENSORED the mushroom after wiping his CENSORED and then licking CENSORED.

Thresh: have more people click on his lantern.

Tristana: Get a restraining order on LOD

Trundle: Get a nice, cozy job working for the Russian government

Tryndamere: Last longer than six seconds… in battle.

Twisted Fate: Become lead designer for Destiny 2

Twitch: More than enough about this rat coming soon.

Udyr: Finally decide on one of his four suits for Rainfurrest 2019.

Urgot: Restraining order on Sneaky. As in, restraining him to a bed and showing him that, like a crab, he has a soft tender inside that gets hard when left boiling too long.

Varus: Resist the rising urge to watch RENT.

Vayne: Beat her old world record in Vayne spotting.

Veigar: Put on a couple inches by the end of 2019.

Vel'koz: Eye drops.

Vi: To punch through the walls blocking LGBTQ from joining law enforcement.

Viktor: Have his lore reworked to be less interesting. Oh wait—

Vladimir: Get through the entire year without a "that time of the month" joke.

Volibear: Honestly, just the capacity to hope for a change, good or bad, would be a boon to this dead and wrecked shell of a champion.

Warwick: To first notice, then reduce the bulge in crime started by the Chem barons.

Wukong: It wasn't going to be an easy year for the martial arts monkey. He is always putting up a front when people engage him. It's time to become more social and put a better spin on things.

Xayah: Figure out why Rakan never wants to get intimate with her.

Xerath: Ah, 2018, a time of great potential for the god of shurima—sorry, I've lost the rest of the script.

Xin Zhao: Finally get to the fucking arena.

Yasuo: Get a new stick to save away the raccoons with.

Yorick: To have one item accidentally make him extremely broken for literally one patch so he can be made relevant enough to warrant a better skin months down the line.

Zac: Get together with Riven to make a feature-length film. About.. Friendship. And the power of bonds.

Zed: Patch out the "remove shadows" option.

Ziggs: Put on an even better fireworks display for next year's celebration.

Zilean: To use his powers in times to help those poor players stuck in four hour games.

Zoe: Receive tons of attention, comics and work in 2018 to take away from actually interesting plots and champions.

Zyra: Fine-tune the plants on the Rift a little.

submitted by /u/Papaya_Dreaming
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What champions are broken right now?

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:18 AM PST

Although It Reminds Me That I'm A Generous Boi, I Don't Need The Same Notification That A Friend Has Opened Their Gift Every Time I Log In

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 02:52 AM PST

The hitbox indicator on Eve's ultimate is very misleading

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 12:56 PM PST

While I've gotten a better sense of Eve's hitboxes from using her a lot, this is very misleading for people new to her.

Compare the indicator with the animation when used.

The attack hits targets behind her, which the indicator doesn't show at all. In fact, it only shows about half the area the ult actually hits. I don't see why it can't have an indicator like the one for Azir's ult, that actually shows where the spell hits.

I know this isn't a huge priority for Riot, but it seems like changing this would improve clarity by a lot.

submitted by /u/Parysian
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A New Year, A New Website to Change the Way You ARAM!

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 09:18 AM PST

TLDR: I am releasing a comprehensive ARAM guide website: ARAMlol.com for public beta testing and feedback. Here are it's main features:
Quick Team Evaluation: Enter your champions on the left and see how your team's win rate stacks up against every other team combination. You can also see your teams combined stats and brief comments about your team comp.
Individual Champion Guides: See the most popular starting item purchases and summoner spells and their win rates. Also see the most popular skill builds, highest win rate runes and item purchases.

Please leave any feedback in the comments or through this form

Thank you so much for your participation. Your time is greatly appreciated!

My name is Steven and ARAM has been my go to game mode for the past 4 years. Even after playing ARAM for so long, I find myself asking the same questions over and over:
-Should I reroll/Is my champion good?
-Is my team champion composition any good?
-This champion is new/has been reworked, how has everyone been building him?

Although there are many sites that try to answer these questions, often by the time I find an answer, I have 20 seconds left to decide whether to reroll, which runes and which summoners to use. In many cases the credibility of these answers are questionable because they are based on personal opinion.

Through scrapping hundreds of thousands of ARAM matches and a little elbow grease, I made ARAMlol with the goal of quickly providing unbiased answers to those questions in one place.

Team Evaluation

By entering the 5 champions of your team into the 5 inputs and pressing evaluate. You can see a rough estimate of how your team stacks up to other teams. A normal distribution is displayed and a bolded line delineates where in the distribution your team lies. I calculate this by taking your team's averaged win rate, and finding where it stands in comparison to the averaged win rate of all other possible teams(I also factor in champion frequency). This is a naive comparison as it does not factor in champion/team synergy so take this analysis with a grain of salt.

After pressing evaluate, you can also see how good or bad your ARAM champs are individually by the colored border (the greener the better the win rate and redder the worse).

Pressing the pentagon on the top left hand corner will let you see the stats of your team as a whole in terms of tankiness, AP, AD, healing, and crowd control. 10 on the pentagon is the highest possible value of the stat, while 0 is the lowest possible value. I calculate this by summing the individual stats of each champion on the team(more on that later). On the right hand side, you can also see a brief overview of the pro's and cons of your team.

By pressing evaluate, the champions you enters on the left are "locked in" as the team that is being evaluated. By clicking edit (where the evaluate button once was) you can modify the team you want evaluated. By clicking on a "locked in" champion you will access the individual guide for that champion.

Individual Champion Guides:

Each champion on the site has it's own individual dynamically generated mini guide with the following categories:

  1. Start: This contains most of what you need during champion select and first start out including popular starting item purchases and summoner spells along with their win rates. This also includes the most used skill build for the champion.
  2. Items: This shows you the top 6 most frequently purchased items and its' win rate and the top two most used boots for a given champion.
  3. Runes: The recommended rune page shows you the the runes with the highest win rate for a champion. Note that you will see dark harvest A LOT and this is not a bug. The settings for the recommended runes is still being tweaked as sometimes it will give pretty wonky suggestions.
  4. Stats: In stats we see the the pentagon once again, but this time the stats are for the individual champion.
    Each aforementioned stat is calculated by the average following: tankiness = (damage taken + damage mitigated), AP = Magic Damage Dealt, AD = Physical Damage Dealt, Crowd Control = crowd control score, heal = total healed x total allied champions healed*.

*subject to change

List View

If you want to search for an individual champion to look up with out going through the entire process, you can press the list icon to the right of the evaluate button. After doing so you will see all the champions along with their winrates and frequency, from which you can choose which individual champion you want to look up.

My New Years Resolutions to You For this new year I make the following promises to the league of legends community as long the website is in use:

  1. Weekly Data Updates: League of Legends is constantly changing whether it's the champions or items. The data on the site should never be outdated. I will strive to update the data once a week at a minimum.
  2. An Active Ear to the Community: The usefulness of a website is dependent on it's users. I will do my best to incorporate highly requested features and bug fixes that are within my ability.
  3. I Will Lose Weight*: Last time I went to the doctor, he told me that I am now overweight. I no longer go to that doctor. *may or may not happen

I am always open to tips and suggestions. Please let me know any thoughts, feedback or questions you have!

Thank you for taking your time in reading this!

submitted by /u/stevezease
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I flashed to hit the enemy, it turned into a sick play.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:21 AM PST

link: https://youtu.be/-YxErQnTg3Y

Totally intentional btw.

submitted by /u/Ziberian
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Malevolent Idol Xerath, by Tink29

Posted: 31 Dec 2017 10:38 PM PST

Smite should be auto-selected when you enter a draft game mode as a jungler

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 01:26 PM PST

So that you or your mates can't accidentally forget about it

Entering a game without smite most likely means a loss, you are put to such a high disadvantage that all you gonna accomplish is wasting 5 people's time and ruin their mood

not saying this is necessary, imo it would just be a nice quality of life improvement to the game, it doesn't happen often but when it does it really ruins the fun part of the game

submitted by /u/GimmyBoyy
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Renekton cross-map kill with W

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 01:04 PM PST


idk, I've never had this happen in a game before

submitted by /u/A-Jayy
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