Destiny - [D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2018-01-23]

[D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2018-01-23]

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:03 AM PST

Nightfall: The Inverted Spire

Arcadian Valley End the Red Legion expedition that has ripped open the planet's surface.


  • Attrition: Health and shield regeneration slow down, but killing foes may create wells of Light that restore health and charge your Super.
  • Timewarp: Killing Time: Defeat enemies to extend the mission timer, up to a limit.


  • Speed Of Dark: Complete the Nightfall with at least 5 minutes remaining.
  • Unbroken: Complete the Nightfall with fewer than 3 deaths.
  • The Floor Is Lava: As a fireteam, do not get hit by Protheon's fiery ground attack before defeating it.

Flashpoint: Titan

Don't forget to buy the Treasure Maps from Cayde-6 as well.


  • Riptide: Without power, Zavala's resistance has hit a wall. Travel deeper into the Arcology and help them past it.
  • Hope: Commander Zavala is building a resistance at a moon of Saturn. Make contact and join the fight.

Shaxx Milestone

You may need to visit Shaxx at The Tower to pick this up.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-01-23]

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:05 AM PST

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: Winding Cove - Loot a Lost Sector in the Winding Cove. Walking the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Pikejacked - Steal a Fallen Pike and use it to defeat 20 enemies.
Titan Arcology Reclaimer - Kill 40 enemies in the New Pacific Arcology. Walking the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Scourge of the Fallen - Defeat 75 Fallen enemies.
Nessus Lost Sectors: The Cistern - Loot a Lost Sector around the Cistern. Event Horizon - Succesfully complete a public event. Pikejacked - Steal a Fallen Pike and use it to defeat 20 enemies.
IO Lost Sectors: The Rupture - Loot a Lost Sector in the Rupture. Treasure Hunter - Loot 3 Vex or Cabal supply caches. Cut Off One Head - Defeat a Vex Hydra.
Mercury Lost and Found - Complete a Lost Sector. Vex Treasures - Loot 3 Vex treasure chests. Not Murder If It's Robots - Kill 75 Vex.

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Hat Trick - Defeat 3 or more enemies at once using a Power weapon. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Heroic Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Point Blank - Defeat 20 enemies with precision attacks at close range. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Osiris Quickplay High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. Shutdown Artist - Defeat an opponent while their Super is active. The Big Guns - Defeat 5 opponents with Power weapon final blows.
Competitive Pack Hunting - Defeat 20 opponents with two or more participating players. On A Roll - Win back-to-back rounds 3 times. Shoot the Glowing One - As a team, defeat 5 opponents while their Supers are active.
Osiris Competitive Sound And Fury - As a team, defeat 20 opponents using Supers. On A Roll - Win back-to-back rounds 3 times. Shoot the Glowing One - As a team, defeat 5 opponents while their Supers are active.
Mayhem The Hunger - Defeat 15 opponents with Void final blows. Moment of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents in a single life. Deadeye - Defeat 10 opponents with Precision final blows.
Trials of Osiris Tribute - As a fireteam, defeat 150 opponents. Fulfillment - Win 10 rounds. Judgment - Win 5 matches.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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I`ve played D1 for the last 2 days and it`s so much darker and mystical compared to D2.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:00 AM PST

For example The Hive are so much more threatening than in D2. The whole world feels more immersive and the planets have more atmosphere. Damn it would´ve been so cool if they expanded the world like in WoW instead of making a second (far worse) game.

submitted by /u/no_ripley
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Ability Cooldown Transparency, Please

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:56 AM PST

In D1, we were told exactly how long cooldown for melee/ grenade/ super would take, depending on our INT/ DIS/ STR levels. I would like the same cooldown transparency in D2 please, telling us clearly what the different ability cool downs are, as we equip different perk stack combinations.

submitted by /u/Z3nyth007
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Stock analysts that cover Activision stock state the current uproar over D2 could negatively affect the company’s performance

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:04 AM PST

On the Dow Jones Newswires today: Sarah Needleman with the Wall Street Journal reports that stock analysts at Cowen and Company have stated that all of the upheaval around D2 could hurt Activision's bottom line. Among the reasons, lower than projected in game sales (poor Tess). The biggest shocker in this report was that overall Destiny Twitch viewership in December was down 1.8M over December 2016. Knew it was bad, just not that bad

Certainly no reason to short the stock or anything. Just interesting to see how wide these issues have reached

submitted by /u/TearUANoo1
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Facebook just told me that 3 years ago in 2015 I posted I couldn’t wait to go home and play with my new Atheons Epilogue :(

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:32 AM PST

I uploaded a picture of the rifle from destiny companion to FB while I was at work. I got the rifle the night before on my very first raid. Man I was so excited.

I know it wasn't an amazing gun but it was a elemental primary laser type auto rifle and I personally LOVED it

Bungie THAT is what I want back. The excitement. The care in your weapon diversity. The rewards.

Sorry for being gloomy.

submitted by /u/D1eThx
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Bungie, please consider making a special emblem for Destiny's outstanding third-party developers

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:47 AM PST

Building on this post from r/DTG mod u/D0cR3d from a few days ago, Destiny has some incredibly dedicated and talented third-party developers that have contributed significantly to Destiny 1 and 2. We have all interacted with these tools at one time or another over the past few years. I'm talking about tools like Destiny Item Manager, Ishtar Commander, Trials Report and

Many of these developers have dedicated thousands of hours to this game and have created important functionality not provided in-game. Could you imagine playing Destiny without an item manager or an LFG site?

Bungie, please consider creating something special to recognize the contributions of these individuals. Ideas include a unique emblem, shader, sparrow, etc. that will stand out. Put some of your incredible artistic talent on this task and do something amazing to show gratitude for these devs commensurate to what they have done for this game and community.

I would rarely advocate for so much time be devoted to so few individuals considering the number of other issues currently on your plate, but these developers have been instrumental in helping this game grow and this community flourish.

A list of developers and their associated site/tool/service is linked above.

submitted by /u/dickfuld2
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I laughed out loud when I noticed Dead Orbit wants you to get melee kills for a leg ornament and search Lost Sectors for an arm ornament.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:16 AM PST

Come on Bungie, are you just messing with us at this point?

Bonus: New Monarchy Arm Ornament? Patrols. FWC Leg Ornament? Throw grenades.

submitted by /u/el_pez_3
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New Monarchy won the Faction Rally!

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:02 AM PST

Again ._.

The reward: Loquitor IV Auto Rifle. It is marked as "CoO", no idea what you get (if anything) without the DLC.

submitted by /u/Try_to_guess_my_psn
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I never played Rise of Iron. Should I buy it?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:22 AM PST

I enjoyed every other Destiny 1 DLC. Destiny 2 was fun for a week (almost two). All of my friends stopped playing, and there is no content to play.

So I was wondering if Rise of Iron would be a step forward to where Destiny 2 is now. Thanks!

submitted by /u/HunterStyle
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Destiny Data Analysis: How many rolls were there in D1, and how many of them mattered?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:00 AM PST

With all of the discussion on fixed versus random rolls, I wanted to take a look back at D1 and see exactly how many unique weapons there were.

There were 255 Year2/3 Legendary weapons. Each weapon had either 4 or 5 columns of perks, with each column being either fixed or a selectable choice between 2 or 3 nodes. The first column of perks were always a choice of scopes or barrel mods. The arrangement of the columns differed between weapons. For example, The Palindrome had a 3x2x2x1 configuration (3 scopes, 2 columns with 2 selectable perks each, and 1 unchangable perk) while the Eyasluna and Imago Loop had a 3x1x3x1 configuration.

Each node for a weapon had a subset of perks that it could roll with. The last perk on the The Palindrome, for instance, could roll either Third Eye, Reactive Reload, Hidden Hand, Luck in the Chamber, or Rangefinder. The last perk for an Eyasluna could roll either Mulligan, Life Support, Third Eye, Grenadier, Reactive Reload, Icarus, Army of One, Hidden Hand, or Luck in the Chamber.

To see how many possible weapons there were, I downloaded the Destiny 1 Manifest and looked at the Item Definitions (list of weapons) and Talent Grid Definitions (list of possible perks and how they are arranged). I then calculated the number of rolls for each weapon. There were 8000 possible rolls for The Palindrome, 65,000 for Eyasluna, and a whopping 182,000 for Imago Loop.

In total there were 16,450,653 possible rolls.

However, while this number was enormous, the number of effective weapons was smaller, since two weapons with different rolls could potentially be configured to have the same perks selected. So if you want a 1000-Yard Stare with Ambush, Grenadier, Quickdraw, Hidden Hand, you don't really care that there are 4704 possible rolls that contian those perk options.

The number of unique weapon configuration was 1,004,561.

That is a million guns available to acquire and use.

To make this number feel a bit more obtainable (and because our Vaults are rather small), I wanted to know how many "interesting" random rolls there were while also taking into account that weapons with the same archetype were sometimes indistingushable from each other, and weren't fair to count as completely separate weapons, such as the Hawksaw and PDX-45. To do this, I collected perks that were recommended in the Massive Breakdowns. I then removed perks that only modified a weapon's stats, like Hand-Laid Stock or Hammer Forged. All of the perks considered would noticably influence the weapon's behavior or your playstyle. Thus our list includes that Fakebringer Imago Loop but excludes a dull-as-dirt DIS-43 with Fitted Stock // Oiled Frame, Partial Refund, and Single-Point Sling // Injection Mold.

List of perks: Army of One, Battle Runner, Close and/or Personal, Cocoon, Cluster Bomb, Counterbalance, Crowd Control, Explosive Rounds, Eye of the Storm, Feeding Frenzy, Final Round, Firefly, Focused Fire, Full Auto, Glass Half Full, Grenades and Horseshoes, Grenadier, Headseeker, Hidden Hand, High Caliber Rounds, Hip Fire, Hot Swap, Icarus, Kneepads, Last Resort, Life Support, Lightweight, Luck in the Chamber, Mulligan, Outlaw, Partial Refund, Performance Bonus, Persistence, Quick Reaction, Quickdraw, Rangefinder, Reactive Reload, Snapshot, Spray and Play, Surplus, Third Eye, Tracking, Triple Tap, Tripod, Unflinching, Zen Moment.

Summing this all up, there were still 7,726 possible "interesting" weapon configurations that someone might want to acquire. This shows why the D1 gear grind was practically endless for players who wanted to play that way and extremely frustrating for anyone who was still waiting for their Godroll or even something halfway usable (the interesting guns make up only 0.77% of the possible weapon configurations).

EDIT Going back up a level (suggestion from u/Griffin880), I looked at how many weapon configurations there were that had only Mercules-approved perks (including scopes, barrel perks, and stat-modifying perks, ditching all the "bad" perks like extra damage to enemy factions and Secret Round). In total there were 314,665 configurations that could be considered "OK, good, or great", representing 31% of the loot pool.

Other random findings:

  • the weapons with the most possible rolls were Does Not Bow (1,247,400), Treads Upon Stars (1,020,600), and Grasp of Malok (831,600). Grind those strikes!
  • The weapons with the fewest number of rolls (excluding fixed roll weapons) all had 4 rolls: Y2 Trials weapons and King's Fall weapons.
  • A Y3 weapon had far fewer possible rolls (thousands) than a Y2 weapon (hundreds of thousands).



  • Members of the Massive Breakdown Discord and my clan, BC30.
submitted by /u/Do-Not-Cover
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A change needs to be made to the crucible helmet ornaments. Nobody is playing competitive mode at all.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:57 AM PST

I've managed to play 5 games in the last WEEK. I try every day to play and win to work my way to the helmet ornament. Needing 25 wins in competitive mode is going to take longer than season two at this rate. I sit and wait in orbit. All is see is 2/8, 3/8, 2/8, 4/8, 1/8 then time out. Start over.

To make matters worse, once I do find 7 others to play we go through the game and when it's over I'm returned to orbit! OK start ALL OVER. Why not keep the 8 players and mix the teams up? Why send us back to orbit to have start again? Regular crucible goes right into looking for guardians again.

Anyway back on topic. I think the helmet ornament should be 25 CRUCIBLE wins. NOT competitive only. 25 overall wins will be hard enough. Competitive? Not going to happen this year. It's not from a lack of trying or skill. I seem to win 50% of my games as a random and I'm ok with that. I'll grind it out. This not finding any other players is killing us.

Edit: Thinking about it more. I don't want to sound like I'm wanting an easy hand out. Feel free to up the wins to 40 in any given crucible match if you like Bungie.

submitted by /u/DestinyLyfe
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This is what is meant by transparency

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:15 AM PST

Here is a link to the Bungie's most recent patch notes for the update on 12/12/17 - after they said they would become more transparent.

And here is a link for the patch notes for the most recent Diablo 3 update on 10/12/17

In Bungie's update - Notice the complete absence of units such as meters, seconds, and percentages.

Nearly every change Blizzard makes in Diablo 3 is quantifiable in some way, which they attempt to explain to the best of their ability.

Instead of units, Bungie uses adjectives - this must change.

When the community says "We want transparency", what we mean is that we want the numbers!

submitted by /u/Chinstrap_1
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With Bungie's year focus on bringing D1 features back to D2, what completely "New to Destiny" feature would you like to see added?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:07 AM PST

We keep hearing about how this years focus is to add almost everything from D1 back into D2(raid perks, 6v6, private matches), but what kind of new feature or mechanic would you like to see added to the game to increase its value? (either by increasing the QoL of PVP, end game, etc.)

I've mentioned this before but I would love to see them add a customizable clan ship that works as a clan social space. Basically it would be a mix of the Normandy ship from Mass effect and garrisons from WoW and the Hearthfire DLC from Skyrim. Where you could unlock cosmetics for your ship based on clan experience. Even have trophy rooms where you can prop up your clans achievements(such as having Crota's Sword hanging on a plague with the date your clan first beat the raid).

Now I know any ideas here are most likely never to be implemented as Bungie is having trouble just catching up to D1 but I thought it would be interesting to see what we would like that completely new.

submitted by /u/Underlipetx
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CNBC Article: D2 is struggling

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:33 PM PST

Yikes. "As a result, the analyst is not optimistic the company will be able to turn the "Destiny" franchise around."

When financial analysts start commenting that they're worried Bungie may not be able to bring the franchise back, you know that it's hitting the bottom dollar for Bungie and Activision.

submitted by /u/arcolegrove
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Is it worth buying and playing D1 now?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:15 AM PST

As someone who has only ever played D2 I constantly hear how great D1 is in comparison so my question is, is there still a decent player base and is it worth playing it now or should I just wait if see if D2 gets fixed?

submitted by /u/Rexsplinter
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I get that the Tower was destroyed when the Red Legion hit, but why can't we go to Felwinter peak and keep our Iron Lord Artifacts?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:12 PM PST

Just been going through old YouTube videos and thinking about what it felt like playing back in the day and why D2 hasn't been having the same effect on me, it's puzzling because I've loved and defended this game to this day, so instead of talking crap and whining I'm looking for answers as to what it was that brought me back day in and day out, for me they need random perk rolls and not such a large TTK but I digress.

Was watching a "I hate everything" video about the rise of iron and I remembered having the artifacts and was wondering why we can't go back and get them, the area is still there, you can see it on the PvP map, they could've kept some of them and implemented more, left me wondering why not.

submitted by /u/Fliktorbean
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Armors/Weapons/Ghosts/Vehicles should remember what Shaders have been used on them, so that Shader can be freely re-applied at any time

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:27 AM PST

It's a pretty fair compromise between what we want and what Bungie refuses to budge on. Why?

  1. Shaders still need to be collected. So they remain part of the loot table for activities. Bungie doesn't have to rework the reward system or add permanent shaders to the game.

  2. A huge problem is that players like to collect things but dislike clutter. Ornaments are nice because you can erase and forget but they're still there. Shaders should work the same way. Once I apply New Monarchy Diamonds to my Chest Armor I should never have to have that shader or pay to equip that shader to put it on that piece of armor again. I should just be able to re-apply it for free without needing any of that shader in my inventory, just like an ornament.

  3. Shader deletion should require a long hold (like Exotics) to erase the entire stack, not one at a time. I have never seen a stack of 16 Dawn and Dusk shaders and thought "Huh, I only want 15", so if you could please look into that.

  4. DON'T WAIT 4 MONTHS. Seriously. This isn't a complicated system. And I'm pretty sure it would make a lot of people happy. I get that it can't be done tomorrow but 3 to 4 weeks doesn't seem like an unreasonable expectation.

Yes, a lot of this post is me venting frustration towards Bungie. That is because I have so many frustrations to vent. Want constructive feedback instead of constructive criticism? Reduce the number of issues we can criticize.

submitted by /u/bystander007
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FOLLOWUP: DeeJ isn't leaving Bungie

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:20 AM PST

Not too long ago someone pointed out a new job opening for Community Manager on Bungie's career website. A lot of people were speculating that DeeJ was stepping down since he's been very quiet lately. Well here's the answer.

Here's the exact TL;DR quote:

I've been at Bungie for 7 years, with no signs of stepping away any time soon. Day to day, I'm working more to evolve our customer service and communications. That takes me one step away from the very front lines of the community, so I'm being succeeded by better, newer blood.

So basically it sounds like he's moving up the ladder to somehow evolve customer service/communications, and a new person is being hired to deal directly with the public? I'm not entirely sure how this works out and why there needs to be another middle person wedged in between the devs and the community (in addition to the other 2 CMs).

Don't get me wrong I like DeeJ and I know he takes a lot of flak for stuff he has no control over. But at the same time this sounds like they're creating a longer bureaucratic chain between developer and customer relations, where response times will be slower and more stuff will be mis-communicated. :-/

submitted by /u/mmiski
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WAR Cult Fanatic Here: How were we supposed to get enough people to pledge and beat the cool NM ornaments when all you did was put VIOLET POLKA DOTS ON OUR GEAR?!

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:33 AM PST

Seriously though! I expect the gear and shaders have a heavy impact on people's pledge choices.
New monarchy always has a rich variety of bold red and gold color ways.
Dead orbit with the black and raider-esque emo kid swagger.
Also this time: you gave the war cult ornaments polka dots and violet/white gear which historically doesn't even match our true base colors. I dream of a day my faction wins the the faction rally... and Tex Mechanica delivers us the last word. That is all for now Guardians

submitted by /u/ccarter8020
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Uhhh.... my bad

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 07:30 AM PST

Xur Has NOT Left The Tower. You can still wave to him.

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:01 AM PST

His marker isn't showing and you can't buy anything. But he still talks and moves.

submitted by /u/pastuleo23
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[D1] Weekly Reset Thread [2018-01-23]

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:01 AM PST

Nightfall: Echo Chamber

Ishtar Sink, Venus Guardians destroyed the Nexus on Venus. Now, a powerful Vex mind seeks to sunder time and space and undo what was done.


  • Epic - Heavily shielded and highly aggressive enemies appear in great numbers.
  • Berserk - Minions of the Darkness won't flinch, even after massive damage.
  • Chaff - Player radar is disabled.
  • Match Game - Enemy shields are resistant to all unmatched Elemental Damage.
  • Catapult - Grenade recharge rate is greatly increased.

Featured Weekly Raid: Wrath of the Machine

Heroic Strike: SIVA Crisis Heroic


  • Heroic - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
  • Arc Burn - Arc Damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Exposure - Guardian shields are increased but do not replenish.
  • Catapult - Grenade recharge rate is greatly increased.

Story Playlist: The Taken War


  • Heroic - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
  • Solar Burn - Solar damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Airborne - Players deal more damage while in the air.

Vendor Planetary Material Exchange

Crucible Playlists:

  • Doubles
  • Pending Data from Tower...

Challenge of Elders


  • Grounded - Players take more damage while airborne.
  • Trickle - Recharge of abilities is significantly reduced.
  • Melee Kill Bonus - Melee kills are worth more points.
Round Boss Enemy Race
1 Noru'usk, Servant of Oryx Cabal
2 Pilot Servitor Fallen
3 Sylok, the Defiled Hive


Name Description
Shock Trooper Use Arc abilities to kill enemies in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.
Riot Guard Kill Champions in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.
Fire Fighter Use Solar abilities to kill enemies in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.

Iron Lord Artifacts

Name Primary Talent
Memory of Perun Enemy Guardians with full supers and all enemies with low health are highlighted.
Memory of Timur Melee attacks on minor minions of the Darkness have the chance to temporarily turn the target against its allies.
Memory of Felwinter Lose your super, but gain one extra Grenade and Melee charge, and small boosts to all stats. Orbs grant Melee and Grenade energy.

Shiro-4 Vanguard Scout Bounties

Name Description
Shock It to Me Use Arc damage to kill Fallen.
Stay Down Defeat Fallen.
Archon's Forge: Shanks Complete Shank encounters in the Archon's Forge.
Together We Rise Complete Public Events in the Plaguelands.

Titan Vanguard Bounties

Name Description
Strike Elite Earn Gold Tier Achieved, Silver Tier Achieved, or Bronze Tier Achieved Medals.
Sunrise Earn a Gold Tier Achieved Medal in the Nightfall before time expires.
Simply Perfect Complete SIVA Crisis Strikes without any member of your fireteam dying to earn Flawless Medals.

Lord Shaxx Bounties

Name Description
Back To Basics Exercise your skills in the Clash match type.
A Game of Rift Exercise your skills in the Rift match type.

Crucible Quartermaster Bounties

Name Description
Burst of Victory Use Pulse Rifles to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.
Point and Shoot Use Auto Rifles to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.
They'll Never See It Coming Use Sniper Rifles to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.
Action Reaction Use Fusion Rifles to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.
Choose Your Moment Use Heavy Weapons to defeat opposing Guardians in the Crucible.


Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday

Arms Day Foundry Orders

Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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If you still have a SUROS JLB-47 package at Gunsmith, today is the last day to get one of the better roles in the game

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 06:38 AM PST

Warhead Veneers site with Heavy Payload, Grenades and Horseshoes, with Javelin

If you still play 1, you need to try this gun.

EDIT: /u/Fireheart318s_Reddit pointed out that i should add "For a while" as Gunsmith's stock rotates weekly

submitted by /u/drunkstr8guy
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Bungie, can you please kill the "timed max drop" system with vendors in the next update? If a character reaches 335, vendor engrams should have a constant high chance at dropping at 330.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 05:26 PM PST

This is minor in the grand scheme of things that need to be worked on but, simply put, we should not have to rely on fan-created websites and mobile Twitter notifications to let us know when we should turn in our tokens.

We put in the effort to hit max light. Now let us get our armor and weapons up to par. This still isn't an instant process. We still need to hope that a similar-type weapon drops, rather than same-slot weapon as it worked in Destiny 1. And armor is done on a per character basis now, rather than being able to infuse a Warlock helmet into a Titan helmet as we could do in D1. On top of that, we still need to use mods in everything to get them to 335.

It would still take some time to get everything up to par but it shouldn't take too much time. We put in the work to get max light so let us take advantage of that. That part of the grind shouldn't be as focused as it is now.

Honestly, I think if a character hits 335, every vendor engram should drop as 330 for that character (it should not be account based, obviously). But I think most fans would take a 24/7 "high chance" of it dropping at 330 rather than random periods that happen every few days for each vendor.

(And uh, can we call it "light" again? I mean, we got our light back. So ... it's light. Just saying.)

Edit: Thanks for the upvotes, everyone!

submitted by /u/ZeoVGM
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I think Destiny 2's biggest issue right now is some of us have been burned too many times.

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 08:39 PM PST

You know the saying "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me?"

Well, I posted a while ago congratulating Bungie on trying to keep up communication and telling them to keep it up, and I noticed a very prevalent theme in most of the replies. Namely "Yeah, Bungo have done this before, it's all just to get us to buy The Taken Queen or Warmind 2 Electric Boogaloo. They ain't turned over a new leaf."

I think it's safe to say that, considering that you could probably make a entire reddit post about Bungie's screwups for both games and half of it would be longer then this post in it's entirety, that well, a lot of us are burned the fuck out on this bullshit.

We've seen tales of resets for both games with affected quality. We've seen many bad PR decisions, and design decisions that failed to learn from past mistakes. We've seen monitization methods creep in and get worse and worse, we've seen constant nerfs to PVP and PVE, I'm sure all of you can add your own issues.

Simply put, my main issue with D2 and Bungie right now is this: I've been burnt too many times. I don't want to play Destiny 2, or even come back to this reddit again, because I don't want to repeat the same old journey of D1 where we got a flawed ass game, terrible PR, and a fix 1 year later that required dlc purchases to do jack shit and introduced new issues.

I'm tired of it Bungie. I'm tired of this cycle and that is a key factor of this player hemorrhage.

Edit: Was pointed out to me that while I have a point, what I said here does not necessarily help. so I'm going to add a couple of points as to what Bungie can do to try and fix some burnt bridges.

First things first: They need to outright acknowledge they screwed up and take steps immediately in 3's development to make sure it does not happen with 3. Just don't do a outright reboot like last 2 times.

Second: They need to be explicit in changes and patches from here on out, be more open with the community, and keep it up.

Third: They need to add features that should be there already as well as community asked for features, and they need to do this as soon as possible, ideally before The Taken Queen Electric Boogaloo so they don't get accused of a blatant cashgrab attempt. I would even go so far as to say like some have said that a full on Realm Reborn style revamp of things are in order, or maybe on a smaller scale.

Forth: Some free content to build some foundations. I'm not saying anything like big DLC, but something like the April Updates from D1 that added new features. A good idea for this often suggested would be using the Infinite Forest as a infinite generator with good rewards.

Fifth:Bungie need to find out what the community as a whole think they did RIGHT. For example, I like the fact that if your clan does the raid you can get raid rewards from it. Others, like Datto, might not. Bungie needs to find out what the majority think on this, keep what works, ditch what does not.

Sixth: This one's gonna be controversial, especially to Activision and it's shareholders, but... get rid of Eververse. Utterly. Lootboxes and the like are toxic in the gaming community right now, and Bungie could gain a lot of legit credit easily and with no hassle by going "Ok yeah this shit ain't right, we done goofed, let's make it right and we are removing MT's and adding every reward, even rare ones from season 1, in game."

submitted by /u/Kylestien
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