Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-01-01]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-01-01]

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 09:05 AM PST

Note: At this time, the Destiny 2 API does not provide any of the info below. We have put placeholder data until the API is available and it is grabbed automatically. In the meantime, please feel free to post in the comments and we'll update the thread.

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Focused Feedback: Bungie Communication aka "We're Listening"

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 11:04 AM PST

Hello Guardians,

Focused Feedback is where we take the week to focus on a 'Hot Topic' discussed extensively around the Tower.

We do this in order to consolidate Feedback, to get out all your ideas and issues surrounding the topic in one place for discussion and a source of feedback to the Vanguard.

This Thread will be active until next week when a new topic is chosen for discussion

Whilst Focused Feedback is active, ALL posts regarding 'Bungie Communication aka "We're Listening"' following its posting will be removed and re-directed to this thread

Below are some example posts of ideas / feedback already provided of which may be of interest regarding the topic:

Any and all Feedback on the topic is welcome.

Regular Sub rules apply so please try to keep the conversation on the topic of the thread and keep it civil between contrasting ideas

A Wiki page - Focused Feedback - has also been created for the Sub as an archive for these topics going forward so they can be looked at by whoever may be interested or just a way to look through previous hot topics of the Sub as time goes on.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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If you're going to be brave enough to take risks, you need to be brave enough to admit when they didn't work out.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 06:42 AM PST

Back when the Taken King came out, the entire leveling system was reworked. Rather than being a forever 29, there were now Light Levels and a whole new economy to come along with it.

It was a risk, one that turned into being a huge success. Credit awarded where credit is due.

However, switching up the weapons system was also a risk. One that is slowly causing the exact thing it was meant to prevent: low degree of weapon variety. Why use a kinetic when the elemental is so much better for PVE? Why ever use a sniper when rockets are so much better in PVP? With what we have now, there is absolutely no reason to use anything beside a handful of select weapons.

Bungie, if we are to praise you for the risks that worked out, we also need to be able to address and talk about the ones that didn't. Even if it is something as major as the entire weapons system getting reworked. It's happened before, time for the discussion to be opened up once again.

submitted by /u/OryxsLoveChild
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I honestly can't understand what happened to the hundreds of thousands of man hours that supposedly went into developing Destiny 2.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 06:39 AM PST

Recycled enemies

Recycled mechanics and powers

Recycled ideas and game modes

Recycled and reskinned weapons and armor

How was this game in development for years? So many assets were taken from D1. I don't know exactly when the Live Team took over for D1, but it was definitely in 2015. Let's give a generous estimate of 500 days of work on D2 x 8 hours a day x half the people at Bungie (350)... that's 1,400,000 hours. When you're importing the majority of your game from the prequel, 1.4 MILLION HOURS should yield something so much better than Destiny 2. That's what blows my mind. Sure, there's (awesome) new music and settings. It's a visually very appealing world, but there are 700+ people working at Bungie; I'd guess more than half of them were involved in Destiny 2 for most of its development, and they certainly weren't all creating the environment. Like it wasn't even Eververse. There's a lot of stuff packed in Eververse, but they're small things that really shouldn't take much time to create.

Was it all spent on the supposed new engine? The "new engine" that has the same quirks and bugs that D1 had? I can't believe this is a brand new engine. Perhaps they modified the old one? But even then, a new engine doesn't translate to something tangible for the player. We can't see it, and it doesn't feel any different than the old game. If anything, Destiny 2 feels significantly worse. The appearance it gives is that Bungie is lazy, incompetent, or both, because the end product doesn't feel improved in any way when compared to D1. Why spend time creating a new engine but not use it for anything new or improved??? This is the worst part of D2 to me. It is impossible to imagine that for all of the assets they had, the framework that was already in place, the already created world and storyline, they added almost nothing! This game was being hyped for years. Years!! There are not years worth of content in this game! What was their time spent on?? Recycling of some content is fine when you can use the time saved by doing so on creating a deeper experience, but that clearly didn't happen here. I don't know why I even typed all this up. It just makes me angry, and I needed to say it. That's all.

submitted by /u/DeliciousCrepes
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This Sub makes me feel bad for finding enjoyment in Destiny 2 and it's depressing.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:50 AM PST

I've been playing Destiny since House of Wolves. I don't consider myself a "casual" player. Maintained 3 Max Light characters in D1 and currently have 2 in D2. I check this sub every day, mostly because I think the Destiny community is great and many of you make awesome contributions to it.

However, almost every single post on the front page, even ones that did not originate criticizing D2 or Bungie, have people telling me that Bungie doesn't deserve a second of my time or my money. Telling me that they sold their copy or stopped playing weeks ago and I should do the same. I get it, we complain because we care, but I think we've passed the point of just expressing our frustrations.

Frankly, it just feels like the majority are hovering over those of us that still play and enjoy the game, fingers pointing and yelling "YOU are the problem." It even feels like some come into this sub just to spread hate, assuming that is what we are all here for.

This is not my attempt to defend the shortcomings that the game has. Am I disappointed to see the state that the game is in? Of course, but I am also disappointed to see the state this sub is in.

I am sorry that many of you feel like you've been fooled and disrespected by Bungie for the product they've put out. If that has made you jump ship and vow never to come back, that's fine. I understand and respect your decision. Maybe my expectations were lower than yours, I don't know. Just think about those of us that still enjoy loading up on Tuesday, seeing what the Flashpoint is and having fun doing public events. Still look forward to raiding with friends. Still have fun punching enemies to death.

I am all about having healthy conversations about what Bungie needs to do to make this game what we want it to be. We can even be salty together about how some of the cooler loot like exotic ships and ghosts are hidden behind Eververse and how much we hate tokens as rewards from raid encounters. Hell, most of the time this community grows closer by venting and having these discussions.

Is the answer that I should just keep playing and ignore this sub? Probably, but it's not something I want to do nor should be cornered into doing.

If any of you want to have any discussions about why I still play and find the game enjoyable, I'm here. That's what this forum is for. I will most likely agree with most of the criticism and frustrations you have after all.

Like in D1, I have not put one penny into Eververse and never will. However, I will be continuing to buy the expansions as they come out because to me they feel worth it. Even though it was disheartening to see that a lot of the QoL changes to D1 didn't make it to D2, I don't really feel betrayed and like most of you, hope and expect the game to improve.

At the end of the day, I just don't want this sub to make me feel like the enemy for actually enjoying the game.

Edit: Obligatory "made it to the front page" edit.

It makes me feel a lot better to see so many of you brave souls echo my sentiments or at least encourage me to keep enjoying the things I enjoy while still voicing my concerns. I've tried to reply to as many of you as I can, and look forward to this being the start of some more positivity in this sub. Thank you again for your support!

submitted by /u/BurningFinger22
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Easy way to tell what a Shader will dismantle into.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:15 AM PST

If a shader reads "Apply", then it yields shards and/or glimmer.

If a shader reads "Equip", then it yields Bright Dust.

Ex: "Apply this shader to change the color of your gear."


"Equip this shader to change the color of your gear."

Edit: I'm being told this applies to vanilla Eververse shaders. The Vex shaders say "Apply", but yield dust. My apologies for any misconception.

submitted by /u/Saezun
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Everpurse aside, one thing that should be at the top of Bungie’s fix-it list is get rid of this abomination of a writing team

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:30 AM PST

Don't get me wrong, I am no advocate of people losing their jobs while working hard for it. Just take Christine Thompson and her evil dwarves and put them somewhere else or on some other project, preferably a kids game or something because that's where the D2 dialogue seems like it belongs.

I'm not saying they're bad writers. I'm sure they do awesome work. But this game is not quite their forte.

Whoever does end up taking the reigns, please be sure to have them study the D1 grimoire very....VERY HARD. I don't want to hear nolanbot saying "Switch off!" anymore, nor do I need to hear that moron Taeko-3 "embrace the praxic Fire" without any god damn explanation as to why she said that...AND DIDNT EVEN SELF RES!


submitted by /u/Thomas1097
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Datto: "Does anyone else just feel like loot is boring right now?"

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:09 AM PST

Datto I think hits the nail on the head when it comes to loot in this game. Loot discussion starts at around seven minutes in. It's some good food for thought, and is a really good discussion point.

For me, I think loot is boring because we're forced into using the most boring type of guns the most: primaries. Most of the time in D1, the best guns were specifically the secondary and heavy weapons. Since 90% of all of those are now delegated to the power weapon slot, and don't get used as much, all we play with are primaries, and they just generally aren't as fun.

submitted by /u/dell90wattac
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Jim Sterling puts D2 in shittiest games of 2017

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 07:17 AM PST

Hello, I am the author of Where is Xur? & The Vault: Item Manager apps. I happy to announce The Vault is released for iOS!

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 08:48 AM PST

Hello there Guardians,

I am the creator of Where is Xur? and The Vault: Item Manager applications. Allow me to take you away from all the salt for a minute.

Around the beginning of January, 2017; I graduated as an Android Developer and released The Vault: Item Manager as my final project. It has developed quite a bit in the past year and now sits as one of the top rated Destiny-related apps on Google Play with a rating of 4.8 out of over 18.000 reviews. I would like to thank to all of you for this, first.

As the The Vault got more popular, Guardians naturally asked for the iOS version. Unfortunately, I knew nothing about the coding language of iOS; (Android & iOS has two completely different coding languages) but I had my summer off so I started to teach myself the language. And now, after around 5 months, iOS version of The Vault is finally released on Apple Appstore!


  • Loadout Manager

  • Auto Max Power Button

  • "Highlight Duplicates" option

  • Advanced transfer & equipping

  • Item Details: Complete stats, Perk Tree, Mod & Masterwork Info

  • Item retrieval from the Postmaster

  • Various Sorting Options: Sort by Name, Sort by Weapon Type etc.

Here is the Appstore Link with screenshots:

For the minority who have trouble with the link: If the link does not redirect you to the download page; you can search the "vault manager destiny" keywords on the Appstore App

iOS version lacks two features that Android supports:

Grind Mode:

Grind Mode on Android periodically checks your inventory and automatically transfers your below-legendary quality items when switched on. The beauty of this feature is that; it can run in the background; meaning that after you switch it on; you can check other apps on your phone or you can just lock it and put it aside and it will still periodically check & transfer your items. Android OS supports background execution. However, on iOS, to extend the battery life as much as possible periodic background tasks are forbidden. Therefore, it was not possible to implement this feature locally. There are ways to implement this; but it requires a server-side implementation and needless to say it is too much work for the potential gain. I mean at this point, who has the free space in his/her vault for below-legendary quality items anyway.

Destiny 1 support:

The only reason the Android version supports both games is because by the time Destiny 2 was released; there were 40.000 active users of Destiny 1 and it did not seem fair just to cut them off. Squeezing two games in an app really complicates things and since the iOS version is released in the D2 era; I saw no point in supporting D1.

Here is a request from me: Although this version was thoroughly tested before release; nothing is like a real field test. You might encounter some minor bugs or crashes along the way. In case you decide to give it a try; I kindly ask you report the bugs to me; so I can understand their causes.

I would also love to hear your comments/suggestions for further improvement.

submitted by /u/abarrach
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I am not proud of my Saint 14's Gray Pigeon. Given the amazing lore behind it, I should be. I was proud of my Vienna Singer, my Fatebringer, and every shader and ship I got from raiding. (Expansion on this thought below)

Posted: 31 Dec 2017 09:34 PM PST

What a missed opportunity.

Imagine: I kill folks in PVP or PVE and I get a quest. I kill 250 of every race and 100 in PVP inside a bubble to unlock a story mission for Saint 14's ship. I'd be proud of that ship. I wouldn't do every class's equivalent, but many players would.

I got the ship of SAINT 14 (one of the coolest character in the Destiny lore) from a god damn loot box. That sucks. People saw my Vienna Singer and knew I ran that mission a thousand times, which I did. People who see my Pigeon will assume I gave Bungie money or I got a lucky roll on a bright engram. That is not impressive.

submitted by /u/ekelton
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If you like Mayhem but don't like D2's crucible, D1 currently has Mayhem Rumble active!

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 06:28 AM PST

Get in there while it's hot if you miss it. I didn't even know it was on. Reset is tomorrow, though!

submitted by /u/ParrotSTD
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Armor perks need to return

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 06:59 AM PST

With all the weapon perks discussion and static vs. random roll talk, we must not forget armor perks and how they were completely ripped from the game! Armor makes up more than 50% of lootable gear, yet, with the exception of exotics, there is nearly no reason to grind for specific pieces or sets. They reduced the options to 3 basic sets with some cosmetic differences but nothing else. This was one of the most damaging and greedy moves by bungie in D2. The shift to perkless armor was an obvious move to monetize armor through eververse while still being able to snidely say "it's only cosmetic".


  • Reinstate armor perks, I'd seriously suggest making them random or at least from a small pool of perks that fit within the survivalist, mobility, resiliency archetypes. quicker sprint on mobility or health regen on precision kills for survivalist.

  • Add set bonuses that improve the functionality of the archetype stat OR possibly break the pieces down into coupled sets. 2 pieces of one specific mobility set gives increased slide distance which could be mixed with another 2 pieces of a resiliency set giving you a small over-shield matching your subclass. Similar to ESO.

  • Rework mobility, resilience, and recovery. Currently recovery is the most sought after type. Make the others more useful, Don't simply nuke recovery.

  • A craft system with planetary forges for all gear allowing forging and re-rolling of armor and armor perks. PLEASE!

  • Remove armor and ghost shells from eververse. If you MUST have something in there make it solely ornaments.

There are an infinite (at least by bungie's definition) number of suggestions coming from the playerbase as of late. Many of them about ways to improve endgame and giving us players different activities to do. One top trending post about a procedurally generated IF dungeon in particular is fucking on point! BUT the problem is we need actual meaningful loot to grind for not bullshit cosmetics. Currently the loot tables cannot support this type of grind-able content but this could be remedied to some extent by reintroducing armor perks.

TLDR: armor makes up half your gear and thus MUST have perks to give a meaningful hunt and grind. Cosmetics should not be primary rewards .

submitted by /u/EggMarbles
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In 2018, I want Bungie to come out and tell us how exactly they are convincing veteran players to return

Posted: 31 Dec 2017 01:38 PM PST

Stop with the 'we're listening' bull shit. No one cares.

I had close to 2000 hours on D1 but didn't bother to buy the mediocre DLC.

The thing that kept me and my friends coming back was pvp in D1 but this team shooting crap doesn't allow skill nor is it fun.

*Edit - wow someone gilded this?? My very first. A post like this doesn't deserve it :(

I just want destiny to fullfill its potential

*Edit - there are lots of problems with Destiny 2 and a major overhaul is needed. E.g skill trees- give us some damn variety and stop pursuing this crap where everything is balanced.

The same with weapons, they all suck and none of them are exciting except for maybe 1 or 2 exotics like the Coil.

Then the pvp. Seriously go back to D1 style PVP. The team shooting crap is boring and not fun. It's the same shit every game.

And bring back weapon rolls that make them powerful.

submitted by /u/Sno_Jon
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Deej - "However you choose to usher in a new year, I hope you do it safely. We have a lot to talk about in 2018. Peace."

Posted: 31 Dec 2017 06:10 PM PST

However you choose to usher in a new year, I hope you do it safely. We have a lot to talk about in 2018.



Side note: Deej we know that the position you are in is hard so definitely keep talking with us. We understand that the mistakes you made are more the higher-up's faults and shouldn't be put on you.

submitted by /u/NFSgaming
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Don't expect anything from DLC2. Our money is already in the pot and there's zero reason for them to make it better.

Posted: 31 Dec 2017 06:04 PM PST

There's zero reason for Bungie to make DLC2 any better than CoO or the vanilla game.

Just think about it from a business perspective, much of the development is already probably finished. Any extra dev time costs money. There's zero reason for them to invest more into DLC2 because a lot of us have already bought the expansion.

Instead, they're going to prepare a new pot to throw our money in. It's pretty sad because they can take the hit here in terms of quality, make their money, and then come back with the 3rd DLC which costs double (akin to the Taken King in D1). The DLC2 rating wont even matter because DLC3 will most likely be really good.

TLDR: DLC2 is going to be trash. From a business perspective it just makes sense for Bungie to sandbag (put less resources = higher profit) and instead focus on DLC3 so they can take even more money after they've intentionally let us down.

submitted by /u/Murrrrcy
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Raid Loadouts and You: How to optimise your gear to prepare towards the weekly raid - Leviathan Edition

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 05:40 AM PST

Howdy! Apologies in advance for my English. I'm a native speaker, but it's New Years Day and I had a tipple or two last night.

Following on from my successful Destiny 1 guides, which are linked at the bottom of the post, I've decided to close them out with Leviathan. I'm unlikely to get familiar enough with Eater of Worlds to do a guide as I've mostly stopped raiding in Destiny 2.

As always, I've noticed that a lot of new or low-experience Guardians are going in to Leviathan with sub-standard loadouts, which ultimately affect their performance in small but cumulative ways. It leads to a lot of wipes, which can drag the evening out and take away the fun.

This guide is intended for those who are unfamiliar with the raid, or who haven't ever thought about how their gear choices affect their raid performance. Leviathan is going to be pretty simplistic as you can beat the raid using anything you want (my Clan and I beat it using grenade launchers only - yes that means Fighting Lion in the energy slot!).

The following is written with normal mode in mind.


  • Primary: the main threat in this section comes from the legions of Cabal bad guys that swarm the plate. You should be thinking about weapons which are capable of taking down multiple Cabal before reloading, and weapons which perform well at mid- to close-range. Better Devils, Nameless Midnight and Origin Story all perform very well in this role, and I'd say that in general auto rifles perform well as a weapon class in this section. Weapons with High Caliber Rounds are also handy, as they can stagger the yellow bar Legionaries as they move inexorably towards the plate. Look out for weapons with Rampage, as it makes chewing through red bars easier. Exotics are a free-for-all, as there's no DPS phase to consider.

Avoid: High Impact Frame Scout Rifles, any Pulse Rifle, anything with a Zhaouli's Bane-length reload. Sidearms in general, as they don't deal well with crowds - Rat King is a caveat as it's an excellent high damage emergency weapon if you tend to rely on your energy weapon more. I won't go as far as recommending it though - use something else and your team will thank you.

  • Secondary: You only need to think hard about your energy slot if there are shielded enemies to counter. Aaaand there are none here! Therefore your energy weapon should be considered as a backup (due to lower PvE damage), unless you really love a weapon that lives there. Auto rifles like Uriel's Gift, The Number etc shine here due to their Precision Frame and excellent perksets (High Caliber Rounds, Glass Half Full, Kill Clip, the list goes on). Alternatively you can opt for something closer range - Adaptive SMGs like Hero's Burden (High Cal) and Lightweight SMGs like Red Mamba (High Cal) can be swapped to for fast stagger and high damage should a yellowbar sneak up on you. Alternatively you can throw on a Scout like Manannan* SR4 as a ranged option to compliment a Hand Cannon or Auto Rifle in your primary slot.

Avoid: Hand cannons, most sidearms, all pulse rifles, Prometheus Lens (written as of 01/01/2018, check your date's patch notes).

*Doot doo, doodoodoo

  • Heavy: Anything goes here. Weapons like Sins of the Past and Curtain Call are excellent at dealing both high single-target damage and dealing with crowds. Fusion Rifles make short work of all the enemy types, especially Merciless which can burn down the yellowbar Centurions guarding the flags very quickly. Alternatively if your Primary/Secondary setup is long-ranged, you can throw on Perfect Paradox, Hawthorne's Field-Forged Shotgun or M O T H E R F U C K I N G Acrius to instagib anything that gets too close. Swords also shine due to the high volume of closely grouped redbars. Grenade Launchers are ok enough not to fall into the "Avoid" section below.

Avoid: Tractor Cannon. Snipers and Linear Fusions are currently high risk low reward, and all the other heavies are better at dealing with this section.

Royal Pools

  • Primary: As above, really. I love running an Auto Rifle for this section, as I deal with my Bather by lobbing a rocket at its face and then swapping to Origin Story, Ghost Primus or Scathelocke to blast apart its crit spot. Anything with High Cal rounds is great as well, as usual, as it helps keep things under control. If you're on the lower level plates on left and right, you can use a Scout like Nameless Midnight to help take apart the enemies heading to the other side as they spawn. Hand Cannons are handy (boom tish) as they can one-shot Psions, of which there are many. Sweet Business paired with Actium War Rig and Rally Barricade will be a DPS monster when you get to shattering those sinister-looking urns - I highly recommend it should you happen to be a member of the master race titan.

Avoid: High Impact Frame Scouts, any Pulse Rifles, exotic weapons other than Sweet Business (you might need your exotic slot elsewhere and none of the other Primary ones are great), anything that reloads too slowly to be useful.

  • Secondary: As above, no shielded enemies so the Energy Slot should be considered either a backup or a DPS option. I'll come clean and say that I've never bothered to crunch the numbers for Bathers DPS. We beat it using Fighting Lions and Grenade Launchers, what more can I say? Coldheart is always a good option for sustained DPS, or you could use a Hand Cannon like Annual Skate to rapidly deal with Psions and compliment something with longer range in your primary slot.

Avoid: SMGs and sidearms don't really have a place in this fight. All pulse rifles. Fighting Lion and Prometheus Lens unless you're a masochist.

  • Heavy: generally I will recommend that you avoid the temptation to run a shotgun in this slot. In my experience you will wish you were running something else when it comes to the DPS phase, as it's mind-numbingly boring being forced to use primary/energy weapons all the fucking time. Run Curtain Call or Sins of the Past only using one rocket per bather (and finishing off with your primary as above), and you will get your rocket back - no biggie. One caveat here is that Cluster Bombs aren't a consideration for DPS as the clusters fall to the ground and do not damage the sinister-looking urns. I'm afraid that it's a better idea to use your other weapons and more importantly your grenades and supers to deal DPS, reserving your power ammo to deal with Bathers. Wardcliff Coil is bae, although isn't broken powerful here any more :(

Avoid: Tractor Cannon. Snipers, Linear Fusions, anything that should you stop and think about it isn't better than a rocket to the face for Bathers.

Pleasure Gardens

  • Primary: Nothing to think about here really - this is the Bed of Chaos of Destiny 2. You might as well equip Traveler's Chosen (Damaged).

Avoid: who cares, they're dogs

  • Secondary: As above.

Avoid: As above.

  • Heavy: Curtain Call. No question here - the clusters fall closer together than Sins of the Past, and it reloads faster (Auto Loading Holster is not a consideration unfortunately). Should you be lucky enough not to be a Hunter, you can drop a Pulse Grenade on your dog and lob two, maybe three rockets at your dog to silence it (provided you have enough stacks).

Avoid: everything else. This is the standard way to clear dogs as of 01/01/2018 - check your patch notes as of your current date for nerfs and sandbox changes.


General avoid: Warlocks. They're awful at jumping. Floof floof floof.

  • Primary: I'm going to assume you all know how to shoot Cabal by now, so this will focus on shooting the triangles. I will also assume that you will be using the "Corner Buddies" system in which you'll be doing long-range cross shooting to another plate's triangles. Use a long range Auto Rifle or Scout Rifle for best results, making sure you keep tapping that trigger for both in order to make sure the timing is right to give the green light. Superstition says that Explosive Rounds can trigger two triangles at once and fail the gate - I've never seen this happen, so check the comments below for people telling me I'm wrong.

Avoid: Sidearms you fucking idiot, SMGs, all Pulse Rifles, Hand Cannons. Sweet Business is meh here.

  • Secondary: As above. The Precision Frame auto rifles are perfect due to their long range and easy recoil. Uriel's Gift and Prosecutor both have Tap The Trigger, which is useful on staying on-target. If you have one with a Solar mod, this can be handy for taking down the Centurions that spawn with each wave.

Avoid: Fighting Lion. Sidearms you wanker, SMGs, all Pulse Rifles, Hand Cannons.

  • Heavy: Use whatever you like here. Acrius, Merciless, Hawthorne's/Perfect Paradox and swords (with Solar mods) are all great at taking down the yellowbar Centurions that spawn with each wave.

Avoid: fuck it, use Tractor Cannon if you want. There are kill pits here.

Emperor Calus

  • Primary: Tough fight, this. In general it depends what your role is - if you're going into the Shadow Realm, I would recommend that you use Scathelocke, The Forward Path or Ghost Primus as it really can't be understated how much better auto rifles are at dealing with Skulls than anything else, and the Adaptive Frame autos strike a great balance between hitting power/range for Psions and Projections, ammo capacity, and rate of fire. Origin Story can work too, as it has long effective range for cross shooting Psions and Projections. Just watch your ammo count. If you're staying in the Throne Room, consider Nameless Midnight for the easy redbar cleanup, or consider auto rifles in general for ease of use. Sweet Business paired with Actium War Rig and a Rally Barricade is one of the best things you can use for DPS against Calus, with the caveat that you should have made the sensible decision and created a Titan when you started the game.

Avoid: Hand Cannons (including Better Devils) - the reserves are too low, sorry. Exotic weapons aside from Sweet Business. All Pusle Rifles, Sidearms and SMGs.

  • Secondary: Coldheart is the established DPS monster for Calus, so use that if you have it; it's perfect for taking down skulls in the shadow realm as well. If not (or if you're using Sweet Business), Precision Frame Auto Rifles are the next best thing. The Number shines with its Glass Half Full perk, although the reload speed is abysmal. I have PERSONALLY found that having a single fireteam member in the Throne Room equipped with Skyburner's Oath helps immeasurably with clearing redbar mobs, as it severely cuts down the amount of time you spend dealing with the Phalanx here - if the Phalanx are dead on spawn, you will have more time to deal with everything else. You will not miss the DPS; Calus DPS is easy. Dying to too many mobs at Calus is also very, very easy. My first Prestige Clear was done with this method - your mileage may vary. With Legendaries, consider the synergy you have with your subclass and your heavy - as the yellowbars in Calus rotate their shield flavors per damage phase, you're going to want to consider having one of each in order to benefit the most.

Avoid: Fighting Lion, Sidearms, SMGS, all Pulse Rifles, Hand Cannons, etc.

  • Heavy: Should you be missing all the above exotics, Merciless is great for Calus DPS especially if you're a Throne Room bod and the Psions have left power ammo all over the floor. Otherwise, use Curtain Call or Sins of the Past to burn Calus down alongside a Rally Barricade, then switch to Coldheart. I prefer Sins of the Past, as the Auto Loading Holster (aka Cocoon) synergises well with the fight - you're always picking up random purple bricks as you move around, and it's very handy being able to switch to Sins after your Coldheart mag runs dry to pop off a quick pre-loaded rocket. I have heard that Alone as a God is a DPS monster here, but good luck a) getting it and b) landing any of your shots. Linear Fusions are also pretty swell, but I prefer cluster rockets w/barricade due to ease of use. As above, consider synergising your rocket flavor with your subclass and energy weapon, to optimise your takedown of those yellowbars.

Avoid: Tractor Cannon, snipers in general. Grenade launchers are suboptimal, although I had surprising results with The Day's Fury. Wardcliff Coil has too short a range to be very useful. Swords are useless.

That's all folks! Hopefully this is of some use to somebody. Constructive criticism is welcome, and do leave your own loadout tips below if you disagree with any of mine :) This will be my last forseeable loadout guide, as raiding in Destiny 2 doesn't really have the depth as it did in D1 for me.


Previous Guides:

submitted by /u/juliet_lima
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Massive Breakdown: The Dark Below vs. Curse of Osiris

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 08:20 AM PST

Welcome to 2018 Guardians.

Here's a topic I'd like for folks to discuss.

Given how players often tout the content (or lack thereof) of the game, I'd like for us to examine the similarities and differences between two DLCs - The Dark Below (TDB; D1-DLC 1), and Curse of Osiris (COO; D2-DLC 1).

The pricing points are similar $20, both adding to the experience we've had from the base/vanilla game in D1/D2.

The end goal is to find out which DLC was 'more bang for your buck', and also to posit a few questions worth thinking about.

Please note that the topic isn't for or against Eververse, or the game in particular. It simply aims to provide a background for us to think about when making decisions/opinions.

Very often, we'd read about opinions that compare COO to something else (like TTK or ROI), both of which cost more, had more content, or had come from years of trial-and-error. In the case of ROI's Age of Triumph - it became one of the fondest memories we had of Destiny 1 - simply because all the old activities and event exclusives were back. This came after 3 years and 4 expansions worth of content.

While that of course does not excuse the mistakes that have happened in D2 (ie. "Really Bungo? Vault space? No kiosks?" And other poor design choices), I believe we would also need to examine 'content' based on the development phase of each title.

On with the show...

Comparison Table - TDB vs. COO

  • Please note that some numbers are just estimates
  • We're also noting only the base game and not yet taking Eververse items into account
Key Content The Dark Below Curse of Osiris Additional Notes Winner
New Raids 1- Crota's End 1- Eater of Worlds Vanilla Leviathan also remains a viable endgame activity compared to VOG (which became obsolete due to light level drops); EOW is also highly praised for its design and mechanics compared to CE COO
New Strikes 2- Will of Crota/Undying Mind (PS4 only) 2- Tree of Probabilities/Garden World both the Infinite Forest strikes are replays of the story missions Tie - or COO clearly since Undying Mind was initially on PS4 only
Playlists 1-Vanguard Roc 1-Heroic Strikes Tie
New Crucible Maps 3 3 Tie
Story Missions 4 6 The two missions that are strikes are not counted here COO
Planets/Locations 0 1-Mercury COO
Additional Activities 0 3- a new Lost Sector, Public Event, and hunting for Prophecy Weapons
Adventures 0 3/6 normal and heroic COO
Legendary Weapons 17 61 TDB list source; COO list source COO
Raid Weapons 9 2 TDB source; COO source TDB
Raid Armor 1 per class 1 per class Note that there may be a new prestige set/reskin for EOW; CE had only 1 set for both modes COO
Exotic Weapons 3 5 TDB source; COO source COO
Exotic Armor 9 12 TDB source; COO source COO
Legendary Ships 34 4 TDB source; No Eververse items included for COO, only the ones from factions and IB TDB
Legendary Sparrows 5 4 TDB source; No Eververse items included for COO, only the ones from factions and IB TDB


  • IB weapons not included in Legendary Weapon count since we've yet to have an Iron Banner in COO
  • Ghost shells/emotes not included in count since I could not find a list of any new Ghost Shells in TDB, and there were no new emotes as well for TDB


In a pure by-the-numbers comparison, Curse of Osiris' content would easily outweigh those in The Dark Below.

The biggest criticism of the $20 dlc (TDB) had been content and its price tag, and there wasn't much to do - doing the entire campaign was like just rehashing past locations from the vanilla game (sometimes in reverse). COO meanwhile had a new planet/location, and only one purely rehashed mission (when you went to the Pyramidion).

However, the most lopsided wins for TDB came from Ships. If we do NOT include any items from Eververse (since there was no Eververse during D1/Year 1), TDB wins hands down.

If we then add the Eververse items (ships and sparrows):

Items TDB COO Winner
Legendary Ships 34 31 TDB
Legendary Sparrows 5 31 COO

TDB edges out COO with a few more ships to acquire; COO trumps TDB with the sparrow count.

If we then add everything in Eververse for COO - we'll have an additional 126 obtainable items ranging from the ships, sparrows, ghost shells, ornaments, and class-specific armor pieces. This does not even take The Dawning items into consideration.

What does this all mean for you, Guardian?

Again, based purely on numbers for content, Curse of Osiris easily wins out over The Dark Below, scoring higher in multiple categories. In terms of ships/sparrows, TDB is far ahead though, until Eververse items are included.

There are two schools of thought that we can analyze:

(1) "I am against Eververse, therefore I feel these items are behind a paywall." - this is an opinion wherein the player feels that an item in the Eververse store automatically means that a payment needs to be made in order to obtain it.

(2) "I am neither for, nor against Eververse/I do not care about Eververse, therefore I feel these are items I can obtain for free." - this is an opinion wherein the player feels that items in the Eververse store are additional (bonus) loot obtained from level ups/bright engrams.

  • The first one takes a more active stance when obtaining loot, and therefore feels that a loot that is in an in-game store and not in any base game activity is implied to be something that needs to be paid for to obtain, or at the very least, highly unobtainable due to the nature of RNG.

  • The second one takes a more passive stance when obtaining loot, because it's deemed just a bonus (the icing on top), and therefore the items are just an extra addition to the base game itself.

A player who believes in #1 would think of the 126 Eververse items as: "So many items that are not part of regular activities; I might need to pay to obtain them all."; whereas a player who believes in #2 would think: "I can obtain some of these if I level up from regular activities."

A majority consensus though, whether you're of the #1 or #2 disposition, is that it would be better if there were ships/sparrows that are included in in-game activities (ie. raid ships/sparrows, or ships and sparrows that can drop from strikes or crucible).

It makes these items easier to obtain, and it would mean an additional incentive to grind specific activities since you feel there's something specific you can obtain there.

The Eververse controversy

Because we've established that COO has generally more content in its base game compared to TDB (both being $20 dlcs), Eververse is the only factor that would play a role in how you would rationalize your conclusion.

Here's a Towerthought I'd like to ask you Guardians reading this.

Would you be more accepting of COO if Eververse/Eververse items did not exist at all?

  • Before you answer that, when I say "does not exist", it means zip, zilch, nadda, zero.
  • This will mean that the items in the base game are -just that- that's all you get, nothing else.

The reason I ask is because I had a pretty good conversation with another Guardian the other day. Our discussion led us to a very surprising conclusion...

Players are more accepting of an -actual- content drought, than an -implied- one.

  • An actual content drought was something easy to understand, easy to comprehend - we literally got everything and there was nothing else to obtain. You just log on, do stuff, wait until the next expansion.

  • An implied one means that you mostly got everything from the base game, but there are others still out there that you have not gotten yet (and these are in Eververse). You log on, and you see items that seem out of reach.

What this means is that because items -still- exist in Eververse, items we have yet to obtain, our brains rationalize it as things that still do not belong in our collection, that our achievement (in a looter-shooter game) to collect every loot is not yet completed.

When a player feels that there's something left to do/something left to get, and he is unable to get that yet... it leads to frustrations and being upset.

After that, the next discussion we could have would be: "If the base game content of COO (aside from ships/sparrows) is superior to that of TDB, for the same price tag, how much content from Eververse should be added in order to still justify or make the same price tag feasible?*

For instance - -this- is what you got for your $20 before; -this- is what you get for your $20 now. What types of items/content would you like to swap from Eververse and back to the base game in order to match the same $20 price? All ships/sparrows? All ornaments? Only some? Half the number? etc.

Anyway, just providing everyone with some questions and points for discussion.

Feel free to correct me on some numbers if I missed out on some things. I tried to look for the best sources possible for each category as well.

Happy new year, Guardians, and thanks for reading!

-- EL

submitted by /u/el2mador
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The things you don't like about Destiny 2 are the conscious design decisions of Bungie. Don't expect too much to change...

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 12:09 AM PST

None of the problems are 'mistakes'. Bungie has some incentive to change the game but the same people are still in charge. As far as I can make out, Destiny 2 is the game they all wanted to make and I don't have any faith that they will make substantial changes.

submitted by /u/futurelol
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In The Division 1.4 update, Massive (the developers) admitted that the game was broken on stream to the community; they then proceeded to invite big members of the community to come down to their studio to direct the game. What would this be like for Destiny?

Posted: 31 Dec 2017 06:08 PM PST

Or should something like this even happen? Would Bungie even let something like this happen?

Edit 1:

  • Apologies for the long title. Should've drafted this post out quite a bit more.

  • Some more context: Big creators and community members were invited down to Massive's studio to direct the game, so they could rid the game of large glaring issues (i.e, bullet sponge tier 1 mobs and up that rivaled Valus Rockets McDick Face in his prime, imbalance in skills and stats, exploits, broken loot economy, etc). They also had a PTS for the players to voice their input as well. The thing that was so surprising was that they were able to tackle nearly everything because they listened and followed up on every bit of feedback. Massive respect to Massive to do this, and prior to it, to come out on their livestream and admit their game was broken.

  • The Division has been in a very playable, stable, and fun experience since the community directed Patch 1.4.

submitted by /u/LevelAtWork
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In 2018, I want Bungie to explain what happened.

Posted: 31 Dec 2017 11:08 PM PST

I know, another "in 2018" post, but I really want to know what happened.

Bungie used to be one of my favourite game developers, now they are one of my most despised.

I grew up with Bungie games. Like a lot of the Destiny community, I started with Halo. Halo was a fantastic game. So was Halo 2. So was Halo 3, etc. When Destiny was teased back when the concept art got leaked / shown, I was excited. I was waiting with baited breath as to what their "Destiny" was. Was it their "final step to world domination"? Was it going to be their Magnum Opus?

So I waited. I saw their E3 presentation for D1. Yknow what? I was fucking excited. A game with Halo's gameplay in an open world(ish) setting, with the same amazing writing style from Joseph Staten? A game where you could just be wandering around willy nilly and suddenly (PUBLIC EVENT INBOUND) and you see like 5 or 10 people wander into the same space to kill this big fucker? Call me fucking excited.

Then the actual game came out. The story was lacking but I honestly thought it would get better as time went on, as any MMO does. I enjoyed my time through Vanilla D1, I enjoyed my time through The Dark Below, I enjoyed my time through The House of Wolves, The Taken King, Rise of Iron.

I enjoyed Destiny.


Destiny 2 came around. I, personally, loved the story. I realise there are some flaws in the story, but I loved it. Compared to vanilla (which i realise a lot of people in this community hate the saying of) it was an immense difference in quality.

The story of Destiny 2 got me hooked. I thought I was in it for the long run. But then I, as well as a lot of us, realised, Destiny 2 isn't what we all thought it was.

It's more about the money, less about the experience.

We're all wondering, what the fuck happened? Curse of Osiris is now out, which, the general consensus is "It's severely lacking".

With the recent Dawning event, that was the final screw in the coffin for me. The trailer showed all of this new stuff, new ships, new ghosts, new shaders, new armour. Yet, it is all behind Eververse engrams. What the fuck.

Bungie, what happened to you, that caused you to shove microtransactions in our face? To limit one of the BEST features you've created in an expansion, to a weekly reset? To take ships, sparrows, ghosts, and put them into a loot box system? Rewards that could be part of Raids or Strikes?

What happened?

submitted by /u/TDurandal
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I Just Ran 5 Strikes fir Dawning Rewards and Got 2 Shaders. Bungie, Defend That.

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 10:42 AM PST

Bungie, This is supposed to be a special event. What is special about assigning a task that takes over an hour to complete for the promise of rewards then not giving any rewards? Is it because I have actually played too much and got all the "free" rewards and you don't want to dip into the bright dust item pool? Ask yourself in retrospect if this was the way you want to treat loyalty and get back to me. I'll hold my breath waiting for an answer.

submitted by /u/Tr1angleChoke
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For the New year's I give you my complete Destiny collectables collection . Happy New Years!

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 08:00 AM PST

So wife got me this stand for our anniversary recently and finally got around to putting everything together...

Soooo many "Lego" peices these pass few weeks

submitted by /u/xastey_
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It sucks that the art and sound designers of this game put in all this fantastic work and the game as a whole gets beat up on because of a few boneheaded ideas

Posted: 31 Dec 2017 06:49 PM PST

You can see the level of care and passion that went into most parts of the sound and graphical design, it's just sad that it's all being overshadowed by a bunch of BS that could have been easily avoided. Such a shame.

submitted by /u/DukeOfTheWeast
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I wonder how many times old Bungie people who left said this phrase, "I Told You So."

Posted: 31 Dec 2017 07:47 PM PST

I just listened to the Music of the Spheres that was just leaked recently. I've always thought there was something lacking with the new music but I can't quite figure out how... until I re-listened to that. The emotion I felt just listening to that MotS was amazing, goosebump inducing. D2 music just didn't have that for me. Then I got to reminiscing. One of the problems of D1 was the lack of story. Wasn't the reason one of them was fired/quit was because the story was too linear? Turns out we probably would have been fine with that. I got to wondering how many times the I told you so conversation occurred from the guys who left.

Just some towerthoughts I had this new year's eve.

submitted by /u/Chavarlison
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The Omega Mechanos armor set should have a chance to drop from the heroic version of the public event on Mercury

Posted: 01 Jan 2018 06:49 AM PST

It doesn't really make any sense to me at all, outside of "for the $$$", to have a Vex themed armor set added in a Vex themed DLC to be locked behind an Eververse paywall (that seems at least to me to have a super low drop rate).

The public event on Mercury is really fun, kinda like a mini raid boss encounter and feels impossible to trigger as a heroic and complete solo. I'm a solo player and love a challenge, never feel I'm shut off from anything other than raids and I'm cool with that but that PE is difficult yet there's always a chance other guardians will be around. I feel like it would've been the perfect place to add those armor sets to the loot pool instead of basically completing a mini raid boss for a token and some glimmer. Maybe have it similar to the strike specific loot before the skeleton keys, a heroic completion guarantees some tokens/glimmer/useless blue engrams and a chance to drop a piece of that armor set. Especially considering that heroic completions of the Endless Garden adventures drop the Vex themed weapons.

It sucks such a nice set of armor is yet another thing in this game that's shoved into Eververse's overpopulated RNG loot pool, where every Bright Engram is basically just a ship, sparrow or ghost.

Edit: Mercury's armor set IS NOT the Omega Mechanos set.

Mercury's armor set is Kairos Function (on a Titan)

The Eververse set is Omega Mechanos (on a Titan)

submitted by /u/dochattan
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