True Dota 2 - "Favorite heroes" during the peak

"Favorite heroes" during the peak

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:24 AM PST

For me, as a player, during the heroes' peak there is not enough one, but very important filtering of the characters, namely - my pool of heroes, on which I "can" play. Relatively speaking, I called them "Favorite", it's 20-30 heroes, although there may not be a limit. Mark as much as you want. I do not know how other players, but I often get lost during the choice of the hero. Seconds are running, but you still do not know what to choose. Such filtering would be very useful in Dota 2 Interface.

Screenshot of the my realization you can see here:

Sorry for the Russian Dota 2 interface, the idea, I think, is clear on screenshot. I use Adobe Photoshop.

Who thinks anything about this "feature"? Are there any like-minded people?

submitted by /u/wanpolthensel
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Why are Drums so popular on SF now?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:46 PM PST

Tome of Knowledge - always buy it?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:46 AM PST

The tome was a nice introduction to the game: a nice little boost for your unerleveled heroes that stays relevant through the game, balanced timing, ok cost, the good stuff.

The first one you usually wanna get on the support that's struggling the most (or god forbid, a core) for the level 6. However, is there any situation where you just let it sit on the shop, like all 5 temmates doing well in leveles due to a fantastic laning stage or is the boost in levels too good to pass up?

submitted by /u/detrebio
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Techies in 7.07

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:10 AM PST

As far as I can tell, Techies has seen massive improvements since the last major patch. His winrate was consistently among the lowest in 5k+, but after 7.07 it's since risen to a relatively decent average of 47%. On a daily basis it also fluctuates a lot, between just over 40% to as high as 55% on some days; a couple of times, his winrate was actually worse in lower brackets, which is surprising given their strong reputation as a trench hero.

Overall he seems to be a lot more geared toward a more supportive playstyle than as an offlaner, thanks to buffs to Proximity Mines and changes to regen, which let you do a lot more with less farm and XP. Some things I've noted while trying it:

  • Blast Off is an insanely good level 1 spell, even with the mine buffs. Using it for early ganks while roaming seems pretty foolproof, especially on enemies that would otherwise get away since you can deny yourself while jumping over their tower to kill them.

  • Tranquils are underrated on Techies if you get a Soul Ring afterward. The move speed is nice on one of the slowest heroes, and at full HP, you can survive a well timed Blast Off and recuperate without needing to go back to base or use a shrine.

  • Warding and dewarding seems natural on a hero that likes to sneak around and control the map, especially when this hero gets kills based on where enemies are walking around. If you're setting traps for your carry, stack some camps too. Techies likes to do his own thing until teamfights break out, so this makes him a lot more useful when not ganking.

  • Proximity Mines are a lot better for pushing now. The extra damage and lower cooldown (with talent, if you don't need the XP) make it worthwhile to use them to wear down towers since it no longer takes an eternity. I've been doing way more building damage as Techies than before, and having fights while lanes are pushed a lot more often.

  • Techies has a lot more teamfight presence than he used to because of Blast Off and the improved cast point of his ult. I've found myself rarely playing hard defense instead of taking a more active role, but it's still viable if a game starts off poorly.

  • Kaya should be tailor made for Techies, but spell amp doesn't work on his mines. Presumably this is for a reason. Meteor Hammer could also be potentially great, but it still seems underwhelming.

  • Due in part to his more active role in the game, his max level talents seem kind of gimmicky, which I imagine is because he is already very good at late game defense. Getting close enough to bomb towers manually is already simple with team play, so having mines move is superfluous, though still pretty funny.

Given how he's a rather specialized hero that most drafts would rather not give a core slot to, I think it's a decent fit for him. He retains his niche (extreme burst damage, psychological warfare, hard carry protection, punishing ambush tactics) without putting a heavy burden on his teammates.

submitted by /u/advice-alligator
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ELI5 Why SF are going Euls for the setup Requiem, is it actually good or just a shittier item?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:34 PM PST

First picking support which is currently the best

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:59 PM PST

I main position 5 at 4k SEA. Doing really badly right now. I tend to lose impact by late game. Any tips or hero choices since my team usually ask supports to pick first so I can't really counter pick.

submitted by /u/Sproinkerino
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Dark willow

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:19 AM PST

Right - simply put, I'm having difficulty playing against her

I'm fine against the odd right click build that I've seen - but the magical control build messes with me hard:

Euls / rod etc

The amount of control this brings to a team fight is huge - and she does considerable damage whilst doing this

What I'm looking for are

1) ways of dealing with the hero from a support perspective

2) particular hero counters that people have considered

3) any particular items that are useful against her - again from a #5 perspective

Cheers in advance

submitted by /u/snugglemonstee
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Oracle tips or niche info

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:42 AM PST

Hi! I've started to pick up Oracle as a 5 supp and have enjoyed quite a few games with him (mid 3k bracket). I know how the hero works and don't go for fancy builds (arcanes wand urn almost every game into situational). Any tips, general discussion or obscure mechanics you would like to share so I can git gud?

submitted by /u/detrebio
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What is of the most rewarding aspect of supporting that you can take pride in/benefocial to long term improvements?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:35 AM PST

Title. Recently shifted to support role from safelane carry.

submitted by /u/justplayingsomedotes
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How to overcome(win) low behavior score?

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 08:24 PM PST

I've had some games where I abandoned like 30 secs before my ancient exploded so I could queue and dodge previews teams because they would have more behavior score than me but I took it too far, this was a while ago. (My behavior before this was high normal, it dropped to C-, now it's low normal)

I'm trying to figure out what to play and start grinding again, I played mostly pos 1 and got really close to ancient 1, I lost about 500 mmr and even had a few breaks to try untilting myself, the problem I have with this bracket is that I cannot play pos 1 because I'm not even allowed to, the few games I can, I get left solo constantly harassed while the enemy carry freefarms, I try to roam sometimes (silencer) and works a few times but I'm running out of ideas on what to do, If I played pos 5 I'd be 1k mmr lower because I'm atrocious at supporting and it drains me both mentally and physically (that idea is out of question).

Sometimes I find myself dying over and over again without any clue on what to do and end up straight up giving up on trying to survive.

I like to be the guy that doesn't need to talk, when I talk I get distracted, I ground by not talking at all.

This brief and long drops happen to me from time to time and it starts getting old. (It might be mentality issue that develops from time to time, I think it happens when I stop playing for a week then start burst playing again, probably need some pacing)

submitted by /u/HAWGT
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