Skyrim - Oldie but a Goldie

Oldie but a Goldie

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:43 AM PST

Anywhere I can get a wallpaper of the Nintendo Switch Skyrim cover?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 08:24 AM PST

Uses of Unrelenting Force

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 06:56 PM PST

Named my bow "Tranquilizer" for a reason

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:52 PM PST

Why the Dragonborn usually ends up being a terrible person

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:19 AM PST

Let's be honest. The Dragonborn always ends up as kind of a terrible person, no matter how hard you try to make a hero who fights for the good of all. Sooner or later, the temptation to steal, murder and generally act like a selfish, nasty trashcan will become too strong to resist.

And I have a theory about why. According to official lore, the Dragonborn have "the body of a mortal and soul of a dragon," which I choose to interpret (probably in the wrong way, but that doesn't matter too much) as "This being was supposed to be a dragon, but whoever made them was a little drunk and accidentally stuck the semi-completed dragon into the body of a tiny Dunmer thief."

Meaning you are a dragon. And dragons are generally terrible people. They steal and hoard seemingly random things (keys, books, cabbages, butterfly wings, snow bear pelts etc.) They kill indiscriminately for the sake of killing. They burn down houses to make pretty lights. Which would explain why the Dragonborn usually turns out the same.

Am I insane? Does this make any kind of sense at all? Thoughts?


I'm talking more lore-wise than actual gameplay. And yes, it probably does say something about me as a person that all my characters end up like this, but it's a pretty common thing, at least among the players that I personally know.

submitted by /u/blink-twice-to-miss
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Got a gorgeous view of the aurora and a moon over Whiterun

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 11:40 PM PST

Is there an Elder Scroll underneath the street by my office?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 11:18 AM PST

Don't go drinking with strangers

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:36 AM PST

So I'm a beginner, I picked up Skyrim for PS4 a few months ago, played the intro and promptly stopped before getting to Riverwood. I picked up the game again recently and it's sunk its hooks into me.

I've mostly stuck to being around Whiterun and doing the Companions quests. I did enough of the main story to get summoned to the Greybeards, went up the 7000 steps and learned a couple things. Then after getting the next quest from them (the horn?) I decided to go back to Whiterun and continue with some things I got there.

So my Companions quests got to the point where I was supposed to go to the Tomb with the other companions. Since Winterhold was new to me, I explored and someone suggested going to the College. So I did that and did the entrance task.

Doing some reading about the college, I realized I could have bought spells from Farengar that I didn't. [I've been transitioning from two-handed warrior to sword and board to more of a spell sword.] So I traveled back to Whiterun and bought spells. While I was there I decided to progress the quest related to Saadia, so I went to the Bannered Mare. After agreeing to help her, I talked to someone I hadn't seen before who challenged me to a drinking contest.

The natural result of the drinking contest was that I blacked out and came to in a temple in Markarth (which I'd been meaning to get to anyhow since I read about the dwarven ruins to level up my smithing). So I explored some more and ended up helping Vigilant Tyranus go into the haunted house, and I had to kill him. I agreed to help Molag Bal get his revenge.

At that point I decided to head back to Winterhold and finally get to the tomb that my Companions were waiting for me at. We saved Kodlak's soul and I got named Harbinger.

Anyhow, I apologize for the long read (if anyone has made it this far) but I thought it was a great example of how you can really go down some rabbit holes in this game. I headcanon the Companions freezing their butts off going, "Where is the Dragonborn?" while all this was going on.

submitted by /u/viderfenrisbane
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Never marrying Argis the Bulwark again

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:51 AM PST

I married Argis the Bulwark a while ago, since I'm a badass redguard assasin chick, and clearly needed a tough partner with some battle scars. Things were going pretty well for a while there, I visited him in my house in Markath for some gold and homecooked meals and lover's comfort as often as I could from my adventures, and he was always happy to see me.

Unfortunately, I decided it was about time to build a proper house for us, and hire this very loyal and honorable guy called Gregor as my steward. Argis was glad to move into my awesome house too and everything seemed to be going fine there: these two buff guys were walking around casually and clearly bonding through silence. So, I felt like my house and treasures were well protected with these hunks and went on some adventures.

After a long hard trip of delving dungeons and what not I get back home to rest, and find a giant in front of my house. Sure, I've got two huge guys in there sworn to protect me with their lives, but whatever, I kill the giant, no big deal. I come in and find these two running around the house with their weapons drawn shouting "what was that?". I figure maybe they'll get over it and go drop some loot. Once I'm done with my loot I hear shouting and run downstairs and find them whacking at each other with the cool axes I gave them as gifts. I Fus Ro Dah them apart hoping that would get some sense into their heads. Argis gets back up and starts attacking Gregor again, but this time he's not fighting back. I manage to talk to Gregor and he just stands there all peaceful saying "honored to see you again my thane" while my crazy husband is trying to whack his head off and shouting "this is what you want, huh?". Since Argis is completely taken by anger and refusing to talk to me I have to make a quick decision to save poor Gregor from this crazy bastard, draw out my dagger and kill my husband. Poor Gregor takes a look at the body and goes upstairs to sleep - he surely needed some rest after this traumatic experience.

Worst thing is that I didn't know I couldn't remarry, I actually walked around Skyrim for a while with the amulet and did quests to people so that they would like me but nobody wants to marry me anymore (might be that I've got a reputation now). At least I've still got Gregor.

Since then checked Argis' page on wiki and found out he indeed has some anger problems.

TLDR: Happy married life seems to be a myth

submitted by /u/mystical_mari
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The Ultimate Skyrim Party; or: How I learned to love being a support character

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 08:39 PM PST

This is the story of my first playthrough of Skyrim where I became a support character, somehow.

I started the game as a simple mage. For roleplaying purposes I decided only to wear clothes and robes like a true wizard. Because fuck armor, right? Wrong. I was getting torn a new one by half the people I met; but, wanting to keep with the fun roleplaying, I decided I needed a follower, someone who could go in swinging for me while I used my magic from afar.

Enter the second party member!

I was in Riften when I decided this, and Mjoll the Lioness seemed like a great sword-swinging follower to help me with my issues, and boy was I right. She really knew how to handle the enemies well while I supported her with illusion and destruction spells (or went around looting). I even gave her a Conjure Frost Atronach staff to add for more of the fun! This worked really well for a while, so well I decided to marry her, even if that meant endlessly hearing about he talk about the cliffracers she fought in her youth. Now as a married couple, we decided to expand our family...

Enter the third party member!

...with a dog! But not just any dog, good old Barbas! Ah Barbas, how I both love and hate him. He is a snarky asshole, and man he took on dragons like no other dog I've seen. Even though he constantly got in my way, I loved that little dog.

Oh, look at that, my conjuration is at level 100 already?

Enter the fourth and fifth party members!!

Dead thrall is a wonderful spell. It allowed me to get some very wonderful additions to my party. These positions rotated around quite a bit, but I finally settled on two additions. The first to be settled on was the Champion of Boethiah. Not only did he help out Mjoll in handling enemies like a champ, but he also looks rad as hell.

The second dead thrall was harder to choose, but after starting the Dawnguard quest I knew exactly who it had to be: Arch-Curate Vyrthur. Not only is he incredibly cool looking to match my Champion, he is also one of the last snow elves, so keeping him around was even cooler. And he even summons his own Frost Atronach to boot, expanding my party to be even bigger!

Oh wait, I can buy what from the Dawnguard?

Enter the sixth party member!

Now we have a pet armored troll to fight for us! Well, several actually, over the course of our adventures. They liked to die. But with my party growing like it was, it almost felt wrong not to keep them around. By this point, I was basically using rally/heal other/heal dead to keep everybody alive, while I simply explored the ruins and looted to my hearts content.

Damn, I should probably get back to the main story at this point.

Enter the seventh and eighth party members!!

Esbern and Delphine have joined the party! Apparently, if you ask them to follow you to Alduin's wall, they will follow you anywhere. At this point it my party is pure insanity. Not only did I have eight full functional members, I had 3 extras that joined in the fights from Mjoll, Vyrthur, and Esbern conjuring their own atronachs.

This was the point when my Xbox 360 unfortunately succumbed to the red ring of death. But man, was it fun while it lasted. Maybe I will start up another support character playthrough and see if I can get even more followers.

TLDR: I can't go into caves anymore without being stuck in a herd of misguided people, please send help.

submitted by /u/everysproutingtree
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One last cold one with the boys

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:16 AM PST

Praise the mighty Talos

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:09 AM PST

I hate you Maven black briar

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:24 AM PST


Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:21 AM PST

Skyrim still shocks me with beauty

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 08:28 PM PST

Ulfric and Galmar Best Friends Forever (BFF)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:34 AM PST

[Cosplay] Forsworn by VinylRaven

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 03:28 PM PST

how did they hear my thu'um in oblivion?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 02:39 PM PST

What's the best/most respectful way to dispose of dead NPCs?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:45 AM PST

Really want to do something with the bodies of the travelling merchants killed by Falmer near Dragon Bridge. I feel bad running past them every time.

Should I just roll them into the river, and maybe construct a little shrine of remembrance? Lay them together away from the road? Is it possible to bury them under some rocks?

submitted by /u/meatpardle
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Poor Ysolda - she pines for Mikael, and on her table is a copy of his book about the worthy maids of Whiterun (and of course she isn't mentioned).

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 10:33 PM PST

Are you sure about that?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:26 AM PST

You Spin Me Right Round

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:26 AM PST

Can we take a moment to fully appreciate Herbane's Beastiary?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 11:02 PM PST

"I descended into the humid darkness of Mzulft. The slow hiss of steam, creaking of metal and the rattle of old gears powering an enpt t city would unnerve most men. I could hear things in the darkness, sputtering across the floor just out of sight and as I stepped over the bodies of plunderers or scholars who had not made it far, I knew it was not rats wandering these halls."

~Herbane's Bestiary: Dwarven Automatons

Seriously, I feel really cheated that this guy has only written three short books. He's got an uncanny knack for writing suspense and action, even when it's just a couple pages long. His stories read like a charismatic old man spinning tales of his youth to impress younger men in a bar, or to entertain his grandchildren.

I feel it's an absolute war crime that this man has such little material. I've never really written much of anything, but I subscribe to the philosophy of being the change you want to see in the world - Would anyone be interested in a small series of Herbane fanfictions?

EDIT: I did it anyway. Without further adieu, here's Herbane's Bestiary: Giants

submitted by /u/PM_UR_FAV_HENTAI
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Looks at weather outside

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:32 AM PST

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