Skyrim - Flying on a dartwing.

Flying on a dartwing.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:56 PM PST

Why do I get the feeling this guy is secretly the most powerful wizard in Tamriel?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:13 PM PST

My friend made me this as a secret santa!

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:49 PM PST

Beautiful Nights in Skyrim [By me]

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 04:30 AM PST

I just got in a drinking match with some guy in a bar in whiterun (SPOILERS)

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 12:39 AM PST

All my friends hate skyrim, they say it's inferior to oblivion.

To be honest I thought so too until just, just recently.

I always thought Oblivion had better writing, had better questlines, but Skyrim had way better combat mechanics, and a smoother lvl up system.

I take it all back.

I've never been over lvl 23ish in Skyrim, I've always stopped beforehand. I'm currently in a Conjuration / 1h bound swords / heavy armor play through, and its been a blast.

I'm just starting to do some daedric questlines, when I stop to sell some stuff in whiterun. Potions, Armor, a few dids and dads, and then I just decided to stop in The Bannered Mare for a drink with my trusty Daedra Summon, who TO MY DELIGHT;;; I turn around and see him drinking and dancing to Age of Aggression from the local bard. (I'm not even joking it was amazing.)

There is this weird guy sitting there staring at me, and I chat with him, I think his name was Sam or something, wants to do a drinking contest.

mymommadidntraisenobitch.jpg, you know its on.

I think, "This is a cool little side quest radiant thing."

little did I know what awaited me.

Anyone who has done the quest, I am so amazed at it. I DID NOT expect the ending. at all.

I was taking a break from the Daedric Quests and then this just happens, completely changed my opinion on Skyrim. After lvl 20ish or so if you play through the game, it REALLY opens up.

Just had to share what a great experience I just had. So impressed and happy :]

submitted by /u/KillaOR
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Skyrim VR+Lusty Argonian maid ruined my family life.

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 12:14 AM PST

This weekend (Friday) i got a package in from UPS. My father had secretly ordered me the psvr skyrim bundle for christmas. I've been enjoying the hell out of it. Now before we get to the issue at hand I should mention that only 3 people have keys to my apartment other than me. My mother and my father. (My brother as well but he was out of town.) They live out of town as do my grand parents. If they ever come they call in advance. NEVER have they shown up unannounced.

Anyway I'm sitting in the Bannered Mare sorting my inventory. Inns are great in skyrim vr as they feel much more alive. Well I finally get to the books and decide to read my favorite erotica. The lusty argonian maid. The books have to be manually turned with the move controller further adding to the immersion. Anyway I sit there reading the whole thing. In game I am an orc male in full Ebony. IRL i am 5'10 male in nothing but briefs and a psvr headset with a raging boner. After reading it through a few times i take off my headset. My parents and grand parents are just standing there looking at me. They didnt say a word. Finally my grandpa shakes his head and walks outside. him and my step grandmother drive off. Dad walks outside and mom says they are going to grandpa's. I haven't talked to them since. What do I do?

submitted by /u/Dhuukir
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Death can't stop Voslaarum's dream of being the next Apolo Ohno

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 01:10 AM PST

Skyrim is so grim that I have to skip half of the questlines to feel ok about my character.

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:48 AM PST

I've been playing Skyrim for the last few days and it strikes me how dark it is comparing to previous TES games. A cold, damaged world full of crime and violence. The civil war is between nationalist separatists and Imperials who torture and publicly execute prisoners. The thieves and assassins guilds are no longer in "parts of power which in the end serve good" theme. They are straight forward criminals, and the Brotherhood is just evil (and a bit cheesy, but it's just my opinion). This is quite different to how I recall Morrowind and Oblivion. They were much lighter, or maybe that's just what I remember from playing them around 10 years ago. They may have had some dark themes but in Skyrim half of the bigger questlines are at least morally ambiguous. Sometimes I just don't know what to do, because while my character is not meant to be lawful and good he has no inclinations for harming innocent people. So I'm reluctant to join Stormcloaks, the Imperials or Dark Brotherhood, and not really sure about the thieves. But that seems like skipping half of the game. As for now I complete the Companions storyline, because it is the most fitting and of course the Dragonborn.

submitted by /u/ComradeHappiness
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I mean I knew the fireball glitch, but come on!

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:19 AM PST

I gave Mjoll hooded Thalmor robes to hold onto and she decided to strip to her skivvies. (Apologies for the poor quality pic. I’m playing on PS3 and took it with my cell phone)

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 12:27 AM PST

Why are the guards so useless

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:05 AM PST

Why is it that if I accidentally take one bottle of mead every guard in the hold is at my throat but when hired thugs try to murder me in broad daylight they don't do anything?

submitted by /u/ToucanDanToucanMan
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Only way I can enjoy being a vampire

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:06 PM PST

I adopted Hroar; the sick bastard.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:57 AM PST

Every single time I look for Skyrim mods on Nexus

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:49 AM PST

Earth Stone (Dragonborn)

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:32 PM PST

Escaping jail

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 07:21 AM PST

Right. So I am going for a 100% play through. I need to break out of jail. My question is 2 pronged.

  1. What's the easiest way to escape jail? Would it be to starve as a vampire, until powers grow enough to be able to use embrace shadows?

  2. What happens when you escape. Do you still have the bounty, where do I find my gear etc

submitted by /u/new_gamer_
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Crossing the Liminal Bridge

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:22 AM PST

Talos, Dragonsreach, and Lorkhan at Night (Skyforge photobomb too)

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:14 AM PST

Am I the only one who doesn't like dragons ?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 01:58 AM PST

I try to avoid them as much as possible. I don't remember exactly the main quest mission which make them frequent in skyrim (is it the mission at the tower near Riverrun ?) but now I skip it everytime. I find combat vs dragons boring, it happens at the worst time, and idk it's just not very enjoyable.

submitted by /u/PM_ME_SHINJI_PICS
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[See Who has won Skyrim: Special Edition!!!!]Steam Giveaway Results!

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:38 AM PST

This is drawed a few days early due to time constraints

Congratalate the Winner of Yarguk gro-Mulakh's (TM) Holiday Steam Giveaway For *Skyrim: Special Edition* - /u/Loreinier**

Give a hands up to the following who joined in the giveaway

/u/BoBbOb1919 /u/dickbutt-squirtle /u/DerRekter /u/Stijn2509 /u/Slimsaiyan /u/kisuke53 /u/Madman1010 /u/Valkyrie_Down /u/thejdaniel /u/StevenC21 /u/mercilesssinner /u/Lord_Stevor /u/DocNeonOnReddit /u/aminegarrouch /u/TheKhan501 /u/BoundlessAxisPriest /u/ExiledTraveler /u/Mitchelld45 /u/SmolStackOfPuncakes /u/cool_mom227 /u/TheDwarvenDefender /u/hollow_dragon /u/SHAFTofficial /u/Koolzz14 /u/huntsalone01 /u/jaomile /u/cannotthinkofaname59 /u/Mkriiis /u/pateuvasiliu /u/twuntti /u/yenwah /u/skal23 /u/SigmarsNoob /u/Loshmey /u/AbundantButton /u/-TMP-Feinfer /u/Connershka /u/TheGoddess0fWar /u/gkrahmer /u/NiTianErXeng /u/MrButtershoe /u/Arkalis /u/Maldice /u/ekeagle /u/donkeyofmiracles /u/abdullahsaurus /u/CorRuptured /u/Finish_The_Kill /u/GameAlex2005 /u/_KNZ_ /u/zlKael /u/rfelger /u/ArrestedLyric /u/ICastZoneOfTruth /u/BossBlitz /u/NocturnalMJ /u/Cat_Face101 /u/MayerMokoto /u/Perrostun /u/HeckMunster /u/Nwah21 /u/juhissss /u/Blakex123 /u/W0lv3 /u/Alamezlasi /u/ConnerGatch /u/Pacla717 /u/thebishop27 /u/Wisemantlepiece /u/PSUOTAM /u/-Kyroth- /u/KiiLZ /u/swagrag108 /u/iH8t1a /u/WoodenCubes /u/N_AS_A /u/rupu1234 /u/KappaBreaker /u/fendix /u/battat1 /u/lord_darth_Dan /u/actor_name /u/NovaCite /u/PFofJudea /u/-TMP-Feinfer

Say a big thank you on the main thread

May Malacath crush your enemies, N'wahs!

submitted by /u/YargukgroMulakh
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I just took the Disc out of my PS4. My 4th Platinum behind BloodBorne, HZD, and Fallout 4.

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:29 AM PST

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