DayZ - My family's property is quite similar to Chernarus, especially the barn. |
- My family's property is quite similar to Chernarus, especially the barn.
- Should You Buy DayZ Right Now? Gameplay Thoughts From a Player With 1200 Hours.
- DayZ on SSD
- Put Your Hands Up! - Guy Tries to Hold Me Up...
- Thinking of buying DayZ while on Sale... How's it?
- My first experience after a year of not playing DayZ
- Since when are there Dobroe spawns?
- Where the heck do you find spark plugs
- The Amount of hour you have in this game means nothing. Im still bad.
- How many stable updates did we have in 2017?
- Wow this game never ceases to AMAZE ME
My family's property is quite similar to Chernarus, especially the barn. Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:33 PM PST
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Should You Buy DayZ Right Now? Gameplay Thoughts From a Player With 1200 Hours. Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:16 PM PST This will be a long post, so buckle up. No TL:DR, sorry! I've seen a huge influx of players this month asking variations on if they should play the game, so I thought I'd make a post that sums up what the experience is like for any curious potential new players. Also, the aim of this post is not to comment on the length of development, or development choices up until this point; simply the state of the game as it currently plays, and where the Dev Team hopes to take it in 2018, so please leave your warnings, complaints, gripes, etc. out of it for now, as it is not directly related to actual gameplay. Before I go further, I just want to mention for those unaware that sometime in 2018 (hopefully sooner rather than later) DayZ will hit its .63 update, (essentially Beta) which will drastically change how the game plays and controls. So some of this info might be soon be outdated, but use it for the time being. I'm going to break this up into sections that I think best sum up the key elements of the game, and what to consider before a purchase. WHAT IS THERE TO DO? Some of the most common string of questions I see are, "How is the game?/How does it play" and I think the best way to explain that is to describe some of the first things you'll see, and how a session can pan out, as well as some of the current gameplay features DayZ has to offer. Spawning In You typically spawn in on the coast (but sometimes further inland) of the game's large island, known as Chernarus, which is currently the only map playable at the moment. According to the game's wiki, the map is 225 km2, so it's incredibly massive. You start with a basic shirt, a pair of pants with 4 inventory slots, a pair of tennis shoes, a flare (which can be used to start fires or as a light source or signal), and 1 rag (which can be used to bandage yourself or someone else or as kindling for a fire.) Your character will start off with the hungry status, and depending on where you are on the map, you might also quickly grow cold, which will require warmer clothes or a fire at some point, less you die of hypothermia. The first thing I do as a fresh spawn is immediately look for a stony texture on the ground, until I see the text Search For Stones appear. Currently, the game uses a chance system when Searching for context sensitive items, such as Stones or Wooden Sticks in forests, or Apples when searching on apple trees. A brief animation of your character searching plays, and you either find something or find nothing. This usually doesn't take too long, but can be off-putting for new players, and this system is expected to change in Beta. Anyway, I keep searching until I get a small stone in my inventory. The inventory system in this game is actually pretty intuitive, with context sensitive tags for what an item can do when you right click it or drag it over another item. In this case, I right click on the stone, and click Craft Stone Knife The Stone Knife is a super important item, and an easy way to gain access to a lot of the game's crafting options, such as finding Bark on trees for fires, Wooden Sticks from bushes for Arrows or building a fireplace, Skinning and Quartering the body's animals (or players!) for food or other craftable items, or simply opening some of the cans of food you'll come across. It is an essential DayZ tool! From here, what you do is up to you. The most exciting part of DayZ is exploration, and the massive map holds tons of neat locales and areas for you to visit, as well as some gorgeous scenery, but the number one rule of DayZ is SURVIVE. The Infected (Zombies) At some point after spawning in, you will encounter the game's "Zombies" referred to in-game as "Infected". Infected are pretty fast, and can easily overwhelm you and kill if you aren't careful or try to take on too many. They will respond to sounds such as a gun fire, but can also be distracted by throwing objects. Currently, the state of the Infected is probably at what I'd say 60% of their potential; their AI has drastically improved since launch, they can climb over fences and walls to get you, but once you know what you're doing, can be easily avoided or killed, and are more a minor annoyance than a real threat. Their hit detection is also a little wonky at the moment, and sometimes they literally push your character around, or do buggy things like fall into the map or glitch through walls, but this stuff doesn't happen very often. It's worth mentioning that this behavior is expected to change when .63 launches but the Infected are one of the biggest hurdles The Dev Team has to face. Infected will spawn in larger numbers in bigger cities, and often have outfits related to the area they are in (medical Infected near hospitals, for example), and will also sometimes drop items after death, so be sure to loot their bodies, especially if you're low on supplies. Infected can make PVP combat much more interesting, but at the moment are not really the main thrill of the game, so keep your expectations in check. Base Building There is currently no major base building in the game, like in Rust or Miscreated though existing structures can be locked with a lockpick, and while the Dev Team does plan to add basic building to the game, the plan is for the majority of it to focus on fortifying existing structures, with some limited building options such as walls, fences, and power generators. Currently, the game offers Tents which can be used as a make-shift base. Tents are items with massive inventory slots and come in a variety of flavors, and many players use these as their base of operations when exploring. Vehicles Currently, vehicles are a valued commodity. They are also incredibly hard to find, and very buggy at times. They require a number of working parts to work, such as a battery, sparkplug tires and more. They will make you an instant target for any players camped out in towns, and depending on the lag of the server you are in, can be prone to a number of unpredictable behaviors. It can be a complete chore to get a vehicle up and running, especially if you spend hours looking for parts, only to find them, and have the damn thing get stuck on a tree and become useless. However, they can be incredibly rewarding and fun, serving as mobile bases as you explore the island. They come in a number of flavors, from a Bus, to a Cargo Truck, to an Off-Road Hatchback, and a few more. There are currently no Bicycles, Boats, Planes, Helicopters, or Motorcycles in game, but 2018 is the plan for some of these things, as well as improving their performance, as well adding new features such as firing from windows. All that said, while Vehicles can feel very disappointing right now, they can be an absolute blast when everything works. Just be prepared to be frustrated, and for the time being, I'd say it is best to not make them your priority. Unless you find one that has everything needed to just hop in and go. THEN GO NUTS. Weapons DayZ has a ton of weapons in game, and this can be one of the most overwhelming but also exciting things for a new player, and because of the sheer depth involved, I am not going to explore this is in too much detail on this. However, one of the most off-putting things about DayZ can be "how long it takes to find a gun", and I want to point out that this can either be incredibly frustrating to you, or exciting, and your mileage may vary. Simply put, it can take a while to find adequate weaponry. Almost every item in the game can be used for melee combat as well, but Combat is going to be another section, so hang on. When first spawning, a lot of what you are going to do is simply looking in buildings for items if firearms are your goal; you might find a gun, or even a crossbow, but depending on the weapon, you might need to find a clip to go along with it, as well as the right ammo. More experienced players know the best way to find the more valuable guns in game, and there are of course a number of guides to help you with this online. If you're feeling adventurous however, you can choose to forgo gunplay, and craft your own weapons such as a bow and arrow, or a spear, or even just a sharp stick. Be prepared to spend a lot of time looking for a gun, until you learn the tricks of where to go If you're expecting the quick hit of PVP similar to a game like Player Unknown Battlegrounds, you might be disappointed in DayZ in its current state. Combat This is the big thing that either makes or breaks players for DayZ. What is the combat (PVP specifically) like? Right now, as of 0.62, it is both awesome, and also complete dog shit. Ranged combat in this game, particularly gunplay, is some of the most exciting and adrenaline pumping you will ever experience. Gun battles are incredibly punishing, requiring fast reflexes, calm nerves, and a keen understanding of your surroundings and inventory. Damage in the game is currently incredibly unforgiving, with only a few, or sometimes one hit, to knock you out or kill, depending on your health levels going into a fight. Right now, however, there are two big caveats; Melee Combat and The Player Controller. Melee Combat is exactly what it sounds like, and it is currently trash. There's really little to no strategy involved; it's just a lot of flailing around aiming fists or whatever weapon you have at someone's held until they get knocked out. Fists in this game are also incredibly overpowered, often knocking players out in one or two hits, and when you combine this with the current Player Controller (essentially how you move), it often involves a lot running around in circles, zig zagging wildly, and flailing, until someone drops. That zig-zagging is also annoying if you're trying to shoot at someone, only to have them run up to you, and knock you out with one punch, not to mention the occasional problems with lag or desync that cause you to just fucking die randomly for seemingly no reason despite KNOWING you shot that guy 45 times. It's also worth noting that the player base is at an all time low right now, so servers with LOW populations are common, and even in highly populated ones, the sheer size of the map can make finding other players seem impossible. This is both frustrating, and exciting, as going an hour or two without seeing anyone can suddenly ramp up the tension massively when you run across another player. Player counts are expected to increase with 0.63 however. Currently most maps contain about 50-65 players at max (correct me if I am wrong on this?) With the 0.63 update however, this is all expected to change dramatically, completely changing how the game controls and players. FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR A GLIMPSE OF 0.63(BETA) It's basically going to be a new game at this point, and if after reading all of that stuff about combat, you decided to wait, I 100% WOULD NOT BLAME YOU. Survival With all of that talk of combat out of the way, this is the key takeaway from the DayZ experience. It's not a game about combat, or weapons, or Infected, or crafting, or base-building, or vehicles. It's a game about SURVIVING in the midst of all of those things. How long can you survive while dealing with those things, and what happens along the way? Do you get held up at gunpoint by a group of bandits, or die from bloodless after a firefight? Do you get attacked by a group of wolves while exploring the woods, only to be saved by a stranger who later robs you and eats you? Do you get overwhelmed by a group of Infected and drop dead? Do you survive long enough to kill multiple players only to find yourself bored and seeking in-game suicide? What about the player you've been following for the past 20 minutes? What happens when they finally spot you? It took me a while to grapple with this, but it's not any one thing that makes DayZ exciting, and why some of us keep coming back, but the combination of those things, even in their less than perfect state, that makes the game appealing. The gameplay loop is not a massive deathmatch or a giant base building simulator, but testing how long you can survive against the odds, and all the things that happen to you in between. Sometimes it's frustrating and boring. Other times it's exciting beyond all reason. There's something very rewarding about overcoming the "tedium" of DayZ's gameplay loop; after a few hours of finally building your character up, you develop an attachment to them. You don't want to die. You want to keep going. But you wont. Death comes us for all. Bear in mind, 0.63 is going to drastically change a lot of this, BUT, the core punishing gameplay loop, the survival tedium is always going to be there in the Vanilla DayZ experience and you have to decide if that's for you. For me, I love dealing with Hunger, Thirst, Sickness, Warmth, Blood Loss and all of these other things while exploring this massive map. I say the Vanilla Experience, because Mod implementation is going to be big part of Beta, and the Community is surely to cook up a lot variations on the DayZ Experience that might provide that quicker hit of adrenaline you might be looking for. PRICE Price is also important, as the game, without discounts, is currently at $34.99 (USD) and expected to eventually hit "full price" when it hits Beta, likely $49.99 or even $59.99. Worth mentioning for anyone on the fence. BETA Again, the Dev Team has promised 2018 for Beta, but nothing else specific beyond that. It could be December 2018, or any time before that, and while I am personally trusting that they will hit that goal, I can understand why some people might be skeptical. But, if you're curious about when it's coming, 2018 is all any of us know. I hope this post has been helpful to anyone interested in purchasing the game right now, and if you do pick it up, I'll see you out there! I'm sure I left a ton out, so anyone else feel free to chime in with suggestions related directly to gameplay for the newbies! [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:15 PM PST I bought a SSD today and I have a question. Can I notice some differents if I install DayZ on a SSD ? My rig: GTX 1080 I7-4770 3.4 Ghz BenQ Zowie 1440p 144hz Samsung SSD 250GB 12 GB Ram [link] [comments] | ||
Put Your Hands Up! - Guy Tries to Hold Me Up... Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:18 PM PST
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Thinking of buying DayZ while on Sale... How's it? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:24 PM PST Hey all. I have 145 hours playing Rust since June. I just bought The Long Dark, and have yet to play it, but I was thinking of a similar experience online, and DayZ came to mind. How's the game these days? Are there South american servers, especially Brasilian ones? Are there craftables? Does the game caters to solo players? Thanks all. [link] [comments] | ||
My first experience after a year of not playing DayZ Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:59 PM PST
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Since when are there Dobroe spawns? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:53 AM PST Last night after I died fighting some dude over his car, I spawned in Dobroe. I saw four other people that had spawned there as well. In 800 hours I have never spawned there. What gives? Did they add it recently? I'm not bitching, I found it refreshing, because for awhile I had no idea where the hell I was. I'm really just wondering if it's a new thing, or if it's always been there and I stumbled upon it randomly. [link] [comments] | ||
Where the heck do you find spark plugs Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:36 PM PST Been looking in all the sheds and things for hours i don't even know if there are spark plugs in this game =/ [link] [comments] | ||
The Amount of hour you have in this game means nothing. Im still bad. Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:59 AM PST
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How many stable updates did we have in 2017? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:57 PM PST | ||
Wow this game never ceases to AMAZE ME Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:57 AM PST Just came back to this game after a while. Sure knows how to piss me off I feel like. Literally everything goes the way I don't want it to go. I fucking find everything but the thing I want to find ALL THE TIME. I spawn in I'm freezing to death due to rain I spend most of my time barely surviving hypothermia. The last house of course had a piece of clothing I could craft a rag. As soon as I warm up my guy is bitching about how he is now hungry when I just fucking ate. As I'm looting I kid you not a good 50+ houses in the middle of bum fuck no where I find a Winchester finally because I had ammo for it. I find a pistol with a silencer attached to it. I EVEN find a car with everything on it and a gas canister. NOT 1 fucking chicken or can of food. As I'm dying of starvation I hear a chicken. I run fucking over to the sound of it and my guys plops on the floor and goes unconscious. LIKE WHAT. HOW DOES THIS GAME NOW HOW TO PISS ME THE FUCK OFF. I SWEAR I HAVE PATIENCE BUT LIKE CMON I CANT TELL YOU HOW MANY TIMES THIS FUCKING HAS HAPPENED TO ME WHEN I USE TO PLAY THIS GAME 6months AGO AND I GOT EXCITED AND FINALLY WANTED TO PLAY THIS GAME AND IT DOES THIS! Holy shit man I swear it feels like one of the devs is just spectating me and spawning I'm everything I need WHEN I DONT NEED IT AND VICE VERSA. Holy fuck man. I know you guys are gonna be like don't fucking care man bitch all you want it's just a game blah blah blah but me ranting makes me feel just a LITTLE better. Fuck ! YES I LOOKED FOR GOD DAMN APPLE TREES BUT WHEN THIS GAME DEMANDS SO MUCH TO LOOK ITS HARD TO DECIDE WHAT TO SPEND MOST OF YOUR TIME LOOKING FOR WHAT [link] [comments] |
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