RuneScape TL;DW 358 - Mining and Smithing Rework Showcase

TL;DW 358 - Mining and Smithing Rework Showcase

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 02:39 PM PST

  • Doesn't make sense to make them level 120 since there are no level 120 combat skills. If in the future combat skills become 120, then M&S will have a reason to be 120.
  • Remove ores, bars and smithed gear from drop tables and replace those with drops of equivalent value (we want to preserve the value of PvM drop tables).
    • This means the spring cleaner will not be very useful for mining/smithing anymore [i.e. the primary reason it's used] since it won't have anything dropped to dismantle into ores. (will still have bstaves etc).
    • Want mining and smithing to be the source of its materials not PvM.
    • Metallic dragons needs to be fixed as well. There is also scope for higher tiered dragons but won't be part of this rework.
  • Impact on Ironmen is a complicated side question.
    • Every change in RS has a slightly distorted effect on Ironmen.
    • If really need be, we could have mechanics work differently for Ironmen.
    • Wouldn't want to change the design just for Ironmen though.
  • None of the base M&S mechanics will require any quest unlocks or another skill to train from 1-99.
  • BETA
    • Wanted to do one in December but was not possible.
    • Early next year / ASAP.
    • Want to make it as open as possible (bar any technical limitations).
    • Will likely be the test square shown on stream rather than the full open world.
  • Need to take a look at Trah hour voice of seren. Harmonised is useless post-rework.
  • XP rates will be balanced to be roughly the same as existing but will be very slightly better.
  • Dungeoneering runs on its own code so will largely remain the same.
  • Quest requirements will not be changed unless you have to smith/mine certain materials.
  • Not looking to add new divine locations. If someone wants to take on the project in the future they can. Obviously runite ore will not be worth as much anymore.


  • Rocks are now all non-competitive and never deplete.
  • Click a rock and AFK.
  • Every so often your character will take a break:
    • You can click immediately to make your character resume mining (more active but better XP).
    • You can choose not to click again and your character will resume mining (more AFK).
    • Initial break is ~15s but scales very slightly with Agility level (F2P won't receive this benefit but the scaling is really low anyway)
  • Mining level affects how quickly you mine as well as how often you take breaks.
    • Your mining level also affects how much XP you get per strike. As does the tier of pickaxe.
    • 1/10 of your strength level is added to your mining level for this purpose.
    • At 99 the strength bonus is ~5% bonus. Decent bonus but in no way necessary.
  • Temporary boosts affect all these stats (past 99 too)
    • Higher mining will give you more XP per strike.
    • Overloading for the strength boost (11.6 mining levels worth at 99 'rounds down to 10').
  • Get XP with every strike (every 4 ticks) but not ore with every strike.
  • There will be a progress bar above your character's head which gives you an ore once it fills. Gain # of points towards progress bar per strike (mining level + tier of pickaxe)
    • At level 99, the progress bar was giving an ore with every strike on coal.
  • Every so often a rock will be 'exploding' which will give x10 progress compaared to regular rocks.
    • Will stay until logout if you don't click it.
    • If you do click it, it'll revert to a regular after a small period and new rock will become exploding after ~1min.
    • Will only spawn on the same rock type that you are interacting with (i.e. if there are multiple types of rocks around you and you're mining mithril ore, only a mithril rock will become exploding).
    • Unique to each player.
  • Stackable ore is now replaced with an ore bag
    • Stackable ore is too disruptive to the economy.
    • Functions like a coal bag for all ores.
    • Can only have one.
    • Currently spawns one in your inventory when you receive an ore to make it ease of use and not something you'd forget in your bank. Possibly something that can be auto-created when you click it from the toolbelt (as an alternative).
    • Click to fill; will not interrupt mining.
    • Currently has a capacity of 1k (needs rebalancing) with higher tiers taking up more than one space. Copper takes one space.
    • Hugely devalues porters and this needs to be looked into ('how important is it to protect that divination reward?')
  • Coal Bag
    • Current idea is to make the coal bag into an ore bag upgrade to increase the capacity.
    • Could have one ore bag upgrade from the DG store, and one rewarded from somewhere else.
  • Low tier pickaxes can't be used on high level rocks.
  • Runite ore (L50).
  • Luminite ore (L40): replacing coal as the secondary for Adamant and Runite bars.
  • Coal (L30):
    • Will not be necessary for high level smithing.
    • Still used for steel bars.
    • We want to preserve the value of coal so we will find a use for it.
    • Possibly incorporate coal into the 'heat' mechanic (see below).
  • Drakolith ore (L60):
    • Visually inspired by Dragon. The metal which dragon is made out of. Dragonkin forge the more superior dragon armour.
    • Won't need to use the dragon forge to make Drakolith.
    • Will be weaker version of Dragon.
    • The issue with making Dragon smithable is that we'll have to create additional items to replace the value of the more expensive dragon items (new items for the hatchet and pickaxe used for crystal; limbs used for ascensions etc). We would rather not go down this route.
    • Drakolith won't be able to be used to upgrade to crystal pickaxe/hatchet or ascension crossbows.
  • Necrite ore (T70)
    • Secondary: Phasmatite ore.
    • May introduce special mechanics but currently we have nothing, it's just basic T70.
  • Bane ore (T80)
    • Secondary: Dark animica ore (corrupted crystalised divine energy; 'purple corrupted god energy')
    • Initially we thought, T77 bane ore already exists why not let it tune to everything lorewise and make it a flat T80. Scrapped idea.
    • Now we're thinking that we can make Bane weapons that you can tune towards more things. Something like T60 regularly but T80 against its intended target.
    • Part of the reason for this is that it ties into an existing concept and also 'it gives a purpose to T80, because as it is with the rework, a lot of people already have mining or smithing past 90. So T80 is kind of a vestigial tier. Does it really matter? But if we can make some specialised weapons for some monster, certain slayer assignments or something then T80 will have a really good use.'
  • T90 bars - Elder Rune bars
    • T90 bars will be made of 3 ores:
    • 1. Colossite ore - probably needs to renamed to Elder runite ore
    • 2. Living rock ore
    • 3. Light animica ore
    • Rune as the highest smithable was iconic so we renamed the T90 to Elder Runite.
  • Upgraded crystal pickaxe
    • Crystal pickaxe preserves the value of the dragon pickaxe.
    • Crystal pickaxe will be better than the T70 Necrite pickaxe (Necrite will also not be augmentable).
    • Higher level pickaxes will use crystal pickaxe as part of its upgrade.
    • T90 pickaxe will be augmentable.
    • T80 will be augmentable 'if there's a case for it.'
  • New ores will go wherever we can find spots for them.
    • Some of them already have thematically appropriate locations while some will need changes to their locations to make them more thematically apt.
    • May mean repurposing existing mining spots.
    • May mean creating new mining spots.
    • LRC / lava flow mine. We would like to use iconic mining spots.
  • Mining boosts
    • Your mining level scales the XP


  • Smelting is essentially the same but with a new hopper system
    • Every furnace and anvil will use to a consolidated hopper system
    • Deposit ores and bars into the hopper (can deposit noted as well as straight from the ore bag).
    • 'A unique smithing bank for ores and bars that can only be used for smithing'
    • Can hold a max stack of each ore/bar.
    • Undecided if the unconventional bars like Blurite will be able to go in the hopper.
    • Hopper will show it's content everytime the smithing interface is accessed
    • Smithing will use materials directly from the hopper.
    • When smelting, bars will go into your inventory but can deposited straight back into the hopper.
    • Your hopper storage is the same across all furnaces/anvils.
    • Rune bar: 1 Runite ore + 1 Luminite ore.
    • Elder rune bar (T90): 1 Living rock ore + 1 Light animica ore + 1 Colossite ore
  • Much like mining, XP is given per strike (every 2 ticks) of the anvil but items are not produced until a progress bar is complete.
  • Creating an item gives (eg Rune) 'unfinished Runite item' which needs to be worked on until the progress bar is complete.
    • Tracks the progress of the item as well its heat.
    • We will discourage players to start and not complete multiple unfinished items because there is no point.
  • Two progress bars above your head: (i) Above shows progress towards the item being smithed (when full item is complete) (ii) Below shows how much heat your item has.
  • Heat mechanic
    • Your item needs to be hot to be smithed.
    • No progress can be made on an item once it hits 0% heat.
    • Every anvil will have a forge next to it to heat your items up.
    • The higher your heat the more progress/XP per strike you'll make/get.
    • This causes a 'harps'-like effect to training. If you want the best XP you'll be actively making sure your heat is topped up. Or you can AFK and top your heat up less frequently.
Heat Progress Multiplier
>90 x4
>75 x3
>50 x2
0-50 x1
  • +X items
    • Create +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 versions of the base equipment.
    • +X items will have the same wear and smith requirements as their base versions but will have +X tiers (Rune platebody+3 will require 50 defence to wear, 50 smithing to make but will have T53 stats).
    • The tier of the armour affects how many times it can be upgraded: Bronze can't be upgraded at all; Rune can be upgrade to +3; T90 can be upgraded to +5.
Tier Max+
Bronze Cannot be upgraded.
Iron +1
Mithril +2
Adamant +2
Rune +3
Drakolith +3
Necrite +4
Bane +4
Elder Runite +5
  • 'Rune item+1' requires Rune item & 10 Runite bars.
  • 'Rune item+2' requires Rune item+1 & 20 Runite bars.
  • Better XP rates for +X.
  • +X items are tradeable.
    • Decorated equipment
  • When you hit the max level of +X you can turn it into an untradeable decorated version (i.e. Rune platebody+3 becomes Rune platebody (decorated).
  • Decoration process is very quick + works with noted.
  • Decorated versions can be handed into Thurgo/Lady Trah/Doric (any important smithing NPC) for a big chunk of XP.
  • Currently unusable once you make it decorated but we might make it have the same stats as the max +X for that tier (because it would suck if you accidentally decorated your valuable +5)
  • Since +X are tradeable and decorated are untradeable - this will make an ecosystem within the skill where richer players can choose to buy +3s or +5s from the GE to make it decorated for the chunk of XP.
  • Instead of alching your equipment we want the players to sell their +Xs for their profit with the decorated items leaving the game through NPCs.
    • T90 with the current balancing is either T75 or T80 and gets upgraded by 5 tiers using +X mechanics.
  • 'We are really uncomfortable with that 90 smithing is creating T75/80 which requires level 90 to wear feels horrible but it's the best solution we have been able to come up with without threatening PvM too much.'
    • Smithing perks need to be looked at.
  • Unlikely that we'll add new perks but if we need to we will.
  • May need to redesign or tweak existing ones.
  • The rework allows for more rewards (previously the only rewards we could ever give were: less ingredients used; faster smithing etc) with rewards like less heat decays slower etc.
    • Alching
  • 'We don't expect people to alch.'
  • Alch values will go down. A lot less items coming into the game.
  • Looking to substitute items in player's banks with new functionless items that can be alched for the same value to preserve their banks.
    • 'Items will be made much slower so post-rework don't expect million of 2hs to alch'
  • Which will drastically affect invention; we will take a look at this and see if anything needs to be done.
  • Or if an insufficient amount of the ingredients to certain summoning pouches are in circulation (i.e. steel platebodies for steel titans).
  • We might look to replace some of the items on the drop tables with new items which disassemble into the same components if need be.
    • The number of bars required to make each item type have been changed. Off-hand variants require the same amount of bars as their mainhands:
  • Gauntlet; Boots - 2
  • Chainbody; Platebody - 6
  • Helm; Full Helm; Platelegs; Plateskirt - 5
  • Two-handed sword - 20
  • Dagger; Hatchet; Mace; Sword; Pickaxe; Scimitar; Longsword; Warhammer; Battleaxe; Claw; Square shield; Kiteshield -10
  • Likely you'll forge the bars together to make a 'weapon bar' etc which.
    • Haven't made the 'Smithing overload' yet.
  • 'Really really hard to make it.'
  • Level 99 but possibly a weaker version at level 90.
  • Untradeable benefit that won't be expensive to use.
  • Some kind of self buff that helps you in combat.
submitted by /u/imsuity
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TIL Runescape has had a huge influance in Dutch Law

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:58 AM PST

I study law in The Netherlands and I was really surprised when I saw the name 'Runescape' pop up in my Jurisdiction book. The case is about a boy who posesses an in game amulet and helmet according to the case, they do not specify which ones unfortunately. On the way home two people bullied and threatened him to come to the home of one of the suspects. There they threatened him with a knife and made him log into runescape and forced him to drop trade those items. The first two judges judged that in game items as such did not belong to anyone else than Jagex, so since it was still in the game, there hasnt been any theft. The case eventualy went to Dutch Surpreme Court and since then not physical property theft can be seen just as regular theft.

If you want a better summary, check this website:

So thank you Jagex for making Dutch Law better <3

edit1: some spelling errors

submitted by /u/Satan_Himselff
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Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:01 PM PST

But the first rule of 'Phite Club...

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:15 AM PST


Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:03 PM PST

Chickaxe! Original by Cool_Person

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

Well then..

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:15 PM PST

Why does Runescape not use modifier keys (eg ctrl+click to walk)

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:27 AM PST

Modifier keys would make interacting with the game significantly easier in many situations


Here's some ideas where it would be useful

  • "Ctrl + click" ground to walk

  • "Ctrl + click" equipment in bank to equip it

  • "Shift + click" an item in inventory to drop it

  • "Alt + click" put that item in my bob (thanks MonzellRS)


Please comment any ideas you have where it could be useful

I feel there could be a technical reason why not, I'd be interested to hear from the devs if this is the case or not


EDIT: A modifier key is used in at least one scenario as pointed out by Dinosparky, "ctrl + click" to run when in walk mode. Such a niche use..

Maybe each modifier can only be used once. Even with this limitation ctrl, alt and shift could be put to much better use than it is now


Another edit: we could have the ability to customise the functionality in the interface menu so we can choose the actions we find most useful (if there's the above limitation)

submitted by /u/amish_god
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Magic pet is the real dragon rider

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:58 PM PST

Looked through my Steam library and found this gem.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:06 AM PST

When you reach the pinnacle of boredom, and decide Fuck it let's play idle adventure and getting this welcome message. RIP.

obligatory F to pay respect.

Edit: link was MIA here it is...

submitted by /u/ItsTem
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Mod Meadows' Bug Report Competition Week 3!

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:20 AM PST

Bank at barrows (Ironman btw)

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:57 AM PST

Can we please have a seed bag or something similar?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:26 AM PST

The Legendary ChickAxe!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 10:05 AM PST

My experience so far as an OSRS player

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:54 PM PST

I'm an Old School player. I love OSRS > RS3 and RS3 LUL memes. Recently a friend of mine asked me to try RS3. So I said why not. Might as well give it a go. We agree that we will start fresh accounts, do free to play until we complete Dragon Slayer, then buy membership so that we can actually play the game.

I quit RuneScape back in 2008, this is like a whole new game for me. I've been playing for about 4 days now and I can actually say this game is not as bad as the memes say they are. This game is actually pretty enjoyable and I've been making a lot of progress. Yeah, this game has its flaws, which kept me away from even touching it. All that I had to do was play as if it was a brand new game but is extremely similar to RuneScape.

Couple of days ago I was training range at chickens and this random guy walks up to me and gives me 1M cash and leaves. Saw him again at GE and he was giving 1M away to a bunch of new players. Super generous player.

Yesterday I made a post, which was pretty meme-y, about wanting to buy black platelegs (t) because they were the last component of the set that I needed and it wasn't selling whatsoever. A player offered to give me a pair so we met up in game and he gave me black platelegs (t) as well as 1M cash. I was surprised because not only did he give me the item for free after I was originally going to pay for it but also gave me cash.

Now a couple hours ago I check that post again and another player wanted to give me a pair of black legs (t) and to message him in game so I did. I told him that I already had the item and thanked him for his generosity anyway. Couple of hours later I asked him if he had any tips for a new player. We chatted for a bit and I mentioned that I was planning on buying a bond after I completed Dragon Slayer. Then he told me that he will give me a bond for free and to meet him at the Grand Exchange and he gave me a bond and 5M cash! I was shooketh.

I am very happy with my experience with the game so far. Not only is the game fun and a bit nostalgic, but also has a generous playerbase. I am excited to continue playing this game for as long as possible. Sooner or later I will make a post on /r/2007scape to play this version of the game with the same mentality that I had when first playing. It took a lot of willpower to play the game that I meme'd about for years but once I took the leap of faith I am now hooked.

Thank you to the three kind players who were kind enough to help out a new player. I will pay it forward by doing the same generous acts you all have done for me.

Thank you for reading

submitted by /u/Blue_Dew
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When you forget you're the CPR and the PT dies

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:51 PM PST

Hmm, I don’t see a ring on her finger though...

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 10:44 AM PST

[Motivation]Helwyr down!

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:23 AM PST

Story time!

So not a few months ago my highest skill was 99 FM(Don't say a thing)
My highest combat was 84 STR? Magic 70 odd? Ranged 40? Slayer probably even lower.

Don't ask me why. I came back to Runescape, but back i came.
With a motivation i haven't had in a long time.

Right now my combat skills are all 99. prayer 95 summoning 93 and slayer 96.

I never ever touched any bosses. Nor did i want to. They were quite frankly intimidating. I'm used to MMORPG raids top tier. But for some reason i never was into bossing in RS.

Things changed though... I started with Kril. Now for most probably something they do with their eyes closed. But keep in mind. My first boss, My stats were lacking to say the least.

But I managed to get a few kills off before I had to go back.
I was satisfied. I killed him, But I wasn't fully satisfied yet. I wanted to stay the full hour.
I started to grind for prayer. Surely enough I came back got some practice in and without a problem I was killing this bad boy for an entire hour.

After about 900+ kills I thought to myself should try something that possesses more of a challenge. QBD. I looked up what I needed. With motivation in my head, I started to level ranged. This was 50ish at the time. Within a week it was 90+ made sure i did all the quests and made went in for my first practice run. I died the last stage. Ran out of food. Boy!

Boy oh boy. It got me fired up! No pun intended. I went straight back and you bet your ass i kicked his ass with 2 sharks remaining!

I wasn't satisfied. I wanted more. 2 days later i went back fully prepared and got off 10 kills. The next day i was able to sqeeuze out 15 kills. Right now i'm doing 20-25 kills per trip. Which for me personally is a huge achievement. Leaving my KC at 666 right now. I thought to myself. What is next? I don't want to stop doing QBD its a blast. But i want to challenge myself to the next level.

GW2. I looked it up the first boss I saw was Helwyr. My sights were set. I had my mark.

This looked intense. Shield swapping to resonance? Wth is that. Never heard of it never used it. Totally new for me.
First run i died. I got my ass slaughtered. I wasn't prepared for the green stuff to slow me down. I was using resonance on the wrong skill which i soon realised(Thats what you get when you only look at a guide for the attacks not how to do it!)

2nd kill. I got him! Took me an entire inventory of food but my god the mighty beast is SLAIN!

But I don't have to tell you that I'm not satisfied with myself now should i?
I died a few more times until something in me clicked.
I just spend 40 minutes fighting this bad boy with barely using any food.

That moment your head clicks, and you become so much more efficient it gives you such a big morale boost it is unreal.

And I know, Some of you out there probably do this with your eyes closed. But there are plenty of people that are still learning these bosses or hell, They are just afraid to even try.

And to those people I say, Do not give up. Go in and die. Repeat and learn. Soon enough you will get the kill. And after that, It will go faster, It will go better. For now, I'm gonna have to go and do some shopping but later today I can guarantee you I will be right back at Helwyr to get my first good drop of him!

submitted by /u/TwilightBl1tz
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can we get a text box alert for when our farming patches are fully grown?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:05 AM PST

please & thanks

submitted by /u/Grippzy
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Make Zerk Auras last 1 hour

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:57 AM PST

Simple solution allowing having up to 2 hours of zerk auras while still keeping some balance from the longer cd time

submitted by /u/Stullly
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Can LOTD + Signet Ring be added to the lending system?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:58 PM PST

Occasionally I see clan members borrowing others' LOTD and I would feel much safer lending/renting mine out if it was added to the system.

submitted by /u/GodEmperorX
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Why does this happen to outline of texture?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:22 AM PST

When the bonfire and blood fury become one

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:02 AM PST

Die now in a present of Ice!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:48 PM PST

When HSR drop broadcasts, it should say what monster/source it dropped from

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:32 AM PST

This is always the first thing I wonder when seeing the broadcast and many others are also curious.

"[Player Name] had received a Hazelmere's Signet Ring drop from [Monster name]!"

This is already possible since something similar is done with hardcore ironman.

submitted by /u/ldvgvnbtvn
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