RimWorld ─=≡Σᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ

─=≡Σᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 04:49 PM PST

A 10 yr old joined my colony and I found out he was the former leader of 1 of the factions

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:47 AM PST

When Randy wants you to suffer

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 06:58 PM PST


Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:35 PM PST

Pet name checks out

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 04:28 PM PST

I really wish you could load downed pawns into transport pods.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:51 AM PST

I got a notification that a prisoner was being held nearby. It turns out it was one of my original 3 colonists, Shin.

He had been kidnapped early on during a raid. My colony had since grown a lot, and I sent 3 of my best soldiers in to rescue him. This was all going down in the middle of winter.

I packed enough food for the journey back, but I didn't anticipate the cold. On the way back to my base, Shin didn't have any warm clothes, and frostbite set in.

He lost the majority of his appendages, and he could no longer walk. I had set up camp to see if I could doctor him (set up camp mod). From here I split the caravan, sending 2 of my soldiers back, and leaving the one with the highest medical knowledge to carry Shin back to base.

Turns out carrying a person makes travel a hell of a lot slower. I was still 3-4 tiles away from my base, and Shin was barely hanging on.

I prepped, and sent a transport pod with supplies to build a launcher, pod, and fuel. My lone soldier, hastily assembled the launcher and the pod.

BUT after all this, I can't load Shin into the pod. I see the weakest colonists lifting muffalo and carrying them across the base to load them in a pod, but they can't load a downed pawn.

Shin died, and my soldier walked back alone :(

edit: removed some commas

submitted by /u/SneksWithHumanTraits
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Potatoes are historic symbols of poverty

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:29 AM PST

Today, I learned...

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:27 PM PST

Well this is a weird glitch.. No head, x2476 bruises and still trying to escape. Dedicated!

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:43 AM PST

Taming panthers = death of colony

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:59 AM PST

I decided that a nearby panther would make an excellent guard dog, minus the dog part. The provoke chance is low, a mere 1.70% chance to attack. Meh, that'll never happen. Clearly, I have underestimated rimworld's harshness.

Just landed. A week or so has gone by while I proceed to build up my colony, capture two prisoners from different raids and things are looking up.

Enter: Apocalypse day.

The panther attacks. I figure my colonist can handle it. Second mistake. At the end of this day I will realize that the first mistake, was taming the panther in the first place. So I send a colonist to rescue. I have 5, 1 is down at this point. After some kiting, and finally facing the panther down and killing it, I now have 3 downed colonist. Thankfully my best doctor is slightly injured and I have payo that came in a cargo pod to keep her amp'ed up for tending to the wounded. Her and my second doctor work quickly, getting the 3 into the hospital and tending to them.

Enter: Randy's time to strike. Mind you this all happens in about 5 to 7 game hours.

Everyone is patched up, and my tired doctor just leaves our small hospital. The other is resting.

Rwwwoooom---BOOM! Meteorite!

Where does it land? Not far away, not nearby for easy harvesting, no, it lands in the CENTER of my hospital. The EXACT center. The meteorite destroys all 3 of my hospital beds and injures the suffering further. I quickly slap down 3 sleeping spots in a nearby room and convert it to a mass causality collection point.

While my drug'ed out Main doctor and my 2nd best doctor are busy rescuing the injured, and patching them up a small harmless capybeara has just enraged itself and decided to destroy my colony.

At this point I'm like "Come on! Whatever, it's just a little capybeara. Best doctor, go kill."

Welp my best doctor turns out to be terrible at defending herself from a simple rodent and is downed. My 2nd doctor runs over, kills the capybeara, and is injured during the fight. He then rescues Sammy, my best doctor.

I now have 1 remaining, mobile colonist. I can get through this, it's okay. Just a rough day. Just a bad day, that is all. Nope. It gets worse.

My last remaining colonist passes out due to blood loss on his way to getting medicine to try and save everyone. He is also the master of a small fox we started out with. Now no one is moving except the fox, but, are all mostly patched up.

Enter: Infection, blood loss, death, and The End.

I'm thinking, okay, ONE of them is going to pull through, get up, rescue my other doctor and save the day. Instead, because of the makeshift causality collection point and hastiness, there is blood literally EVERYWHERE and people are now getting sick and infections are setting in.

Then the dying starts. 1 down, 2 down, 3 down. 2nd best doctor is the third to die. Remember his fox, Mystic? Well, it goes INSANE and murders our two prisoners, then dies to blood loss from the fight. The last 2 colonist either bleed out or die to infection.

Everyone is dead. This story is over.

TL;DR: Tried taming a panther, meteorite struck the hospital that had wounded, mad capybeara and fox killed everyone else.

https://imgur.com/a/FXMsA <--- A screenshot of the chaos.

submitted by /u/Misaki-G
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My introduction to life on the Rim...

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:26 PM PST

Apologies that I don't have screenshots to share, but I was inspired by some of the great emergent stories on here to tell you all about how my first colony in Rimworld started (and, quickly, ended). A brief disclaimer: I started this colony right after finishing the tutorial; with the benefit of hindsight my glaring mistake is obvious...now.

The small refugee settlement of Robinson's Coast was home to a trio of crash-landed spacers. Honestly, things could have been much worse -- the pods had landed on the coast of a vast ocean, with a wide temperate forest plains stretching out to the other side. Animals, plants, and natural resources were all in relative abundance. All things considered, then, the three survivors -- the Tempest Tossed -- considered themselves lucky.

The first week was spent establishing rudimentary infrastructure. By the seventh day, they had a barracks with individual quarters, a thriving garden, and could cook basic meals. And while they still lived mostly hand-to-mouth for much of the spring season, their resident veterinarian and green-thumb was looking forward to the summer days spent tending to her garden and taming some fast-breeding livestock to supplement their mostly vegan diet.

Then came the first raid. A single tribal girl apparently sent on a rite of passage to oust the new, unwelcome neighbors. She was armed, but inexperienced and easily lured out of position by the ex-security guard in the settlement. Wounded and subdued, the girl was locked in a hastily constructed cell to await her fate.

But the survivors did not think it necessary to punish her. As for those that had sent her, the greatest punishment of all would be if she joined the Robinson's Coast community. More than a week later, after her wounds had healed and after she'd spent countless hours in conversation--sometimes reassuring, sometimes threatening--with the survivors, the girl joined their nascent village. The Tempest Tossed were now a quartet.

Not long after, angered by the apparent loss of their kin, the nearby tribe sent another raid. Better armed. Better trained. The survivors prevailed, but not without injury.

By the time everyone was healed and able to resume their duties, spring had given way to summer. It was then, on the eve of the first rice harvest, that temperatures began to rise: the summer heatwave had started.

The first day peaked at a scorching 120 degree Fahrenheit. The survivors, while able to attend their daily duties, sought shelter indoors or in the shade of a little patio they'd built for sharing communal meals and looking out at the ocean. That first night they lamented that none of them was a trained electrician -- if they had electricity, they agreed, then they could find some means of cooling their home.

The heatwave persisted for a second day. Things moved slower at the Robinson's Coast settlement. The survivors moved only if necessary. When they did, they would sway and occasionally stumble. They tried to find some comfort in the water, in beverages, in a nearby cave. Nothing helped. Temperatures soared to over 130 degrees that day.

The third day dawned a fiery red, as if to match the temperature outside. Everything was still. There was no way to escape the heat. It seeped in through the walls, under the doors; stifling, unbearable heat that clouded their minds. They couldn't breathe. They couldn't think.

But they needed to eat! One of them, naively thinking he could walk the ten steps necessary to enter the storehouse managed only two steps before he stopped, swayed on his feet as though a reed in a gently breeze, and then collapsed in a heap, gasping for air. A second, trying to help her fallen comrade, barely managed to lift him off the ground before she too succumbed. The third survivor didn't even make it out of bed.

Their most junior companion, the tribal girl, spent that third day's afternoon tending to the other three Tempest Tossed. Perhaps it was her youth or her (admittedly short) lifetime spent on the planet that gave her a modicum of resistance to the extremes of this world's weather. Whatever the case, she fought a losing battle that day, seeking to aid and comfort the survivors as they slowly slipped away one after the other.

The heat broke the next day, the sudden fall in temperature bringing with it a torrential rainstorm. She buried the survivors by the sea, cursing the rainwater that flooded the newly dug graves for coming too late to save her friends and for disrespecting the dead.

That night, alone and fighting back tears, she attempted to take stock of her situation. While she lacked a lot of the experience of the survivors and some of their expertise, she was nonetheless native-born. She knew how to hunt, how to grow crops, and how to build basic things. That was enough for now, she thought. The rest would come with time. Besides, maybe others would join her here. She knew some of the other neighboring tribes and knew that some were at least not immediately hostile. Given time, she thought, it would be possible to pick up the pieces of this settlement and move ahead.

She died two days later. Her former tribe's elder, never one to back down from a threat (actual or imagined), sent another raid to the settlement. Again the girl found herself outgunned and outmatched. The raiding party left her to die alone in the blood-soaked sand after taking what few supplied remained and setting fire to the farms and buildings.

So...yeah. Needless to say I was hooked after that went down.

submitted by /u/PlayingwithJulia
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this guy crash landed outside my rec room, randy is too kind.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 06:30 AM PST

oh rimworld...

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:54 PM PST

i thought i would be clever. the nearby colony asked for a bunch of shield belts in exchange for a huge quantity of silver, and it's midwinter in my boreal forest biome.

the solution? put a pawn in a transport pod, send her over, with enough steel, components and chemfuel to build another pod launcher to send her pack.

this did not work because they won't let you build a pod launcher in someone else's friendly colony, and now my pawn is stranded far far away.

i am not happy about this.

submitted by /u/no-tea
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My vegetable colonist just smoked smokeleaf and died

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:21 PM PST

My 5 years old, Cassandra extreme colony before I abandon it.

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:56 AM PST

What’s the best way to build a cooler/freezer?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:24 PM PST

In my first game I made it an 8x8 square, with wood flooring and walls. I had two AC units on the same wall, set to 16 degrees Fahrenheit. It worked good for a month or so but when it started to warm up it was pretty difficult to keep the temperature under freezing.

Do the walls need to be 2 blocks thick instead of one? and are certain materials better for a freezer than wood?

submitted by /u/Javagunner
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Visitor did his share!

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 04:20 PM PST

Where the fuck is our rimworld located? In the middle of a fucking asteroid field?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:31 PM PST

I have like 10 meteorites a year. what the fuck...is this a bug caused by mods or what?

submitted by /u/ironboy32
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I think she can take them.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:23 PM PST

My first base that survived a year! Would like to hear some criticism for improvements

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:09 PM PST

A new female in my colony procceded to hit on another female. Neither have the gay trait. What the shit.

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:35 AM PST

Call Of Cthulhu: Is there a list of deities and their benefits?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:35 PM PST

I would like to know how many gods there are and what their benefits are!

submitted by /u/TooMuchShark
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Raiders do me a favour

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:38 PM PST

I agreed to save someone (Grunt) who was being chased by raiders. As soon as Grunt appeared I see he is a pyromaniac and has a major smokeleaf addiction. Instantly regretting my decision I draft Grunt, give him a crappy pistol and send him back out to defend himself against the raider.

Grunt gets knocked down after a long shootout, and I finally send my actual shooters to fight off the raider. After only a single shot received the raider gets scared and decides to kidnap Grunt and leave. Instantly I undraft everyone, not wanting to stop the raider from taking back Grunt (who'd otherwise only serve as a negative debuff).

I think I'm going to distribute the smokeleaf joints that citizen dropped in celebration of the closed call we missed.

submitted by /u/mirhagk
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Behold my idiot pawn

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:38 AM PST

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