Halo - Santa was kind to this Spartan

Santa was kind to this Spartan

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:35 AM PST

Haven't logged into halo in a while, things have changed [NSFW]

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:49 PM PST

This is gonna be fun

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:12 AM PST

Marty O'Donnel's Music of the Spheres Has Finally Been Released, And One Track Might Interest Halo Fans

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 12:06 PM PST

Our Halo 1 Holiday LAN. The best game to play with your friends.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:11 AM PST

Finished reading Hunters in the Dark. Quite a good read. Has Forerunner lore without the bore. Would reccomend reading.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 06:53 PM PST

The Last Jedi and Halo 5

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:49 PM PST

So, I have seen a few people (only a few though) compare the new Star Wars movie to Halo 5.

People bring up how both sequels are very different to the first film/game, or talk about how the plot went nowhere. Most of what I see is people comparing how Luke was portrayed to how Cortana was portrayed in Halo 5.

But I politely say that these comparisons are, well... shite.

Personally, I loved The Last Jedi, but I admit there were a lot of problems. However, for all the weak stuff, there was something that the movie did stronger than all the others: Emotion.( and characters too!) Luke is different than how he was the last time we saw him, but all of his scenes shine. The same goes to Rey and Kylo Ren. There was so much emotion in some scenes that it could have had a 10 dollar budget and still be good(in my opinion).

Halo 5, in comparison, is soulless.

So much stuff happens in the game, but after I finished the it, I felt like nothing actually did.

Osiris's interactions are flat and wooden. There is no time to care about anyone. Even Buck is stripped of the spark he had in ODST and instead is relegated to a joke character.

Locke has the perfect background to be the one of the most layered and coolest characters yet in the series, but in the game he never shows one sign of moral ambiguity. Not even a hint. He is just the perfect leader of a team of badass S-4's who focuses on the job while also looking out for the little guy. Vale is the smart elite (fan) girl who never brings up anything but exposition. Tanaka actually was not that bad, but still has no actual cutscene dedicated to her.

And Blue Team.

S-2's have been described time and time again to be emotionless. But in the books, they were still human characters that could interact and feel things, just in their own, subtle ways. Even in the original trilogy, Chief shows emotion with his body language, and when he does talk it carries a lot of weight.

In Halo 5, you can swap any of Fred, Linda or Kelly's dialogue and it wouldn't matter. They just talk all the time, but none of their words mean anything. Fred shows some humor, which is a trait of his, Kelly and Linda act like cardboard cutouts. Never once do they question Chief, even though him casually going rouge should be one of the biggest moments in the history of the Spartan program.

And, God. Chief just flat out sucks in Halo 5.

He acts both overly emotional (every scene with Locke and his dialogue with the Warden) and also completely cold and boring (all his scenes with Blue Team).

In the last Jedi, Rey acts a bit more serious than how she was in TFA, but emotionally she still feels like the same character. When Holdo(purple haired lady) makes a questionable decision, people try to make her explain herself.

In H5, when Chief does rouge, no body in Blue Team confronts him about it. They are like cardboard cutouts that follow him around and never question anything he does. Fred at the very least should have shared his doubts and concerns to Chief. Even Locke never ponders why the greatest of the most loyal branch of UNSC would just abandon his post to look for Cortana(who he seems to know everything about).

Even worse than Chief though, is the villain of Halo 5: Cortana.

Cortana was my favorite character after H4. After H5, however? She is now my least.

It has been widely criticized by fans and critics that the Luke we got in TLJ was not the one we have known all these years.

However, in my opinion, the Luke we got in TLJ is indeed the Luke we know and love, just older and much much more tired, not to mention heart-broken. Even though he is the opposite of how he acted in the OT, Mark Hamill's performance is electric, and does justice to the character.

Cortana in H5, on the other hand, is the worst character assassination I have ever seen in any form of media. She is cold, ruthless, and just plain evil. Brian Reed and 343 fucked up her character so bad that it ruined her character for me( which people are bitching about with Luke).

Halo 5 had so much characters and emotion in the game that it should have been one of the most emotional and awesome games in the series(if not the most).

Instead nothing feels like it matters, Cortana is brought back from the dead and ruined, and not one characters have a single good cutscene dedicated to character moments.

...At least Halo 5 did not have a Canto Bight arc I guess.


submitted by /u/Johnjoe117
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Merry Christmas to me! I finally bought a Steve Downes autograph and it's absolutely my favorite piece of memorabilia in my collection (including sports autographs)

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:35 AM PST

Does anybody else feel like Halo ce isn't as good as everyone says?

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:35 AM PST

Hello guys I'm relatively new to the community.(pls don't poison my kool aid)Now before you guys burn me at the stake and say "YOU HATE THE GAME BECAUSE YOU SUCK AT IT" hear me out. Halo CE is a masterpiece and a must have for the og XBOX,however it isn't without flaw. I feel like the Marine AI was just too dumbed down and the pistol wayyy too OP. My first run was kind of shitty. I tried to get myself comfy with the difficulty on "Heroic" but got my ass kicked by elites. But I kept going. When I got the level "Halo" I immediately was murdered by some banshees and grunts. The assault rifle was pretty much useless on everything that isn't a grunt so I swapped it with a plasma pistol and noob combo'd my way through that part of the level. The warthog part was fun but the controls were kind of weird and it didn't help that the marine AI is retarded. The rest of the mission was a cakewalk. "Truth and reconciliation" was super fun for me but the amount of times I had to scavenge ammo by killing AI was ridiculous. "Silent cartographer" was too easy and I didn't feel challenged so I switched the difficulty to legendary. (HUGE MISTAKE) Assault on the control room was a fair challenge and now we move on to my FAVORITE LEVEL. "343 guilty spark" Is a fucking great level! The setup and introduction to the flood was flawless! But the maze of that level confused me and left me wandering for about 35 mins. And the flood are a pain to me. As of me typing this I'm stuck on the "Library" level and it sucks major ass. Any tips or tricks to help me through?


submitted by /u/tankernoodle089
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Warzone Battle Royal

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:21 AM PST

In an effort to cash in on the current trend of battle royal games, could a lone wolf/rumble pit version of Warzone be introduced and become popular?

submitted by /u/MrRichardBution
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Halo 3 Legendary Ranking

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:46 PM PST

Rank the legendary levels in Halo 3 campaign from hardest to easiest.

submitted by /u/Japeth3
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Is Halo 2 still active on Multiplayer? Or is it completely dead and no one plays it?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:34 PM PST

Haven't hopped on and want to relive the old days. Can't find any info on whether or not people are still playing it.

submitted by /u/pcat925
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New to Halo 5

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 12:13 PM PST

Hey, I'm new and I want to know whats the best/most played ranked gamemode in this game? Is it Slayer?

submitted by /u/BATTLEROYALFAN
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Peasant Hunt - Lost Chamber // H5 Remake by PharmaGangsta1

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 01:36 PM PST


Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:46 PM PST

Duck Hunt - Halo 5 Custom Games Funny Moments

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:26 PM PST

Ham Slam Jam - Monster trucks map by PharmaGangsta1

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 01:14 PM PST

My First Try At Machinima (Good vs Evil) Thoughts?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 06:37 PM PST

Is rocket race still a thing?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 02:43 AM PST

Rocket race was very popular in Halo 3 days but I haven't seen it in the playlist rotation or even in customs; why isn't it popular anymore?

submitted by /u/TheFuzzle
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Is there any way to get 343 to patch Warlord achievement?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:55 AM PST

I've been playing Warzone forever trying to get it and I know the three maps and I've won on each of them. The achievement is clearly broken and is the last one I need.

submitted by /u/SaM7174
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Is the ironclad hunter a marines worst nightmare?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:07 AM PST

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