RimWorld This is fine.

This is fine.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 02:42 PM PST

when someone mentions cannibalism, human leather hats or organ harvesting

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 10:37 AM PST

The Seventh Day of Rimmas (RimWorld Comics' Holiday Special)

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:35 AM PST


Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:27 PM PST

LPT: You can hold SHIFT (x10) or CTRL (x100) for any bill in a worktable. [B18]

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:08 PM PST

They *said* she could heal **all** wounds...

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:01 AM PST

First Randy Playthrough

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:44 PM PST

Hello fellow Rimworlders. Today, I had my first experience with our mutual "friend" Randy Random. I hadn't played with him, mostly because I was scared. He was so grizzled and dangerous. I heard the horror stories and so I stayed away. However today, I decided fuck it. I played on a modified scenario, essentially disabling toxic fallout and nuclear winter. I also forced all pawns to be psychopaths as I had EPOE+Harvest Everything installed, just so I could run an organ farm without the constant mood debuff. With that done, I started.

Randy was an angel at first. It was all flowers and sunshine. There must have been at least three Ambrosia Sprout events as well as two escape pods before I got my first raid. By that time, I already had a fairly decent base, with a defensive wall and a few sandbags. I survived with no injuries at all. I figured maybe Randy wasn't so bad after all.

I continued playing, the raids scaling but never getting too difficult in terms of weapons of numbers, until the big one. My colony of 5 people, 3 of whom were still using bows, were outnumbered, at least two to one. I decided fuck it, let's do this. I sent everyone to their defensive positions, behind sandbags, around one open door. A very rudimentary killbox prior to unlocking turrets, is how I'd describe the layout. A few seconds after the pirates dropped from the sky, i got another popup. Friendlies! I was saved. I could make it. I never got this even in the middle of a raid before but I knew it would be extremely helpful.

Th raiders made their way to my first wall. They promptly destroyed it however there was enough time to allow he friendlies to divert a few of the attackers. I handled a few of the raiders, and they ran away fairly easily. The only injuries sustained were small ones on my two best colonists. There was one downed raider who I captured, and I looted their weapons, just so I could get rid of the bows. In the middle of all of this, I got another raid. I hadn't even had time to recover yet, and my friendly reinforcements were still hunting down stragglers from the first raid. Thankfully, they didn't stray too far. Another firefight ensued. The friendlies had too many casualties and started to flee. Thankfully, they did their job of distracting the raiders long enough for me to overwhelm them. I caused them to flee, however it was at a price. All of my colonists were injured to some degree. Even my doctor was injured. I had to have her self tend and then tend to each and every other person before she could so much as eat. It was stressful. In that time, all of the prisoners I had captured were neglected. I needed to make sure that my colonists survived, and as a result, all of my prisoners died. It was a sacrifice I had to make.

I put off Randy for too long. I realize now why so many people love him. This has been without a doubt the best story I have ever had in this game, and I look forward to making more!

submitted by /u/fenom500
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A wedding ceremony but the bride went into a mental break and started to burn the place down, Poor York...

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:48 AM PST

549 In-game days later, I'm finally going to leave my A17 colony and update to B18. It's been a good few months!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:14 AM PST

This is not going to end well...

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 09:45 AM PST

An ocean I would like to sail

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 10:48 PM PST

Transport Pods and Trade Question

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 10:30 PM PST

So another faction just sent me the typical caravan request of "If you send a caravan with this stuff, I'll give you this" and my question is, can I just send the item in a transport pod to them for the trade? Or do I have to send an entire caravan a thousand miles away to receive the item?

submitted by /u/TEDuardos
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Being able to talk to AI Persona Cores

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:55 PM PST

I think it would be interesting if your colonists could converse with Persona cores. Just a little thing that might be interesting.

submitted by /u/a_generic_meme
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Getting close to build my first spaceship. Got an AI Core. Just need to craft some more advanced components and I am ready to get away from this planet!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:46 AM PST

I wanted a helms deep situation. 300x300 map, with a mod to increase mountain size.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:17 AM PST

Anyone put butcher tables in freezers?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:48 PM PST

I'm playing in a hot arid shrubland currently. I'm more used to colder biomes with less wildlife and a higher reliance on farming. With wildlife being much more plentiful my colony is bringing in more meat than I know what to do with.

When my butcher gets to work after a hunt there is a meatsplosion on the kitchen floor that takes my haulers some time to organize into the freezer. I've been thinking about throwing my butcher table in the freezer to cut down on hauling.

I know there will be a work speed penalty and my butcher might get kinda cold but I still think it might work pretty good. Anyone tried this before?

submitted by /u/Rahzix
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[Scenario]Billionaire Blues

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:32 PM PST

See here for screenshots of settings.

Description:Upon inheritting 7.28 billion dollars from your fathers passing, you felt as if the world was yours. Nothing was out of your reach, nothing was off limits. It was the typical 'too good to be true'.

You just awoke on a shuttle hurling towards a planet... Nauseous, dazed, and confused... What is happening?

Landing message:...Nothing can compare to the feeling of isolation here. I need to find shelter if I plan to survive.

submitted by /u/MuffinsofJoy
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Are multiple layers of sandbags more effective than one layer?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:43 PM PST

Say a door is 'D' and a sandbag is 'S', and a wall is 'W'



That's a typical wall in a bunker

Or is this better?





Hope this makes sense.

Edit: Also, how does this affect the pawn shooting out of the bunker? Are his shots going to get blocked by the multiple layers eventually?

submitted by /u/Chezni19
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Any dev plans or mods regarding sailing caravans? Because that would be ridiculously awesome.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:26 AM PST

Boats, we need boats.

submitted by /u/IAmtheHullabaloo
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Is there a fix to the "prepare carefully" colonist order bug?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 10:44 PM PST

this drives me mad. The bug shuffles the colonists, in the picture the correct order would have been red hair(Masterrace) then blue hair(slaves)

submitted by /u/Trollimperator
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Anyway to change the clothes of a braindead colonist?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:27 PM PST

Have a dude with 1/10 brain, but have to keep him alive because hes married to another colonist. How do I change his clothes without giving him unhappy nudity? Are there mods for this?

submitted by /u/The51Cents
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Trading tips. Why make drugs other than medicine that require neuromantine? Best money makers?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:01 PM PST

It may just be early game scepticism but it seems like a waste of time and money when you can manufacture yayo, flake, joints and beer.

What are the best profit margins you've experienced?

Another way I found to make easy money is to make loads of wooden chairs, tables, benches and general furniture for the colonists. Keep all the excellent and above ones and sell the rest to bulk good traders.

*If you're new to trade beacons you can gift a faction 300 silver to gain something like 12 goodwill points, if your goodwill with the faction is 0-49 it was cost 1100 silver to request a trade caravan. They will have around 700 silver on them when they arrive. When your goodwill is 50-100 it costs 700 silver to request a caravan and they have around 1000+ silver to trade with depending on goodwill.

submitted by /u/kitchenhead
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Beast men mod + children mod = 4 new colonists

Posted: 20 Dec 2017 12:44 AM PST

So I've lurked pretty hard on this sub for quiet sometime and have gotten alot of tips, help, and mod recommendations so now I'm giving back. Recently on an all random play through two of my colonists that are married and beast cat people had a wonderful surprise, a kid in the way!! Recently with the update for psychology and children to be comparable I was anxious for a new run and since I favored psychology over kids I got to use both for once. Never have I had more than one kid with the children mod prior but this time, boom 4 kids all with pretty good stats for 14 year olds. Just wanted my first post to be a good one. Will upload pictures shortly currently on phone. Also sorry for any grammar errors.


submitted by /u/LiquidRageCandy
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