RimWorld [Comic] At least he's good at something

[Comic] At least he's good at something

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:38 PM PST

Taking Care of the Suicide Machines (RimWorld Comics)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:57 AM PST

When your trader has 17 melee skill

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:09 AM PST


/u/All-Shall-Kneel gets 75% of the credit for this for supplying the amazing story that inspired me to do this.

this IS an EDIT, Here is the original

submitted by /u/FelisFelix
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Energy signature world event idea

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:47 PM PST

"A massive energy signature has just appeared on our scanners! It seems to be equivalent to that of an antimatter reactor powering up from hibernation. [Faction leader from friendly outlander union] has notified us of an ancient military installation in the mountain. In 15 days, the reactor will come online, granting pirates access to an array of ancient orbital targeters, and medicinal serums. If they secure these, they will most certainly attempt to attack us with these powerful weapons. If we can take and hold the facility, we can make off with a multitude of objects that are extremely rare."

Basically, I wanted to try to flip the roles of the player and the raiders when the player reaches the spaceship on the other side of the planet.

If you are hostile with all outlander unions, the line would read "[faction leader] desires a temporary alliance to raid the compound in order to prevent the pirates from taking the weapons."

The event would take place in a mountain range, and a pirate encampment built into the mountain with an antimatter reactor would spawn. Behind the reactor, a vault door in from of a room lined with impenetrable walls would guard a small stockpile of 6 or so relics, like orbital targeters or ressurector serums. There could even be cryptosleep caskets that open when the vault is unlocked.

There are three ways this event can end.

1- The player storms the compound with the assistance of the outlanders, killing the pirates and the guards. (You could also time it so that the pirates and guards are in a fight when you come up and ambush them.)

2- The player ignores the event. This means during the next raid from a pirate faction, there's a fair chance one or two will be holding orbital bombardment weapons, and attempt to use them from afar. You can kill the pirates to get the weapons, but you never get a chance at the medicinal items that we all need for spines and such.

3- The reactor is destroyed either in a firefight or intentionally by the player. This nullifies the chances of anyone getting the loot, however there is a small chance the event may occur again in the same location after a few years. The player could also construct a new antimatter reactor to open the door, triggering a 2 day opening period where the pirates send a few squads to retake the compound.

If anyone has any idea of suggestions that would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Birrihappyface
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Visiting Graves #16

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:08 AM PST

I notice prisoners get the -3 from euthanized colonist.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:57 PM PST

Meet Bink

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 10:18 AM PST

Going to retire this colony for now and start a new game with a tone more mods. Greetings from La Minita!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:58 PM PST

Quick story I felt I needed to put here.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:35 AM PST

So this story is pretty RimWorld standard but it was the first time I paused the game in sheer disbelief. Unfortunately I didn't screen cap and I had good amount of pawns so I don't recall their names, I'll dub the pawn 'Bob'.

So the story starts out normally, a couple raids go by no problem. Then a standard raid comes a knockin' and Bob is just another pirate. Until their attack fails and I capture Bob. My colony is a bit strapped for silver so I figured go full mad doctor on him. My medic was good, for early game, 12/20 so I figured I could get away with the full prisoner harvest. The whole 9 yards, left lung/kidney, nose, jaw, and all the rest while keeping him alive. All operations go well (Except for Jaw, accidentally shattered that) and Bob is still alive at this point. Well at this point I'll just harvest his heart and give him a grave. So I start the operation, my Medic is doing well until halfway thru when she 'fails catastrophically'. Bob fuckin' lives. Ok, ok, minor setback, just do it agai-Holy shit another Catastrophic failure. Once again, Bob fuckin' lives!

At this point Bob has impressed me with his will to live with half his organs and two, TWO failed heart removals. I let him go, release back into the wild as half of a man, if that. Well time goes by and I forget all about Bob. About a Yearish later I get a message that a pirate captain is fleeing from pirates, (this guy is also the lover of my cook) and seeks refuge at my colony. I take pity, and let his join. ITS FUCKIN' BOB AGAIN! He came back, he came back to his version of hell. He wasn't the most efficient pawn and he was unable to talk with his wife or other colonists due to the shattered jaw but he came back!

The colony survived anther year before it was destroyed by a poorly managed siege. Here end the story of Bob, a man who turned his life around, found love, and died all within two years.

submitted by /u/Lannagin
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Grey Cave Treaty progress gif. Album and stuff in the comments!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:21 PM PST

Issue with Crafting Priority?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:04 PM PST

So I have a couple colonists where I set crafting to be their number one priority. Everything else is 2 or lower. I have plenty of crafting jobs to be done, making clothes, making weapons etc. Yet unless I force them to, they don't go out of their way to do any of these jobs. Instead I find them doing priority 2 tasks, like building or cooking.

It's not an issue of supplies, when I force them to do it, they go and do it no problem. But I don't like having to manually force them to do all these jobs, and I'm not sure if I'm just missing something?

submitted by /u/7ark
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How long does powering up the spaceship take?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:06 PM PST

This is probably a quick Google away, but I can't seem to find it. If I caravan over to the spaceship, how long will it take to power it up (while I defend it)? It's in the ass-end of nowhere, so I need to pack extra food...

submitted by /u/decoherent
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Rimworlders, what small mods for B18 have you been using to get the experience just right?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:28 AM PST

We all have different ideas of what, exactly is the right rimworld experience, but for those of you who have dabbled in adding mods like myself, what mods do you find have improved the experience? For myself, mods like Hospitality, Psychology, and EPOE have all been great, but Quality Builder and Colony Manager have each punched way above their weight class, for adding no real content of their own!

submitted by /u/ParadoxSong
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Diary of Joseph Bhoi (part 1)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:58 PM PST

(Journal of Joseph Bhoi)

1st of Aprimay, 5500

The damn ship just got hit by some kind of missile! Luckily I made it to the escape pods. I can see it in the distance, the looming metallic behemoth being ripped apart, engulfing itself in a blaze of fire. Below me is a large planet, from here it looks hospitable. I just hope it's got an oxygen atmosphere...

My pod just hit the ground. And holy hell, I can breathe on this planet! The ship is toast though, no way we can use any of its communication equipment. Luckily I'm not the only survivor though.

Five out of ten of the other pods made it to the emergency landing zone. Along with me there is: Beach, just some drifter that was looking for a new life

Rose, lovely woman that is apparently some sort of construction goddess. She worked for one of those "hiveworlds". Never heard of anything like that before.

Then we've got Nelly Cline, some young lass with one hell of an annoying voice. She seems nice at least.

Gitta Petty, an older woman in her sixties, used to work for some charity called the "red cross". Sounds like some cult if you ask me. She seems lovely, but I'm already doubting her ability to help us in the long run.

Another woman, slightly older than me, goes by the name of "Cat". She claims she's a "torturer", whether or not that's an official job title or something... else... is beyond me.

And of course I'm still alive. Not sure if there is a point to me writing about myself, but in case I die, at least someone will find this and remember me. Hopefully.

My name is Joseph Bhoi, I am a 41 year old man who was once a renown military commisar. Of course now I'm just another person trying to survive.

Well, the sun just fell behind the horizon and we are all still alive. Maybe we actually have a chance! We just need to keep our cool, and work together. With six of us we actually managed to complete quite a bit in a single day, especially given the fact that we just survived a damn missile attack. We found a good alcove between three mountains that we've decided to setup in. We constructed a decent wood shelter up against one of the mountains and a small "dining" area, if you can call it that. So far, things are looking alright for us. I will say, sleeping in a room with five other women is a bit uncomfortable...

2nd of Aprimay, 5500

Today, something happened. Rose, Cat, and myself were exploring the surrounding land, looking for resources left over from the crash. When, through the trees, I saw what looked like a person!

"Oh it was probably just some animal Joseph, we're all just jumpy from the crash." says Rose. But I know what I saw...

I knew it! It's currently night time, we were on our way back to the colony when I saw him again! A shirtless man, weaving between the trees. At first Rose thought it was another survivor, but I held my doubts.

As he approached, Cat called out to him,"Hello? What is your name?" As he got closer I immedietly reverted back to my military training. I told Rose and Cat to get behind some rocks and hide.

"Why, he could be another survivor?!" But no... I've seen war, I know the eyes of a killer, this man was here to hurt us. As he drew closer I could see the moonlight glint off of what appeared to be a knife in his hand. Without hesitation I lifted my shotgun and fired. The man flew back onto the grass, landing in a pool of his own blood. It may have been some years since I served, but I'm glad I can still aim.

We approached the man, who at this point was still alive, clutching his chest and gasping for air, trying to block the gaping hole I left in him.

"What do we do?" asked Rose, she seemed a bit frantic. I told them both that we should lock him in my new room for now, and have Petty try to patch him up. I want to find out who he is and how many others there may be. If we are not the only people on this planet then we may be able to find help off this damn rock. I dragged him back to our shelter and left him in my room. Petty should be able to get him to stop bleeding at least. We'll question him in the morning.

3rd of Aprimay, 5500

Sleeping on the grass sounded relaxing enough last night, but holy hell, I'm getting too old for that shit.

Petty told everyone what she learned during breakfast. The man goes by the name of "Doctor". A bit odd if you ask me, but for some half naked man in the forest with a knife, I didn't really expect him to be completely sane. He claims to be a part of a massive pirate band called the "Rocket Komodos". This deeply worried all of us. If what he says is true then there could be many others just like him. We need to decide what to do with him, and quick.

The others look at me with concerned eyes. I think they are worried about how I shot a man without much more than a passing thought. I hope I can convince them that I did what was right.

They want to let the man go. I told them they are insane, that this man will just go back to tell others where we are, but I am just one person. I disagree with this decision, but I will honor the vote and release him.

The rest of the day was calm, and productive. Rose managed to build us a solar panel out of reclaimed components from the crash. How is beyond me, but at least we have electricity.

5th of Aprimay, 5500

I may die tonight. That's a very sobering thing to realize. I am currently crouched behind a wall, loading my gun. Waiting...

A couple hours ago, Petty came bursting into my room shouting,"There's tons of them out there Joseph!" I told her to slow down and explain what the hell she meant. After taking a deep breath, the ol' lady said, "There is a large group of people out in the forest. I counted about ten of them! They all have guns and knives! Please, you have to help!"

"Do you think they know that Doctor guy?" I inquired.

"I'm not sure, they weren't dressed like he was, these folks look better equipped."

"Round everyone up, those that can fight, get them all to the front of the canyon, I'll set up an ambush." I knew inside that there was no way we were all coming out of this alive. Ten people against six of us, and only two of us have guns? Not a chance. I am loading my last shell into my shotgun now, and waiting. If anyone finds this, get off this planet. It is not safe here.

6th of Aprimay, 5500

I awoke to hell itself. The last thing I remember from last night was killing one of the attackers, shot him right in the neck at point blank. Dead before he hit the ground. Shortly after I remember being shot in the arm, then blackness. I must've blacked out from the shock. But that is dwarfed by what was happening when I came to. I could hear the screams of women. My friends. I burst out of my bedroom door to see a smoke filled sky, and a field of bodies and blood. Some completely still, others writhing in agony as their life slowly leaked out of their soon to be corpses. I immedietly rushed to the nearest fire and saw Rose, desperately trying to put the inferno out. Blood was rushing down her face and pouring out of her chest. I ran to assist her. We were soon joined by Cat, and Beach, each covered in bloodied bandaged.

After the fire was out I looked around and took it all in. Our crops, completely burned, nothing more than a smoldering pile of ash. My friends were all on the verge of death. Yet... we were all alive. I later found Petty, sobbing while cooking up some meals for everyone.

"What the hell happened Petty?" I asked.

"During the fight, you got hit in the arm and went unconscious from the shock of the impact. Rose yelled for me and I carried you to your room and patched you up. After that, another group of them rushed us from the rice fields, Cat and Beach fought them off as long as possible with their knives but they both were overwhelmed. Cline ended up rushing the rest of pirates and killed a few before they started to flee. It was a nightmare Joseph." She was clearly near breaking down.

I gave her a hug and tried to help calm her down. "You did good Petty. None of us would've made it without you."

She cleared her throat and took a deep breath, "Thanks Joseph, but really you should thank the other girls. They all fought for our lives-" She paused, holding back another wave of tears,"I don't know if I can handle this all Joseph. We've only been here a week and we've almost been murdered!"

"I will find us a way off this planet, even if it kills me." I told her this hoping it would encourage her, but as the words left my mouth I could sense my own dread working its way into my mind. There was no way we could survive another attack like that. "Chin up Petty, we'll all make it." She sighed and returned to her work.

The carnage outside finally died down, although there were still a few survivors from last night. I found Rose hovering over one of them, a woman, bleeding profusely from various wounds across her body.

"I say we kill these fucking bastards." Rose had a blood rage in her eyes, like that of the man that attacked us the previous night.

"Hang on Rose, let's see if we can at least learn something-"

"This one can't even talk, look, she's choking on her own blood. I'd be doing her a favor." She aimed her gun at the woman, and fired. I looked at her worringly. "Don't worry Joseph, there's another one over there, some kid."

I looked where she gestured and saw a young man. Very young, could've been my kid. I walked up to him and saw that he was unconscious. I looked down at his wounds, blood was gushing out of his chest. Breathing muffled behind gurgles of blood. This kid wasn't going to make it. I lifted my gun once more and fired.

After we filled the last grave I got everyone together. "Alright, I know what just happened was horrifying," I tried to keep my voice stern, but I could tell it was shaking a bit, "But we all are still alive."

"Barely." scoffed Cline.

"Barely, yes, but alive nonetheless." I replied. "We may not know who these people are, or why they attacked us, but one thing is certain, they will not stop. We need to be ready next time, or we may be the ones in those graves. Now, let's get some rest, and we'll start cleaning this mess up tomorrow, okay?" They all looked as if they were staring straight through me, as if they were still seeing the massacre right in front of them. I can't help but feel guilty for my weakness in battle. I hope I can make it up to these ladies somehow. The next few days are going to be difficult, I just hope they all keep it together.

7th of Aprimay, 5500

After breakfast, I was out repairing some of the damage from the fight when I saw what looked like a pod of sorts falling through the clouds in the distance. I got Petty and Cline together and set out to find where it landed. Upon reaching the crash sight, we confirmed my sighting. An escape pod was sitting in a clearing, completely broken apart, as if the brakes didn't deploy. In the middle of the wreckage was a young woman, no older than the boy I killed yesterday. She was somehow still alive, although badly wounded. We decided to take her back and patch her up.

8th of Aprimay, 5500

The woman we rescued yesterday, Eva Grimes, was actually a survivor of the ship! Her pod was hit on the way down to the planet and was put into an orbit until gravity finally brought it down. We offered to have her stay with us, which she quickly accepted seeing as she had no other way to survive given her injuries. She says she good with a gun, hopefully we can use this to our advantage.

Rose came up to me today while I was working on the dining room. We engaged in some small talk for a while until she stopped me as I was telling her my story about the fall of New Stalingrad.

"Joseph..." She trailed off.

"Yes?" I replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Joseph, I know we haven't known each other for very long at all, and I really wish we had met under different circumstances, and I really don't know what I'm trying to get at-" Her face was starting to blush, I could tell what she was trying to say. And honestly, I kind of felt the same way. She is a pretty good looking gal after all, despite being a bit older than myself.

"You don't have to say anything Rose," I took her in close and kissed her. Her lips tasted sweet, and warm. "We will make it through this together." I looked into her deep blue eyes. I never thought I'd find love again in my life. I wasn't even sure if I was still capable of that feeling. But Rose had awoken something in me. I wasn't going to let her die on this planet.

And damn, can that woman build a good bed.

9th of Aprimay, 5500

While I was working on the outer wall today, I saw a group of people in the trees. I quickly grabbed my rifle and dove behind a nearby tree. "Who the fuck is there!? You wanna join your damn friends? Cause they are all fucking dead! C'mon you fucks!" I peeked around the corner to see that these people looked very different than the ones we've encountered before. And they were scared, looking at me in horror.

"Please! We are just trying to get back to our tribe!" yelled one of the tribals.

Tribe? I don't think these people are with that other group. I aimed my weapon and told them to approach slowly, with their hands raised. Rose came rushing up after hearing the commotion. She quickly grabbed my old shotgun from her back and aimed at the group, finger lightly pressing on the trigger.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"We are from The Cogua of the Cave, we mean no trouble, we just got lost in the mountains." They were dressed in ragged cloth and wielded nothing more than spears and bows. "Please, if you let us pass we will make it worth your while!"

"How are you going to help me?" I ask, still wary, clutching my rifle with sweaty hands.

"We have a large crop field at our camp, we will send back a caravan with some in exchange for our lives."

After a short discussion with Rose we decided to let them through our canyon. I really hope this doesn't come back to bite us in the ass.

Later that day, another group came through, although these people were obviously not tribals. They approached our wall and called out, "Hello? Is there anyone in there?" Some of them had guns drawn, we got into defensive positions.

"State your business stranger," I yelled back, "or we will fire on you."

"Calm down there mate," the leader replied, "we are just simple traders, looking to get some supplies for our outpost."

"You ain't with one of them pirate gangs are you?" Said Rose, I could see her eyes dart between potential targets, waiting for one to make a move.

"No ma'am. We are from Orthebo. Small town a couple days away by foot. We mean you no harm, we are just trying to make it on this planet like everyone else."

"Lower your guns and we will see what kind of trading we can do." We were in desperate need for food and medicine, to the point that it was worth the risk of letting these people in our camp. They proceeded to lower their guns and peacefully traded with us. Thank god for that one.

10th of Aprimay, 5500

We celebrated Petty's 65th birthday today.

"Well, this ain't exactly how I pictured spending this day, stuck on some godforsaken planet. But at least I have all of you." We gave her extra rations for a present.

1st of Jugust, 5500

I got attacked by a fucking turkey today. I was just repairing the solar panel and out of no where this crazy fucking bird jumps out and just starts pecking the shit out of me! I didn't even have time to grab my gun so i tried to fight it off with my hands until Clive came by with a knife and cut its throat. Rose was watching from a distance, laughing. This is so embarassing. Fucker got me pretty good. Should be fine though. Damn birds.

Other than "Turkey Chan" kung fu-ing the shit out of me, life has been calm around the camp lately. We've gotten into a routine of building up defenses, and farming. Eva and Petty are even trying their best to research how we can start building new things from this science book we got from one of the traders. Surprisingly, everyone is pretty happy. Maybe this place isn't so bad.

2nd of Jugust, 5500

Rose woke me up today with some news. Apparently last night while we were all sleeping, Petty was walking to her room when she saw another pod fall from the sky. She found another woman in the wreckage and brought her back for medical attention. Maybe she will also join us. We could use the extra hands.

Rose and I were out gathering food when we heard shouting in the distance.

"Help! Help me please!" the voice was hoarse, and struggled through labored breaths.

"Who goes there! Reveal yourself!" shouted Rose. Suddenly an old man burst through the bushes, startling Rose and I. With guns in hand we command the stranger to get on the ground with his hands up. He complies and states that he is being chased by pirates! The same group that "Doctor" belongs to.

"Damn you! You led them right to us!" yelled Rose, her finger closing in on the trigger. I reminded her that they already knew our location from when we let Doctor go. She scoffed at me and removed her finger from the trigger. "How many are there stranger?"

"I'm not really sure lass," the old man stood up, brushing himself off, "could be ten of 'em, could be a hundred, I haven't exactly slowed down to check." I suggested we take the old man back to our camp and prepare for a fight.

"No, we should just leave him for the pirates! Why should we help him? We could get killed! Have you forgotten what happened last time?!" Rose began crying. I took her in my arms and brushed her hair back.

"We will be okay honey. I won't let anything bad happen to you again." I tried to sound as sure as possible, but I wasn't even awake during that fatal night. I have no idea what she might've gone through. We agreed on the plan and brought the man back. I've gathered the others and we are preparing for another fight. If I don't survive this day, tell Rose that I love her.

We did it! We fought them back! Rose and I both took a couple hits, but nothing that Petty can't fix up. Those damn pirates stood no chance against our outer defenses. There was at least eight of them, all wielding assault rifles and modern weaponry. They came rushing through the treeline. Rose and I quickly took to the battlements and began suppressing them. Half of the pirates split off to try to break through our southern entrance, but Dean (the old man they were chasing) killed one of them with a knife! His bloodcurdling roar was so loud it caused the rest of the bastards to turn tail and run. The man can fight, and was immedietly invited to the camp. Along with the young woman we rescued earlier, goes by the name Sharee. After seeing how well we defended, she said she wants to be nowhere else than here. Our small camp is really growing! Today is a good victory for us.

I don't believe it... Just after we got cleaned up from the fight, I was out clearing the dead when I hear a familiar voice.

"H-hey there you dumb ass, long time no cough long time no see!" It was Doctor, his body, a mangled pile of flesh. The man we let live, and he had the balls to come and attack us after bringing his gang. "Why don't ya just help me out won't ya? Just like last time!" He laughed while coughing up an unhealthy amount of fluid. His contorted face, wrought with pain, still managed to get my blood boiling. We saved this man, and he just attacks us again? There will not be a third time. I look around to see if there are any witnesses, and upon finding none, I placed my guns barrel against his head and pulled the trigger.

Petty came up to me this evening.

"Hey there Joseph, we checked all the bodies, there is only one survivor. Goes by the name of Zeiph. What do you think we should do with him?" she trailed off slightly.

"I'm not really sure," I say, "but I sure as hell don't want him coming back with reinforcements."

"I agree, I don't think we should make the same mistake again, but..." she trailed off again. This time her eyes shifted away from mine, trying to hide from me.

"What's wrong Petty?"

"Well Joseph, I didn't tell anyone... but I saw you earlier." she said shakily. "I saw you shoot that man earlier. He was dying and you shot him." Her voice began to quiver. I was found out. There's no way I was going to lie to Petty. So I tried my best to explain why I killed Doctor. She wasn't having any of it though. "If we just go around killing everyone then what makes us so different than them!?" It was the first time Petty ever yelled at me. And it was shocking to say the least. I was at a loss for words, she was completely right. I didn't know if that man had a family, friends, a job. "I promise not to tell anyone, but please, don't lose your humanity Joseph, we all count on you to survive."

"I understand Petty. I'm sorry. We will keep him prisoner for now, until we can figure something out." I gave her a quick hug and we went on with our day.

3rd of Jugust, 5500

It's the middle of the night, and something landed just outside our walls. Whatever it is, it's still mostly intact. Clive and Dean went out to check on it and claim it's making some sort of mechanical sound, and they could apparently see small vents spewing out some sort of gas. They ran back when they heard something moving inside. Whatever this thing is, I've got a feeling that it isn't good.

"Why do we not kill him?" Rose asked me this today in regards to the prisoner, Zeiph.

"Because Rose, we are not like them. We don't kill innocent people." I replied to her.

"He's not innocent! He tried to kill us Joseph! I'm going to do the right thing." She started off toward the prison we built, brandishing her gun in the process.

"Rose stop!" I yelled at her, "If you kill him then I'll have to throw you in there too! We had a vote dammit." I could tell I was raising my voice way too much.

"Fuck you! You lay a damn hand on me and I'll break it!" She flipped me off and stormed off. Luckily not towards the prison. I sighed and went back to my work. I hope she doesn't do anything stupid.

5th of Jugust, 5500

This morning, Eva, Cat and myself went out to investigate the strange ship that landed a couple days ago. Upon coming to the clearing we realized that the gas the ship was spewing out had killed everything nearby. Animals, trees, grass, nothing was alive. And it was spreading. If this thing reaches our crops we won't survive the rest of the winter. Something needs to be done.

Rose keeps on eyeing the prison. I don't trust her.

A couple hours ago during dinner I brought up this "Poison Ship" as we've come to call it. "Does anyone have any suggestions on how we deal with it?" I ask the group.

"Why not imprison it?" scoffed Rose. I ignored the comment.

"If this thing continues to spread we will all surely die, so I think its time we open it up and try to shut the thing down." stated Sharee. We all seemed to somewhat agree, but the problem is, who was going to be the one to get close enough to open it?

"Why don't you do it boss man?" says Rose, in a very sassy voice. Beach eyes her, glaringly.

"No, I'll do it guys, after all, I'm old, and I ain't even been here that long. Send me to do it." insists Dean.

The group, after a little bit of back and forth, decides to pull straws. I hold them out in sweaty palms as each of our people pull one, hoping that it's not the one that will send them to their likely demise. One by one they are pulled. Until only one remains. None of the others were short. Looks like this may be my last entry. Tomorrow, we will deal with this ship. I just hope I get to see another sunrise afterwards.

6th of Jugust, 5500

This is it. I stand here, at the edge of this field of barren wasteland. The metallic beast looming in the center of it. I look back to see the faces of the people I've come to know as friends, comrades, family... I look at them in hopes to see them again. But for now, I have a job to do. So once more, I pick up my rifle, and start walking forward.

I'm not sure how I'm alive. I know I shouldn't be.

There were these hulking mechanoids inside the ship that came out as soon as I stepped too close to it. They immedietly opened fire, and one of them shot me in the arm with some sort of laser rifle. I quickly ran behind a nearby cliff and saw Rose, coming out of the front gate running toward the mechs.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I cried out, clutching my freshly wounded arm.

"I'm not going to watch you die out here alone! Now shut the hell up and start firing!" yelled Rose as she began suppressing the advancing mechs. I clenched my jaw and fired my rifle. The recoil battering against my wound. We were hitting them, but their metallic bodies simply shrugged the bullets off, as they slowly advanced, firing their lasers at us.

Off to the west I could see Sharee and Eva rushing to flank the mechs, they ran out in the open, guns blazing. They were too far for me to tell them to retreat, so I tried my best to draw the mechs fire away from them. The two managed to get close enough to unload on the mechs. Sharee was hit twice in the leg, but we managed to prevail. Dean and Cline moved in to dismantle the remaining ship.

Yet another victory.

submitted by /u/GlobalThreat777
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Some questions I can not figure it out myself

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:29 AM PST

Hey I play some Rimworld and yesterday my only good crafter died to a infection which leads to my first question.

  1. He got an infection in the liver. How do I prevent this or cure this? I just build a medical bed, but it's still in the living room where also the kitchen is. He toke this medical bed, was it a problem that the medical bed is in the same room than the kitchen, where maybe is some dirt?

  2. How does the sterile floor work? I put it around my cooker and slaughter table but I don't know if that is worth it. Does it decrease dirt and blood?

  3. I have a good builder at lvl18 and a medium builder at lvl12. I want the good builder focus on furniture and the medium one on walls and floors. Is that possible?

  4. Same question for craftsman. I want the "good" one focus on clothers and weapons and the bad one on cutting stone (Which does not even give exp right? So if the good one cutting stone he loses exp which sucks)

  5. My best mele guy is also a very important worker. I gave him body armor, the best clothes and best melee weapon i have. It is still very risky to send him in battle, because if he get a wound and then infection and die I will lose a very important person. How do you handle this? Do you only use less important people for melee?

  6. Woodfloor. I like the look of woodfloor, but it does not give +1 like the good stonefloors give you. So I replaced most floor already with stone, which look less beautiful. How do you handle this?

  7. I have 2 prisoners I can not recruit since a year or so. The chance to recruit is under 1%. Is there anything other then the social skill to improve this?

  8. Trading. It looks like I get more money selling pure smokeleaf then a smokeleaf joint ? Also with clothers, its better to just sell the wool instead of clothers ?

submitted by /u/nelbar
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[Long story] From the swamp to the stars, the 2 end games

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:59 AM PST

Simple Sidearms B18 Question

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:21 AM PST

Is anybody else using this mod, and if so are your pawns drawing their melee weapons when in close combat? mine seem to only be using their fists.

submitted by /u/All-Shall-Kneel
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Hungry animals

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:38 PM PST

Anyone else loose tons of colonists in the winter because some fox/bear/wolf just goes for it. They are hungry and they don't just wound, they kill and eat. Even against melee colonists sometimes they get lucky and down them and quicky maul them. PS I hate the whimp trait.

submitted by /u/DanimalsCrushCups
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Vanilla trick to let you carry more taming food

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:00 AM PST

You know how sometimes your grower harvests 76 berries from raspberry bushes, and can only haul 75 back? Son of a... Or the animal tamer goes to the other side of the map with 10 berries, only to run out of them after handling one boar?

Recruit the tamer, make him stand on top of the stack of berries, unrecruit and drop the food from his inventory. Now find the largest animal on the map, and prioritize taming it. The pawn will pick up the maximum amount of berries based on the size of the animal (megasloths are the best). Then untame that animal if you don't need it.

But wait, there's more! Put the pawn on top of a meat stack, and prioritize taming a carnivore. Now he carries both berries and meat, and will not run back and forth all the time.

submitted by /u/JaB675
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10 years so time for a colony post

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:50 AM PST

How do power grids model the flow of electricity in-game? Can they actually be series or in parallel or does the game simplify this somewhat?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:45 PM PST

I'm still pretty new at the game and especially with setting up an effective power supply grid so I'm looking for some input about how to do it efficiently. Say for example I have some kind of generator which has two conduit paths, one going to a battery and another going to a workbench. Am I right in thinking that the charge rate of the battery would be lowered? What about if the batteries and appliances are all just connected in a haphazard loop/grid. I'm assuming that would mess things up but I'm not exactly sure in what manner. Does the game make any simplifications or have any idiosyncrasies that might make electricity behave in a way you wouldn't expect?

If I get time to prioritize it I'm hoping to have it set up to go power source -> switch -> batteries -> 2 switches, one for things I always have on and the other for things I use infrequently.

Besides that I'd appreciate any go-to setups you use for your power grids.

submitted by /u/Funkwalrus
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General questions on military, trade, etc.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST

Hello, I've got some questions for players with more experience than me (shouldn't be difficult to find ;) ).

They are different in nature, but I grouped them in a single post.

  1. How do you secure a steady supply of steel (or other material, but steel is what concerns me most)? Do you send caravans, wait for bulk suppliers...?

  2. How does stock replenishment work for other towns? Random, every X days (please specify X)...? How is the max amount of available resources determined?

  3. Is it possible for a colonist to carry two weapons, switching to one or the other? e.g. a knife and rifle, or a sniper rifle and a SMG... It would be very useful in raids.

  4. What is the stealth factor of caravans? Is it better to have it high or low?

  5. Say I use drop pods to insta-send a caravan to a town for trading. The return trip has to be overland or is there a way to drop-pod back?

  6. I found that a (dandelions?) field is a good pasture area, so I can save hay for the winter. Is there any use for other flowers?

  7. Kibble made of hay + human meat. Doesn't rot, but the stack is only 75 vs a hayball of 200. What would you suggest?

  8. What's the best defense line when i roughly know the direction of an assault: a line of sandbags or a wall-sandbag-wall-sandbag... line, with pawns behind walls shooting from the corner?

  9. Is it better to have a single, huge recreation room, or 2, smaller rooms work as well?

  10. If one of my pyro colonists on a fire madness resists arrest, is it better to try with a pawn armed with handgun, knife, mace or bare fists?

Thanks so far, even if I'm sure I'm forgetting something, as usual...

submitted by /u/Cocco81
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Shooting skill tweaks

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:22 AM PST

Does anyone think the shooting skill decay should be tweaked or something? Even my best shooter with double flame passion who is also my main Hunter rarely gets above 14 skill. I think I saw him at 16 one time after like 3 back to back raids. I've heard about ways to train by having your shooters manually shoot at walls while you repair them, but this seems gamey and undesirable. Anyone have any tips? I play on Randy Intense for reference.

submitted by /u/Ahueh
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