Pokémon GO - "Im safe" Feature Live. Allows you to escape the Extreme Weather warning.

"Im safe" Feature Live. Allows you to escape the Extreme Weather warning.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 12:18 PM PST

My Dad evolves a CP10 Feebas. Make your own fun! :D

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 06:17 PM PST

My dad drives around a lot for his job and so he runs into a lot of Pokemon, even as a casual player. His walking Feebas, a tiny CP10, was already over 20km and I (with my love of tiny Pokes) suggested he evolves it. So after some hmm-ing and haww-ing he Rare Candied it the for the last chunk needed and with a cheeky grin evolved what is probably the luckiest Feebie in the world. I'm super jealous! :D


submitted by /u/clawsandtalons
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Excellent throws under Expert Handler on Groudon

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:21 AM PST

New pyramid found at Chichen Itza?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 01:37 PM PST

A very PoGo Christmas for my sister-in-law!

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:09 PM PST

Fitness Playstyles

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:41 AM PST

Hi everyone!

Recently, I've been thinking about how Pokemon Go could re-incentive the fitness aspect of the game. The health benefits of added exercise are huge in a world struggling with rises in obesity.

I feel like the fitness elements of Pokemon Go have really been tucked under the rug since the raid updates. If people start talking more about exercise in PoGO, maybe Niantic will add better fitness incentives into the game. That would be something that could benefit the health of everyone playing. I don't want the most important part of the game to be shrugged off when it could benefit millions of people.

The current incentives for walking/exercising in Pokemon Go:


  • Random Pokemon with slight IV buffs (Outclassed by the weather system that allows for more targeted types of Pokemon with higher IVs and levels up to 35 instead of just 20)

  • Moderate amount of candies for the random Pokemon (Outclassed by Universal Rare candies along with pinaps mitigating the need for this)

  • Small amount of stardust (Always useful, but grinding hotspots yields stardust much more quickly than trying to stay on the move)

Buddy System

  • Candies for specific Pokemon (Great, although slow. Doesn't feel like your buddy is getting directly stronger)

  • Evolution mechanic (Very well done mechanic, I like this)

It really seems like the current incentives are greatly outclassed by raids and farming hot spots for weather themed Pokemon. The other issue is that there isn't any social incentives for walking distances together, as Raids are often so spread out that you would need to drive to do more than one. I think that the best way to fix these incentive issues to provide play styles that effectively reward choosing walking/running/biking in unique ways than trying to catch every Pokemon you see or driving to Raids.

Some ideas:

  • Moving Raids: While best fit to the legendary dogs, it would be interesting if some raids were multi-part. You would only select your battle team initially, and would battle the Raid boss. While battling, the boss would have a chance to run (up to twice). If the Pokemon runs, it would appear within a few hundred meters (walking distance) and the group would have to track down the Boss to continue fighting it. If the boss runs it gives extra rewards and boosts IVs.

  • Bike Mode: Boosts the speed cap for eggs and buddy distance to 40km/hour. Pokemon will not spawn around you, and Pokestops will be unspinable (even with the Go+). Professor Willow will reward the player with items based on distance travelled upon leaving bike mode (min 1km).

  • Shiny Charm: An item that could drop from 7 day streaks (Single use). The next Pokemon you encounter has a significantly boosted shiny rate. The distance travelled before catching your next Pokemon boosts the rate further.

  • Buddy Damage Bonus: Your buddy Pokemon will receive a small damage bonus based on the amount of distance you have traveled with it. (5%/100km, max 25%) I think that there are tons of ways to incentive fitness elements into the game without having to compare the efficiency of playstyles. If fitness type activities give boosts that are unique enough from the current incentive systems it won't detract or deter people from raiding as the neither play style will be directly superior.

The most difficult part would be finding effective ways to implement social elements into fitness play styles. Moving raids could help incentive some group exercise, but finding a balance of reward to effort might be difficult to pinpoint. You would want players to be excited to chase after the raid boss, and not be annoyed that they have to. If the incentives are properly measured, group movement could be an awesome addition to the game.

Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear your thoughts on these ideas or any additional ways Niantic could improve the game.

submitted by /u/Slam42
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Evaluation: Are star pieces actually that worthy?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:10 PM PST

After the release of the new Star Piece item, many of my local raid group members were quite disappointed since the earned Star Dust (SD) is only boosted by 50% instead of doubling like Lucky Eggs do with EXP or pinap berries do with candies.

I tried to evaluate if this new special-event box item is actually worth to buy and to use, or if it is just another bag-filler.

Looking at the ways to earn star dust in the current gameplay, there are four notable ingame actions that are rewarded with this precious resource:

Raids, Feeding berries, Hatching eggs and Catching pokemon


Raids are rewarded with 500 SD per raid. Multiplyed by 1.5, that makes a total of 750 SD per Raid without catching the pokemon afterwards, as one gets the stardust even without defeating the boss after the first try. Considering a) the amount of (soloable) raids needed, b) the amount of raid passes needed, c) the long waiting times in the lobby and d) the duration of the raid itself, this is by far the worst activity to use a Star Piece for.

Feeding berries

Feeding the pokemon deposited in a gym of your team gives you a total of 20 SD (30 with Star Piece) per berry. With an amount of 100 berries one can feed each 30 minutes, that would make 3000 SD.

Hatching eggs

Depending on the type of egg, the earned SD can vary from: - 400 to 800 (2km Egg) - 800 to 1600 (5 km Egg) - 1600 to 3200 (10 km Egg)

I googled those numbers. Considering you saved 9 10 km eggs and you are super lucky to get the maximum of SD per egg, you can earn up to 28,800 SD in just a few seconds if your eggs hatch at the exact same moment. Adding 50% comes to a total of 43.200 SD. Restarting the app directly after the first hatch-animation saves you a lot of time for the last activity:

Catching pokemon

Depending on the evolution stage of the caught pokemon and the current weather, catching pokemon rewards you: - 100 / 125 SD for any base-form - 300 / 375 SD for any first evolutionary stage - 500 / 625 SD for any second evolutionary stage

Adding up 50%, the SD yields increase to: 150 / 187, 450 / 675, 750 / 937 depending on evolutionary stage and weather bonus.

The real question is: how many pokemon are manually catchable in 30 minutes? How about GoPlus?

To test this, I went to a place with lots of pokestops, and with lots, I really mean LOTS. At Centro Oberhausen, it is possible to reach 10 (!) Stops at once. I tossed all normal pokeballs and stocked up with superballs to improve the catch rate without having to switching balls all the time.

I managed to catch 75 pokemon in 30 minutes.

That are 2.5 pokemon each minute. With that many spawns, it is somehow possible to choose which pokemon to encounter, of course the focus lay on weather-boosted or higher evolutionary stages. I'll assume that each pokemon was a weather-boosted base pokemon, granting 187 SD per catch:

75 pokemon * 187 SD = 14,025 SD in 30 minutes.

The GoPlus needs about 10 secs for one catch, meaning 6 possible catches per minute. As one lure generates 1 pokemon each 3 minutes, you'd have to reach 18 pokestops to get the absolute maximum out of it. Sadly, the chances of catching pokemons this way are relatively low, so getting all 18 pokemon is more than unrealistic, ignoring the 18 stops in one place. But just for the numbers:

6 encounters per minute * 30 minutes Star Piece = 180 possible catches 180 pokemon * 187 SD (weather-boosted stage 1) = 33,660 SD in 30 minutes.

To sum it up, I came to the conclusion that the Star Piece can be enormous valuable under certain conditions. If you manage to hatch 9 10 km eggs and afterwards catch as many pokemon as possible at places like Centro Oberhausen or other Unibail-Malls, it is possible to get roundabout 50k SD in 30 minutes.

Imagine that during a Double SD Event! Taking into account that you stay at these malls for at least a few hours, it is to say that even 50% are a really nice boost for those days.

Otherwise, the Star Pieces seem more like a bag filler to me.

TL, DR: Star Piece is not that worthy at all, only under special conditions.

submitted by /u/str8rush
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[Humor] How Delibird's actual move set feels like

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 11:52 PM PST

AngryBird! :D

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:25 AM PST

Clearing up the negativity about the new boxes (x-post from r/TheSilphRoad)

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:57 AM PST

There's been a lot of negativity surrounding the new gift boxes that appeared in the game yesterday, especially from high level players. What many of them don't seem to realize is that even if you throw away the lucky eggs, the Ultra Box is the best deal on Raid Passes and Super Incubators alone that Pokémon Go has ever had.

There have been a few breakdowns of the boxes that compare the full prices and the perceived values of the items in them, but I wanted to lay out the math so that my fellow trainers don't miss out on a great deal just because other people don't want some of the items in the boxes.

The Math:

Super Incubators: 160 coins at their lowest price ever in the Special Equinox gift boxes

160 x 6 = 960

Raid Passes: 80 coins at their lowest price ever in the Special Go Fest Anniversary gift boxes

80 x 10 = 800

Total: 1760

Actual price of the Christmas Ultra Box: 1680

TL;DR You're basically getting the best deal they've ever had plus Lucky Eggs and Star Pieces for free.

submitted by /u/TheGauntRing
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[Discussion] Request: if anyone has Wailord, Steelix, and Hariyama please put them in a gym and take a picture

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:41 AM PST

I'm very curious to see what this will look like and haven't seen it yet on reddit

submitted by /u/JimboNutrin
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Shiny in the Super Market

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:48 AM PST


^ see above photos

I was doing some grocery shopping with my family and opened the app up and I tapped on Snorunt and it turned out to be a shiny. I did not take any chances, gave it a razz berry and used a ultra ball. I'm glad to say that I caught it.

submitted by /u/Jchamp5177
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[Discussion] Shouldn't you be unable to use pokemon, if its level is higher than your

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:36 AM PST

With this "weather update" in PoGo, trainers now are able to catch pokemon higher level than trainer is. (31lvl trainer can catch 35lvl pokemon) I know I can get tone of hate, from low lvl players. But lore tells, pokemon does not obey to you, if his lvl is ahead of yours.

My opinion is: OK, you can get it, but you need to train yourself as well, if you want to use it.

submitted by /u/theloneleon
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Perfect IV Gloom - what should i evolve it into??

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:34 AM PST

It's my first 100 IV pokey, and I want it to be a badass fighter for my team. Which evolution should I choose??

submitted by /u/TopHattedTime
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Arrows to Pokémon nearby

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 06:33 PM PST

Would be nice to have arrows showing the direction to Pokemon nearby. Saw a Lapras the other day on the Nearby for the first time. Unfortunately, I never found it while walking around as the game didn't show what direction to head since the Lapras wasn't at a Pokestop. Would be helpful to see an arrow pointing in the right direction but not sure how difficult this would be for the developers to add.

submitted by /u/RockNRollX
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Maximum points at a gym?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:03 PM PST

Scenario: I held a rural gym for a little over a couple of months along with my playing partner. I would remote dump spare berries whenever i had too many. She didn't. I went gold faster - obviously.

I have since been booted from the gym while she is still there. I went back to add myself on and got the "this gym has no room for additional pokemon" message although there were 4 slots open.

Question: Is there a maximum point level you can achieve at a gym after which you can't add to it again? Alternately, is there a cooling off period after which you can add back on?

submitted by /u/illchukker
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This is.... new

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:55 PM PST

Anyone else on iOS getting this bug with AR+ toggled back before a Pokémon flees, where the encounter still goes on and app crashes shortly after

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:29 PM PST

Raikou low iv

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:26 PM PST

The only Raikou I have is 13/10/10. Would it still be worth powering up? Advice from anyone with multiple Raikou would be best

submitted by /u/pepsiROCK
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It's a little late but this guy finally decided to get into the Christmas spirit

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:05 PM PST

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