Learn Dota 2 - How to use Winter Wyvern's Aghanim properly

How to use Winter Wyvern's Aghanim properly

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:49 PM PST

How to deal with morph carry without any counters hero

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:59 PM PST

I had this nice little comeback I wanted to share :)

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:02 PM PST

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3616688086 I was 0-6-0 as TB in the lane at one point. I managed to squeeze out about 32 last hits despite being drunken hazed a lot and having a pudge roam to my lane. I came into a fight midway where everyone was low except for brewmaster, who I got to sunder, which netted me an ez triple kill. I got another triple kill off of them underestimating my power (as I was actually quite farmed despite my high death count). We ended up coming online finally and it felt really good to comeback after such a deficit :)

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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How to deal with a Meepo?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:41 PM PST

What do you do against a meepo that is snowballing out of control? 21 minutes into the game the meepo was level 21 just wrecking everyone. I think at that point he was a full 10 minutes ahead of everyone.

This has happened to me twice now recently and I'd love to know what to do. I was BB.



submitted by /u/bryanf445
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Linkens blocking two spells?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:03 PM PST

Yesterday I was playing storm and trying to vortex a qop that had linkens and then immediately orchid her afterwards. Twice, however, the linkens blocked both of my spells. Is this something that can happen if you're casting your stuff too close together?

here's the match, it happens close to the end of the game when she's pushing top lane by herself. https://www.opendota.com/matches/3615185835

submitted by /u/dannyboy775
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Dota 2 Behavior Survey 2(Research Proposal Assignment)

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:23 PM PST

I want to try Dota for 2-3 months, has experience with LoL

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:47 AM PST

Hey guys, as the title says, i'm primary League of Legends player, but want to learn something about Dota too. I heard that Dota 2 isn't that bad today, so wanna give it a shot.

To my question, i have no clue where to begin. Dota seems to be more complex and more hard than LoL.


  • Is there same lanes as in LoL? (top, jungle, mid, duo bot)

  • When to recall? How to use that donkey properly?

  • Is farming important?

  • Which hero should I try in the beginning?

  • What should I expect from the comunnity?

  • Roaming - important or not?

  • Teamfighting?

Thanks for all the answers! Helps a lot

submitted by /u/TheXeroo
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Please help: Game freezes at hero selection/going into demo mode?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:21 PM PST

Does anybody know what this could be caused by? It consistently freezes at hero selection or IMMEDIATELY upon entering demo mode.

Sound effects still play (hero acknowledging my movement commands) but the picture itself is frozen. I don't know anything about computers, is this a GPU problem?

Specs are:

  • Gigabyte GA-A320M HD2
  • Geforce GTX 1060
  • Corsair RM550x PSU
  • Ryzen 5 1600 six-core 3.4 GHz processor
  • Corsair DDR4 8GB of RAM

It's not just Dota- all of my games let me navigate their menus but IMMEDIATELY freeze upon entering any kind of gameplay or demo modes.

I've submitted this to r/buildapac but so far no luck. Has anybody experienced this?

submitted by /u/Caffeinated_Thesis
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How do you encourage leeching supports to zone the enemy?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:03 AM PST

I have a few friends of lower skill or just bad supports and I actually dislike laning with them much more than any random solo queue.... Every game I have to ask them to go trade hits and it makes me seem bossy, and they always half ass it (literally just cast spells, 0 right click, walk away even though enemy is nowhere near tower or a wave)

They don't even bother showing up to a lane for a few creepwaves sometimes, like they fundamentally don't seem to grasp that giving the offlaner free reign to do what he wants in the first few mins can be absolutely game losing.

The frustrating thing is I play support and am even more bossy/shotcalling and we end up owning as a semi roaming support duo, they're loving it, but the very next game they're full HP and mana standing behind the tower. I just don't get it. These are my boys who do communicate too, so its not like they're just confused, they seem to have an actual plan of leeching despite all the evidence its terrible.

Sorry this was more of a rant than intended. And I'm no great support player. This stuff is just tilting though.

submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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Dealing With Medusa's Mystic Snake in Lane?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:16 PM PST

I played a game where I was getting chunked down for like half my HP by Medusa mystic snake. It was like she had a 200 or 300 damage nuke.

What do I do? Stand back until the ranged creep is dead?

submitted by /u/lookseedooso
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Can someone explain why certain heroes are good mids, and others are good safelaners? What's the distinction?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:25 PM PST

In one of BSJ's recent coaching sessions, he mentions how Sniper is terrible in the safelane because he's vulnerable to dying, but doesn't really explain why. He also says that Medusa can be played in the safelane, but she does everything better in mid. He doesn't explain that statement either.

I know the standard explanation is that offlaners need levels, safelaners need gold, and mids need both levels and gold which is why they go solo mid. But there's no particular reason why mid has to be solo--pros these days especially are running dual lanes mid sometimes, and recently one team even trilaned mid. So I don't buy this explanation.

I understand why Storm, QOP, Ember, and Puck are mid-laners--they have movement abilities that let them escape ganks and control runes. But then why is Shadowfiend a mid-laner? Is it that mids need AOE so they can doublewave the tower? I don't buy that either, because doublewaving seems to be a relatively recent innovation in mid play and Shadowfiend has been a mid forever.

Then a hero like PA, why is she a flex pick in both lanes? Or Invoker, who seems to have nothing in common with any of the above? He's a weak laner, it seems to me that he should be played in the "safe" lane where supports can protect him.

Or Drow vs. Sniper. These are both squishy, positioning-dependent cores who can dish out tons of damage. Why is Drow played in the safe lane, but Sniper in mid?

Very confused here.

submitted by /u/ak1247
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How to deal with morph carry without any counters hero

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:05 PM PST

CM vs Lion

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:30 PM PST

Hey guys, ~3k player here.

Lion is one of my favourite support heroes due to his dual disables, making him a good babysitter and initiator, and can roam as well if needed. I'm looking to add Crystal Maiden to my support hero pool, but need help differentiating the two heroes.

When is it better to pick Crystal Maiden over Lion? How should I play her differently than Lion?

My quick thoughts: Compared to Lion, her ult is less reliable and she has less lockdown, but her manacost/manaloss talent makes her better when teaming up with int cores like Storm or Tinker, and maybe might be good against mana drainers like PL, Nyx, AM. The mana regen aura allows some heroes to be more aggressive in lane by being able to cast their spells more often (Bristleback for example).

Thanks for your advice in advance!

submitted by /u/Bulbanard
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How to deal with PL without counter picks

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:56 AM PST

So I've played a bunch of PL and recently I've been playing against him a lot as well, especially in turbo mode where he gets fat quick.

One thing I haven't quite figured out is how to deal well with him without counterpicking(Axe, Medusa, Sven, Shaker). Having played him a lot he is also a comfy hero and I'm currently on around 75%ish winrate with him, if not more(despite sometimes being counterpicked).

The only thing I've noticed when I'm playing is that his early game and laning stage seems a bit weak, so if you make sure he has a miserable time there and make sure your carry has a good time, then you should be ok. Another is of course Mjolnir and BF, but one Mjolnir alone doesn't seem enough and can you really go BF on something like Chaos Knight?

submitted by /u/storgodt
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What could i have done better this game? (2.9k average)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:44 PM PST

match id :3615180045 I played a freefarm antimage this game but even with abysal manta at 30 mins felt like nothing i could really do this game and the enemy just grouped up and pushed into us and we couldnt do anything. i understand usually teams do this because around this time am doesnt have enough items yet but this isnt the case for this game

submitted by /u/aug16th
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Playing KotL vs Nightstalker

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:14 PM PST

NS seems is an obvious counter to kotl, so on the rare occasions that I pick kotl early and someone on the enemy team picks ns, how should I approach the game? Should I even get Aghs since its going to be night for most of the game anyway? Any other playstyle/itemization changes that can help me work around this matchup?

edit: I just found a rawdota game (I suppose most people around here know him at this point) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK1BhHV-Wso , where he went Force/Glimmer/Ghost/Mek. Is it the right way to play against NS i.e. just stack multiple defensive items, or is it because he was forced to play pos 5 and if you have another support buying all the wards then you just go Aghs anyway?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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i feel like my team is as big a hindrance to victory as the enemy team and i have no idea what to do

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:07 PM PST

i feel like at least half of my games i am struggling to carry a team that actively tries to lose or has no idea they are completely throwing the game (last pick jungle weaver, afk pudge leeching my offlane xp, chain feeding safe trilane) i used to be 3.5 in 2014, and i even climbed back to 3.2 in may, but for the most part im stuck in this quagmire of 2200-2500 where i feel my team is the most consistent hindrance. how do i deal with situations like this?

submitted by /u/xiaohaisdad
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