Kingdom: Classic Giveaway on Steam Today Only! Kingdom: New Lands

Kingdom: Classic Giveaway on Steam Today Only!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 10:57 AM PST

You already own Kingdom: Classic if you're reading this message but what about your friends? Your spouse? Your DOG?!

Do THEY own Kingdom: Classic? If not now is the perfect time to fill them in on this game as we're giving it away for free! Anyone and everyone can grab Kingdom: Classic in the next 24 hours for the price of $0.

After the giveaway ends, we'll be selling Kingdom: Classic on its own! That way, folks can experience Kingdom but not spend as much as they would picking up Kingdom: New Lands. If someone who owns Classic on Steam wants to upgrade to New Lands though, we have 25% discount set up so they can save a few gold coins in the process. A gold coin saved is a gold coin spent at an archer statue to defend yourself from hordes of greedy creatures.

This discount applies to anyone who received Kingdom: Classic during the giveaway. And if you buy both New Lands and Classic together at the same time then it comes out to $14.99, same as what we have it bundled for now. Huzzah!

P.S. Did you see the new Skull Island DLC we just added to Kingdom: New Lands? It's adds a 6th island that is hard AF and that too is a free all you wonderful Kingdom players.

Welcome to Skull Island, a brand new FREE DLC

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:44 AM PST

We've been working on something special for everyone who already owns Kingdom: New Lands! Today we're revealing Skull Island, and it is challenging AF. Yeah, that's right, capital A F. Fuuuuuuuuuuuu. What is Skull Island? HAHAHAHA, like we'd ever say. When have we ever given away Kingdom secrets? Here's a hint - There is a new win condition. Bye bye boat, hello... 🙃🙃🙃

The Skull Island content update is FREE on every platform Kingdom: New Lands is available on. First on Steam, by the end of the week or sooner for every other platform.

We want to see your attempts at beating Skull Island, so if you're streaming the game or you have a screenshot to share then HIT US UP on Twitter and Discord[]!

EDIT 12/19/2017 @ 4:01pm-ish: We figured part of the challenge of Skull Island was in finding it, but apparently that may be too frustrating? Ok, we'll help you THIS ONE TIME. Skull Island is only accessible after you beat the 5th island. Hope that helps!

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