Halo - HCS Settings Feedback Update -- December 12 | Halo Championship Series | Forums | Halo

HCS Settings Feedback Update -- December 12 | Halo Championship Series | Forums | Halo

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:37 PM PST

Well with infinity war being announced thought this would be cool

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 10:39 AM PST

Never knew I could find a game so quick from a 10 year old game, with that many games found.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 10:40 AM PST

Almost like they planned it all along

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:47 PM PST

The vote to repeal net neutrality is Thursday, let’s finish this fight!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:24 PM PST

Arby 'n' The Chief Season 8 Episode 11

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:37 PM PST

Anybody feel like halo is going to make a huge comeback with halo 6

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:13 PM PST

I Feel like 343 know halo 6 has to be close to perfect for all audiences casual competitive forgemakers classic players i think this could be the start of the Revival of this franchise i really do. Im not a fan of Spartan abilities but i now think 343 understand that halo is a game that needs to be made for every type of player not just the few im hoping we can get a classic/abilities hybrid that suits the majority of players. PS bring back 1 to 50 ranking system proximity chat and party up options

submitted by /u/Classichalo
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I made a Master Chief wallpaper for my art school, and figured I'd share it with the lovely folk of r/halo

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:44 PM PST

Red vs. Blue - Caboose's Guide to Finding Your Home

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:16 AM PST

The Silent Cartogrpaher (Nostalgia post)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:38 AM PST

Hey, old school Halo player here, haven't really touched the franchise since Reach though but I'm glad the community strives on.

Anyway, I just watched a video where a guy mentioned how he used to replay demo discs over and over again back in the day. It made me think of Halo Trial, and how I as a kid played it so many times before I eventually bought it.

The Silent Cartographer is probably my GOAT Halo campaign map.

Entering Fortunate Son style, storming the beach and gahering your troops, wondering of the mystery behind the door that shuts and locks itself on you, exploring the huge island and getting scared shitless by the invisible Hunters inside that dark compund, being baffled upon entering the giant underground Covenant base. And to top it all off, when you're escaping it plays that epic rock anthem. And then in the Trial version, Sgt. Johnson giving you the full boot camp for not buying the full version already.

Anyone have similar first experiences?

submitted by /u/ayywusgood
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Is 343 aware of the insane lag and fps drops that occur during BTB games?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:58 AM PST

Especially in Recurve. I don't know if those drops happen to every player in the lobby at the same time, but I am experiencing them too often. In specific parts of some maps (like the middle part in Recurve or Scavenger), fps drop so much that it is almost impossible to aim. I don't remember BTB having these many fps drops, what happened?

submitted by /u/_Firex_
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Ignoring Halo 5, on xbox, can I play all Halo games co op splitscreen?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:52 AM PST

Are the Halo Reach servers down?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 02:44 PM PST

When I go to matchmaking, it says "You are not connected to XBOX LIVE. You must be connected to XBOX LIVE to start the game". I am on Xbox One.

submitted by /u/xMAXPAYNEx
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Am I the only one for who Halo 5's ui dosent want to work?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:52 PM PST

I was saving this for the Thursday rant thread, but I just got off halo 5 warzone and its all fresh in my mind rn and I wanna hear any other experiences. I have always found the ui slow and sluggish and it has got on my nerves in the past (which sucks cos im a big fan of halo 5 and ive been playing it since launch day) but its reached a point where it completely sucks the enjoyment out of playing the game itself. A few of my recent experiences that are fresh to me:

  • Crashes at least once per 2 hours of play.
  • Freezes every single time i back out of matchmaking searches after finishing a match, which sometimes requires a reset of the game.
  • Continues trying to search for matches after I back out to the main menu. And then it joins said matches. This happens occasionally.
  • Just completely froze, crashed and powered off my fancy-pants-brand-new one x while trying to join a warzone game. (Perhaps not the game maybe something else? Im inclined to think it was the game considering its been pretty flawless otherwise, putting aside the also shit xbox ui, which makes me wish i got a ps4).

There have definately been other issues in the past, but these are the ones that are making things not enjoyable at all. It just makes the game too damn frustrating to try and play at all anymore. I used a fairly trash pc that ran Windows ME from 2001-2007 and I had less problems using that machine that i have had with halo 5 on both my og one and my one x. I rekon that says a fair bit. Anyway, what have you guys experienced and what are your thoughts on halo 5's ui?

EDIT: fixed up dot points.

submitted by /u/Choda_train
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Halo MCC - can't find "no background" option for emblem, and can't find out how to modify emblem

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:56 PM PST

A few days ago all my settings (emblem, clan tag, controls, etc.) reset.

I can't seem to find the no background option for my emblem, and I can't find how to modify my emblem so only a part of it shows. Sorry, it's kind of hard to describe the modify feature I'm talking about. For example, on the delta emblem, I use to be able to remove the top part of it so it only showed the main "V".

submitted by /u/LGW
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How Warzone was a Missed Opportunity

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:14 PM PST

First of all this seem like a topic some might have started or based on but i assure you this is all original. Halo 5 Guardians was not exactly the best Halo game, while it was hyped for many things such as the new game mode warzone, we fans were anticipating Halo 5's arrival. Warzone was a game mode far different from any we have seen in the Halo franchise, and i must admit I have spent a considerable amount of hours on the game modes it self but, it began to feel like it was lacking new content to give a fresh taste after playing this game for so long. The introduction of firefight was a success but I quickly lost interest in it, I began to see the same pattern over and over and I was quickly getting bored. Warzone firefight should have, in my opinion, contain a more random best selection of waves of enemies rather than a predetermined set. An increased amount of enemies or new tactics shown by the enemies would have made the game mode more intriguing. A larger scale boss with huge health and a required mechanic to defeat it would, make team collaboration crucial as well as more interesting. Onto regular warzone, warzone's introduction of the req system stirred much controversy, this system truly had flaws yet it brought a new type of playing style never before seen in the Halo franchise. then again, this caused much trouble to players such as myself, who don't spend a dime more on the game's micro transactions, a slight disadvantage to those who have spent considerable money opening req packs. The leveling up system was smart to prevent a constant spamming of power weapons and vehicles yet many saw the constant explosions caused by a Nornfang or Phaeton Helios throughout our "balanced matches. individuals like me were quickly discouraged as we eventually lost hopes of going against full manned fireteams. The unbalanced matchmaking and new introduction of the req system ultimately flawed warzone as a gamemode. 343 struggled to keep up with the constant demands of the users and left many ideas left in the dust. However, warzone is still salvegable and I genuellly hope it returns in Halo 6, improved and optimized for the players. Weather or not you agree with me tell me in the comments and thank you Spartans for listening.

submitted by /u/_Roastedpork_
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EXPLOSION!! Mini Montage

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:46 PM PST

Halo MCC download time

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 02:56 PM PST

I was just wondering how long it takes to download Halo MCC from the disk ( excluding updates ) I was also wondering how long 3/4/odst/reach take to download from their separate Xbox 360 disks , thanks .

submitted by /u/underexposed2000
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Posted: 12 Dec 2017 02:46 PM PST

Will Halo 6 custom games run smoothly on Xbox One X?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:27 PM PST

Is heavy aim still in the game?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:51 AM PST

Got back to Halo, and started playing some Shotty Snipers.

I started the first game and it all went well, but in the next to games, in which I played with the same people both times, I felt like my aim was all over the place, and I couldn't hit anything, ending up with about 30% precision each game. In the match after those two, this time against totally different people, I started hitting my shots again and aiming felt good...

I though heavy aim got fixed, but I am sure in those two matches between "normal ones" aiming did not feel right. Maybe just lag?

submitted by /u/_Firex_
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