Guild Wars 2 - [suggestion] Inventory UI improvement, to help you easily access your various currencies and keys.

[suggestion] Inventory UI improvement, to help you easily access your various currencies and keys.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:34 AM PST

Upcoming Wintersday Balance Update

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:44 PM PST

Chris Cleary - WvW hacker’s excuse

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:04 PM PST

Poor. Always poor.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:37 PM PST

My daughter (14) and I (41) play casually. We're always broke. What are some simple ways to make some pocket cash? I don't want to "play the Trading Post markets" or scam, but I can't seem to get the hang of crafting things to make money or areas that pay well for a hour's worth of running around.
Any advice appreciated.

Edit: Seriously? You're downvoting me for being a casual, non-gamer who's trying to enjoy the game and who funds the product you spend time on. It takes all kinds, man; it takes all kinds.

submitted by /u/eogreen
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Sunspear Cache Route

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:40 AM PST

People who appear offline and whisper you abuse are the most toxic in the game. Don't be like that.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:26 AM PST

So I joined an Ascalonian Catacombs group, and this guy just wouldn't shut up about how I wasn't doing any damage. I joined as a harrier druid to get the last tears I needed for the runes of the Monk.

All through the encounter he just kept ripping into me, asking me why i was even bothering playing, so afterwards I just left. Less than a minute later he starts whispering me as if he still has anything to prove.

Long story short, the point of this post is that these types of players are the most toxic in the game - they are the reason new players can't get into content available to them like dungeons. It puts people off and goes against everything the community should stand for.

If you have a problem with somebody, at least be nice about it. Try to be constructive rather than make the other person feel like shit for no reason. And never send hateful messages to people when they have no option of replying.

submitted by /u/IsThisUserAvailable
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It's sad there isn't a developer passionate about World vs World.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:07 AM PST

Looking at the awesome stuff going on with the PvP forum, and then you look at the WvW forum and it just makes you sad.

You can tell Ben truly cares about the game mode he works on. Unlike whomever the WvW dev is who has been virtually radio silent for months now.

Maybe one day we'll have a dev that actually plays and enjoys the mode. ='(

submitted by /u/Seasniffer
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Twilight Oasis Fractal - Behind the Scenes

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:51 AM PST

when is WvW getting a big developer discussion?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:09 AM PST

sPvP is having a pretty big discussion on the official forums right now with developers responding to questions and comments. Discussing a bunch of topics, as you can see below.

sPvP forums right now

Meanwhile on the WvW front the most recent activity is a thread (currently closed) asking which server the developers should superficially play on for 30 minutes.

WvW forums right now

And even asking for any kind of WvW update results in post deletion

submitted by /u/endelon
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Just in case you never managed to get to the end of the Winter's Day jumping puzzle just get your personal child farmer

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:55 AM PST

River of Souls solo

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:28 AM PST

Just a little something i wanted to test after seeing the low man by [sK]. Took surprisingly few tries after learning how to time the stealths. Enjoy!

submitted by /u/xXxBigBoixXx
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Hundred Blades - a case for Power Warriors

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:54 AM PST

Hello r/Guildwars2,

I am a red-geared Monkey, your gingery primate host.

Today, I'm here to bring to your attention Hundred Blades, a Warrior greatsword skill, which I feel is pivotal to Power Warrior's success and ultimately to Power Warrior's overall design.

The goal of this thread is to gain enough attention and traction to start a positive discussion, and maybe get some (in my opinion, much needed) changes, little steps towards PvE viability.

So, without further ado, let's begin!

Why This Thread

It's no surprise to anyone that Power Warrior is beyond suffering. Its condition counterpart, the swordtorch longbow Berserker, brings almost double the damage output while losing basically nothing in terms of utility, all while getting pseudo constant upgrades as we move forward with the expansions, whereas Power gained marginal advantages.

And we could debate in great lengths on wether there's a solution to this problem, if a certain combination of runes could solve this issue, or how is the Warrior able to create banners out of apparent thin air. Does he carry a bag chock full of colorful blankets, mounting them on sticks as he goes?

These are questions way too hard to answer, given how whoever took care of setting the benchmarks has probably run through multiple builds and settings to test anything that could bring better results.

What we're going to discuss is the nitty gritty mechanics, the juicy nerdy stuff.

Hundred Blades I Hardly Knew Ya

For the bystanders, what is Hundred Blades?

Hundred Blades (100b from now on) is the Warrior's greatsword skill 2.

Its characteristics:

  • 100b is a 3.5s channel
  • 100b has an 8 strikes sequence, culminating in a final one accounting for roughly 1/4th of the total damage
  • 100b strikes 3 targets max in a roughly 40° range
  • 100b requires the character to stand perfectly still until the channel is over, and the direction is locked from the start of the skill

One would think the damage would be something remarkable, but alas: 100b does around the damage of a single F1.

The rest of the greatsword skillset includes a reticulate-targeted moderately damaging spinning gapcloser, a targeted hard-hitting (and slightly inconsistent) gapcloser, and a snare (which does little to none defiance damage, iirc).

Apples And Oranges

Now, I know that comparisons are hard to make and not the apex of intellectual honesty.

However I do believe that 100b suffers from an outdated design, and comparisons could help in focusing on the issue at hand.

We're going to examine two old skills - Mesmer's sword 2 and Ranger's longbow 2, and a new one - Revenant's sword 3. All of those have similar damage compared to 100b, oftentimes slightly less.

Mesmer's sword 2 locks the player in place for 1.5 seconds, similar to 100b, and grants 2.5 seconds of Blur - a pseudo invulnerability.

Ranger's longbow 2 is castable while moving and has the advantage of range.

Revenant's staff 5, which is a pretty wild comparison,

And finally, Revenant's sword 3.

Why for last? Because this skill has clear cut weaknesses and albeit very strong, has drawbacks which require proper play.

Unrelenting Assault (UA from now on) is a skill that shadowsteps the player, hits five times the target and any target around it, and tends to get canceled if the position isn't proper or if the primary target stealths inbetween.

Why is it important?

Because 100b is clearly suffering from a power budget (pun intended), as its perceived strength is offset by its heavy drawbacks.

And the greatest of them all: for a melee class, 3.5 seconds unable to move or dodge for an ability which is a sizable chunk of damage is simply unrealistic given how the PvE mechanics often require the player to actively move out of the way or put all the group in a considerable disadvantage.

Other similiar skills allow the player to use the respective button with relative ease, either with good positioning, while repositioning, or simply using it as a mechanical advantage in the Mesmer's case.

And this is a major flaw present in another Warrior trait, which is Stick and Move, requiring the player to upkeep a damage buff gained by essentially sacrificing a dodge charge. Sacrifice that Condi is not required to make at all, and sacrifice that does not come with a sizable performance increase.

The Power Warrior, summing it up, works on a number of clunky outdated mechanics which bring no solid advantage, and are drastically high risk low reward.


There is no clear cut solution to the whole issue other than a much needed (in my opinion) rework of 100b, so that it's a more versatile button in itself and not some added damage.

Its five years have not been kind, and the minimal buffs and nerfs it received are simply not enough, or at the very least not anymore.

I'd like to add that it's not (just) a matter of damage, but the very concept of 100b needs to be changed given how the game is meant to be played.

And yes, Nike is right in stating that different expansions and different elite specs might phase certain builds out of certain game modes, whereas others are bound to remain strong. Howevers strong as Spellbreakers make Power Warriors in PvP, the underlying issue is that the number of defensive buffer the Spellbreaker brings more than offsets all the underlying disadvantages, not to mention the fact that PvE seldom allows for Stability to be brought or spammed.

Thanks for indulging me, and until next time, keep chopping things!

submitted by /u/RedGearedMonkey
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Have a happy Wednesday Choya - Pixel Choya fanart [OC] bounce bounce

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:11 AM PST

sPvP discussions are up on official forums

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:15 AM PST


Game Modes




Matchmaking & Leagues

EDIT: missed the matchmaking and leagues discussion link

submitted by /u/Jeffshaver
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Griffon skin I would love to see

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:15 AM PST

Made a shirt to celebrate my "special" Guard

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:00 AM PST

Whatever happened to Evon Gnashblade?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:53 AM PST

Ever since the mount stables thing Anet has marketed new items themselves, now this is not bad, but I believe using Evon Gnashblade was way better:

All of this compelled me to buy something, pretty sure clicked at least one link, compare that flavor to this flavor it's just not the same. If Evon couldn't win a seat in the Captain's Council and still be part of the story, at least let him win by selling his merchandise.

submitted by /u/edpedrero
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What happened to Momo?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 05:12 PM PST

While it was not the most interesting thing in Tyria, I started warming up to the small asura and her companion. Are there plans to continue her story in blog posts?

We kinda got stuck at a cliffhanger with a norn in Divinity's Reach.

submitted by /u/RhaegarLannister
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GW2 is unplayable right now Lags/Rubberbanding everywhere

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:33 PM PST

Since today its absolutly impossible to play. Rubberbanding and lags on every map. Even PvE maps. Im standing in DR and my skills have a 3 sec-delay and movement skills stutter like hell.

WvW is absolutly impossible right now since people are teleporting around and all I hit are some walls and stones or after a 10s freeze I just appear dead.


-login takes longer than usual

-DCs happening too


Restarted everything + router, made ping and speedtests - nothing.

What the heck is going on with the servers? (EU here)

submitted by /u/AuryNoir
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Actual Color Wheel (if Revs were Indigo)

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:28 AM PST

Error Code 5:11:3:159:101 - Server Problems

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:45 PM PST

I can login to most of my characters without any issues.. however there is one character which cannot be loaded..

"Jess Kaboom" (It also shows 0% map completion on the character select which is near impossible for a lvl 80 toon that I know has 100% map complete).

This character should be parked in Divinity's Reach - but it fails to load the character when selected returning error code: =5:11:3:159:101

(I am on NA Server with an EU Account)

Looks like there may be a server side issue - some more complaints of other people seem to be having the issue complaining right now in Lions Arch.

Checked Now: Fixed !! - Whoo thx for working on it so fast !

submitted by /u/anewhome
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Wintersday Wayfarer [Fashion Wars]

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:57 PM PST

[request] Text from the First City (spoilers)

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:44 PM PST

In the last instance of Daybreak there are containment cells below the platform in Fahranur. They seem to point to dragon statuses, one cell each, and then there's a seventh that's broken open implying something escaped. The cells didn't name the dragons but they did specify single letters (I think), though those letters didn't seem to correspond with them either.

This was discussed a bit after Daybreak launched but surprisingly little has been speculated about it after. The wiki hasn't been updated with the text on these cells and I was curious to read them again. The instance is pretty long though so if anyone has them I'd rather read that than redo the instance.

submitted by /u/Tulki
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Steve Staley, the male Asura voice actor

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:11 PM PST

I just felt like I'd like to know more about how the voice I listen to so often was recorded. Do you think there's ANY chance to see something like that?

If it were possible, it would probably be just some unreleased recording that they did because why not. Do you think there's any way to know if such things exist and access them?

submitted by /u/CheessieStew
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