EVE Online 2017/12/14 - Mass Test!

2017/12/14 - Mass Test!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:38 AM PST

We're currently planning a mass test on Singularity in order to test some changes for the January release.

This time we're testing a bunch of bug fixes and a major code rewrite for loading and unloading of ammunition, but we will also be looking to check general client and server performance.

More information about this mass test can be found in the forum thread linked below.

If you're interested in attending please join us on Singularity on Thursday the 14th December at 17:00 UTC.
Participants will receive a reward of two million skillpoints (available only on the test server Singularity).

Please note that numbers, art assets, and other game properties on the test servers are not final and may change before they are released.

Devblog: A Tribute

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:02 AM PST

Approximately four weeks ago, on November 14th, CCP received the devastating news of the passing of a member of our staff, CCP Blaze.

As a tribute to his amazing work on EVE Online over the course of the 8 years he spent with CCP, we've decided to offer a limited edition SKIN to honor his contribution to both CCP and New Eden, and assist in fundraising for his fiancée and one year old daughter.

All profits from the sale of this line of SKINs will be donated to his family by CCP Games, on behalf of the EVE Online community.

You can read more about the SKIN line, how long it will be available for, and the fund raiser in the most recent Devblog here.[community.eveonline.com]

If you'd like to contribute, the SKIN is now available for a limited time in the New Eden Store.

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