Elder Scrolls Online - [Daily] Set discussion: Grothdarr

[Daily] Set discussion: Grothdarr

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST


Obtainable as: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor

Type: MonsterHelm

Location: Vaults of Madness, Glirion


Set Bonuses

Items Bonus
1 Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
2 When you deal damage, you have a 10% chance create lava pools that swirl around you, dealing 1800 Flame Damage to all enemies within 8 meters of you every 1 second for 5 seconds. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds.


Be sure to think about strengths, weaknesses, counters, and synergies in your discussions. Please vote based on contribution, not opinion.


Information about this set was provided by ElderScrollsBote. I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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ZOS at MAGFest 2018

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 12:44 PM PST

Are you planning to attend MAGFest in January, or do you live in the DC Metro area? Well, we are, and we do!

The ESO Audio Team will be hosting a panel at MAGFest Friday, January 5 at 1:30pm, and we'd love to see you there. The discussion will be about how we adapted audio from a formerly-single player franchise to the MMO world, and how we brought the world of ESO to life through music, sounds effects, and ambient sound. If you aren't able to be there in person, we're working out details to have the panel streamed live. Stay tuned for details.

If you live in the area but aren't able to attend MAGFest, we're working on organizing a meetup Friday afternoon with the ESO Audio and Community Teams. If you're interested in joining us, let us know here! We'll have more specifics as we get closer to the event.

Team members in attendance will include:

  • Brad Derrick, Audio Director
  • Bill Mueller, Senior Sound Designer
  • Brian Brockett, Senior Sound Designer
  • Josh Smith, Senior Sound Designer
  • Matt Conway, Senior Sound Designer
  • Becky Ichnoski, Dialog Coordinator
  • Gina Bruno, Community Manager
  • Jessica Folsom, Community Manager
submitted by /u/ZOS_GinaBruno
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It's the little things that make this game so great

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 10:32 PM PST

Umm...excuse me, I'm trying to have a conversation?...

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

World's First Warden 600K Maelstrom Arena Score - @LZH

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 02:17 AM PST

Isenya - my wee altmer beauty. (drawing)

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 12:41 PM PST

ESO is close to setting new all time most concurrent players online

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 09:30 AM PST

[PS4] The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Collector's Edition is 52% off

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 02:20 PM PST

Is it really that difficult for a guild to keep their trader spot?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 07:07 PM PST

I joined a few different trading guilds because I've been building up quite an assortment of items. They require dues, 5k for two and 6k for the other, and the first one I was a part of was very consistent for a while, but all of them have been off and on for weeks now. I'm just getting a little frustrated but before I jump ship and try to find new ones I wanted to know what others thought about this.

Edit: To be clear, this isn't me being ungrateful for the work my guilds put in, I just wanted to see what the general consensus was out there. I keep 30/30 as often as I can and price to sell. I also don't mind paying dues, I'd pay more if they kept a prime spot all the time. I just wanted to see if this was the norm before I went out and tried to join any others.

submitted by /u/macrosscs
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Is it possible to change your characters voice?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 03:19 PM PST

I picked the 4 IQ grunt voice apparently. My character feels the need to yell out "ah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah!" like a damn crazy person when I'm just strolling about in town. And also when I use my emotes. I'm trying to role play a wise Frost mage, not a feral Nordic imbecile.

Please tell me it's possible. Or I'll have to switch to a heavy armor helmet to keep this fool from hurting himself...

submitted by /u/PredictsYourDeath
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Who is you'r favorite character in the game?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 11:05 AM PST

Mine is Razum-dar definitely

submitted by /u/AllAboutThatNingen
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A video of the Siege Engine, as requested!!!

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 12:05 PM PST

Difficulty with or without a partner

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 06:59 PM PST

Hey guys looking to buy, but I want to know if this game is playable/fun solo? I might be able to get a guy to play with me but if not is it worth money to buy or should I just wait?

submitted by /u/yugotR3KTm8
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Why does the Havok logo show every time you boot up if this game has no physics objects?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 04:50 PM PST

Will there be new quests in older places in the future.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:58 AM PST

Is there away we can brand new quest in the starting places but more on the future of the place as well. If you kind of get what I am trying to say :)

submitted by /u/Danny_97
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Best location for theiving

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 04:26 PM PST

Ive been trying to get the 1 million gold stolen achievement but i wanna get it done in the fastest way possible, any tips?

submitted by /u/Benjragon
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Trapped in Wailling prison

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 03:30 PM PST

Hello fellow dwellers of tamriel,

I have a bit of a problem, I am stuck in Molag Bal's clutches... he has me where he wants to have me, see I am stuck in this prison next with the prophet, and for some reason I can't travel to my beloved Vvardenfell and I am essentially stuck in this place, I can't exit nor enter.. What can I do to get out of the wailling prison prophet room when both doors are shut and there is no interaction possible? By Vivec save me!

(Stuck in wailling prison, what course of action to take? Where can i contact support? What can they do for me?)

submitted by /u/Tovric
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Returning player seeking advice

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:08 AM PST

Me and my friend used to play a few years ago and were pretty into the game. We got vampires champion levels 80-something and had a lot of fun.. then we sort of migrated to other games.

I bought him and myself the game Morrowind expansion for Christmas and was wondering if anyone could give us some advice.

We are 2 players and both made wardens and are currently lvl 8. We have a lot of gold from our 'mains' - what are some things we should not forget to do.. or pro tips or tricks that a lot of players overlook? Are there any new features that we should be doing? Anything we should avoid? I am playing as more of a support/healer and he is aiming for a tankier type build any tips here? Thanks for your help/advice!

submitted by /u/Hamoct
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New Player Expressing Interest in This Game

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 04:23 AM PST

Hi there everyone! I'm currently an ex-guild wars 2 player looking to start fresh in a new mmo. Typically, my preferred game mode is open world pvp and structured pvp although I do occasionally dabble with raids and dungeons. I mainly left guild wars 2 because the recent patches started to prioritize pve balance which resulted in the pvp game modes either suffering or being outright neglected so I hope you don't mind answering a couple of my questions about this game :D

  • How is the class balance in PvP? (Are there multiple viable builds for each class or simply 1 extremely strong build for each class rendering others obsolete)
  • How often do the developers patch? (Do the devs make frequent balance patches to address upsets in the PvP meta or does it take them many months to change even the smallest of bugs/under performing skills)
  • Is gear useful game wide or only for specific game modes (can I take my pvp gear to raids and dungeons or will I have to acquire a new set of items in order to participate)
  • How long does it take to optimize a character? (I'm not expecting the top gear to be just handed to me although I'd rather not spend over 500 hours of grinding just to get to the end game)
  • What is a good instant burst class? (My preferred playing style is inconsistent high damage bursts specs that can either 100-0 or chunk a player's health bar if setup properly)
submitted by /u/K_Then
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[PS4] Finding help for Skyreach

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:54 AM PST

Just curious about finding a partner for Skyreach. I used to play on PC but recently switched to PS4, and I find the platform to be less friendly and active. I'm afraid of posting on zone chat to be later bombarded by harassment.

submitted by /u/jensenty
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Any tips to help me raise me dps so i can do vet trials

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:06 AM PST

Im a stam warden cp 300 playing on ps4 and all i can pull is 23k dps on perfect rounds closer to 20-21k Averages on 3m dummy, hhow do i push closer to that 30k

My gear. All divine( 1piece infused working on divne) is selene helm leather Shoulders- selene heavy Chest,legs,gloves,feet,ring 2fanged Ring, necklace, and boots vicious ophiadian

Axe infused, poison damge asyslum Dagger, sharpened, weaoon damge asylum Bow powered(working on nirnhorned) drain healh asylym

All gear gold max stam enchants, jewelery is all blue with gold weapon damage enchants

My bar is shrouded daggers, rending slashes, steel tornado, rearming trap, falcons swiftness, with rend,

2nd bar is endless hail, sub assault, green lotus, bull betty, poison inject, with flawless dawnbreaker,

Cp i cant remember exactly but its roughly what alacasts suggest allways picked cp from memory never really pulled up guide

I am still working on perfecting light weave and my rotation is sub>endless>>light>poison enject>light>sub> swap trapbeast> heavy>rending>heavy>shrouded>light>(rend)steel tornado>swap (apply buffs as needed with a light or heavy weaved)

Im working on alchemy for potions

submitted by /u/GreenMizt
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What furnishing has the closest resemblance to a military style footlocker?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 07:21 PM PST

Daily dungeon reward

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 02:45 AM PST


I propose that ZOS add to their daily dungeon reward one crown crate per account.

And they should double the % of rare and ultra rare item from bought crate with crown.

What do you think ?

submitted by /u/ziedch
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omg guys... please don't make the same mistake.

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 11:37 AM PST

so, i am a new player, started playing exactly 2 months ago. i play a 338CP redguard stamina dk.

as a stamina dk, the sets i am using are = spriggan, hunding rage and Velidreth monster set (using a build called venom).

i already start to feel that my control over the rotation i use is great (although sometimes i still get confused when im stressed), all my items are gold, with divine traits, im doing pretty good.

the only problems i have is with Velidreth set,
1. i can't get the freaking helmet, need more time, and need to get stronger.
2. i did 3 dungeons every day for undaunted, and 1 random dungeon for exp, for a really long time, and i can't get a medium armor Velidreth shoulder with divine trait.

so, i was collecting transmute crystals to transmute either the helmet ill get in the future, or my shoulders. so i started collecting, and collecting, and collecting, and it took me shit load of time, and finally i got the amount i needed, but still, no helmet. decided to transmute my shoulder, cause it will give me a power boost, and then ill just collect again for the helmet, which in the meanwhile, i can't even know when ill be able to get. so i did vivic quests, then went to clocktower (after searching for 20 minutes about how to start the quest, just to realise i need to go to the DLC tab in my inventory.. all this time looking for divayth fyr goes to waste), then went to the transmute station, having the biggest boner ever, and.....

u need 50 transmute crystals, not 200.
mother fucker.

submitted by /u/Emsks
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Any Rumblings of a Crown Sale Coming Up?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 04:24 PM PST

Crafting Master Wirts.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:36 AM PST

Would you buy Master Writs and for what price and how many points?

Would you just do the epic writs or the legendary writs knowing that legendary quality makes you have to buy more materials?

What secrets do you have about collecting motifs?

I came up to a cost to buy writs of 1.4 writs to 930 coin is better than the expensive writs that only give you about 1.1 writs per 930 coin. What's your opinion?

submitted by /u/redditforlu
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