Diablo - Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - 12/12/17

Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - 12/12/17

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:00 AM PST

Welcome to week 25 of the Challenge Rifts. Please feel free to use this thread to discuss this week's Challenge Rift. Feel free to post guides, tips, and tricks.

Make sure you specify your region, as different regions have different Challenge Rifts.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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New Diablo title in 2019?!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:05 AM PST

Season 13 Wishlist

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:27 PM PST

Season 12 has been great so far, but there are a few things that became apparent to me as in need of adjustment/fixing.

  1. T13 is too faceroll now, 1 min rifts and 30 seconds wait is not great. T14-T16 is needed, maybe also make no rift cooldown on regular rift, maybe a pop-up that everyone in game has to agree to.

  2. Gold inflation is a thing again, I have 9 billion not even doing many puzzle rings and they pile up a lot. Some form of gold sink and/or gold gamble would be nice.

  3. A few more legendary affixes added to vanilla legendary items

  4. Legendary gem rebalancing, new gem maybe?

  5. Boosting people on T10 atleast, T6 is absurdly slow and punishing to the boosters.

Edit: added an extra line

submitted by /u/margenov
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(D2) I achieved my childhood dream of dueling with my Hardcore Classic, top-of-ladder barbarian (@23 min for final fight)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:14 PM PST

Edit: wow the link didn't show. I suck at reddit. Here it is https://www.twitch.tv/videos/208836459

After 10 years diablo sober, I came back, rose to the front page of a little part of the game known as USWest Hardcore Classic (olo). I duel the sub-realm's reigning pvp champ. I always wanted to do this as a kid, but never did.

submitted by /u/Hygro
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Replaying D2 for the first time since synergies - how to spec?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:47 PM PST

Hey guys,

Recently dusted off my copy of D2 and started playing a 2-player co-op game with a friend of mine. I wanted to play a necro, so dug up some guides and decided to run with a bonemancer.

The question I have is - pretty much every guide I've found suggests, for any build, to ignore Energy entirely. I'm towards the end of Act 1 at this point, and find myself constantly chugging mana pots to be able to use any of my abilities. Is this typical/intended, or are all the builds on the internet these days solely optimized towards Hell-difficulty level equipment and optimization with the assumption that you'll twink items from other characters or something at the beginning?

submitted by /u/rj54x
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ladder reset groups

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:59 PM PST

any groups open that need sorc, pally, or zon?

submitted by /u/Jizzslinger
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<ZE> Zolbar - RANK 1 DH 116 MARAUDER M6 CLEAR!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:40 PM PST

Ladder Reset is just 9 hours away!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:57 AM PST

Ladder Reset is just 9 hours away!
What are your plans?
Softcore of Hardcore?
Let the games begin and good luck!
Never forget Diablo 2 !

submitted by /u/djwaters22
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Wanted to say thank you

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:32 AM PST

I'm a console noob and never played Diablo until a few months ago but wasn't until recently that I took it more serious and actually tried to learn and improve my builds (hota barb ftw). Yesterday I hit gr80 for the first time, got my istav set and augmented for the first time all thanks to the people here that give/gave advice because without it I probably would have just stopped playing like I did before so shout out to r/Diablo for being a great community for us noobs I appreciate all the help :)

submitted by /u/itsvermillion
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Anyone down to play?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:11 PM PST

I play on PC, just started the season currently level 17. I'm super casual meaning I'll play maybe a few times a week. Just looking for someone to clear rifts then greater rifts with faster. Message me your ign if you want.

submitted by /u/nero131
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Idea for Diablo 4's way to stand apart - Story branches

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:19 PM PST

I'm sure nobody's going to care too much about a single redditor's idea, but nonetheless, I got excited when I heard about the possibility of a new Diablo title in 2019. I had this idea back with D3 was announced years ago, and I still think it's valid for the current storyline.

The Problems With Continuing Diablo 3's Format

The biggest issue Diablo 3 had wasn't so much in the writing being terribly simplistic; I feel the issue was that everything was very predictable and linear. In addition to that, because there was only one foreseeable path to take, it felt like Blizzard created artificial ways to increase the time spent in campaigns. What comes to mind related to that are all the convoluted maps in Act 5 with that expansion. (If you don't believe me, try running the 20 minute boss conquest and tell me which act takes the longest to clear)

My Idea To Solve This

Simply put: Branching storylines. The way Diablo has been for 1-3 was a battle against evil and the forces that are trying to help evil, but what if you had the option to BE the evil helpers? What if there were evil nephalem?

Instead of just hitting escape every time you finish a branch of the story because you don't want to hear the horrid writing and just want to get on with continuing the story, the writers might consider multiple paths at every major encounter.

Let's say you started the Diablo 3 story and had the option of helping the militia...or killing them. Instead of fighting off the waves of demons, you killed the militia and went on to take New Tristram for the demons instead. Or let's say you were "good" for a bit and got to the point that Tyrael fell from the sky, and you said "Oh fuck this, he's weak as hell now," and you just killed him instead of rescuing him.

Obviously D3's story wasn't meant for all that, but you get the idea.

How Does It Change The Format?

Passive or even active skills you acquire from each side on the way. With each good or bad thing you accomplish, you would earn a standing with heaven or hell, which each side would want to reward you with abilities that would help you accomplish more of their own ends.

If you played the story, you would earn it there. If you played the rifts/bounties, you'd earn the standing with good or evil based on the decisions you'd make based on options you were presented with, so you don't necessarily HAVE to grind the story every single time you play a new character.

Summing Up...

There are a million avenues to use this simple gimmick for that would make the gameplay as it already is now MUCH more varied, and that's not even including any potential new ideas they'll bring to the table...or even the possibility of GOOD WRITING (not bitter at all). Additionally, it would encourage people to play the story more often, because if you have branching decisions along the way, that means the possibility of multiple endings, ranging from pure evil to pure good, and a dozen places in-between.

What do you guys think?

Edit: Classic Reddit. Share an idea, be downvoted for it. It's frustrating.

submitted by /u/Mijeman
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Why is it possible for Primals to roll horrible?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:53 PM PST

I am a casual player. I don't expect to get the primals I actually need for my build. But when I do get one I'd hope that it's something I could use. This primal "dead man's legacy" is just stupid. I had a moment of happiness before the disappointment came. The Primal one is worse than my non ancient one. So my luck is used up?


submitted by /u/zhafsan
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Diablo 2 d2stageb.dll virus?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:43 AM PST

I tried logging in D2 today and my antivirus Bitdefender found this .dll as a threat:

d2stageb.dll inside appdata/local/temp/d2f081.tmpd

there's also a d2stagec.dll inside that folder which the av program does not strike. Does anyone have any idea what this is?

EDIT: The strike only occurs when I log into b.net and not when I launch the game.

submitted by /u/3m3Rg3
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Diablo 3 PS4 help.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:27 PM PST

Where is matchmaking? Is the game just dead online. Or is it because I'm in seasonal I don't matchmake with anyone?

submitted by /u/Deshawkv
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Suggested balance changes

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:07 PM PST

A lot of skills still aren't viable at all because they lack multipliers and some dominate because they have much larger multipliers for example Arcane Orb and Meteor for the Wizards and Firebats for the Witch Doctor. I went through all the legendaries and updated them so the relevant skill now has a multiplier or changed them to something that might now make them useful. I haven't played the necromancer so I skipped all necromancer related legendaries.


Mordullu's Promise - Firebomb generates 120 Mana and deals 600-800% increased damage


Jace's Hammer of Vigilance - Increase the size of your Blessed Hammers and the damage by 100-150%


Scrimshaw - Reduces the Mana cost of Zombie Charger by 40% and increase damage by 600-800%

Arreat's Law - Weapon Throw generates up to 20 additional Fury and deals up to 150-200% increased damage based on how far away the enemy hit is. Maximum benefit when the enemy hit is 20 or more yards away

The Three Hundredth Spear - Increase the damage of Weapon Throw and Ancient Spear by 60%600%


Rimeheart - 20% chance on hit to instantly deal 10,000% weapon damage as Cold to enemies that are Frozen.


Deadly Rebirth - Grasp of the Dead gains the effect of the Rain of Corpses rune and deals 100-150% increased damage

Rhen'ho Flayer - Plague of Toads now seek out enemies and can explode twice dealing 600-800% increased damage

The Dagger of Darts - Your Poison Darts and your Fetishes' Poison Darts now pierce dealing 150-200% increased damage

The Spider Queen's Grasp - Corpse Spiders releases a web on impact that Slows enemies by 80% and deal 600-800% increased damage

Starmetal Kukri - Reduce the cooldown of Fetish Army and Big Bad Voodoo by 1 second each time your fetishes deal damage. While standing inside Big Bad Voodoo your damage is increased by an additional 40-60%

Anessazi Edge - Zombie Dogs stuns enemies around them for 1.5 seconds when summoned. Zombie Dogs and Sacrifice deal 250-300% increased damage

The Gidbinn - Chance to summon a Fetish when attacking and your Fetish deal 75-100% increased damage


Lion's Claw - Seven-Sided Strike performs an additional 7 strikes and deals 777% increased damage


Justinian's Mercy - Blessed Hammer gains the effect of the Dominion rune and deals 100-150% increased damage

Darklight - Fist of the Heavens has a 60% chance to be cast twice and deals 600-800% increased damage

Kassar's Retribution - Casting Justice increases your movement speed by 17% for 2 seconds and deals 250-300% increased damage

Golden Scourge - Smite deals 250-300% increased damage and now jumps to 3 additional enemies


Fjord Cutter - You are surrounded by a Chilling Aura when attacking that provides an additional 40-50% critical hit chance


Arthef's Spark of Life - Heal for 3% 33% of your missing Life when you kill an Undead enemy


The Smoldering Core - Lesser enemies are now lured to your Meteor impact areas and take 250-300% increased damage from your Meteors

Valthek's Rebuke - Energy Twister now travels in a straight path and deal 100-150% increased damage

SuWong Diviner - Acid Cloud gains the effect of the Lob Blob Bomb rune and deals 600-800% increased damage

Wormwood - Locust Swarm continuously plagues enemies around you and deals 100-150% increased damage


Cam's Rebuttal - Falling Sword can be used again within 4 seconds before the cooldown is triggered and deals 600-800% increasaed damage


Warstaff of General Quang - Tempest Rush gains the effect of the Tailwind rune and deals 600-800% increased damage


Golden Flense - Sweep Attack restores 6 Wrath for each enemy hit and has its damage increased by 300% 500-600%


Kridershot - Elemental Arrow now generates 3 Hatred and deals 250-300% increased damage

Leonine Bow of Hashir - Bolas have a 20% chance on explosion to pull in all enemies within 24 yards and deal 250-300% increased damage

Odyssey's End - Enemies snared by your Entangling Shot deals 250-300% increased damage and enemies take 25% increased damage from all sources


Chanon Bolter - Your Spike Traps deal 600-800% increased damage and lure enemies to them. Enemies may be taunted once every 16 seconds


Valla's Bequest - Strafe projectiles pierce and deal 100-150% increased damage

K'mar Tenclip - Strafe gains the effect of the Drifting Shadow rune and deals 250-300% increased damage

Calamity - Automatically cast Marked for Death when you damage an enemy. Marked enemies take an additional 40-60% increased damage from your attacks

The Demon's Demise - The blast from Spike Trap deals 100-150% increased damage and will damage all enemies again after 1 second


Serpent's Sparker - You may have one extra Hydra active at a time and your Hydra deal 250-300% increased damage


Archmage's Vicalyke - Your Mirror Images have a chance to multiply when killed by enemies and each active one grants 4% damage reduction

Velvet Camaral - Double the number of enemies your Electrocute jumps to and increase the damage by 250-300%


Fury of the Ancients - Call of the Ancients gains the effect of the Ancients' Fury rune and deal 100-150% increased damage


Armor of the Kind Regent - Smite deals 250-300% increased damage and will now also be cast at a second nearby enemy


Hergbrash's Binding - Reduces the Arcane Power cost of Arcane Torrent, Disintegrate, and Ray of Frost by 65% and increase their damage by 250-300%

Omnislash - Slash attacks in all directions and deals 250-300% increased damage

Haunting Girdle - Haunt releases 1 extra spirit and deals 100-150% increased damage

Hwoj Wrap - Locust Swarm also Slows enemies by 80% and deals 75-100% increased damage

Belt of Transcendence -Summon a Fetish Sycophant when you hit with a Mana spender and your Fetish deal 75-100% increased damage

Angel Hair Braid - Punish gains the effect of every rune and deals 250-300% increased damage

Jang's Envelopment - Enemies damaged by Black Hole deals 250-300% increasaed damage and enemies are also slowed by 60% for 3 seconds

Hunter's Wrath - Your primary skills attack 30% faster and deal 60%250-300% increased damage


The Undisputed Champion - Frenzy gains the effect of every rune and deals 250-300% increased damage

Dread Iron - Ground Stomp causes an Avalanche. Avalanche deals 100-150% increased damage

Lamentation - Rend can now stack up to 2 times on an enemy and deals 250-300% increased damage


Eberli Charo - Reduces the cooldown of Heaven's Fury by 50% and increase the damage by 100-150%


Hellskull - Gain 10% 40-50% increased damage while wielding a two-handed weapon

Piro Marella - Reduces the Wrath cost of Shield Bash by 50% and increase the damage by 600-800%

Unrelenting Phalanx - Phalanx now casts twice and deals 600-800% increased damage


Homunculus - A Zombie Dog is automatically summoned to your side every 2 seconds and Sarcrifice damage is increased by 600-800%

Shukrani's Triumph - Spirit Walk gains all runes and lasts until you attack or until an enemy is within 30 yards of you.

Uhkapian Serpent - 30% of the damage you take is redirected to your Zombie Dogs and they deal 75-100% increased damage

Wilken's Reach - Grasp of the Dead no longer has a cooldown and deals 600-800% increased damage


Winter Flurry - Enemies killed by Cold damage have a 20% chance to release a Frost Nova

Mirrorball - Magic Missile fires 2 extra missile and deals 250-300% increased damage

Light of Grace - Ray of Frost now pierces and deals 100-150% increased damage

Myken's Ball of Hate - Electrocute can chain to enemies that have already been hit and deals 600-800% increased damage


Sin Seekers - Rapid Fire no longer has a channel cost and deals 250-300% increased damage

Spines of Seething Hatred - Chakram now generates 4 Hatred and deals 250-300% increased damage

Emimei's Duffel - Bolas now explode instantly and deal 250-300% increased damage

The Ninth Cirri Satchel - Hungering Arrow has 25% additional chance to pierce and deals 250-300% increased damage


Legacy of Nightmares - While this is your only Item Set bonus every Ancient item you have equipped increases your damage dealt by 100% 200% and reduces your damage taken by 4%

submitted by /u/player2244
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Estimating probability of trifecta Sunwuko Amulet

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:46 PM PST

Sunwuko's Shines always rolls Dex+Socket. Does anyone know how to calculate the odds of an amulet, which has two open spots, rolling 2 of the following: CHD, CC, Fire Skills damage?

If all the possible roles had equal probability this would be a simple math problem, but my understanding is that not all affixes are weighted equally.

I ask because I've been hoarding bounty mats and have managed to accrue 500 of each. This should net me ~10 ancients of any piece of gear and I'm trying to decide whether to blow these on my amulet (which I have a very good non-ancient trifecta of) versus other pieces.

submitted by /u/splice_rna
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What to do with double set pieces when I already have the full set?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:11 AM PST

As stated in the title, I got some doubles of pieces of sets that I've already completed and I was wondering if there is any use to them other then salvaging for a forgotten soul, tried searching it up but didn't find anything clear or up to date

submitted by /u/ItWasATrick
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Less than 2 hours to go! Act IV

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:22 PM PST

Condemn: DMG% vs AD

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:22 AM PST

Has anyone seen a Cow Rift in Season 12?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:00 AM PST

I normally get several cow rifts in a given season, but I have yet to get one this season. Maybe it's just bad RNG on my part, but I have played on all three servers (NA, Europe, Asia) and have ran countless rifts on each. I was just curious if it was only me or if others have seen this too.

submitted by /u/D3adSteve
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