Dead by Daylight Every time

Every time

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 12:52 PM PST

Perk and Offering guide to Slightly, Moderately, Considerably, Tremendously - "The numbers behind the words"

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:12 AM PST

Other posts with values:


Plunderer's Instinct

Grants a slightly/moderately/considerably better chance at finding an item of higher rarity from Chests.
ModifyChestRarity -> 1/2/3
The numbers here aren't really much of a help, depends how they're applied in code.


(...) field of view is not/slightly/considerably wider than normal.
So, tier 1 actually says it doesn't modify the FOV, but that's not true, it's 3/5/10
Base killer FOV is 87

Monitor & Abuse

(...) field of view is slightly/moderately/considerably increased.
It's the same as Shadowborn, 3/5/10, just without the downsides...

So, here's the strange thing, the description says
Terror Radius is decreased by 6/7/8 metres
but it's actually 12/14/16?
Idk, I'd give devs benefit of the doubt, hope they're actually halving the values before applying them like they say they do.
Shape radiuses are 600/1600/3200 (6/16/32 in game) so if anyone's interested you can test it with that. Edit: /u/JasonBombzero had this great idea, and I agree that it would be a great explaination for the values.

Hex: Huntress Lullaby

For each token it's -20% to base time of warning sound, so 20/40/60/80/100%

Sloppy Butcher

Doesn't have any numbers tied to it, or they're hardcoded in the blueprint bytecode
If I ever get around to actually reading that, I could update you on the values


Doesn't have any numbers, just sets which skillcheck type it should use ;)

Unreleased Survivor Perk: Last Standing

It isn't actually obtainable any other way as hacking, but it does have fully defined descriptions, icon etc.
Actual descriptions from files:
For each survivor escaped or killed, your action speed is increased by 7%. (Uncommon)
For each survivor escaped or killed, your action speed is increased by 15%. (Uncommon)
For each survivor escaped or killed, your action speed is increased by 25%. (Rare)
Actual values: 7.5/15/25%

Unreleased Killer Perk: InTheDark

This one also isn't obtainable without hacking, but there's no description, icon or mention in other files.
All the values defined look like they're related to terror radius, but the effect is not clear.
My guess, judging by the use of function called GetInGameSurvivors would be that the terror radius is modified depending on how many survivors are still alive/killed.
Values: 3200/2400/1600


Map Theme Offerings

Slightly - Modifier: 2
Considerably - Modifier: 5
Tremendously - Modifier: 9999

Luck Offerings

Slightly - Modifier: 0.01 (1%)
Moderately - Modifier: 0.02 (2%)
Considerably - Modifier: 0.03 (3%)

Atmosphere Offerings

Clear Reagent
Clears the Dark Mist.
Modifier: -0.5 (-50%)

Faint Reagent
Slightly thickens the Dark Mist.
Modifier: 0.25 (25%)

Hazy Reagent
Moderately thickens the Dark Mist.
Modifier: 0.5 (50%)

Murky Reagent
Greatly thickens the Dark Mist.
Modifier: 0.75 (75%)

New Moon Bouquet
Calls upon the Entity for the darkest moonlight.
Modifier: -0.7 (-70%)

Crescent Moon Bouquet
Calls upon the Entity for a dimmed moonlight.
Modifier: -0.35 (-35%)

Quarter Moon Bouquet
Calls upon the Entity for a brighter moonlight.
Modifier: 0.35 (35%)

Full Moon Bouquet
Calls upon the Entity for the brightest moonlight.
Modifier: 0.7 (70%)

Once again, source: game files
If you're interesed in any value hidden behind a word (or just about any value you can think of) that I haven't posted, feel free to message me and I'll see what I can do ;)

P.S. The killer one is still coming, I'll probably have it done in a few hours, it's just more complicated than those. ;)

submitted by /u/jesterret
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Just take the L and let me have my fun.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:34 PM PST


Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:38 AM PST

Idea for a rework for Dejuvu

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:20 AM PST

Unlocks potential in ones aura reading ability to see generators with in a 5/10/15 meter range, At the start of the match you are able to not/ not/ see the killer's aura for 7 seconds when you start moving (so you can't see the killer when you first spawn in with the camera rotating but as that finishes you can then see him)

This is since basically no one uses dejavu and I feel like if you had the aura reading ability for gens it would have more use than it does now, and seeing the killer at the start would help people out who always seems to get caught at the start of the game.

Would also be pretty good with open handed having 23 meters of wall hacks for gens

submitted by /u/Traitorousphyton
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Where do virgos salty lips come from?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:36 AM PST

Does Virgo collect the lips from salty survivors and pickles them? Or does he get
them from normal survivors and puts them in table salt?

submitted by /u/jackmccon
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Stop me from prestiging my sweaterboi

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:09 AM PST

I have all the perks on him and it took forever to get them and it would hurt so bad to lose them all, but........BLOODY F I N G E R K N I V E S

submitted by /u/FrankWest21CP
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It’s time to retire this notion of “UR A CAMPING N00B!!1!” Bullshit

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:01 PM PST

Ok seriously, as a survivor main, I think this needs to be drilled into the others: survivors need to learn if you're caught when the gates are opened or are about to be opened, EXPECT TO BE CAMPED. The KILLER has one objective, and if you're about to escape, they're going to do whatever it takes to ensure that doesn't happen. So for the sake of everyone's sanity and collective IQ, stop screaming "CAMPER!!! IM REPORTING YOU!!!" when you're on the verge of escaping.

Another point, while I'm thinking of it: if you're being camped by a Killer early-mid game, buy the rest of the team as much time as possible, and DO NOT STRUGGLE OFF THE DAMN HOOK, or suicide on the hook. If the killer wants to camp (which, fyi, is TECHNICALLY a valid tactic) and lose out on major points and possibly not even rank up, let them—buy your team time by wasting the Killer's, so they can get the generators done ASAP.

End of rant. Now bring on the downvotes, I'm sure they'll just flood right in.

submitted by /u/Potato-In-A-Jacket
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Paging Dr. Salt, Dr. Morton Salt

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:41 AM PST


Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:33 PM PST

Changes to hex totem system

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:14 AM PST

What would you guys want to change about totems? I feel that they are too easy to get rid off

submitted by /u/skcynical
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"We don't want a blacklist system" -devs

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:34 PM PST

What Are The %'s Of All The Luck Offerings?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:27 AM PST

The Up The Ante perk gives you all the info you need, as it gives you and your team 3% luck bonus. But for some reason, they made the luck offerings vague as hell. So what are the percentages for...

Chalk Pouch (Brown) Cream Chalk Pouch (Yellow) Ivory Chalk Pouch(Green) Salt Pouch(Yellow) Black Salt Statuette(Purple) Vigo's Salty Lips Jar(Purple Just need all the numbers for these so I can better understand them when I bring 1 in with Up The Ante.

submitted by /u/DrewBlox
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Helpful advice that may make your life easier

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:19 PM PST

You know what I've learned playing killer that helps everything in general? (Works with survivor also, but I've never felt really stressed as a survivor or angry often, but if you are this may help also)

Just take it easy and before every game tell yourself "it's just a game, I don't expect to even get a kill, just have some fun and try a hook or two, get some points and relax."

Since I've accepted this I've consistently gotten 3-4ks and I went from rank 20 to 9 now and still going up.

I feel it helps everything, as well as learning loops and stuff, you can easily take a step back and look at the game as a whole each time. Send a gg and learn from your games. No matter how frustrated just try to take a step back and accept you're just here to ah e fun not get a 4K every match.

You know what I mean? I'm crap at explaining things but I hope you can understand. This game was meant to have fun, so if you can't have fun why play?

I'm curious how you all feel? Agree disagree? Just can't accept some things in game? I'd love to discuss with anyone.

submitted by /u/blobfish_bandit
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Nurse's range increasing addons.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:20 AM PST

Yesterday, In KYF I tried using nurse's two strongest range increasing addons, and I wanted to ask, in what way do they affect the blink's accuracy? because the only difference I noticed was the greatly increased range.

submitted by /u/Grave_Accent
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Have you ever tunneled someone for their username?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 12:54 AM PST

Today I was playing killer and saw someone with a username about being a Nazi so I hunted them down and face camped them

submitted by /u/finnagainn
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Watch my magic tricc sweater boii

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:59 AM PST

Is it possible to get ultra rare items in chests?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 06:55 AM PST

As the title says. Is it possible to get ultra rares in chest? Or are those items simply reserved for the bloodweb?

submitted by /u/DrZaiu
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Play Survivor & Killer to Have More Fun

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:36 PM PST

Note: This advice won't be for everyone, as some enjoy themselves playing exclusively killer or survivor. Only consider this if you often feel frustrated or stressed.

You may just have killer/survivor fatigue. You'll be way more patient & tolerant of common bullshit if you force yourself to play both sides of the game.

Tired of survivor bullshit?? Pick survivor & see what you're willing to do to survive. You'll juke, try to 360, try to blind the killer, etc.

You'll identify with the struggle more.

Tired of killers camping?? Pick killer... If you have a tough game & the exit doors get powered before you kill anyone, see if you don't guard the hook a bit more. See how it feels to get shitty messages 4x more than usual.

You may just understand why people who don't add enough variety to their play style don't seem to have as much fun :)

Go pick your least favorite character & try some stupid shit.... It's fun!

submitted by /u/GunsBeersTitties
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The Nurse was based loosely on a real life serial killer

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:19 PM PST

'Jolly' Jane Toppan is often considered an 'angel of death', a type of serial killer who takes on a caretaker role and attacks the vulnerable and dependent. She gave lethal injections of morphine to 101 patients in and out of the hospital over the course of a two decade career (murders occurred 1887 - 1901).

She is quoted as saying that her ambition was 'to have killed more people — helpless people — than any other man or woman who ever lived'.

In court, Toppan was found not guilty by reason of insanity on June 23, 1902 and committed for life in an asylum, the Taunton Insane Hospital.

She died on August 17, 1938 at age of 84.

Compared to the Nurse's Bio:

"[...] the only employment she could get was at the Crotus Prenn Asylum. [...] her mind had reached its limits. Two decades of seeing horrid things that violates the eyes. [...] Sally saw insanity from the outside, just to catch it herself. Finally she could not take it anymore and concepts of purification emerged inside her. She did what she felt was necessary. As the morning staff arrived one day in September - they found over fifty dead patients, lifeless, in their beds. Sally was the only one at the scene, rocking back and forth. Exactly what happened is only known by her, but it seems that some of them had been choked as they had marks around their necks.

Edit: The Last Breath DLC was released on August 18th, 2016. 78 years and one day after her death.

submitted by /u/BreakDansen
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Shit salty survivors say

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 01:36 PM PST

They were all running instaflash and being predictable and overly altruistic proof

submitted by /u/ugotDEMOTED
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Will we ever be able to experience games with 2 killers in a non-glichy way?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:28 AM PST

I don't remember what dear devs said about it, and this idea have been discussed a long time ago, but I still believe it will be a thing. Can we have it in a PTB as a special event or something like that? What do you players think?

submitted by /u/j0llychimp
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Trapper setup

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:23 AM PST

Guys I've been using Hex: Ruin, iron grasp, thrill of the hunt, and spies from the shadows and it works absolute wonders. Recommend you guys try it, it's a pretty good setup

submitted by /u/Cash_Cab
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